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pectation, and trust is, to remember the poor state and con-

dition that I stond in, and to be a meane to the Kings

Highness for my relefe in the same. In doyng wherof ye

shal not onely deserve thanks of God, but also declare to

your perpetual laud and prayse, that ye beyng in auctoritc,

have not forgotcn your olde maister and frynde. And in

the wey of charite, and for the love, that ye here to vertue,

ct ad bona studia, be meane to the Kyngs Highnes for my

poore colleges. And specially for the college of Oxford.

Suffer not the things, which by your greate lernyng, studie,

counsaile and travaile, hath bene erected, founden, and with

good statutes and ordinances, to the honor of God, increase


of vertiie and lornyng establisshed, to be dissolved or dis-

membred. Ye do knowe, no man better, to what use the

monasteries, suppressed by the Popis hcence, the Kyngs

consente concurryng with the same, and a pardon for the

Praniu- premone?-!^, be converted. It is nat to be doubted, but the

Kyngs Highnes of his high vertue and equite, beyng in-

formed how every thing is passed, his mooste gracious h-

cence and consente (as is aforesaid) adhibited therunto,

wol never go aboute to dissolve the said incorporations or

bodyes, wherof so greate benefite and commodite shal insue

unto his realme and subjects. Superfluities, if any such shal

be thought and founden, may be resecat; but to destroy

the hole, it were to greate pitie.
Eftsones therefore, good Maister Secretarie, I beseche you

to be good maister and patrone to the said colleges ; et non

sinas ojnis laanuiivi tuaruvi perire, mit ad nihilum red'igi.

Thus doyng, both I and they shal not onely pray for you,

but in such wise deserve your paynes, as ye shal have cause

to thinke the same to be wel bestowed and imployed, like as

Q3 tliis present berer shal more at the large shewe unto you.

To whom it may please the same to geve firme credence.

»> An an- And thus mooste hartely fare ye wel. From Sothewell ^
hamshire, Your lovyng frcnde,


to the Arch

bisbops of


T. Carl's. Ebor.

Number XXXIV.

The Cardinal to the Secretary ; to bee his Ji- tend in a suite
with Mr. Strangwish,Jvr a debt of' 1001.
To the Right Honorable, and my syngular good friendc

Mr. Doctor Stephyns, Secretary to the Kings Highnes.

E ^'^au? ^ MYNE awne good Maister Secretary, After my mooste

harty recommendations, these shal be to desire, and moost

effectuelly to pray you to be good maister and friende unto

me, concernyng the uncharitable sute of Strangwishe for

vii^Zi., which he pretendith, that I shulde owe unto hym,

for the ward of Bowes. And albeit ther was at his firste


comyng to my service, by our mutual consents, a perfectc

end made betwene hym and me for tlie same, yet nowe di-

gressyng therfrom, perceyvyng that I am out of favour,

destitute of socour, and in calamite, he not onely newly de-

maundyth the said vii c U. but also hath made complaint

unto the Kyngs Highnes, surmittyng, that I shulde, con-

trary to justice, deteyne from hym the said vii ^ li. For the

redresse wherof, it hath pleased the Kyngs Majeste to di-

rect his mooste honorable letters vmto me; the contents

wherof I am sure be nat unknown unto you. And insuing

the purporte therof, and afore the delyvere of the same thre

days by past, notwithstandyng my greate necessite and po-

verte, onely to be out of his exclamation and inquietnes, I

have written to my trusty friende, Mr. Cromwel, to make

certeyn reasonable offres unto hym for that intent and pur-

pose ; moost hartely beseching you to helpe, that upon de-

claration of such things, as upon my part shal be signified

unto you by the said Maister Cromwell, some such end, by

your friendely dexterite, may bee made betwixt vis, as shal

accorde with good congruence, and as I may supports, and

be hable, (myne other debts and charges considered) to here.

In the doyng wherof, ye shal bynde me to be your dayly

bedesman, as knoweth God, who alwayes preserve you.

From Sothewell, the xxvth day of August.

Yours with hert and prayer,
T. Cariis. Ebor.

