The Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – SZTAKI in short – performs basic and application-oriented research in the fields of computer science, intelligent systems, process control, wide-area networking and multimedia. The Institute is active in graduate and post-graduate education, cooperating with most of the technical universities in Hungary. The European Research Consortium of Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) granted full membership to the Institute in 1994. SZTAKI is a PLANET node since 2000.
In SZTAKI, members of the Laboratory of Engineering and Management Intelligence have been working for more than a decade on planning, scheduling and production management problems of manufacturing. The Laboratory has a long-standing interest in modular design, manufacturing process planning, distributed scheduling, holonic manufacturing systems, agent-based control and the simulation of production systems, as well as in the management of production networks. The Laboratory has regularly contributed to the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMSs) project of the worldwide Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) initiative.
Our recent planning and scheduling related research topics are as follows: