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suaded, that the Quenys Grace, having and using the bene-

fit of appellation, or other remedy, shal moch avaunce and

conferr to the honour and surety of his cawse. Which opin-

ion and good conformitie to justice, like as it hath been by

my Lords Gr. hiegh wysdom, by lytyl and litil instilled into

the Kingis brest; so his Gr. ceaseth not dayly to increase

the same by mervelous prudent handeling and dexteritie.

Insomoch that yesterday to my great mervail, and no less

joy and comforth, his Gr. openly, in presence of Mr. Tuke,

84 Mr. Wolman, Mr. Bell, and me, made protestation to the

Kingis H. " that although he was so moch bound unto

" the same, as any subject might unto his prince ; and by

" reason therof his Gr. was at so perfit devotion, faith and

" loyal te towards his Ma. that he could gladly spend goods,

" blode and lief in his just causes; yet sith his Gr. was

" more obliged to God, and tliat he was sure he shuld rendre

" an accompt de operlhus suis before hym ; he wold in this

" matier rather suffer his liiegh indignation, yea and his

" body joyntly to be torn on peices, then he wold do any

" thing in this cawse otherwise than justice requireth; ne

" that his H. shuld loke after other favour to be ministred

" unto hym in this cawse, on his Gr. partie, thanne the just-

" nes of the cawse wold beare. But yf the Bui were sufl?-

" cient, he wold so pronounce it, and rather suffre extrema

" qucEque than to do the contrary, or els contra conscientiam

" .siiam.''''

Postscripta. You shal undrestond, that although the K.

II. pleasure be at ful, and in most ample wyse, declared

unto you by my Lords Gr. his instructions; yet his H. hainng


perfit confidence, that his auctoritie is as it ought to be unto

you, sacrosancta, and of more waight and moment than any

others ; to thintent, that you being more specially advertised

of his requests and desires by his private letters, shold more

specially regard, tendre, and study to accomphsh the same,

to thuttermost of your powers : this Monday his H. send-

ing for me apart, commaunded me to write these letters as

from his H. unto you, and to advertise you in the same of

two things ; which his H. considereth and thinkith above al

other things to be set forth by you cum effectu. The one is

the commission decretal to be obteigned according to my

Lords Grace instructions now sent.*" When in using such

reasons as is there expressed unto you, in case ye be in dis-

pair of impetrating the same ; ye then, Maister Stephens,

shuld say unto the Popes Ho. that ye be right sory, and in

mervellous perplexitie of mind, how the said denyal of so

just and reasonable petition shal be taken, and may work

in the Kingis brest ; and that you be in great fear, knowing

the nature and condition of yoiu- Prince and master ; lest

that his H. interpretating the same, and al that hath been

doon hitherto to have proceded either of vain fear, or of

dissembled frendship, and covert deceit, to thintent his Gr.

shuld stil be undre their yoke and bondage ; shuld hereafter

alienate his mynd from such devotion and amite, as he

bcrith now to the Popes person. Specially sith his Ho. did

never hertofore do any thing in any his private causes, and

now deny his first petition : which he may lawfully graunt :

and shalbe assured, that it shal never turn to the prejudice

or dammage of his Holynes. Which words spoken by you,

Maister Stephens, his H. wil is, that ye than cease of

further sute therin : and that ye and Mr. Gregory with al

craft, wayes and means possible, attempt the obteyning the

said decretal : like as his H. special trust is in you, and as

ever you intend to do thing acceptable to his Grace, per-

suading to your self this to be the thing; the attayning

wherof shal so hieghly content his Gr. ut nihil supra did

ant cxcogitarl i^ossit.


85 Number XXVII.
A note of such records concermng the divorse ofK. Henry

VIII. from Quene Katheryn Dowager; remeyning in

the custodie of my Lord Thcasorer and Chamheiieyns of

thexchequer. Found among the MSS. of the L. Trea-

surer Burghley.

