Indiana University, Bloomington 1991-97
Ph. D. in Mass Communications (September, 1997)
Dissertation: The Political Economy of the Korean Television Industry: State, Capital and Media in Globalization.
Minor: Sociology
The University of Chicago 1994-97
C.I.C. Visiting Scholar (PhD Dissertation research student), Center for East Asian Studies & Department of Sociology.
Korea University, Seoul 1988-91
Enrolled doctoral program.
Korea University, Seoul 1982-1988
M.A. in Mass Communications, February 1988
Thesis: Political Culture and the Interpretation of Political Information
B. A. in Journalism and Broadcasting, February 1986
Minor: Political Science
Work Experience
Director, Institute for Communication Arts and Technology (ICAT),
Hallym University, 2003-present.
Professor, School of Communication, Hallym University,
Chuncheon, Korea, April 2007-present.
Visiting Professor, Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong, January-April 2010.
Visiting Professor, Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, August-December 2009.
Korean Studies Chair Professor, Center for Asia and the Pacific, Sciences Po Paris, 27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75337 Paris cedex 07 France, October 2008-June 2009.
Visiting Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Peking University, Beijing, China, February-July 2008.
Associate Professor, School of Communication, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea, April 2002-March 2007.
Director, Asia Culture Academy, Korea, July 2006-2007.
Senior Project Advisor & Manager, The Executive Agency for Culture Cities, Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Republic of Korea, April 2006-March 2007.
Asian Chair Professor, Sciences Po, Paris, France, June 2006.
Visiting Professor, College of Mass Communication, University of the Philippines, March 2005-February 2006.
Visiting Professor, Institute for International Studies, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2005.
Visiting Associate Professor, Centre for International Communication, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, August 2003- February 2004.
Adjunct Professor, Yanbian Social Science Institute, Yanji, China, April 2002-April 2004.
Head, School of Communication, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea, February 2001-July 2002.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, January-March, 2000 and January-March 2001.
Chair, Department of Broadcasting and Telecommunications,
School of Communication, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea, March 1998-July 2002.
Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea, March 1998-March 2002.
Organizer, International Conferences on Media and Communication, 2002-2008.
Research Fellow, Korea Press Foundation (formerly Korea Press Institute), Seoul, Korea, 1997-98.
Director, Independent Educational Consulting, Chicago, 1995-96.
Associate Instructor, Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University, 1994.
Research Assistant, Department of Telecommunications, Indiana University, 1992.
Assistant Editor,
Newsweek International Korean Edition,
The Joongang Daily News, Seoul, Korea, 1990-91.
Researcher, Institute of Distance Education, Korea National Open University, Seoul, Korea, 1989-91.
Lecturer, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1990-91 and Hankook University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, 1989-91.
Research Associate, Mass Communications Research Center, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1987-89.
Program Coordinator, International Summer School, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1985-87.
Reporter & Editor,
Kodae Sinmun (Campus weekly newspaper), Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 1982-83.
Editorial Service
Asian Communication Research, 2007-present.
Editorial Board Member, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (Published by Routledge), 2008-present.
Editorial Board Member, Mass Communicator, 2008-present.
Editor, Journal of Korean Communication and Information Studies (in Korean), 2008-2009
Book Review Editor, Journal of International Communication, August 2003-July 2004.
Editor, Media and Society, A quarterly journal of media and communication studies (in Korean), 2000-2002.

Chuncheon, Korea, 1998-Present
Position: Professor
Courses: Communication Technology & Culture, Television News & Documentary, Cinema and Society/Introduction to Film, Asian Cinema (in English), Modernity and Cinema in Korea(in English), Globalization and Cultural Identity, Information Society and New Media, Introduction to Broadcasting, Communication Theory (Graduate)

Hong Kong, Spring 2010
Position: Visiting Professor
Courses: Korea’s Cultural Heritage, Introduction to Korean Society

Paris, France, Fall 2008–Spring 2009
Position: Korean Studies Chair Professor
Courses: Asian Cinema, Transnational Media Culture in East Asia, Media and Communication in Korea and East Asia (Ecole de Communication graduate course)

Beijing, China, Spring 2008
Position: Visiting Professor
Courses: Media Culture Research (Beijing Campus, Graduate), Media Culture Research (Shenzhen Campus, Graduate)

Quezon, 2005-2006
Position: Visiting Professor
Courses: Korean Cinema, Politics Economy & Society of Korea (Graduate)