Number XXXV. 04

Thomas Cardinalis Eboracen. ^-c. Gi/psnichianai scJiohc
PrcEceptoribus. S. D.
NEMINEM latere putamus, quanto animi conatu, stUr-
dio, industria, hue semper labores nostros destinaverimus,
non ut nostris privatim commodis, sed uti patria', civibusque
nostris omnibus, (juam plurimum consuleremus. Qua una
in re, amplissimum pietatis fructum nos assecuturos esse ar-
bitramur, si divino aliquo munere popularium nostrorum
animos exornarcnms. Proinde, maximo, incredibilique [lici-


tatis ardare erga patriam afFecti, quae nos veluti jure quo-

dam sibi vendicat, ludum literarium non omnino inelegan-

tem velut auioris summi erga eandem nostri, clarissimum

testimonium dedicavimus. Verum quoniam parmn visum

est ludum quamtumvis magniflcum extruxisse, nisi etiam

accesserit pra^ceptorum peritia, modis omnibus dedimus

operam, ut nos duos Pra?ceptores electos, probatosque huic

pra^ficeremus : sub quibus Britannica pubes, statim a primis

annis et mores et literas imbiberet ; nimirum intelligentes in

hac setate, velut herba, spem reip. positam esse. Id quod

felicius maturiusque consequeretvu-, libello puerilis instructi-

onis methodumque ac rationem docendi, apprime huic pubi

necessariam, omni nostra cura, studio, diligentia, ut habere-

tis, curavimus. Vestrae partes erunt nunc vicissim, qui huic

novje scholae nostra? Praeceptores estis, hie rudimentis ac do-

cendi ratione dihgenter exercere hos pueros ; deinceps cum

elegantissima literatura, tum optimis moribus ad majora

profecturos. Ad quod si pari cura enitimiui, atque nos ad

oculum vobis commonstraturi sumus, nos non tarn vobis

vestro studio impense faventes jam demerebimini, quam

plane apud posteros felices reddideritis. Bene valete. Ex

sedibus nostris, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo vige-

simo octavo, calend. Septembris.
Quo online pveri, in nostrum gymnasium admissi, doccniU

sint ; quique authores iisdem prcelegendi.

Primae classis methodus.
Principio, scholam banc nostram in classes octo parlien-

dam esse non incongrue placuit. Quarum prima pueros ru-

chores in octo orationis partibus diligenter exercendos con-

tineat. Quorum os tenerum formare praecipua cura vobis

sit: ut pote qui et apertissima et elegantissima vocis pro-

nunciatione, tradita elementa proferant siquidem rudem ma-

teriam licet ad quodvis effingere ; et Horatio monente, Quo

semel est imbuta recens servahit odorem Testa diu. Quam-

obrem banc setatem justa vcstra cura defraudarc minime

par «st.


Secundae classis. 95
Delude, postquam aetas hsec satis feliciter illis primis ru-

dimentis adulta profecerit, earn in secundum ordinem vocari

velimus, ad usum loquendi Latino, et ad vcrtendum in La-

tinum aliquod propositum vulgare, non insulsum neque in-

eptum; sed quod argutam aliquam aut venustam habeat

sententiam, quae ab ingenio puerili non nimium abhorreat.

Quod simul ac versum fuerit, quam mox characteribus Ro-

manis mandari oportebit : dabitisque operam quotidie, ut

libellos quam emendatissimos, quamque elegantissim^ sua

quisque manu scriptos habeat universus grex.

Si authorem aliquem pra^ter rudimenta, adhibendum te-

nellfe pubi censueritis, id erit vel Lilii carmen monitorium ;

vel praecepta Catonis ; nimirum formandi oris gratia.

Tertiae classis.

Ex authoribus, qui ad quotidianum sermonem purum,

tersum, elimatum magnopere conducunt, quis facetior, quam

yEsopus? aut quam Ter. utilior. Uterque vel ipso argu-

ment! genere adolescentiae non injucundus.

Rursum, huic ordini de nominum generibus libellum quern

Lillius conscripserat, si adj unxeritis, non improbaverimus.

Quartae classis.

Praeterea, cum quartae classis militiam exercebitis, quem

ducem malitis, quam ipsum Vergilium, omnium poetarum

' principem, vobis dari ? Cujus majestatem carminis, voce

bene sonora, efFerendam esse operae pretium fuerit.
Verborum praeterita et supina huic ordini convenientia

commodabit Lillius. Verum ut hujusmodi fateor necessaria,

ita velimus tamen tradi, quoad fieri possit, ut potiorem diei

partem non occupent.

