matier privatum aliquem affectum ; and that she was with
child, and of no such qualities as shuld be worthie that Ma-
jestie. Albeit the contrary herof, so testified and declared
by my Lords Grace, was of such waight and importavmce
in the Popes brest and opinion, that afterwards his Ho.
leaned to justice, and shewed hymself mervelous prone and
glad to satisfie his requests so far as equite wold support
and defend the same,
^g Sith he asked me what consultation was made by us with
the lerned men of that Court. Wherunto I answered, men-
tioning the disputations ct dkdurnos congressus, which we
had solemply before the Pope, and privatly in Mr. Gregory
his howse. Wherin I ceased not to declare your lerning and
vehemencie used : and also Mr. Gregory his diligence and
aucthoritie. De quibns malo aliorum prcedicatione constet
tibi, quam meis verbis. Certe dc mihi visus est affectus
Rex erga te, id sperem Jhre, quum nos omnes amid tui
Jelicissime collocatam hanc operam tuam gloriabimur . Fy-
nally, his H. demaunded of me what provision was made for
recusation and appellation ? I answered, There was inserted
in the commission words, wherby the same was taken away
so far as the law wold suff're, and might be expressed by
words ; as these, Omni appellatione et recusatione irmotis,
€t citra omnem jicrsoncB autjurisdictionisgradum. Which
words declaring unto hym, he semed somewhat to be sa-
tisfied : albeit he said in that matier he wold my Lords Gr.
judgement: and so commaunded me to go to his Gr. that
night, and to shew hym the premisses.
Before I could come to Duresme Place, wheras my Lords
Gr. lieth now, (the hal of York Place, with other edifices
there, being now in building, my Lords Gr. intending most
sumptuously and gorgeously to repaire and furnish the
same,) it was past ten of the clock at night. And although
my Lords Gr. was then in his bed, yet understonding of
my cummyng, it pleased his Gr. to admitt me unto his pre-
sence. To whom declaring as bifore, and therto more spe-
cially how moch difficulty we found there in the passing of
the commission obteined : and how that by no wayes we
could impetrate the Decretall, his Gr. semed mervellously
perplexed, thinking this commission to be of no better value
then that was sent by Gambara. And after moch commu-
nication, he commaunded me to depart for that night, and
to leave behind me the said commission, with the Popes
and your lettres, and your rationes justificatorias commis-
sionis expeditce. Which after his Gr. had red in the morn-
ing, and his high wysdom well considered, and ponderyd
the same; caUing unto hym the Monday at afternone
Maistcr Doctour Bell, and me to rede the same before hym>
and in the presence of my Lord of Rochford, his Gr. opinion
was moch confirmed, and was utterly persuaded, astipulan-
tibiis ctiam illis, the said commission to be such as could be
noon better excogitated or devised ; and that the decretal
commission was not to be shewed in publicum : and that ther
might have been recusatio and appellation as wel yf process
had been made by it, as by this, with many other reasons,
which he of his innate and excellent wysdome most quickly
invented, to the justification of your doing in this matier;
with moch prayse and lawd geving unto you for the same.
And so departing for that night, his Gr. appoynted the
morrow to have had Dr. Wohnan and Dr. Benet with other,
to consult with them upon the said commission : command-
ing me to go on the morow unto the K. H. and reaport his
Gr. said opinion in the premisses: and furthermore, what
new expedition his Gr. proposed to make unto you, to the
hole and perfit consummation of the Kingis desires. Which
by me declared unto his H. and hieghly approving the
same, he remitted me again unto my Lord his Gr. that
night. At which my commyng, his Gr. had not spoken with
'J^ the said Doctours, his Gr. being so occupied and deteined
al that day in commen matters of the realm, with other of
the Kinges Counsail, that he could not attend therunto.
Nevertheles on the morow, being Weddensday at afternone,
they al assembled before hym. And fynally, as it was rea-
ported afterward unto me, being then absent, and by my
Lords commaundment sent that morning to Grenewich, they
al agreed to my Lords former opinion, eche man for his
part extolling your wysdom, dexterity, and right excellent
good conducting of this cawse.