IMPRIMIS Lra. Clementis Papae ad Regem, nominan-

do Cardinalem Campegium Legatum suum. Dat 8° Julii,
Articulus addltionalis concernens protestationem regiam.
Pollicitatio Campegii.
Testimonium Notarii Patavin. concern, determinationem

Universitatis Padum. in matrimonio Regis.

Appellatio Regis a Romano Epo. ad futurum Concilium


Sententia Universitatis Bononen. super matrimonium Re-

Citatio Reginae coram Epo. Ebor. et Cardinal. Cam-

Duae testificationes determinationis Patavien. super ma-

trimonium Regis.

Eboracen. Cleri assertio super duabus quaestionibus.
Opinio duorum Doctorum super, &c.
Assertio Praelatorum Provinciae Cantuar. super, &c.
Processus Thomaj Cardinal. Ebor. in causa Regis ante

commissionem a Romano Epo. constitutam.

Dispensatio pro matrimonio Regis Henrici VII. et Eli-

zabethae Reginae in quarto genere [gradu] consanguinita-

tus, &c.
Determinatio Universitatis Andegavensis super matrimo-

nium Regis.

Attestationes Dne. Bowrcher.
Articulus additionalis concern, transcriptum brevis.
Attestationes quorundam nobilium et aliorum, quae faci-

unt ad causam regiam.

Transumptum Francisci Catuli Veneti.
Transumptum Jacobi a Lawsanna.


Sententia definitiva Epi. Cantuar. super, &c.
Copia determinationis Decani facultatis Theologiae Uni-

versitatis Parisiensis.

Reasons to prove the general Couneel to be above the

Causae impugnantes matrimonium, &c.

Duodeeim hteras testimoniales super scrutinio registri


Transsumptuni Doctorum et Advocatorum Parisiensium ;

(}uod Rex Anghs^ non tenetur eomparere Romae.

An exemphfication of certen wrytings concerning tlic

great affaires, [affair.]

Testificatio octo Episcoporinn Angliae, quod Regis con-

scientia in causa Dougeriae erat mota ex gravibus causis.

Determinatio Universitatis Avu'elian. super, &c.
Concihum Doctorum Parisien. in decretis pro causa Re-

gis contra dispensationem.

Literre Regis ad Clementem Papam. 8o
The oath of Thomas Lee Busshop of York, to the King.
Determinatio Tlieologorum Parisien. super, &c.
Liber impressus Raphaehs Comensis super, &c.
Transsuniptum brevis Clementis.
Literal Gregoi-ii Cassehn ad Regem.
The copie of thinstrument that was grauntcd and sealed

by the College of Divines of Ferrare.

A Note of a brief of Pope Julius, making for our cause.
Transsumptuni Capitulorum inter Divinos, Sec. cum

A conditional dispensation for the Kings Majesty, from

the Busshop of Rome.
Sententia Facultatis Decretorum Doctorum Parisien.
Decanus et Facultas Tlieologorum Parisien. in causa Re-

Revocatio Clementis Papa^ censurarum contra regem pro-

Requisitio Cleri Convocationis Cant.

Sententia Aurelien.

Sententia Universitatis Bituricen. super, &c.

Revocatio Cardinalis Campegii ad Romam.




In pixule.

Duae literag Cardinalis Chrysogonii ad Regem.

The copie of the Kings letters to the Bussliop of Rome.
Sententia Universitatis Theolosium, super, &c.
Requisitio Cleri Convocationis Ebor.
A transsumpt of the determination of Oi-leance, that the

King ought not to appear at Rome.

Rationes probantes Regeni non deberi excomminiieari

causa divortii.

Sententia Universitatis Patavin. suj3er, &c.
The Sentence of thinvahdity of the matrimony between

the Kings Highness and the Lady Katheryn Dowgier, pro-

nounced by my Lord of Canterbury.
A Request of the Kings Subjects, that the cause of tlie
Dowgier should be determined within the realm.
f Duae bullae concernentes dispensationem matrimoni-
I orum inter Arthurum et Katherinam, et Henricum fra-
I trem ejus, et eandem Katherinam.
"^1 Item, Bulla facta Cardinali Ebor. ad cognoscendum
in causa matrimoniali inter regem Henricum Octavum, et

L Katherinam Reginam.