Sydney, Australia, Fall 2002
Position: Visiting Associate Professor
Course: Research Thesis Writing

Hanover, USA, Winter 2000 & Winter 2001
Position: Visiting Assistant Professor
Courses: Contemporary Korean Culture & Mass Media, Introduction to Korean Society

Bangkok, Thailand, February 2005
Position: Visiting Professor
Course: Acting for Visual Media (One month-long intensive course)

Seoul, Korea, 2000 and 2005
Position: Lecturer
Courses: Mobile Media Industry & Culture (Graduate), Social System and Media System (Graduate), Mass Media in Korea, Culture Communication (Summer)

Seoul, Korea, 1997-1998, 2004
Position: Lecturer
Courses: Information Society and New Media (Graduate), Television Audience (Graduate), New Media: Policy Implications (Graduate)

Bloomington, IN, USA, 1993-4
Position: Associate Instructor
Course: Introduction to Broadcasting
Teaching Interests and Areas of Expertise
Theories and Methods in Mass Communications and Media Studies; Emphasis on theories of political economy and cultural studies
Global and cultural phenomena of communication technology and industry; comparative approach: a view from media ecology
Mobile phones, Cyberspace and Communication; Theorizing the emergence of "homo telephonicus" based on observations of increasing dependency of communication technologies, e.g., mobile phones, SMS, instant messaging, blogs, wireless fax machines, e-mails, etc.
E-Democracy and E-Voting; Political impacts of new information and communication technologies
Globalization and Cultural Identity; Backgrounds in theories of globalization and culture; Emphasis on cultural consequences of modernization and globalization in East Asian societies
Television Drama and Film in Korea and East Asia; Analyzing television dramas and films based on theories on narrative and film studies
(* Titles in Korean are romanized according to the McCune-Reishauer System.)
Journal Articles
2007. Multiplicity of Mobility.
Asian Design Journal 4: 16-32.
2007. (with Leslie Hadon) Mobile Phones and Web-based Social Networking: Emerging Practices in Korea with Cyworld. The
Journal of The Communications Network 6(1), January–March: 5-12.
2006. Generations before and after the mobile.
Asian Communication Research, 3: 75-91.
2004. A cross-cultural study on the use of mobile communication.
Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies, 48(2). (in Korean).
2003. Strong State, Stronger Capital: The Political Economy of the Korean Television Industry in the Context of Globalization.
Journal of International Communication, 9(1): 52-80.
2001. (with J. Shim, C. Salmon, K. Lee, J. Lee, and J. Kim) Investigative reporting of the Park Jong Chul case and implications for South Korea's democratization.
Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies, Special English Ed. pp. 313-333.
2001. The emergence of
Homo Telephonicus: Socio-cultural conditions for the diffusion of mobile phone technology.
Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies 45-2 (in Korean).
2001. Reconstructing time and space: the use of mobile phone and communication.
Telecom World. 1(2): 21-40 (in Korean).
2001. Information and social trust.
Trust Research 11: 183-231 (in Korean).
2001. (with S. Kim and J. Lee) How healthy is the television coverage on health news?
Journal of Community Nursing 12(2): 513-541 (in Korean).
2000. Problems with the satellite broadcasting policy: issues on monopoly and foreign capital.
Broadcasting and Communication 1(1): 31-55 (in Korean).
2000. Global offensive and local resistance in the process of media globalization: a review of concepts and phenomena.
The Report of the Institute of Social Sciences, 20: 61-81, Chuo University, Tokyo.
1998. Wrongfully intervened: Introducing cable and satellite television in Korea.
Korean Social Science Journal 25(2): 1-34.
1997. Han'guk ui CATV wa wisong pangsong chongch'aek kyoljong kwajong e nat'anan kukka kaeip ui songkyok.
Ollon kwa Sahoe [
Media and Society] 17: 69-99 (in Korean).
Book Chapters:
2005. (Ed.)
When Mobile Came. Seoul: Communication Books.
Glocalization, Informatization, and Cultural Conflict (Monograph). Seoul: KISDI (in Korean).
2004. Cohesion, symbiosis, confrontation, and Check: the transformation of press-power relationship, 1997-2003. In Sangwon Lim et al. (Eds.),
Freedom and Press. Seoul: Nanam (in Korean)
2003. The shaping of new politics in the era of mobile and cyber communication: The Internet, mobile phone and political participation in Korea. In Kristof Nyiri (Ed.),
Mobile Communication: Social and Political Effects. Vienna: Passagen Verlag.
2002. Korea: personal meanings, or the social and cultural conditions for the diffusion of mobile communication technology in Korea. In James Katz and Mark Aakhus (Eds.),
Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication, Private Talk, Public Performance. Cambridge University Press.
2001. Miguk ui ollonin kyoyuk [Journalist education in the US]. In
Journalist Education in Korea and World. Seoul: Korea Press Foundation (in Korean).
2000. Internet, hogun saeroun chongbo konggan ul t’onghan hanminjok kongdongch`e konsol [The construction of Korean national community in the new information space, Internet], in
Internet and North Korea. Seoul: The Institute for Far Eastern Studies of Kyungnam University (in Korean).
2000. (with Shelton Gunaratne). The media in North Korea, in Shelton Gunaratne (Ed.),
Handbook of the Media in Asia. London & New Delhi: Sage.
2000. Pangsong chongch'aek [Broadcasting policy]. In Jin-man Han et al.,
Pangsongnon [Introduction to Broadcasting]. Seoul: Communication Books (in Korean).
1997. Chongbu ui kongbo ch'egye wa ollon ui ch'wijae kwanhaeng kaeson pangan yon'gu [Government's public relation system and the press convention of reporting government]. Seoul: The Korean Press Institute (Booklet in Korean).
1996. Expansion of Korean television industry and transnational capitalism, in Michael Richards and David French (Eds.)
Contemporary Television: Eastern Perspective. London & Beverly Hills: Sage.
1996. Miguk ollon ui t`amsa podo [Investigative journalism in the United States], in
T`amsa Podo [Investigative Journalism]. Seoul: The Korean Press Institute (in Korean).
1992. Miguk ollon ui sanhak hyoptong [Cooperation between media industry and education in the United States], in Ollon ui Sanhak Hyoptong[Cooperation between Media and Education]. Seoul: The Korean Press Institute (in Korean).
1990. Ollon kiop ui chojik t`uksong kwa insa kwalli [Characteristics of Korea media business organization and its human resource management], in
Ollonsa ui Inchok Kusong kwa Chigop Hwan’gyong [Formation of Personnel and Work Environment of Korean Media Industry]. Seoul: The Korean Press Institute (in Korean).
Kyoyuk Mach`e Iyong Silt`ae Chosa Yon’gu [A Survey Research on the Uses of Instrutional Media]. Seoul: Korea Air and Correspondence University (in Korean).
Research Monographs
2005. Primary Strategies for International Exchanges and Building Networks. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Korea. (in Korean)
2005. Culture State of Communication and Participation: Searching for Korea’s Future. Seoul: Presidential Commission for Policy Planning. (in Korean)
2005. Usages of Cyworld in Korea. France Telecom R&D. France.
2005. Prospects and Issues of Telco’s Entry into the Broadcasting Market: IPTV. Seoul: Korea Cable Television Association. (in Korean)
2005. The Social Influence of IT and Mobile Communication. Seoul: KISDI. (in Korean)
2004. Glocalization, Informatization, and Culture Clash. Seoul: KISDI. (in Korean)
Edited Proceedings
Media and Culture Industry in Asia, Chuncheon and Seoul, Korea.
Cinema in/on Asia. Asia Culture Forum, Gwangju, Korea.
Mobile and Pop Culture in Asia. Asia Culture Forum, Gwangju, Korea.
Multiculturalism in Asia. Asia Culture Forum, Gwangju, Korea.
E-Voting and Electronic Democracy: Present and Future. Seoul, Korea.
Culture Industry and Cultural Capital: Transnational Media Consumption and the Media Wave in East Asia. Seoul, Korea.
Mobile Communication and Social Change. Seoul, Korea.
Mobile Communication and Society, Chuncheon, Korea.
Conference Papers
2007. New Popular Culture Sphere and the Prospect of Shifting International Relations in Asia, La globalisation culturelle et le role de l’Asie, JEUDI 15 MARS au CERI, 56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris.
2005. “Collective memories on violence and realism of Korean cinema”, Association for French Studies Fall Conference, November 26, Konkuk University, Seoul.
2005. (with Larissa Hjorth) "Palm reading: Possibilities for mobile TV aesthetics and reception", Paper presented to the International conference on Mobile Communication and Asian Modernities II. October 20-21. France Telecom R&D Beijing, China.
2005. (with Yeran Kim) "Living in Cyworld: young people's cultural practice of Internet mini-homepages in Korea", Paper presented to the International conference on Mobile Communication and Asian Modernities II. October 20-21. France Telecom R&D Beijing, China.
2005. (with Joel David) A Yearning for Tenderness: A Scenario for Korean Cinema. Paper presented to the Shanghai Conference on “National, Transnational, and International: Chinese Cinema and Asian Cinema in the Context of Globalization,” Shanghai University, China, June 9-10, 2005.
2005. (with Yubo Zhou) The Impact of Korean Styles in the Production of Chinese Television Dramas, Paper presented to the International Conference on Digital Media Convergence, Communication Revolution, and Northeast Asia,
Xiamen University, China, June 9-13, 2005.
