Slanders On Muslims In History

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Be patient. But your patience is only by God. Do not be grieved by them and do not be constricted by the plots they hatch. God is with those who fear Him and with those who are good-doers. (Qur'an, 16:127-128)

All Power Belongs to God

Throughout this chapter, a secretive dajjal movement that has managed to exert influence over the world through various means has been described. Despite all these facts, the readers should keep one thing in mind: this life is a test. This is why good and evil were created. Good and evil will always be engaged in conflict and therefore, supporters of good and supporters of evil must pick their sides. But most importantly, God creates good and evil. Neither of them is independent from God. Therefore, both the goals and ambushes of the evildoers are under God's control. No matter how much they try, they cannot do anything other than what God wills.

The entire power, authority and rule belongs to Almighty God, the Lord of all worlds, Who has control over all worlds, Who is aware of everything and Who has infinite power.

Therefore, no matter how strong and invincible the secret powers that build these traps might seem, they are insignificant and worthless in the Sight of God. They are servants of God that need Him every moment. As God explains in the following verse, even if their plots are as strong as to make the mountains vanish, they are bound to fail in the face of His infinite power.

They concocted their plots, but their plots were with God, even if they were such as to make the mountains vanish. (Qur'an, 14:46)

The contents of this book are intended to expose the dajjal system that became deeply seated as a part of the trial in this world, and also to show the ways to counter it intellectually. Good people should carry out a counter operation to show their goodness and to intellectually end the tyranny. This is a way for an individual to prove himself to God. It should not be forgotten that God also created the plots of the dajjal, but as plots doomed to fail. They will fail, but God wants reasons and means for that failure to take place. Those who make an intellectual effort towards that goal will be the means for the failure of those plots.

It should also be remembered that there are countless people in this world who are persecuted. In the face of this grave situation, most people choose to stand by only to be able to stay out of harm's way. They think that they are helping themselves if they keep quiet in the face of tyranny. However, God wants us to help the oppressed and persecuted. There is no doubt that God will remove all tyranny in the world and will do justice for the oppression of the weak. However, the situation in this world is 'our' time to make an effort, as a part of our test. It is our duty to do everything we can intellectually and scientifically and ally with our Christians and Muslim brothers to end this tyranny by trusting God, by seeking refuge in Him, and by asking His help.

We are now living in the End Times, the time when we will witness the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them both). As God gave us its glad tidings in the Qur'an, Torah, Gospel, and the hadiths [sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)], this will be a time when oppression and bloodshed end and are replaced with peace, love and compassion. We know that no matter how powerful the plans or the supporters of the dajjal, they will be defeated by Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them). No tyranny will be left in the End Times as everyone, with the guidance of Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them), will move towards the good and beautiful. It is our duty to God to do our part in changing humanity for the better and preparing it for this blessed era.

God confirms the Truth by His words, even though the evildoers hate it. (Qur'an, 10:82)


World War One and the British Deep State

A New Ottoman Policy

World War I was both the final and the military phase of the British deep state's century-old policy to maintain and expand its global exploitation system, and to eliminate any threats to its reign. The first steps of the strategy was economic, political as well as diplomatic, and mostly targeted the two big empires that Britain considered rivals during the 19th century. The first was the German Colonial Empire. Germans had been getting stronger in Europe as well as in world's colonial markets, emerging as Britain's primary rival. The second one was the Ottoman Empire, which had long been the target of British fascination.

The case of Germany wasn't really complicated. The progress and growth of the Empire had to be stopped one way or another.47 However, it was a different story when it came to the Ottoman Empire. The British deep state benefited from its continuance but, at the same time, was worried about it. It was because the Empire was strategically and economically important for Britain. The Middle East, which then belonged to the Ottomans, incorporated rich lands like the Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, Suez and Palestine, and sat on the way to India, thus carrying huge significance for the British hegemony. For this reason, the British deep state felt obliged to carefully manage and control any scenario that involved the Ottoman Empire.

If the Ottoman Empire, which at the time was going through difficult days, found a way to get back on its feet, it would have been the undisputed leader of an unrivalled world-wide power; the Islamic Union. But the British deep state considered such an Ottoman-led Islamic Union as a great threat and a potential rival. On the other hand, if the Ottoman Empire fell, there was little doubt that Tsarist Russia or the German Empire, the other two important powers of the time, would make claims on it. This would be an abrupt end to the ambitious British deep state's dreams for the Middle East.

