Scientific knowledge, according to modern views of scientists, is a specialkind of knowledge which
first of all characterizes the possibility of comparison with some reality objectives.
Scientific knowledge is a study that characterizes by its special goals, and most importantly - by methods of
gaining and testing new knowledge. Great Russian naturalist and thinker V. I. Vernadsky noted that “The science
content is not limited by scientific theories, hypotheses or models, or picture of the world which is created by them,
basically it mainly consists of scientific facts and their empirical generalizations, and the main lively content of the
scientific work is the living people”
The need for scientific knowledge appears in general only when deficiency of ideas arising from everyday
thinking and ordinary knowledge, as well as data from insufficiently equipped body's feelings, concepts, common
sense, and experience.
History shows that if this insufficiency is recognized by society there is a need for scientific knowledge of the subject
or phenomena.
The basis of science language is words and phrases of terminology; Science is a field of human activity,
focused on the collection, processing, and interpretation of mass digital data on various socio-economic phenomena
and processes.
The hypothesis, that people understand the world, raises fundamental issues for all fields of cognitive science,
even by building mental models. For instance, in the Functional grammar, there are questions: How categories create fields? What language peculiarities or characteristics are required to describe such functional categories? Is it possible to combine these studies on the principle of language Universals? Any scientific research is a relatively complex process in time and space from the creation to the finalization of this
scientific work. To study in a sense of science means: to conduct exploratory research as composing prognosis of
the future, using your abilities, opportunities, modern resources based on real achievements of science, engineering,
technology; to involve tools to identify ways and methods of solving them, assessing an effectiveness of the
accepted industries development directions for a society and processes of the phenomena, description, or
classification; to be scientifically objective.