Item, A bundle of letters, cyphers and other books and

copies, concerning the managing of the sayd Kings great



Number XXVI 1 1.
The names of al such jjarsonagrs as bene to be impropried
unto Cardinal college in the University of Oxford.

Cleopatra, Oxon.






THE parsonages of Hedyngton,"

Marston, Sydley, Churchill, Frit-

wel and Elfeld
Wornal, Orle, Bril, and Borstall

Preston magna, Preston parva,

Welton, West-Haddon, Starton,

Norton, Cold Asheby, Daventry,

Foxton, and Scalford, Dunton Bas-

set and Rakedale


)> Lincoln.



Rutland. Bisbroke 1
Bucks Rowenston, Chichelsy, Newport I
Paynel, Bradwel, Astwode, and T Lincoln.
Willyn, EUesbridg J
Warwick Aston, Bromewich \ Cov. and
Stafford West Bromewich j Litchf.
Barksh. Chadelworth and Kyngiston Sarum.
Essex Gynge Mounteney, Stanesgate and
Steple, Typtree and Toleshunt,
Horkisleigh, Wikes, and Worm-
yngfeld, Alvethley, Reynham, )» London.
and Elmonden J
Hertford Hormede i
Middlesex Maribone J
Suffolk Chettesham, and Swillond, Dod-"|
nesh and Falkenham, Snape, I ^ . ,
Freston, and Bedingfeld, Denar- j
ston J
Kent Newington, and Harden, Tewdely,"|
Brencheley, Leighe, and Yald- )*Roffen.
ing, Pe})ynbury, and Depford J

Surrey The nioyety of the parsonage of^

Goddistone |Winton.
Sussex Begham, Haylesham, and Hellyng-\
lye r Cichest.



88 Cleopatra, E. 4.

Number XXIX.

Here follow the monasteries, layd to the Cardinal college: together

xcnth the counties 'where each lay, their founders, and values

spiritual and temporal: the sjnrituals in many places being neer

the value of the temporalis.




Northampt. "















Suffolk [Essex]


Bucks [Staf'O





















The King


236 7
QQ 13

126 17

284 8
33 6

186 9

169 10
92 12
99 1





38 8 7

Lord Dudley and Tho.
Stanley of Stafford

Lord Lizle; and by fine"!

hath released his title h 25 10 3

to the same ^

Abbess of Amesbury

John Mounteney, Fitz )

Herbert and Jermyn j

Earl of Oxford

Prior of Lewes

Anthony Darcy

Sir Roger Wentworth in "|

right of his wife j

Duke of Norfolk; and by )

fine hath released his title j

Richard Sackvyle

Earl of Arundel, and Bp. )

of Chichester J
Summa totalis diversorum maneriorum et aliarum possessionum turn

spiritual, tum temporalium praedict. - - - - 1913 3^

That is, In spirituals 570 5 6
In temporalis - ----- - 134214 9







85 4

43 8

22 16





7 11










Number XXX. 89
Edmund, Abbot of York, to Cardinal Wolsey ; to spare the

prior y of Romeburg.

PLEASYTH your Grace to understand, that I, your ( leopatra,

poor orator, have lately received certain letters from our ¦^i'''^-

Prior of Romeburp^h, with other our brethren there being.

By whose proport I perceive that your Graces pleasure is

to suppress the said priory of Romeburgh ; and also to unite,

annex and improper the same unto the church of S. Peters

in Ipiswich. And for tlie accomplishment of the same, as

they write unto me, your Officers came unto the said priory

the 11th day of this present month, and there, after the

reading of certain letters commissional, not only of your

Grace, but also of our holy Father the Pope, and of our

Soveraign Lord the King, for the same purpose directed,

entred into the said priory: and that don, took away as wel

the goods moveable of the said priory, being a member of

our monastery, and given unto us by Alien Niger sometime

Earl of Richmond, and our second Co-founder. By whose

gift, next unto the Kings Grace, we have had most benefits,

lands and profits given us ; (by reason whcrof we be most

notably charged with masses, suffrages, and other alms

deeds, for his benefits to us most chargeably exhibit) but

also certain muniments, evidences, and specialties touching

and appertaining unto our monastery, which we had lately

sent unto our said Prior and brethren there, for the trial of

certain lands and rights which lately did depend, between us

and men of worship in Cambridgshire, in controversy, and

yet doth depend undecised ; and for no other purpose.