2005. Are You Mobile?, International Conference on Mobile Communication and Asian Modernities, City University of Hong Kong, June 7-8, 2005.
2005. Tradition vs. modernity in mobile uses. International Communication Association Pre-Conference “Mobile communication: Current research and future directions,” Sheraton Hotel, New York City, May 26, 2005.
2005. (with Dong-jin Park)
Public Communication Strategy for Efficient Implementation of the e-Voting in Korea, Paper presented to the International Conference on E-Voting and Electronic Democracy: Present and Future, Seoul, Korea, March 17-18, 2005.
2005. (with Angel Lin) Transnational Flows of Korean Historical TV Dramas : Cultural Capital, Cultural Literacies and Trans-national Cultural Imaginaries, Paper presented to the International Conference on Culture Industry and Cultural Capital: Transnational Media Consumption and the Media Wave in East Asia, Seoul, Korea, February 28, 2005.
2004. Mobility, Communication and Generation, Paper presented to the International Conference on Mobile Communication and Social Change, Seoul, Korea, October 18-19, 2004.
2002. Transnational flow of pop culture in East Asia and the image of others: a reflexive critique on the ‘Korean wave’ discourse. Presented to the International Conference on the Korean wave and Chinese tide. Fudan University, Shanghai, July 8-9.
2002. Channels of freedom and desire: mobile communication of Korean youth. Paper presented to the 52nd ICA annual conference, Seoul, July 15-19.
2001. Ilbang t’onghaeng eso ssangbang t’onghaeng uro: kwollyok kwa ollon ui kwangye chonhwan [The end of one-way traffic: changing relationship between the power and the press]. Paper presented to the KSJCS conference, Seoul, Korea, August 17. (in Korean)
2001. Invisible wall, visible talk: mobile phones and private talk in public space, Paper presented to the ICA annual conference, Washington DC, May 27.
2000. Mobile communication technologies, floating interactions, and nomadic lives in contemporary Korean society. Paper presented to the International Communication Association annual convention, Acapulco, Mexico, June 1.
Homo Telephonicus, or the emergence of new forms of interaction. Paper presented to the National Communication Association annual convention, Chicago, IL., November 6.
1999. Global offensive and local resistance in the process of media globalization: a review of concepts and phenomena. Paper presented to the Second International Conference of East Asia Studies, "Globalization in East Asia: Past and Present", Chuo University, Tokyo, September 16-17.
1997. Globalization, communication and the nation-state: a conceptual exploration. Paper presented to the Speech Communication Association annual conference, Chicago, IL, November.
1997. Reinventing electronic media: state and media in the making of cable and satellite television in Korea, 1987-1996. Paper presented to the Broadcast Education Association annual convention, “Reinventing Electronic Media: Multimedia in the New Millenium”, Las Vegas, NV, April 4.
*Selected as the first place paper in the International Division paper competition.
1997. The industrialization of media and political democracy. Paper presented to the International Conference on Media & Politics, Brussels, Belgium, February 27-March 1.
1996. Strong state and stronger capital: The political economy of the Korean television industry in the context of globalization. Paper presented to the Intercultural and Development Division of the International Communication Association’s 46th Annual Conference in Chicago, IL., May 23-27.
*Selected as the top student paper in the international communication category.
1996. From public to commercial: Global capitalism and Korean media industry. Paper presented to the Broadcast Education Association annual convention, Las Vegas, NV, April 12-15.
1995. (with H. N. Kwon). The rise of community newspapers in South Korea: Diversification of media market in developing local politics and economy. Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual convention in Washington D.C., August 8-12.
1994. Expansion of Korean television industry and transnational capitalism. Paper presented to the Speech Communication Association annual convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 19-22.
1993. Foreign News coverage and its political mediation: A case study on the U.S. media coverage of the Kwangju Uprising in 1980. Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual
conference in Kansas City, Missouri, August 11-14.
1989. Althusser ui ideologiron e taehan soron [Reconsidering Althusser's theory of ideology]. Paper presented to the Korean Association for Journalism and Mass Communications Fall conference, Hankook University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, November 18 (in Korean).
