Series iuno. Official gaze'I"I'E


Yüklə 370,68 Kb.
ölçüsü370,68 Kb.
1   2

27TH, JUNEj ,1JJ9t,


38th. Goa state Weekly Lottery nraw,

,~" Date of ~~:,19t~ ~~vember, <1~


N 410462

First Prize: (1J :Rs. 1,00.000/-.


Sec6ndPrize.: '(1) :Rs~25'000/'-'

Third Prize: (5): Rs. 5,000/-each: One in each series:

L M N ' ,0 p'

240629 369519, 528840 576667 126667

, Fourth .Piiz~ (250): Rs. 5001-each: Numbers ending'with 5 digits in all follows: 8149998030 1753.6 86G37.·· 30061 54544 .' 2987.3 . ( . 42{j65 ;:12389 . 54244 ,

Fifth Prize: (2500.) :Rs',50/~ each: ~l$.bersending With last 4, digits ,in all series as 'folloW's: . 7463 3948 . 8896.1236 5183 3764. 9932 6376 6386 $336

, ,

Sixth Prize: (2500) :R.S;20/-each: Numpers ending with last.4i digits in all series as follows: , " . 5387: 92558995 1647' 1413 8693 . 7842 4909' . 3913 2469

seventh Prize: (25.000):Rs.'lO/~ each:'Num~r;ending with' .last Z digits in all series as follows: .' .' 088 119 241 ' .341 456 508 668726, 887 977

Out of priZe. of. RS.5;OOU/':, andabove~ an .a.m:ouilt equal to i5%will be'deaucted for distribution. among the Agents, ,SellerS ~d,stocltists."

Panaji. 19th ~ovember, 1990. -"The Ex-Offici~ Director' of Lotteries, S.S. ByaZi~

"'20th GOa~doviWeeklyDraw

Date of,draw:: 21st November. 199()


First. Prize: (1): as. 1.~,0@/::, EC 296669

Second Prize: ,(5):.Rs. 5OO0/:"ea«h. One in each senes.

DZ EA', ··'E}B , 'Ee 'ED

160744 • 299898< 118144 169424 215255

'r.lUrdPrize:(40):Rs~\~j":'.~h;~Nurilbers ending with·last 5 digits in all' series as ,'folIows: ' .....: . ..

, . " . ,.. ' ';~'" '. '. <',..' "

62618 80229, . , '41'114, ' 53355

Fourth Prize,: (400): Rs.. 5O/-eac~.:&~~rS'endiTIgwith

last 4 digits in all series as follows:.' , .., .

44723518 5358 5164

Fifth Piize: (400): Rs. 20/-' each. NUmbers ending with last, 4 digits in all series as follows:

5763 2003 2036 29Q8 '

SixthPrlze; (10.000) :Rs. 1G/-each. Numbers' ending w;ifu . last 3 digits in all series' as follows: ' 092 106 258 357 400 . 536 636 .768 , 866 910,

Seventh Prize: (40.000): Rs. 5/-each'. Numbers ending:With ' last 2 digits in all series .as follows:

04 26 72' S4



20% of the· first .p~Will:te deducted toWards payments, to ,Agen,ts'Sellers. l:!D-~Stockist.

Panaji, 2~l?t November, 1990. ~The i~"Officio";D{rootol' 'of Lo~ertes,B.S. ByaJi.

26th NandiniWeekly Lqt~ry Draw:

,;'..... .:' :."'"•• ," ".' '"••••• '-c" < ,"'•• <

Date of' draw: 22nd November, 1990


First.Prize: (1): Rs.l.00;OOO/':', D 18D218

Second PI1ze". (1): ~25,oo.o/-' ~..~76

Thi.i-cI. ~rize:'(i5):Rs: 5.000/.. each:'.olle,in~kseIi~';;':~:':;(;

"A, B. C D ~

c' 31:\.587, 54054,0, 3595402()S319 ,';38,3199; .~;~)

• • ~. .'" ;" :.. " < ,. .' '., ,". ", ••". .~. ,,';-:":",::j

Fotll"ijil'~: (2501: Rs.500/" each:, Numbers. ~~Wi~ last 5 digits ,in .all· sElries .~ fo1l9Ws; •• ' ;

51060 34791 15188 70779 ' 60131

' -.. ~.-:-~.

?8903 ,53326 97278 ,; 25676 8659& , .'