In consideration wherfore, if it might please your Grace,

forasmuch as we have a great part of our lands granted unto

us by reason of the said Alien Niger ; wherby we be dayly

charged, as doth appear by composition made between us

and the said Alien Niger, and also confirmed by Boniface

the IV. anno sui pontific. tertio, under certain censures and

pains, with clauses derogatory, as more largely by the said

grant doth appear ; that the said prioiy might consist and


abide as a member of our monastery, as it hath don SOO

years, and more, with your Graces favour. Your Grace

shal not only put me and my brether to a great quietnes,

but also take away many sundry doubts and great perils of

the remedy of our lands granted unto us by the said Earl :

which be right notable, if the same suppression or alienation

no further precede: and beside that, minister unto us a

more notable act, than ye had given us ten times more

lands than unto the said priory doth appertain and belong.

But of truth the rents and revenues to the same priory be-

longing doth very little surmount of thirty pounds sterling,

as far as I perceive. And yet toward your spiritual, ho-

norable and laudable purpose concerning the erection and

foundation of the same college and school, I am right in-

tyrely contented, for your tendering of the premisses, to

give unto your Grace CCC mark sterling, which shalbe

delivered unto your Grace iramediatly. Most humbly be-

seeching your Grace to accept my poor mind towards your

^0 most noble act, which should be far better, if that my little

power therunto would extend. Protesting ever, that if your

Graces pleasure be to have the said priory to the purpose

above recited, that then with my study, diligence and la-

bour, shal continually endeavour my self for the accomplish-

ment of the same, according as my duty is. Trusting ever

that your Grace wil se our poor monastery no further hin-

dred, but that we may in time coming live like religious

men, and serve Almighty God with our number determi-

nate ; and hereafter avoid both in law and good conscience

al perils that therby may ensue; and also pray for our

founder, benefactors, and your good Grace, accordingly to

the foundation of our monastery, as our duty is. And so

knoweth Jesus, who preserve your most noble Grace in

high honour and great prosperity long to continue. From

our monastery of York the xx day of September.

Your most bounden Bedeman,
Edmond Abbot of York.


Number XXXI.
Cardinal Wolsey to Secretary Gardiner ; to hiform him of
the Kings consultation concerning him.
To the Right Honorable Mr. Secretary.
MYN ownegoode Mastyr Secretary, Albeit I am in sucli i\iss. g.h.

altiration, and indyssposition of my hede and body by the ^'^' '*"'^*

meansse of my dayly sorowe and hevynes, tliat I am fen

ommit to writ any long Ires. : yet my trustyng frend, Tho-

mas Crowmwcl, retornyng and reparyng onto yow, I cowde

nat forbere, but brively to put yow in remembrance : how

that aftyr the consultation takyn by the Kyngs Hyghnes

opon myn orderyng, which ye supposyd shulde be on Sun-

day was sevynight, ye wolde nat fayle to advertyse me at

the leynth of the specialties therof. Of the wich to here and

have knowleg, I have and dayly do loke for. I pray yow

therfore at the reverens of God, and of thys holy tyme, and

as ye love and tendyr my poore lyf, do so moche as to wrytt

onto me your seyd Ires. : wherby I may take some cumfori

and rest : nat dowttyng but your hert is so gentyl and pity-

full, that havyng knowleg in what agony I am yn, ye wole

take the payne to send onto me your seyd consollatory Ires.

Wherby ye shal nat onely deserve towards God, but also

bynde me to be as I am, your contynual bedysman.