Quintae classis.

Nunc demum video vos cupere, quam docendi rationem

hie praecipiamus. Agite, mos geratur vobis. In primis hoc

unum adnioncndum censuerimus, ut neque plagis severiori-

bus, neque vultuosis minis, aut uUa tyrannidis specie, tenera

pubes afficiatur. Hac enim injuria ingenii alacritas aut ex-

tingui, aut magna ex parte obtundi solet.
Huic ordini, quod doceatur, praecipuum erit, ut aliquot


selcctas Ciceronis Epistolas praelegatis: quibiis sane nullas

aliae videntur nobis ad divitem sermonis copiam parandam,

neque faciliores, neque uberiores.

96 Sextae classis.

Porro, sextus ordo historiani aliquam, vel Salustli, aut

Commentariorum Caesaris, postulare videtur. Quibus Syn-

taxim Lillii non incongrue addiderimus, verba defectiva,

anomala, et quaecunque heteroclyta, obiter legentes, admo-

Septimae classis.

Septimi ordinis grex, aut Horatii Epistolas, aut Ovidii

Metamorphosin, aut Fastorum libros assidue volvat; in-

terim vel carmen, vel epistolam aliquam componens. Illud

quoque permagni referet, si aliquoties aut carmen solverint,

aut solutam orationem pedibus alligatam reddiderint. Au-

dita ne effluant, aut apud vos, aut cum aliis puer retractet.

Sub somnum exquisiti quippiam, aut dignum memoria me-

ditetur, quod proxima aurora praeceptori reddat.
Interdum laxandus est animus, intermiscendus lusus, at

liberalis tamen, et Uteris dignus. In ipsis studiis sic volup-

tas est intermiscenda, ut puer ludum potius discendi, quam

laborem existimat. Cavendum erit, ne immodica conten-

tione ingenia discentium obruantur, aut lectione praelonga

defatigentur. Utriique enim juxta offenditur.

Octavae classis.

Denique hoc exercitio ad aliquam sermonis peritiam

provectus grex, ad majora grammatices praecepta revoce-

tur; velut ad flguras a Donato praescriptas, ad Vallae ele-

gantiam, et ad linguae Latina^ quoslibet veteres authores.

In quibus praelegendis vos admonitos velimus, ut ea dun-

taxat qua? explicanda pragsenti loco sint idonea, conemini

discere. Veluti comrediam Terentianam enarraturi, im-

primis authoris fortunam, ingenium, sermonis elegantiam,

paucis disseratis. Deinde, quantum habeat et voluptatis et

utilitatis comoediarum lectio. Deinde, quid significet ea

vox, et unde ducta, deinde, dilucide et breviter summam

argumenti explicetis, carminis genus diligentcr indicetis.

Postca, ordinetis simplicius : deinde, siqua insignis elegan-


tia, siquid prised dictum, siquid novatum, siquid Graecani-

cuni, siquid obscurius, siqua etymologia, siqua derivatio et

compositio, siquis ordo durior, et perturbatior, siqua ortho-

graphia, siqua figura, siquid egregium orationls decus, si-

qua exornatio rhetorica, siquid proverbium, siquid iniitan-

dum, siquid non imitanduni, diligcnter gregem admoneatis.

Prgeterea, in ludo dabitis operam, ut grex quam cmen-

datissim^ loquatur, loquentom aliquoties collaudetis, siquid

dictum erit aptius, aut emendetis, cum errabit. Interdum

epistoL-e brevis argumentum, sed argutum, lingua vulgari

proponi debet. Postremo, si libet, ostendatis formulas ali-

quot, quibus traditum thema commode tractari poterit.

His rudimentis pueri in schola nostra imbuti, facile de-

clarabunt quantopere referat, ab optimis auspicatum fuisse.

Vos modo pergite, ac patriam bene merentem honestissimis

studiis illustrate.


Number XXXVI. 97

Queen Elizabeth to Sir Ambrose Cave ,• to inquire into an

estate taken away from one Heydon by Cardinal Wol-

sey. The letter dated June 22. 1568.

RIGHTE trustie and welbeloved, we grete you wel. mss. d. g.