For these reasons, following the Treaty of Berlin in 1878, the British deep state made significant policy changes towards the Sublime Porte, in other words, the Central Government of the Ottoman Empire. Although it had already seized the control of Cyprus and Egypt –which were Ottoman territories– it still didn't want the Empire to come down in an uncontrolled manner. The British deep state didn't want any development that could threaten its interests, and the preservation of Ottoman territorial integrity suited its interests most. Meanwhile, it stepped up its economic and political pressure on the Ottoman Empire to make it more dependent on the British deep state, which was a part of its multi-staged control-building process. During this time, it continued to maintain its friendly façade towards the Ottomans, but nevertheless continued with its sly and nefarious policies behind closed doors.

By the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire had enough of the oppressive policies, deceits and tricks of the British deep state and chose to form friendly ties with the Germans instead. This move changed everything. Not wanting to let go of its dreams for the Ottoman lands, the British deep state dropped the pretense of wanting to preserve the Ottoman Empire's territorial integrity.

Systematic dismemberment and invasion of Ottoman lands now seemed the only acceptable option to the British deep state. This was the only way to reach its ultimate goal of world rule. However, only a massive war, carefully planned and devised from beginning to the end, including its belligerents and outcomes, could justify military occupation and help achieve this goal. In other words, World War I was the final resort of the British deep state when it saw that all other means, the strategic, economic and political, to reach its century-old goal, had been exhausted.

Now let's see from the start the infamous steps that led to this military campaign.

An Economic Ambush by the British to Speed up the
Fall of the Ottoman Empire: The Treaty of Balta Liman

By the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire was struggling under the heavy weight of military, political and economic pressure from the European states. In 1827, as the Greek uprising was raging on, the British, French and Russian fleets attacked and heavily defeated the Ottoman navy in Navarino, while Russians annexed Edirne and came dangerously close to Istanbul during the Russo-Turkish war of 1828-29. In the face of these developments, Sultan Mahmud II decided to end the war with the Treaty of Edirne of 1829. The independence declaration of the Greeks changed the course of events. During the Greek uprising, Mahmud II promised to give the governorship of Mora to Egypt's then governor Muhammad Ali Pasha if he helped suppress the uprising. However, when the Greeks declared their independence the deal was broken. When Mahmud II also refused to give the governorship of Damascus to Muhammad Ali Pasha, the so-called 'Egypt problem' ensued. French sided with Egypt, while British remained neutral. These developments prompted the Ottomans to sign a pact of non-aggression and alliance, the Treaty of Hünkar İskelesi, with the Russians in 1833.

Concerned that it might be losing the Ottomans to the Russians, the British deep state enlisted the help of France to protest the treaty. It even went as far as sending one British fleet to Izmir. With Austria's help, it managed to convince the Tsar to withdraw from the treaty and promised the Ottomans its support against the Russians and Muhammad Ali Pasha. Surely, this service wouldn't come for free. The British deep state's service was offered in exchange for a new 'free trade agreement' (the Treaty of Balta Liman) to expand the capitulations previously granted. The anglophile grand vizier Mustafa Reşid Pasha also played an important role in talking the Sultan, who was on his deathbed at the time, into signing the treaty.

This treaty, which was devised as a fait accompli by the British amidst slogans of 'westernization', 'liberalization' and 'development', in truth proclaimed the downfall of the Empire. With this treaty, Britain was basically dragging the Ottoman Empire, which was already half way to becoming a colony, into an economic pit from which it would not be able get out again. With the Treaty of Balta Liman, the Western states, particularly Britain, were given many privileges and concessions that went well beyond the limits of capitulations. This effectively made the Ottoman Empire an open market for the British and other Europeans.

The treaty was full of one-sided and binding clauses against the interests of the Ottomans. In addition to existing capitulations, subjects and ships of Great Britain were given new privileges, which would be effective 'forever'. The situation was so odd that while the Turkish merchants paid 12% taxation, British merchants paid only 5% for their domestic trade. If a British merchant or his agent bought a Turkish product for export, that merchant or agent would not be subjected to any trade limitations and could trade for free.

Henry Palmerston, the then British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, called the treaty Capo d'Opera (a masterpiece) due to the unheard-of advantages it offered to the British.48 In the meantime, the British deep state continued with its classic hypocrisy and friendly façade towards the Ottoman Empire, praised the country, which it had slyly pushed to the brink of collapse, with compliments like 'the country that applies free trade in the broadest manner among all countries in the world'. Therefore, considering what happened in the past, it is crucial to adopt a cautious approach to similar praises, or promises made by modern representatives of the British deep state.

With the Treaty of Balta Liman, tariff walls against foreign markets were removed and all registrations and records in domestic trade were lifted without any protective measures. This development dealt a serious blow to young Turkish industry, unready yet for foreign competition. Industries that depended on local production like cotton, silk, wool, angora products, leather processing, mining, and agriculture were seriously affected and couldn't help but disappear. After a while, these products were no longer processed and were sold to foreigners as raw materials for very low prices. Many local industry products, which prior to 1838 easily met the domestic demand and were also exported, could be obtained almost only through import by 1850.