-irut1i1>rize:: (2500):' Rs.·iwi-ea6h~ Nlili:l~ts 'en~:'WiUi

last.4 digits in all series as follows: ' ' .', " " ;; 8366 1811 '8388 ;;'0420" ',3167< .,'; 5763 9209 4458 8214 . 8680

. . "i. • ~" .>(

SiXth Prize: (2500):. Rs. 20/_,each: 'Numbers ,ending: WiW

. last 4 digits in all senes. as follows:, .'...'

, ':~,~Ql~' :4713 3708 6284" .. 1610 ~ .... ~'" . ,3079' 5265. ' 0871 3228 7053

.Seventh Prize: (25.000):Rs. 10/-each: 10iumbers ending with . last 3 digits in all ,series as follows: . 002 175 268 361430 .551 633 736 879' 912

Out of every cas;h. prize ofRs. 5.000/-andaoove.a.h amount equal to 15% will .. be .deducted '. fordistrlbution among the Agents. Sellers and Stockist. .

.' . .... , -. ".. ;,," :": ~. '; ~

'.' \,22nd Novembel'; 1900. --'The .Ex-'Officio Director of. Lottenes. S. S. ByiJJli.

>: ~" '

33rd Double DiaJ.UPl?-d Weekly"wfterY'DraW

Date of draw: 23rd November, 1990.


First PriZe: (1): Rs. 1.00.000/....

, .. . ". .

Second Prize:~1):Rs. 25,000/-' 0149000

'I'l:liid Priie:(5):Rs. 5,OOO/-each: On!} ine~ serleL'l:;;~'~


• • • ,", "••• '. < ••••

L M N o P 531697 ' 543450 287201 472'749 '263205

FoUrth Prize: (250): Rs. 500/-each:· Numbers ending With J,ast 5 digits in, all. series. ~follows: .'. 89761 78591. 88448 52526 51426 00275' 20477 92985 93346 %880.

Fifth· Prize: (2500) :Rs. 50/-each: Numbers: encling with last . ~digits in all 'sei-Loo' as follows: " .


1316' '.3700 ',' 0813 89$8 , ' 3719 . 5633 . 251)6'6125 575287&2

Sixth Prize: (2500): ':Ri. 20/-each: Nuinl:>erSendln:g with laSt 4 digits. in all series as follows: . 6643' 6674: 3340 9556 3889 2873 3255 4121' 7786···· .' 2928

~e" Prize:' (25;000): Rs" .10/-each: ,Numbers with .last 3 digits in all series as folloWs: . 082 • '183 298 '301 .;'434-".:,':' "543 663 725 872 '999­

, Out of every cash prize of Rs. 5.000/-and above, an amount ~qual tolq%, vvillbe deduqted for. distri.but.ipn. among .the Agents•. Senersand Stpckists.' " ' . '".

, . ,,~ '::" '. " ' " -'..,

"; PB.nl1Ji~'23I'd 'November.i900.~The· :(B~-~~icio'P~p


'of Catteries;':S:8: ByalL:, :.' ,.''"



SE1UItTS ,111: Na/13

law (Establishment) DepartmenT


No. 7/-&4/ilOjLD

"~eW3 M. S. Antony, H. No.::M-Z,"HOUSing Board, M.argao-Goa, has,applied, for,the change of Daine of his,son from "sebastian Ainit AiltoIiy" to i'Amit Antony Sequeira".

And ,whereas formalitie$ ,prescribed for the purpose, in' Nos. l' to30t Art. 178 of the GOdigo:do:ItegistoCivil' have, ~'complied with,and not~ce, "of change of~name from ";seDaSflan" Ariiit Antony" to ~'AinitAntony Sequeira'~, as per Government's No Objection,has been published; "

Now" tllerefore, the'Govern-or of Gbi3; is pleased•to grant the said request inade by the: said':M. S. Anto~yand to, l,l.e~by' 3;uthoJ;ise"him topp.blishthis Order:,in the Official GaZette.' "" ''.. .. ' ",' ,:, ": ' " ,,' "

-By order and ifithe name Ofthegoverilor of Goa,

, V. G. irartterkalr, Under, Secretary to the Government of Gqa.! (Law, & Judiciary Dept.). ' " "

, ,

Panaji,),lth .lune,1~i

V. No; 1478/1991'


In the Court of th& Civil Judge. Senior Division at Panaji

'L , sp~CivnSti,jjtNO. 2M/90/A

Ni.xtmta Sazro Naique Ourado, major in age,'

,"S\W .En.gjIl~r,l'eJSlide,nt; of~~ji-Goo:--Plaintiff



Seema Nisthant Kurade,. alias SWma SriIliv;as


Potdar, major ip,age;',seI'\Ti~, resid~t,of

3A, G,~:rnez;' panaji.' " ~Defendant


It iT:; hereby made known to the public thaJt by Decree ~j::ed'., 27th May, 1991 th:i$ Court, the marriage between, the Plaintiff Nixanta Sazro, Naique Curado andtlle Defendant .Seeml8! NishantKurade 'alialsi Seeima Srinivas Potdar registered the Civil Ouin Sub-Registrar, Panajf under entry N:O~'343/88 is hereby annulled. .

Givep. u,n:der my hand amI,~Seal of the Court .this 3l"d day of June, 1991. ' ' .

. ·r

F. N. Toobra

Civil Judge' S,!'.Div., Panaji.

V. No. 1412/1991

In the Court,of Addl. Ci'\Til J'Ildge Semor Division. , ,!ltMargao


Special Civil Suit No. 199/90/B

Smt. Maiia Rosita Eusebia 'de ':Miranda, dlo Jorge caetano Francisco Eusebio de Miranda, major in age, rio Guirdolim, Chandor, Salcete, Goa ' -Plaintiff



,Shri,.lose Araujo, inajor in age, 1'/0 Loutci­·,Jim. ~~cete, Goa -Defendant.


-.~".,,:.';>,.y~\!,:~':,:'\ .". Notice

";"'~'~'~:O''fN6tice ik;hereby ~veiit~ thepUbl1c that by judgement ,.it.Jlq.DeC~pass~l,ibythis Catlrtiil Special Civil &uitNo; 199/:l:,..~~kb~~.~y;C?fAPril;.'1,991, tne itmrJ:iiBge of, cPlaintiff ai1e.n,a.JUitre~tered under the' ,entty ~o;2~()lS5;'in;ijtre

: "-"'., ! .',.;. -,

registrationl3ook ,for"the year ;L985 in· the.Civil'Registrar's Office at Margao-Salcete, is ordered to be cancelled.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 15th day of :June, 1.991.

,N. ..4.; Britto

Civil .,Judge" Seni9r Division, Margao~ IIC of AddL Civil Judge, Sr.Divn~, Margao. '

V. No.. 1471/1991


,In th. Court of the Civil Judge. Senior Division

. ' . ',. cat Quepem· .

speclai Civil Suit N0.5/1991

, , '

SharmilaYeshw1jJlt Warik, aTlas beepa' D. Kinnarkari major, daughter. of yesh-,.waJit Warlk, resident of Opposite, Fish

Market, Qliepem-Goa " , .', -Plaintiff


Shri 'Deepak Diwaker Kinnarkar, son of Diwakar :({innarker, major, s,ervice; resi­dent of. Bldg. No; 9;Fl~t:No~ 4; paino­dar S9ci~ty, Aquem,Marga:o-GOa ' -Defendant.


3. ,It is hereby, made known. to ,the public that by Judgement aild Decree, datedZ4-4-1991 'passed by this CoUrt,

, the marriage between plaintiff Sharmila Yeshwant-Warik @Dee'J?aD. Kirularkar, and t.hedefendant Shri Deepak Diwaker Kinnarkar, registered on 22-:3,1-1990 unde~, Entry No. 31S/90of 'the Marriage Registration Book for the yec.r 1990 ,before the CiVil Registrar-cum;.Sub-Registrar, Quepem is hereby annulled m terms of Article 18 of the ;Fa:mily Laws arid the registration of the said marriage is hereby cancelled.

. . . , . ' . .

Given under my' band and the seal of this Court, this 24th ?&y of April; 1991.'

N . ..4.. Britto Civil Judge,senior Division,

;Margao I/C Quepem Court. V, No. 1403/1991

Office of' the Civil Registrat,;cuRi-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex-Officio in the Judicia:lDivision ' of IIhas of Goa

Asha Sure$h :n:amat,0iIvi1 Regii;trar-cum-SUb-Registrar iUld Notary Ex-Officio of Ilhas,Panaji-Goa.