And wheras we are crediblie enfourmed, that one William " "'^^

Heydon, late of Britwel in our countie of Hertford de-

ceased, was in his life tyme seised in his demeane, as of fee,

according to the custome of the mannor of the More, being

percel of our duchie of Lancaster, in our saied countie, of

and in one messuage, with thappurtenances, called Tol-

potts, and of and in one hundred, threscore and ten acres

of land by estimation, to the same messuage belonging, lie-

ing and being in the parishes of Watford and Rickemans-

worth, in the said countie of Hertf. And that he so being

seised thereof, Thomas Wolscy, late Archebisshop of York,

and Cardinal there, being Lord of the said mannor of the

More, did wrongfullie expel and put out the same William

Heydon of and from the said mesuagc, lands and tenc-


ments, and every part therof. And that cxxix acres, per-

cel therof, the said late Cardinal did cause to be inclosed

and impaled within the great park of the said mannor.

And that a certain plot of ground, conteyning by estima-

tion three acres percel of the said lands and tenements, was

by the said late Cardinal converted into a high way, lead-

ing from Rickmansworth to Watford aforesaid, in the said

countie ; and so is used at this present. And that the said

mesuage, and eight acres of land, percel also of the pre-

misses, lying without the pale of the said park, are in our

hands, or are occupied by such person, as payeth us rent for

the same.

And wheras also we are further crediblie enfourmed,

that the said William Heydon, after he was expelled and

put out of the said mesuage and premisses, as is aforesaid,

did surrender the same mesuage, and al the aforesaid lands,

with thappurtenances, into the hands of the Lord of the

said mannor, to the use of Thomas Heydon, his younger

son, and of his heires and assignes for ever, according to

the custome of the said mannor : and that Johane wif of

George Pope, and Margaret wif of John More, are daugh-

ters and heii'es of the said Thomas Heydon : and that also

neither the said William Heydon, nor Thomas Heydon,

nor the heires or assignes of eyther of them, have had any

manner of recompence in and for the premisses, as we are

also crediblie enfourmed.

Wee therefore mynding, if the premisses soe enfourmed

us (as is aforesaid) be true, that recompence shal be made

to the heires of the said Thomas Heidon, as reason is. And

the rather by and at the humble and continual sute, com-

plaint, and lamentable petition of the said John More and

Margaret his wif, and of George Pope, and Johane his wif,

daughters and heires of the said Thomas Heidon, to whom

a surrender of the premisses, as is aforesaid, was by the

^8 said William Heidon made ; do hereby wil, auctorise and

require you, our said Chauncellor of our said duchie, toge-

ther with the advise of our Councel of the same our duchie,

wiih al convenient speed, thorouglilie to enquire, examine.


and circumspectlie trie out, whether the premisses and alle-

gations soe infourmed us, as is aforesaid, be true or not.

And if therupon you shal perceyve and understand, that

the same are true, and that the said John More and Mar-

garet his wif, George Pope and Johane his wif, ought of

right to have and enjoy the premisses; then we further

wil, require, and by these presents do aucthorise you furthe-

with, with convenient speed, to make unto them the saied

John More and Margaret his wif, and George Pope and

Johane his wif, restitution of the said lands and premisses,

or such other reasonable recompence for the same, as you,

upon due and deliberate consideration of the premisses,

and the circumstances of the same, shal think most mete

and convenient. And therupon to make unto them suffi-

cient assurance of the same recompence to pass under the

scale of our said duchie accordinglie : or by any other suffi-

cient means, as you shal think mete. And theis our letters

signed with our hand shal be vmto you and every of you a

sufficient warrant and discharge against us, our heirs and

successors at al times hereafter concerning the premisses in

every behaulf.
To our r'lghte tnistie and xcelbcloved Sir
Ambrose Cave, Kt. one of our Privy
Counsel, and Chancellor qfour Duchy of
Lancaster, and to our Counsel of the same

Number XXXVII.

The bedes on the Sunday, as anciently used.

YE shal knele downe on your knees, and lyfte up your Out of the

hertes, makyng your prayers unto Almyghty God ; for the ^^^t"'*'-

good estate and peace of all holy chyrche, that God mayn-

tayne, save and kepe it. For our holy father the Pope,

with al his true college of Cardynalls : that God for his

mercy them mayntayne and kepe in the ryght byleve, and

it holde and encrcasc, and al mysbyleve and heresye he

lesse and destroye. Also, ye shal praye for the holy lande,


and for the holy crosse that Jesu Chryst dyed upon, for

tlie redempcyon of mannes soule ; that it may comme into

the power of chrysten men, the more to be honoured for

our prayers. Also, ye shal praye for al Archbysshops and

Bysshops, and in especial for the Archbysshop of Caunter-

bury, our Metropolytane : and for the Bysshop of N. our

Diocesan : that God of his mercy gyve to them grace, so to

governe and rule holy Chyrche, that it may be unto the ho-

nour and worshyp of hym, and salvacyon of our soules.