Albeit after my retorning from Grenewich, that afternoon
my Lords Gr. calling Mr. Peter and me, and instructing of
such form of answer as his Gr. entended to make to the
Popes lettres, and other, his Gr. also commaunded me to
write imto you, under this tenor : although the K. H. and
his Gr. also, considering your approved wysdom and know-
lege in the lawes, and therto great paynes and labours used
and susteigned by you in the impetration of the said com-
mission and dispensation ; with that the same hath proceded
from the Popes Ho. and other his assessors there, purely,
sincerely, without corruption or affection, other thenne to
justice : and the same is here thought of al men to be so
vailable and sufficient, as can be required, accept and take
the said commission and dispensation so thankfully, and
themself so satisfied with the same, that they repute and
think themself not only singularly obstringed and bound to
the Popes Ho. and the same of no gret urgent necessitie to
be amplius urgenda et soUcitanda, for any more ample
commission, or farther validation therof ; Scd etiam passim
ac palam deprccdicent admirenturque vlrtutes tuas, nee ces-
sant in hanc voeem prorumpere, O ! non cestimafulum thc-
saurum, margaritamque regni nostri ; to the comfurth
and rejoice of us your pore frends here.
Yet my Lords Gr. as of hymself, by his hiegh wysdom,
perpending and pondering the exonei-ation of his own con-
science ; and sith the consent, and concord, opinion and sen-
tence of other the Prelates here : and fynally, the chaunces
of mortalite, and such other as may of likelyhod fortune in
this cause, to the total ruine and svibversion of the same ;
Avilleth and desireth you eftsones to solicite and move the
Popes Ho. and to experiment with the same, al kindys of
persuasions you possibly by your wysdom and rhetorick can
devyse and excogitate, to graunt the commission decretal in
most secret fashion and maner, to be sent hither unto his
Gr. for these cawses. First, his Gr. considereth, how this
decree and sentence ones geven by the Popes Ho. etjudicio
ecclesim, might and ought to be unto his conscience amussis
et iwrma, not onely to direct, instruct, and form the same,
how to procede in this matier, especially in defining and de-
termining the law upon those poyntes, whose justice is not
yet so manifest, but by tergiversation of the adversary may
peradventure be eftsones called into controversie : but also
might be alwayes unto hym a sure and inexpugnable de-
fence agaynst al detractours, and such as hereafter ma-
liciously shold attempt the violation of the said sentence and
decree. To whom it might alwayes be answered, his Gr.
judgment was agreable and conform to that was gyven by
the Church, and that his Gr. hath not varied from that was
promulgated and enacted by aucthoritie of the same. An-
other cause is, for that having such commission decretal, his
Gr. doubteth not, but by mean therof, he shal facily induce
1 i
80 al other, which ye know to be of thadversaries part here,
to be of oon conformitie in sentence, and to concuiT with his
Gr. in the same opinion, judgment and decree. Which yf
his Gr. might attayne, hke as he thinketh the same shuld
inestimably conduce, not only to the justification, but also to
the honorable and perpetual establishing of the said cawse :
his Gr. having alwayes wherewith he may Justissime ob-
iiritere ora calummant'mm^ et teniere dissentientium : so
without the said commission decretal his Gr. fearith he can
by no other means persuade them, ut in eandem sententiam
cansjny-cnt, they being tarn pert'maciter addictis illi senten-
tice tiiendcB quam semel suscepermit.