Colloquia, Workshops & Other Conference Presentations
2000. Media construction of global images on the Kwanjju Uprising and Tiananmen. "Kwangju After Two Decades," A joint USC-UCLA international conference, Los Angeles, CA., April 20-22.
1999. Cultural change and communication in the information society: on the emergence of
Homo telephonicus. Presented at the workshop "Perpetual Contact: Mobile communication, private talk, and public performance". Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ., December 12-13.
1995. From public to commercial: Global capitalism and Korean media industry. Presented at the Center for East Asian Studies Workshop, The University of Chicago, November 28.
1995. Media privatization in Korea. Paper presented at the Chicago Humanities Institute and Rockefeller Foundation Project Colloquium, The University of Chicago, January 23.
A Handbook of Qualitative Methodologies for Mass Communication Research (by Klaus Jensen and Nicholas Jankowski Eds.) Published by Ilsinsa Publishing Company in Korean entitled as
Midia yon’gu ui jiljeok bangbeomnon, Seoul, 2005.
Invited Lectures
“Social ties, social capital and enhanced mobility and globality in Korea,” Center for Korean Studies Lecture Series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, November 11, 2009.
“Globality and mobility in media development of Korea,” Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, Iowa State University, October 30, 2009.
“Film industry and culture of Korea, China, and Hong Kong,” Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, Iowa State University, October 27, 2009.
“Historical Overview of Political Journalism in Korea,” Year of Korea Lecture Series, Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 8, 2009.
“Mobility and Globality in Double Migration: East Asia Enters Communication Revolution,” The New School Media Forum, The New School, New York, October 7, 2009.
“Media culture and industry of Korea and East Asia,” Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, Iowa State University, September 16, 2009.
"Cinematic Representation of violence in contemporary South Korean Society,” Center for Korean Studies (EHESS), Maison de l’Asie, Conference Room, 22 avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris, March 27, 2009.
“Contemporary Korean Popular Culture,” School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS), University of London, December 5, 2008.
“Three Lectures on Korea,” Course on “Politics and societies in North East Asia,” Sciences Po Le Havre Campus, Le Havre, France, December 15, 2008 and January 12 and 19, 2009.
“Media culture and industry of Korea and East Asia,” CERI (Sciences Po) , Master program on Comparative Politics (Director Dr. Jean-Luc Domenach), January 15, 2009.
“The rise of Korean cinema and popular culture industry.” Howard County Library, Ellicott City, Maryland, USA, July 3-26, 2007.
“The use of mobile technologies by youth and associated problems.” Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea. November 2006.
“Mass Culture in Korea”, Hana Financial Group Financial Specialist Training Program, Jilin University, Changchun, China. July 2006.
“Transnational consumption of images and the Korean wave", UNU-KNCU Global Seminar Jeju Session, 19 July 2006, Jeju National University, Korea.
“Media and Korean Diaspora,” Asian Center, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, The Philippines, August 5, 2005.
“Sex and Violence in Korean Realism Cinema,” Vietnam Institue of Culture and Information, Ministry of Culture and Information, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 1-2, 2005.
“The Culture of Local Television in Korea,” Seminar of Hokkaido Documentary Association, Sapporo, Japan, December 4, 2004.
“Korean Wave and its Strategy for Success,” Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, December 3, 2004.
“Social Capital and the Rise of Korean Popular Culture,” Hokkaido Dokai University, Sapporo, Japan, December 2, 2004.
“Popular Images on Nursing Occupation and Mass Media” Chung-Ang University Hospital, November 15, 2004.
“Popular Images on Nursing Occupation and Mass Media” Chung-Ang University Graduate School seminar, September 24, 2004.
“Pop Culture and Media in Korea,” University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China, September 14, 2004.
"Media Environment in the Future Society," Seoul Journalist Club Seminar, Bears Town Hotel, Chuncheon, October 1999.
"Possibilities and Limits of Cyberspace," Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, October 15, 1999.
"Possibilities and Limits of Cyberspace," Hitel Convention, Yangpyong, August, 1999.
Organizing International Academic Conferences
2nd Annual Korean Studies Conference at Sciences Po, May 25, Paris, France.
2007. Media Culture and Industry in Asia, November. Seoul and Chuncheon.