On the other hand, the falling tax revenues from foreign trade due to new privileges given to Westerners, coupled with the effect of deficits in the state budget, placed a heavy burden on the Ottoman Empire, leading to a major economic crisis. Already struggling with the crippling costs of the Crimean War of 1854, the Ottoman Empire for the first time in its history resorted to foreign debts in a bid to get its economy back on its feet. Britain enthusiastically supported the move. As a result, the Ottomans borrowed a total of £3 million from Palmer in London and Goldschmidt in Paris on August 24, 1854. The loan was secured against the Egyptian taxes.

This move marked the beginning of intense borrowing, which couldn't be paid off even long after the Ottoman Empire came down. In only twenty years after the first loan in 1854, the Empire declared a total default and bankrupted. In the run-up to WWI, the Ottoman Empire had borrowed 243 million Ottoman Liras, which made the total amount of foreign debt 409 million Ottoman Liras.

The inability to pay back the loans allowed the creditors to gain control of the biggest revenue sources of the Empire. The Ottoman Public Debt Administration (Düyun-u Umumiye) was established during the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Even though the name suggests that it was an Ottoman institute, it had a completely foreign administration that consisted of seven people representing the creditors: British, Dutch, French, German, and Italian among others. This commission monitoring the foreign debt of the Ottoman Empire seized the entire revenues from tobacco, salt, silk, stamp and fish taxes, which comprised more than one third of the state's budget. Another reason for the selection of these particular items was that these taxes were the easiest to collect, not to mention the most dependable.

Officers from the Ottoman Public Debt Administration under British control would go and seize the produce of farmers and collect taxes with the help of the gendarme forces. Numerous cases of cruel treatment at the hands of the Ottoman Public Debt Administration officers that used gendarme for their purposes can be found in historical accounts.

The Republic of Turkey that was born out of the ashes of the Ottoman Empire took over these massive debts that spelled the end of the Empire. However, it was only one century later when the young republic was able to completely pay them off. It should be noted that in 1838, when the Treaty of Balta Liman was signed with the British, the Ottoman Empire had no foreign debts. However, the sinister British deep state plans made the Ottomans not only heavily indebted, but turned its many previous allies into adversaries, most notably Russia.

The first foreign debt the Ottomans obtained from Britain by means of British deep state ruses marked the beginning of the end. The free trade treaty imposed on the Ottoman Empire, and the subsequent crisis and bankruptcy, clearly point to the sinister, intricate, multi-staged and long-term plans of the British deep state when it wishes to bring countries to the brink of collapse.

How the British Deep State Plotted the Lead-up to the War

According to many historians, the true date of the fall of the Ottoman Empire was December 20, 1881, the date when the Ottoman Public Debt Administration was founded. Strangely, even though it could have, the British deep state didn't take any military action against the Ottoman Empire for 37 years, until WWI broke out. The only reason for not doing so was its reluctance to share the Ottoman lands with other powers of the time like France, Germany and Russia, which were also hungrily eyeing the prospects.

For this reason, the British deep state chose to wait until a more convenient time, when it could get rid of its competitors and start an invasion process for the Ottoman lands, which would be exclusively under its control. The date set was WWI. In the lead-up to the Great War, the British deep state managed to get the Germans into the Central Powers and financed the Bolshevik Revolution to keep the Russians out of its way. It was no coincidence that British Lord Alfred Milner was one of the biggest financers of the Bolshevik Revolution. As the readers will recall from the previous chapter, Milner was the head and organizer of the 'Round Table' group, one of the deep powers of the British deep state. Lord Rothschild also supported this group.49

As previously mentioned, prior to WWI, almost every country in the world considered the Ottoman Empire as a failed state. The British deep state, however, considered it more useful to British interests to preserve the Ottoman's territorial integrity until the final blow was dealt. To this deep structure, a slow and gradual breakdown, as well as continued dependence of the Empire on Britain, was preferable because the Ottoman territories were crucial to Britain's strategic and economic interests. On the other hand, discovery of rich oil reserves in Mesopotamia and Iran by the end of 19th century was stoking the hunger of Britain even more, which had an advanced industry.

When the Russians seized the Balkans and dangerously came down to Yeşilköy, leading to the subsequent Treaty of Berlin on July 13, 1878, the British policy to preserve the territorial integrity suddenly changed. From that point on, Britain dropped its mask of ally and friend, and started its military campaign, not wanting to miss any part of the Ottoman lands. It started by invading the island of Cyprus on May 25, 1878, with the pretense of using it as a base against the Russians and helping the Ottomans in the process, deployed its troops to the island and obtained control of it. Sultan Abdul Hamid II, under pressure from the British deep state, without hesitation, obliged and presented Cyprus to the British, who used the excuse of helping the Ottomans against the Russians.