Farthermore, my Lords Gr. advertising and noting va7-ios
humancB vitce casus, quihus vita mortalium mtdtis nomini-
bus obnoxia est, thinketh to enter first, Pelagus illudjudi-
ciorum, openly to ventilate and examyn the same cawse, to
labour and endeavour by al means possible to bring it to
perfit determination, end and conclusion : and yet al those
his doings, to hang upon sola voluntate Pontificis, scil. si
vein confirmare. Whose voluntas may be injinitis modis
letted, yea and prors^is alienated from that towardnes and
benevolence, which he is of now towards the Kingis Hiegh-
nes, he could not subterfugere notam summcE temeritatis, et
nihil allud quam frustra nitendo odium qticerere videretur :
hke as of your wysdom ye have oft tymes hertofore con-
sidered and waied the premisses, and also openly declared
the same there unto the Popes Ho. so habundantly, and
with such energie, ut ego tarn multis non aliud videar fa-
cere, quam sus Minervam, et bene memorem temere monere.
Fynally, it is specially to be noted and regarded, and the
same by your good dexteritie to be persuaded unto the
Popes Ho. how moch it might conduce to the weal and re-
stauration of that see, my Lords Gr. to be of such auctho-
ritie, favor, credit, and estimation with the K. H. and so by
stedfast and indissoluble amite colligate unto the same;
that whatsoever his Gr. shuld advyse, exhorte and counsail,
his H. shuld be by the same facily condescended unto the
good accomplishmenl therof. And by what means may that
be so perfectly attained, the K. H. being so desirous of good
succes in this his cawse, as and yf the Popes Ho. of his
paterne goodnes and benignitie, shuld now only at the con-
templation of my Lords Gr. and upon the singular confi-
dence which he hath collocate in his hiegh wysdom, con-
science and devotion toward that see, graunt this com-
mission decretal, to the perfect and consummate end and
decision of the said cawse ?
Wherfore and in consideration of the premisses, his Gr.
willeth and desireth you, that sith his Gr. intendeth never
to make process by vertue therof, ne that it shal at any
tyme be published, or shewed to any person in the world :
wherby may arise any the lest slaunder, oblique dammage
or prejudice to the see apostolique, or to the Popes person,
with that also his Gr. entendeth nothing but by shewing
therof to the K. H. to acquire such authorite and favour of
the same, as might turn to the singular avauncement, in-
estimable benefite, and perpetual wealth of that see. Of
which thing his Gr. willith also you make faith and pro-
mise in animavi suam, under most sacred oth and obtesta-
tion unto his Holynes: ye by your accostomed dexterite
and wysdom yet eftsones move the Popes Ho. to pass the
said decretall : using, for obteigning therof, al goodly and
dulce w^ayes you can devyse, without concitating hym by
any scharp words of discomfort. And in case after iii or 8 1
iiii congresses ye see no liklihode, but rather be in ful
dispair, to relent and cesse your suit, without any farther
molesting in that behaulf : and so retorne home with dili-
gence, leaving that sute to be prosecuted by Mr. Gregorie,
and other the Kings agents and frends there.
These things by you thus proponed and set forth, and
taking such effect as can be obteined there, his Gr. farther-
more desireth you, that forasmoch as Xhe juris consulti here
nihil aliudfere habeant in ore, but, The Quene may recuse,
The Quene may appeal, ye wold therfore make a consulta-
tion with the best lerned men in that Court, whether she
may doo so, or no. And in case she do either of them,
thannc of what effect, vaUie or strength it is, and how moch
it may let the process in the cawse. And whether that not-
Avithstonding, the Legates may precede : and fynally, what
remedy is to be used in remission of the appeal, and con-
firmation of the sentence per superior em judicem. And
whether the appeal hanging, the parties may redire ad nova
"vota before confirmation, or any other like scruple, and doubt,
which you know, may aryse in this matier. And the sen-
tence of the said lerned men, to bring home with you sub-
scribed and signed with their hands.
His Gr. also, discussing, and right wel approving ratwnes
Ulas just'ificat07-ias commissionis expeditcB, by you there de-
vysed, and sent hither by me : which also you shal receyve
agayn here enclosed, n^ forte illarum exemplar perierit tihi,
desiretli you to cause the same to be red and examined by
the said lerned men : they to add and augment the same by
reasons and auctoritie : and so by them approved and sub^
scribed as afore, to bring them in like maner with you.