4 In accorda..TJ.ce With, para 1st of .Art, 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 6th August, 19M and for the purpose of para 2nd of the said Art., it is made, public thatbya de.ed of declaration of succession, d~ted'5th June" ,1~1, -at pages 29 reverse onwards of the Register' Book No. 63,9 of, deeds of this office, the following is recorded: :""':That Maria Leticia Ludumila Francisca Rodrigues, expired at Calangute, in a status 'of viidow of Tito.Toa.o Rodrigues alias ::reao Da Cruz Rodrigues on the 7th day-of May of the year 1988, ,that she said Maria Leticia had neither decendlmts nor ascendants who would be' Emtitled _to . a "Legitima" (or compulsory share in her assets)' and the said Maria' Leticia, Ludumila Franci(:jca Ro4rigues:, expired leaving her sister; Mrs, Ana Severina Lia dos 'MUagresRodrigues, daughter of the said Azarias Jose Bernardo Rodrigues a:.nd wife of Augusto do Rosario Rodri­gu,es, , housewife, ,Inilian National, resident at present at :Mi.ra-, mar, Panaji, asher sole and''Univer~l' heiress, so constituted by the public Will executed by the said Mrs. Leticia Lildumila Francisca Rodrigues, on the '12th December, 1985, drawn by the Notary Ex-OffiCio, Mr.' Vagle, of the Sub-District cd: Ilh.a.g..

(Tiswadi) at page 22 overleaf onwards of the Book of Wills Nup1ber61.

That besides the above-:i1i~ntioned heiress the said Mrs. Ana Severina Lia dos: Milagres Rodrigues there does not exist any other person who according to the Law .may have a. preferential 'right O\'er the said legal heiress'or,who' Iuay concur,with her to the estate,left by the said deceased'person.

Panaji, 19th June, 199L-The Notary Ex-Officio,Asha. 'S.' K£irm;a.t. "_' "

'OFFICIAL GAZETTE --GOVT. ,'OF GOA l8~ ,sERIES 111 No. ,13 27TH JUNFl~,,1991

, .,., " .....

Offic~ of. the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar. IIhas -Panaii


, ,5Vvhe~eas Ufuma EstrociQ, resi,dent of Taleigao, Nagali, nha~,Goa, desires toe ,change from Utoma Estrocio ' to Uttam Kundaikar. ' ,

. ,"Therefore, any. pe:t;Son ,'haYing objections"may iodg~ the Sl!mein tl)1s,of the Goa Change of Name and'Surname RuIes, 1991, in force.

',:Panaji; 10th .Tune, ,,1991 . .-:-: The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub. -·Registrar, A.ska,S. Ka'm(J;t.

V., No. 1399/1991


"fl-Whereas SOOas PimdurongaRaposo, resident of Banda, St. Cruz, Ilhas-Goa,desires to change his name from' SOOas' Panduronga Raposo to SuI1.&; Panduronga'-{Cundaikar..,

. Therefore; any person 'havilig objections may lodge the same in this offtee; within thirty days as per. Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name andSllrname.Rules, 1991, in force.

Panaji,' -3rd JUne, 1991. -'-The CiVil Registrar-eum-Sub­; Asha S. Ka'm(J;t.

, V. No. 1423/1991

. Notice' '

7 Whereas Sadaciuva HOrichondl'a A.rZuIl3. Gaud6" resi­,dentof Muddi,Choraoinhas, Goa,desires to change his name from Sadaciuva Horichondra Arzuna' Gaud6 to Sadashiv' Arjun Kudnekar. '

,Therefore, any person., having objections may lodge the ~ame in thiS,office,Within thirty, days as per Rule 3(2) of the (;oa,Change of NameandSurnanie Rules, 1991, in force:

',1?'anaji, 15th May, 1991. '-,-The Civil Registrar-cum~Sub~Re­'@atrar,' Asha S. R:amat. , .. . . ",

V. No. 14.34/1991

. Notice

8 Whereaf?Ffuanesvar BOriecar, resident of ~ohla, :J3hati, ~GOa Velha, .desires to,>ch8.Ilge hiSnamefroni "Nhanesvar iBOriecar" to "Dhyane.shBOrk3;r",·· " .

Therefore, any person havi'ng >objections may lodge the same in this office, within thirty .days-as per Rule, 3(2) of the Goa Change ()f Name and ,Surname RllIes,.~991.:inforCe.