2006. Mobile and Pop Culture in Asia. October 28-29, Gwangju, Korea.
2005. Culture Industry and Cultural Capital, February 28, Seoul.
2005. E-Voting and Electronic Democracy: Present and the Future, March 17-18, Seoul.
2004. Mobile Communication and Social Change. October 18-19, Seoul.
2002. Mobile Communication and Society. July, Chuncheon, Korea.
2009. Korea Foundation Visiting Professorship at City University of Hong Kong 2010.
2008. Korea Foundation Korean Studies Chair Professorship at Sciences Po Paris, 2008-2009.
2005. Korea Foundation Visiting Professorship at the University of the Philippines, 2005-2006.
2002. SBS Culture Foundation Scholar to support a visiting professorship at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2002-2003.
1997. The First Place Paper Award, International Division paper competition, Broadcast Education Association annual convention, Las Vegas, NV, April 4-7.
1997. Graduate Student Travel Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Division, Indiana University.
1996. Doctoral Student Grant-in-Aid of Research, University Graduate School, Indiana University.
1996. Top Student Paper Award, Division of International Communication, International Communication Association annual conference, Chicago, IL. May 23-27.
1994. Graduate Student Travel Grant, College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Division, Indiana University.
1993. Letter of Commendation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea in appreciation of the contribution to the development and progress of Korean community in the United States. (No. 3235)
1992. International Student Scholarship, Indiana University.
1990. Graduate School Scholarship, Korea University.
1982. University Scholarship for working student, Korea University.
Director, Asia’s Future Initiative. Seoul, Korea, July 2006-June 2007.
Member, TFT for Vision report writing, Presidential Commission for Policy Planning, Republic of Korea. March-December 2005.
Member, Managing Committee of the Hallym Internet Business Incubator(HiBi), Hallym University, 1999-2002.
Coordinator, East Asia Study Group, Hallym University, 1998-1999.
Member, International Relations Committee, Hallym University, 1998-
Member, Student Welfare Committee, Hallym University, 1999-2001.
Member, Committee for Development of Information System, Hallym University, 1998-2000.
Member, Policy Committee, The Citizen's Coalition for Media Reformation, Seoul, 1998-2000.
Member, Media Research Division, Institute for Participatory Democracy, Seoul, 1998-
Advisor, Hallym University Broadcasting System (campus radio station), 1999-
Advisor, AD-Zone (student advertising club), 1998-1999.
President, Korean Society of Bloomington, Bloomington, Indiana, 1992-94.
Editor, Bloomington (Newsletter for Korean Society of Bloomington, Indiana), 1992-94.
Member, Commission On Multicultural Understanding, Indiana University, 1992-1994.
Memberships in Scholarly Associations
Member, International Communication Association, 1995-
Member, Association for Asian Studies, 1999-
Member, Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (KSJCS), 1990-
Executive Secretary, Media and Society Division of the KSJCS, 1999-2001
Member, Korean Association for Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies, 1997-
Member, Cybercommunication Academic Society, 1997-
Member, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 1992-98
Member, National Communication Association, 1992-98
Member, Broadcast Education Association, 1995-98
Member, American Sociological Association, 1997-98
Michael Curtin, Ph.D.
Professor of Film and Media Studies & Mellichamp Chair Professor in Global Media and Representation
Department of Film and Media Studies
University of California Santa Barbara
2318 Social Sciences and Media Studies (SSMS)
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4010
(805) 893-2347 fax: (805) 893-8630
James Katz, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor of Communication
Director, Center for Mobile Communication Studies
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
4 Huntington Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
732-932-7500 ext 8118
Taik Sup Auh, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor
Graduate School of Information and Media
Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology
Seoul, Korea
Pamela Crossley, Ph.D.
Department of History
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
Dale Eickelman, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
Language Proficiency
Korean Native
English Fluent (teaching college level courses in Anglophone societies)
French Elementary (taking a course)
Chinese Basic (took a semester long course+knowledge on characters)
Japanese Basic (took a short training course)