These my Lords Gr. requests and pleasures, although by his
own letters directed unto you thei be more amply declared,
and in far better termes touched, yet sith his commaunde-
ment was I shuld commit the same to writing, and by my
rude letters advertise you therof, al Thursday following I
attended the penning hereof, being for lack of cunnyng and
experience in such kind of stile very paynful unto me.
The Friday following, Mr. Tuke then having perfected
my said Lords Gr. expedition unto you, it pleased his Gr.
to cal me to here the reding therof: and so after long com-
munication had, his Gr. willed me to exhibite unto hym the
minute of this my letter. Which doon, his Gr. commaunded
me to go unto the K. H. toreaport the effect of the said
expeditions, and also to bring unto hym the copy of the
Popes lettres to be writen of his own hand. Which his H.
receaving and remitting me again to my Lords Gr. semed
to desire nothing so moch as the said expedition to be wel
set forth by you, and your retorning with al celeritie.
The Saturday following, my Lord calling Mr. Bell and
me cftsones to his presence, after moch consultation and de-
liberation had concerning the said expedition, commaunded
me to desire you by my lettres in his Gr. name, over and
besides the premisses, to make consultation there with Sta-
phile and such other, as your wysdom shal think good, for
their lerning and discretion, this matier to be communicated
unto. First, in case the Quenys Grace omitting al such
benefit and privilege, which she might pretend to have by
the dispensation of Julius, and refusing to entre the dispu-
tation of the validite of the same, like as his Gr. is perfectly
enformed, by some of her Counsail, that she wil do, and re-
curring only to this allegation, Qiiod nonjiiit cognita ab 82
Arthiiro: whether than, and in case the said allegation
shold prove true, the said bul be not prorsus invalidate, by
reason there is no mention made in the same de publica ho-
nestate. For sith the bul dispensith only ciim affinitate
ctijusmodi, yf her allegation shuld be true, mdla intercessit
inter contrahentes, and being necessary the same to be dis-
pensed with, argueth the matrimony to be illegitimate in his
Gr. opynion. Wherin his Gr. wold gladly be resolved by
your and other lerned mennys judgments there, to be by
you enquired ; and certificate therof to be made to his Gr.
as before.
Moreover, wheras the words of the commission be such,
ut primum pronuncietur et declaretur valklitas aut inva-
liditas hidlce : de'mde, ut decernatur matrimonium illegiti-
mum, aut contra: postrevib, ut feratur sententia divortii:
his Gr. is in no lytil doubt, the lerned men here not wel
dissolving the same, whether his Gr. ought by ordre of the
law not to vary a prcescr'ipto commissionis : and so to geve
thre several sentence in these three casys, or els zma sen-
tentia de mdlitate matrimonii: by which tacitefertur sen-
tentia de invaliditate dispensationis, et altera de divortio :
his Gr. may wel satisfie his commission : and for so doyng
no fawte or error may be arrected unto hym. In dissolving
and explaining these doubts, although his Gr. knowing your
approved wysdom and lerning, willeth and intendith to ad-
here and follow your judgment and opinion so moch as any
other mans elswhere, according to his especial trust and con-
fidence in you ; yet to thintent yoiu- sayings might have
gretter authoritie and vehemencie with other men, and that
somewhat peradventure might be added also by them to the
confirmation therof ; his Gr. is moch desirous and hertely
praieth ye wil adhibite some lerned men in consilium in the
premisses, to here their phantasies and opinions in the same.
So that ye may come home j)Ienis6i7ne et perf'ectissime in-
struchis, to discuss and make plaine all things, which in this
matier shal have any visage of doubt or ambiguite.
And specially, above al things, forsomoch as his Gr. in-
tendeth in this cawse of so hiegh conseqvience, wherin de-
pendeth the wealth or ruine of this realm, the conservation
of his honour, or els immortal ignomynie and slaunder, the
damnation of his soule, or els everlasting merit, to procede
according to due ordre of jvistice, and to ground and firme
his conscience upon so perfect and infallible rule of equite,
that before God he may accompte hymself discharged, ne
to have doon any thing reclamante conscieiitia : and having,
among other, in his Gr. own opinion, oon specially just and
stedfast base and fvmdation to ground right wysly his con-
science thervipon, viz. Quod Rex ipse nescierit proisus de
impetratione btdlce: wherof he is ascertayned not only by
the Kingis relation, but also by my Lord of Winchestre :
his Gr. willith and desirith you, ye wil under most secret
maner, et tacitis nominibiis, ne videatur, viz. duhitare de
justitia causcB, quam toties dcprfEdicavif, enquire of Anco-
nitane, or els some other of like lerning, whether the said
ground be so justifiable, and of such sort as his Gr. might
wel build his conscience upon, without grudge or scruple
Thinking here to have fynished these my letters ; and the
Sonday following going to Grenewich with my Lords Gr.
who than fully purposed there, and that same day, to have
83 depeched thens imto you with al such expeditions as his Gr.
here sendeth unto you by Mr. Barloo ; after the same was
redd and declared by my Lords Gr. vmto the K. H. being
therat present Maister Tuke, Maister Wolman, Maister
Bell, and I ; there was by the said Maister Wolman oon
other doubt and scruple found and objected, wherof the
King and my Lords Gr. tliought it very necessarie to ad-
vertise you, to thintent you shal communicate the same with
such practitioners and wel lerned men, as ye shal find
there : and by the deUberate advyse and counsail of them,
know the perfect resohition and verite therof. The doubt
was thus, that forsomoch as by vertue of the said commission,
containing both officium nobile and also mercinarmm, the
said Legates may, in cognitione super vaUditate et invalkU-
tate ctcjuscunque bullce producendce aut exhibendce, use and
precede ex officio 7iobili : and ifi pronuntiando et declaran-
do rnatrimon'mm nullum, they must nedys use mercinario,
and cannot gevc sentence, nisi ab altera parte petatur. And
moreover, wheras unto this part is added, Prout animo con-
scienticeque vestrce juris ratio persuaserit, it may wel be
thought and doubted, whether by addition of this last clause,
the other particles, viz. omni appellatione et recusatione re-
inota^ and also citra omnem persona aut jurisdictionis gra~
dum, be restrained; and lose such vigor and strength, as
the words importeth, and might be moch better defended to
have, yf the said clause had not been added therunto. The
cause of doubtance is this. For sith Juris ratio commaund-
eth and willeth that omnis recusatio et omnis item appellatio
justa audienda sit et admittenda : and they in preceding
ad dissolutionem matrimonii must nedys do as Juris ratio
persuaserit y it semeth plainly, that although in the first
process, ex officio nobili, al recusation and appellation be
taken away by the said clauses, yet in this second process
and cognition, the said clauses be restrained and altered by
thaddition of this article, y?
by reason therof, the Quenys Grace may alwayes recuse
and appell at her good pleasure and libertie, from whatso-
ever decree or sentence, either interlocutorie, or definitive,
she wil : and so protract and deferre the decision of this
matier ; and fynally frustrate the Kingis expectation, to the
utter and extreme peril of al those, that have intromedled
them in this cawse : unles by your wysdom, wherin is our
grete hope and trust, ye can so mayntayne and conduce
these cawses, that both the justnes of the Kingis cawse, and
also al delayes or tracts of the tynie, which may be lawfully
used by thadversarie in the process of this cause, be openly
and playnly declared and made manifest to the K. H.
by your sentence, confirmed ^nth the opynyons and judg-
ments of other lerned men there.
Wherin you may boldly write and say according to yoiu-
lerning, the Kingis Grace being of so perfit mynd and inch-
nation to do nothing in this mater contrary to the accustomed
maner and just process of the law : being also fully per-
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