Panaji, 14th May, 1991. ~The Civil RegiStrar-cum-Suh­",~Registrar, Asha S.: Ka'm(J;t.

V. No. 1440/1991


~,' '-'. ," -,

9' Whereas, "Garcia de' SantiiCatarina Godinho, ,resident

'of H, No. 148, Mullaten, Wd; 14, CaraIizalem, as a guardian of a minor child called Milon" desires to change the name,of ;~he said child Milan to "Milton Roque Afonso', Godinho".

. :.,' .

'Therefore, 'any person having' objections may 'lodge the same in, this office~ within. thirty 'days as per Rule 3(2),' of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Rules, 1991; in force.

:.,:Pa,na,ji, ,13th. Jtip~,199t;:"""The Civil Regisb,ar-cUIIl-Sub­~rReg).s~rar,A8ha.·B ..,Kama.t,.

, ',-­

."! ' "., .;.. ", :

Office of the ,Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar. :,?onda

. ,..' .'. '. . . .:


iO'WhereasDip~k,Jag-a Gawade, Savoi-Verem:,;' Ponda, desir;s to 'change his name from Dipa.k . Jaga Gawade to , "peepak Jaganath ~v'.'~

,Therefore; any person having ,objection g;hereby invited .to file 'the •same' in this Office under, the ,proiVisions of Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Rules, 1991, within thirty days

, from, th~ date "of publication of this notice"

Ponda, 7th June" 1991.-The Civil Registrar, Ohalndrakant Pi,8surZekar. '

V. No. 1424/1991'


11 Whereas Bayu MhalgoNaik, Volvo( Ponda-Goa, desires to change her name from '''BayUMhalgo Nailt" to "Seema Mhalgo Na~".

Therefore, any person having objection the p:rovisio:ns ,O:~ Section 3(2) of the Goa Change 'of Name,andS~e,A.c:t1 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) read with Rule 3(2) of the ,Goa, Change of Name and Surname Rules" 1991, within t:hiiiy days from,the date 'of publication 6f this' notice..

, ponda, 17ti1 J:~e, 1991. '-'--The Civil Registra;, (j~iJ,.~akant


V. No. 1466/1991

Office of, the Civil Registrar, Quepem,. Goa

--""", ..


12 Shri ManuelSenal CuncoUencai-; r)o Quepem-Goa,has applied to change his name from "ManuelSenai 'Clplcop!}ncar:" to "Manuel Carvalho" in his birth registration No. 451/1941.

Any person'having objection"if any, may file ",the, same in this, office within thirty days from the publication of th~s Notice, as required under section 3(2) .ofthe Goa <;lliange of' Name and Surname .f\,ct, 1990. " ~. ,: :" " '

Quepem, 11th June, 1991. -The Civil Registrar-cmn-Sub­-Registrar, P. S. B.BoTCO.

V. No: 1425/1991

Office 'of, the Civil ReqiStrar-cum:~Sub-Regislrar Pernem


13 Whereas, Shrikant GopalH8rlja,n, rio Surbar.wado, :M:ausWado, Pemem' Taluka, desires to change hiS name from ShrikantQ-opal Harijan to Shrikant Gopal Pednekrur.

TheTffore, arty peirson' having ,objections may lodge the same in this office, within thirty days as per Rule 3(2) of the GOaChang~ of Name and Surname Rules, 1991, in ,force.

Pemem; l'Tth· June, 1991. -:-The Civil Registrar-cu:rn';;Suh­-Registrar, Po' SOtraessai.

V. No. l.474/1991

. Adminisiranpn O~fice . of the .Comunidades

Bardez -Mapusa


14 ,In ,accordance, with 'the terms and for .the, 'purpose ,established in Article 330 ,of the . Code of Comunidades in force", .'it is, h,ereby announced that the uncultivated and

, ~. ~

1intised plot of iand details 'of which 'are' gi.v~nbeloW; haa been applied on leaSe (Aforamimto) basis, for construction of a residential house. '

1., Name of the applicant: -Shri Kri3hna Mahadev Porobo, reside~t' of,Anjuna, Bardez.;G(>a. ' ,

  1. Land named -, Lote No. 480, surveyN'o; 206{part), plot 'No. 7S-B, situated at AnjUila village.,of:Sardez Taluka and, belonging' to the Comunidade of, Anjuna" admeasUring 400.00 square metres. ' ' ,

  2. Bo1lnda:ries:.,-'-

East: By the plot No. 7S"A of the same SUb-Divi~ sion.' '

West: By 10 metres proposed road of the Sub-Divi~ sion. ' ,

North: By Survey No; 242.

South: By ,10, metres ,proposed road of the same Sub-Division.

. .," "

FileNo. 1':;139--78-ACB/197$~

If any person has any obj~tion against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection' in ,writing to'the AdministratOl~ of ComunidadeS ,of' ,Bardez, within 30 days from' the 'second publication of tips, notice in the Official Gazette.' •

. ." ' ' ". ': .

Mapusa, 7th june, 1991.-': The acting Secretary, Rat~r

Porobo D6S80Ji: '


Administration Office of Comunidades of CeniTal ,Zolie (Tiswadi &,Ponda)


Panaji -Goa

P. Barreto, .Administrator of.,Comwtldlldes ,6f centriil Zone.

15 It is.herebymade'~~Wninaccordancewith the article 509 of the ,Code of Comunidades in force, that 'the below mentioned. dates are set for auditing the accoUnts of' the' Comunidades, of TisWadi and Ponda Talukas in thiS Office at 10.00 a. m.relating to thefmancial year 1990-1991 and to the Past years, if any, as under:-'"

JULY 1991

Curca 1; Tiurem 3; Neura-o-Pequeno 5; Vagurmem 8;

, , Talaulim:.santana 9; Candeapar 10;' Candola 12; Chorao 15; Taleigao16;' Malar 17; Bandora 19; Adcolna 22; Ela 24; Goltim 26;'Bambolim 29, CaJapor,30 Gancim 31.

, AUGUST 1991

Morombim-o-Grande 5; .(Uossim 6; Jua 7; Morombim-o-Pe­'qu~mo 9; Prio! 12; Mercurim, 13; Volvoi 14, NaveJjm16; Vadi 19; Goa Velhs, 20; Betqui 21;Siroda 23; Orgao29; Murd1l,27; Chimbel 28;,Velinga 30. '


Goalim.;Moula 3;P3.richki.vadi 4; Boma,6;' Renovadim9; Codar 10; Telaulim dePdnda 16; cUridairii 17;' Borim1S; 'Batim20; Marcaim23; Verem 24; Corlim 25;,',Mandur 27; pujira 30.


, ....... Cuncoliem 4; Carambolim 7; Caraim 8; Conxem 11; Niran~;ea1 1M' Betol;'a 15; QuerimlS; Naroa 21; Neura.,o-Grande 22; ,';P8.S§

dit T1l~·~erksof the above Comunidades should do the needful .:lind~!,~-gJ:>ro!t the Iiecessary books and documents as per ;;ait;510,;:of,~the said Code of Comunidades. ' '

"si r~)tJ·~~'i19,9i.-The Adlninistrator,'l?:iJarr~t?


.,:'//.),' ..,''': ~~: . ~ " "'.r--\


" ;


, . "CoxD:uniciddes""



1& "The ahove-m.entionedComunidade is herehy. conv~ed for an 'Ext~ordinary Meeting, at i~ Meeting HaIf',a.t 1{h30 a. m. on 14-7-1991 in order to delibel;'ate OD: the und&,:, mentioned file, wherein the gaunkar of'the Comlmidade ot Mapusa, has applied for permanent lease for, cpnstruction of residential li:oUse,the uncultivated and ,unused plots of land,

. sitl!.ated at.MapUsahelonging to,theCOmunldade of, Mapu~,

. ,'"

, The ~()llowing appliCant bemg the gaunkar of the Map~ Comurudaderequeststhat the same ml:!-y be granted without the formalities of auction. " .'

,1. Name, of the applicant; -Romeo J. Pinto;r/o Silver" Sparrow Apts,,2nd floor, By-3, Altinho, Mapusa-Goa.

2. Land named "Temericho Sorvo" Ch. No. 1 P.T.S.112·

"'plot No. 45', situated at Mapusa city of Bardez Taluka, B:nd, belonging to the Comunidade of Mapusa, admea­suring 401}.00 squaremetre.S (F()ur hundred·;square;,

metres).' "" "

3, Boundaries':~

East~By grante~ Comunidade ,land;

West-By proposed road of6 mts. width of the ,same sub-div.",· , '

North-By Plot No. 46 of the same sub-div

< .,' ~ • .'. .:'. • • ~~

S~uth-Partly by granted Comuru:dadeland',and remaining part of saidsub-div.

File No.1,-7~91-ACB.

MapU$a, 16th June, 1991. -The Clerk in charge Gwn,pOIt 0

Khalap. ' " , " , . "

, Seen: T.Ammnoio IY. BO'/1,;;O,.

, , V. No. 1427/1991

, 17 ,The abOve-mentioned Comqnidade is hereby conv:en~t for an Extraqrdmary Meeting, at its Meeting Hall at 10.30a~ m. on 14-7~19~1 in order to delfbera.te·on tl1eunder:. mentionedflle, wherein the' gaunkar of the, Comunidade'of Mapusa, has applied for permanent lease fOl'Construction Qf' 'residential house, the uncultivated and unuSed plots 'of land situated at Mapusa be1on,ging to the ComUniditde of MapUsa.

.' Thefollowihga.pplicant being'the gaunkar of the M8!)usii. Comunidade requests that the same may be granted without the, formalities of auction.

. r

  1. Name of the applicanbMatheus A. Pinto, rio Camar­cazana, ,Mapusa, B~rdez-Goa.

  2. Land named '''Temeilcho Sorvo" Ch. No. i P.T.S.1;l2' plot No. 47 situated at Mapusa City of ,Bardez,Taluka. ~d belonging to the Oo:rnunidade ,of Mapusa,ad­measuring 400.00 square metres (Four hundred square metres). " ' . ,

, 3. "

Boundaries:­East -By granted Comunidade ,land; West-By proposed road of6 mts. width of the~ , ,same sub-diY"~ ,:tr0rth-By plot No. 48 of the same sub-<'liv., ,~uth-By Plot No. 46 of the Same sub-div.

File No. 14-91-ACB.

, Mapusa, 16th June, 1991. -The Clerk in Charge, Gcmpat d. '

'Khalalp. ' ",';',

",' .::": .

'(,Seen: T. AmancioD'(Bouza.

V. No. 1428/1991


( is,Theaboye-mEmtioned Coniunidade is hereby convened for a:it extraordiriary meetiJig at its Meeting Hall or~,3rd Sunday, at 10.00 a. m., after the pubUcation, 'of thiS nOtice inthe,Off~ci,alGazette, in' order to give its opinion on the File No, 1-62:00-ACB/1990, in which shti Benjamin Alvaro



. . .

;SERIES III No. 13 27TH JUNE) 1991

F'erros, rio. Danve, Tivim, Bardez-:Go.a, haS applied o.n'lease publication o.f no.tice. in Official Gazette tog-ive its o.pinion

(afo.ramento basis) fo.r constructio.n o.f a residential ho.use, the. uncultivated··and unused plo.t o.f land' named "Oiteiro. de Danua", Lote No... 4oo, Survey No.. ~80/1, plo.tNo. 4, situated

-at Tivim ;1nd belonging to theCo.munidade of Tivim, aem~a-­.suring an area cf 400.00 square metres. It is boundedo.n the

. east by the existing 15· metres wide asphalt rcad; cn the west by the o.pen space o.f the same sub-division; o.n the north by the plot No.. 3 and on the south by the plct No.; 5. ·cf the same sub-di:visio.n.

Tivirn, 29th March,. 1991. ~The Clerk in charge, Anand Shankar Naik. .

. V. No.. 14io/1991



on File No.. 1-384-90-ACB/1990 in which Mathew Mendo.nca, rio House No.. 875, So.rantto, Anjuna, request .fcr ·grant cf land known as COMPOXI, Lote .~o. 462, Survey No.. 206,. Plct No.H, Vagator at Bardez Taluka and belong:­ing to the Comunidade cf Anjuna admeasuring an area cf 400 ccnstructio.n of'Residential House without

the fo.rffialiues of 3iuction being a Gauncar.


East: By Plot No.7 of the same Sub-Divisicn.

West: By 10 metres .wide pro.posed rcad of the same Sub-Divisicn. .

North: By 15 metres wide road and.

South: By Plct No., 13 .of the same SulrDi~lsicn.

A:njUna, JUne, 1991. ~The C1erk~ Ivo. Monteiro..

V. No.141l/199~


(Impt:ensa Naclonal ~Goa) PBICE -1-70 1"8.
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