Also, ye shal pray for all Abbottes, Pryours, Monkes, Cha-

nons. Fryers, and for al men and women of relygyon, in

what ordre, estate, or degree that they stand in, from the

hyghest estate unto the lowest degree. Also, ye shal pray

99 for al them that have charge and cure of chrysten mennes

soules, as Curates and Parsones, Vy cares, Preests and

Clerkes. And in especyal, for the Parsone and Curate of

this Chyrche ; and for al the Preests and Mynystres, that

serve therin, or have served therin. And for al them that

liave taken ony ordre. That Almyghty God gyve them

grace of con ty nuance wel for to kepe and observe it, to the

honour and helth of theyr soules. Also, ye shal praye for

the unyte and peace of al chrysten realmes, and in especyal

for the good state, peace and tranquyllitie of this realme of

Englande, for our lyege Lord the Kynge. That God for

his great mercy send hym grace so to governe and to rule

this realme, that God be pleased and worshypped, and to

the profyte and salvacyon of this lande. Also, ye shal

pray for our Lyege Lady the Queue, my Lord the Pry nee,

and al the noble progeny of them. For al dukes, erles,

barons, knyghtes, and squyers, and other Lords of the

Kynges Counseyle, which have ony rule and governaunce of

this land. That God gyve them grace so to counseyle, rule

and governe, that God be pleased, the land defended, and

to the profyte and salvacyon of al the realme. Also, ye

shal pi:aye for the peace, both on lande and on water, that

God graunte love and charyte among al chrysten people.

Also, ye shal pray for al our parysshens, where that they

be on land or on water ; that God save them from al maner


of perylles : and for al tlie good men of this parysshe ; for

theyr wyves, chyldren, and raeyny, that God them mayn-

tayne saufe, and kepe. Also, ye shal pray for al true tyth-

ers, that God multyply theyr goods and encrease. For al

true tyllers, that labour for our sustenaunce, that tyll the

erth. Also, ye shal pray for al the graynes and fruytes

that ben sown, set or done on the erthe, or shal be done,

that God sende such wederynge, that they may grow, en-

crease and multyply to the help and profyte of al mankynd.

Also, ye shal pray for al true shypmen and merchaunts,

whersoever that they be, on land or on water, that God

kepe them from al perylles, and bryng them home in saufte

with theyr goods, shyppes and merchaundyses, to the helpe,

comforte and profyte of this realme. Also, ye shal praye

for them that fynde ony lyght in this chyrche, or gyve ony

behestes, book, bel, chalyce or vestement, surplys, awter

cloth, or towayle, lands, rentes, lamp or lyght, or ony other

aournementes, wherby Goddes servyce is the better served,

susteyned and mayntayned in redynge and syngynge. And

for al them that therto have counseyled : that God reward

and yelde it them at theyr moost nede. Also, ye shal pray

for al true pylgryms and palmers, that have taken theyr

way to Rome, to Iherusalem, to Saynt Katharynes, or

Saynt James, or to ony other place. That God of his

grace gyve them tyme and space wel for to goe and to

come, to the profyte of they lyves and soules. Also, ye

shal also pray for al them, that ben syck or deseased of this

parysshe, that God send them healthe, the rather for our

prayer. For al the women which be in our ladyes bandes,

and with chyld in this parysshe, or in ony other, that God

sende them fayre delyveraunce, to theyr chyldrens right

shape, name, and chrystendome, and to the mothers purifi-

cation. And for al them that wolde be here, and may not

for sycknes, or travayle, or ony other leeful occupacyon :

that they may have part of al the good dedes, that shal be

done here in this place, or in ony other place. Also, ye

shal pray for al them that be in good lyfe, that God holde

them long tharin. And for al them that be in dette, or

L 2


1 00 deedly synne ; that God bryng them out therof, the rather

for our prayers. Also, ye shal pray for hym or her, that

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