E-Factory DNA
SZTAKI - as the member of the Scientific Committee in the E-Factory DNA EUREKA Cluster Project on Products, Processes, Enterprises for competitiveness and sustainability of European Manufacturing Industry towards globalisation and new economy.
SZTAKI joined, as a full member of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), the so-named ERCIM Working Group on Constraints.
Constraints have recently emerged as a research area that combines researchers from a number of fields, including Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages, Symbolic Computing and Computational Logic. Current research in this area deals with various foundational issues, with implementation aspects and with new applications of constraint programming. Our main concern is in this area in the application of the constraint technology to large-scale combinatorial optimization problems with industrial background such as process planning, production planning, scheduling.
The WG brings ERCIM researchers together , involved in research on the subject of Constraints. Its aims are to promote research on this subject within the ERCIM institutions, facilitate the exchange of information, co-ordinate efforts in technology transfer, and facilitate the exchange of researchers for short and long visits. The ERCIM WG on Constraints has at the moment 15 member institutes.
Results in publications:
SZTAKI joined, as a full member of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), the so-called ERCIM Working Group on Constraints.
J. Váncza participated and gave a presentation at the 7th Int. Conf. On the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2001), November 2001, Paphos Cypres. All ERCIM colleagues gathered at the CP conference and subsequent workshops.
VÁNCZA, J. – MÁRKUS, A.: A constraint engine for manufacturing process planning. In: Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2001, 7th Int. Conf., 2001, Paphos, Cyprus, (Ed.: Walsh, T.), Springer LNCS 2239, 745–759, (2001).
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