Workpackage progress report for Workpackage No.:9
Group Decision Support Systems
Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems Head: Tamas Rapcsak
With the significant assistance of the members of the Laboratory, the Hungarian Operations Research Society (HORS) continues organizing the dissemination of newest developments in operations research. At the annual conference in 2001 (October 17-20, Debrecen) the members of the Lab gave several talks.
The Head, Prof. Rapcsák coedited the a special issue for European Journal of Operations research (EJOR) containing the papers delivered at EURO 2000, the world congress in operations research. The issue is in print now.
The volume of lectures on operations research delivered at Assembly Meeting 2000, Millennium at the Academy, were coedited by Prof. Rapcsák came out of print just now.
Another conference proceedings collecting the selected papers read at International Conference on Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics in 1998, Miskolc was coedited by Prof. Balla and published as a special issue of Intern.J.Computers and Math. with Appl.
The weekly seminars at the Laboratory became a meeting point for researchers from the universities of Budapest and the countryside. Prof. J.Sun of National University of Singapore and Prof. P. Lancaster of University of Calgary, Canada visiting here for a short period gave talks titled Semismooth Matrix-Valued Equations and Recent Results in Perturbation Theory for Analytic Matrix Functions, respectively.
Holder of the Humboldt Scholarship Dr. Mészáros gave a talk aiming at acquainting the colleagues with the aims and scopes of the scholarship. Results of his visit at FU Berlin and the work on development the interior point algorithms and their implementation made in cooperation with researchers at FU Berlin were delivered.
Research on equilibrium systems, variational inequalities and related topics as well as on differential algebraic equations is going on in international cooperation with professors of University of Pisa and HU Berlin, Computer Centre of Russian Academy of Sci. Recent results are in print in acknowledged journals.
Participation (by Dr. J. Fülöp and M. Prill) in SIADCERO project (Strategic Integrated Assessment of Dynamic Carbon Emission Reduction Policies) of European Union resulted in development of modelling tools and computational algorithms for analysis of the strategic interests and policy options of the EU in international negotiations on climate change. Game theory approach and the Excel add-in for the computation enabled evaluation of several versions.
A postdoc from Zagreb University, Croatia, V. Horvat visiting the Laboratory for almost a year learnt here the DAE and DE theory. He ended up his stay here with a paper written jointly with a member of the Lab (Balla). The paper is in print now.
For other publications related to the activities in WP9 see the list of publications
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