Wrytten thys mornyng at Asher, with the rude hand and

soroweful hert of yours with hert and prayer,
T. Car'is Ebor. miserrimus.

Number XXXII. 91

The Cardinal to the Secretary; to draxv up his jjardon,

granted by the King.

To the Ryght Honorable, and my syngular good Jrende
Mayster Secretary.
MY owne goode Mastyr Secretary, Aftyr my moste herty MSS. G. h.
recommendations, with lycke thanks for your goodnes to- '•" ''"*^"
wards me, thes shal be to advertyse yow, that I have beyn
K 4


informyd by my trusty frend Thomas Crownwel, tliat ye

have signifyed onto hym, to my syngiilar consolation, how

that the Kynges Highnes, movyd with pety and com-

passyon, and of hys excellent goodnes, and cheryte, con-

syderyng the lamentable condition, and stat, that I stand

yn, hath wyllyd yow, with other Lords and Mastyrs of hys

honorable Cownsell, to intende to the perfyghtyng and ab-

solvyng, without further tract or delay, of myn end, andap-

poyntement; and that my pardon shulde be made in the

moste ample forme, that my Cownsell cowde devyse. For

thys the Kyngs moste gracyous remembrance, procedyng of

hymself, I accompt my sylf not ondly moste bowndyn to

serve and pray for the preservation of hys moste royal Ma-

jeste, but also thancke God, that ye have occasion geven

onto you to be a sollyciter, and setter forth of such thynges ;

as do and shal conserve my seyde ende. In the making and

compownyng wherof, myn assuryd truste is, that ye wole

shewe the love and affection, wych ye have, and here to-

wards me, your olde lover and frende : so declaryng your

sylf therin, that the worlde may parceyve, that by your

good meanys the Kyng ys the bettyr goode Lorde unto me :

and that nowe newly in maner commyng to the world, ther

may be such resspect had to my poore degre, olde age, and

longe contynuyed servys, as shal be to the Kyngs hygh ho-

nor, and your gret prayse and laude. Wych ondowtydly

shal folowe, yf ye optinde yowr beny volcns towards me, and

men perceyve that by yowr wysdome and dexterite I shalbe

relevyd, and in thys my calamyte holpen. At the reverens

therfore of God, myn owne goode Mr. Secretary, and refugy,

nowe set to your hande, that I may come to a laudable ende

and reposse ; seyng, that I may be furnyshyd aftyr such a

sorte and maner, as I may ende my short tyme and lyiF to

the honor of Crystes Churche, and the Prince. And besydys

my dayly prayer and true hert, I shal so requyte your kynd-

nes, as ye shal have cause to thyncke the same to be wel

imployd, lycke as my seyd trusty frende shal more amply

shewe onto you. To whom yt may please yow to geve firme

crcdens and lovyng audyens. And I shal pray for the in-


crease of your Honor. Wryttyn at Asher with the tremyll-

yng hand and hevy hert of your assuryd lover and bedys-

T. Cariis- Ebor.

Number XXXIII. 92

The Cardinal to the Secretary ; prayhig hhn to favour the

cause of the Provost of Beverly ; and to intercede with

the King for him and his colleges.
To my right entierly ivelbiloved friende Mr. Stephyn Gar-

dener, Secretary to the Kyngs Highnes.

MYNE awne gentil Maister Secretary, After my mooste mss. g. h.

herty recommendations, these shal be to thanke you for the '^' ^""^^

greate liumanite, lovyng and gentil recule, that ye have

made unto the poore Provost of Beverly : and specialy, for

that ye have in such wise addressed hym vmto the Kings

Highnes presence, that his Grace not onely hath shewed

unto hym, that he is his goode and gracious Lorde, but also

that it hath pleased hys Majeste to admitte and accepte

hym as his poore orator and scoler. Wherby both he and I

accompte our selfs so bounden unto you, that we cannot

telle how to requite this your gratitude and kyndenes;

mooste hartely praying you to contynue in your good fa-

vour towards hym, and to take hym and his pore causis into

your patrocynye and protection. And, as myne assured ex-

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