Abdul Hamid II's Gift to Britain: Cyprus

A British officer, Captain J. M. Kinneir wrote about the importance of Cyprus for Britain after he paid a visit to the island in 1814:

The possession of Cyprus would give to England a preponderating influence in the Mediterranean, and place at her disposal the future destinies of the Levant. Egypt and Syria would soon become her tributaries, and she would acquire an overawing position in respect to Asia Minor, by which the Porte might at all times be kept in check, and the encroachments of Russia, in this quarter, retarded if not prevented. It would increase her commerce in a very considerable degree; give her the distribution of the rich wines, silks and other produce of that fine island; the rice and sugar of Egypt, and the cotton, opium and tobacco of Anatolia.50

Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli voiced similar thoughts and said Cyprus was "the Key of Western Asia"51 and continued saying that any state that wished to control the Middle East should have controlled Cyprus.

The British deep state has always wanted Cyprus, an island with a significant strategic position, and waited for the decline era of the Ottoman Empire to take action. It was sure that Abdul Hamid II, a sultan that it kept under pressure, would give in to its demands. So when the right time came, it put its devious gradual plans into action.

On May 10, 1878, Lord Salisbury, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, instructed Ambassador Austen Henry Layard in Istanbul to start the process for Cyprus. Layard, in response, met Grand Vizier Mehmed Rushdi Pasha on May 23 and assured him that Britain would ignore the Treaty of San Stefano and a new treaty would be prepared in favor of Turkish interests where British would prevent any new Russian attempts to invade any places other than Kars, Ardahan and Batum. However, there was a catch: British wanted to be in charge of Cyprus' administration.52 Ambassador Layard met Abdul Hamid II on May 25 and claimed that the Treaty of San Stefano was against the interests of the Ottoman Empire, that Britain wanted to help the Porte but had to send supplies to the Navy from Malta and London, for which Cyprus should be temporarily left to the British.53 The persistence proved useful for British deep state and on June 4, 1878, before the Treaty of Berlin was signed, the Cyprus Convention was signed between the British and the Ottomans. According to the agreement, Great Britain would occupy the island and control it on behalf of the Sultan. Revenues -after the costs incurred by the British were deducted- would be annually sent to the Ottoman treasury, while the Ottoman authorities would continue to be in charge of justice, religion and educational institutes. This agreement allowed Britain to obtain the control of the island, which could be compared to a battleship in its quest to secure the Suez Canal and the vital route to India.

Abdul Hamid II allowed the British Army to invade the island and rule it during that period. However, over time three more additions were made to the agreement. The first additional agreement dated July 1, 1878 gave the Sultan the right to sell the lands on the island he owned, and obligated the British to buy them if the lands were nationalized. This way, the money for the lands sold was sent directly to Abdul Hamid II. The subsequent additions required the British to send the taxes collected in Cyprus to the Ottoman Empire, after necessary administrational costs were deducted. Many historians interpret this practice as the rental of Cyprus by Abdul Hamid II. However, British never paid the money and said they were offset against the Ottoman debts to Britain.

When WWI broke out, Britain declared that it officially annexed Cyprus. At the Conference of Lausanne, Turkey had to officially accept the situation on Cyprus. In other words, the Cyprus 'gift' of Sultan Abdul Hamid II to the British could be considered the first step in the British plan to physically invade the Ottoman Empire.

Interestingly, before and after the failed coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016, the British deep state heavily increased its military presence at its South Cyprus base. When asked, the British explained their reasons for sending warplanes, helicopters, landing ships and special forces to the region as 'rescuing British citizens if Turkey suffers a second coup attempt'. The British authorities also claimed that 'if found necessary' the British forces entering the Turkish land would also be authorized to fire.54 Both the Turkish public and the Turkish media considered this as 'an invasion plan'.

As this example also shows, the usual tactic of the British deep state is first instigating unrest in a country through coup attempts, riots or civil wars in a bid to financially, politically and militarily weaken the country. The second stage is a military campaign with the pretense of 'protecting its citizens', 'humanitarian aid', 'humanitarian intervention or 'peacemaking'. A quick look at the historical events will clearly reveal examples of this British deep state strategy.

Strangely enough, one hundred years later Cyprus was once again the central point of the British deep state's plans to invade Turkey. This is more reason to suspect that the next stages of their secret plans will be similar to those of the past. Indeed, this is exactly what happened when the British deep state took over first Cyprus and then Egypt in 1882.

By the grace of God, on July 15, the President of the Turkish Republic, the government, security forces and most importantly the Turkish people have effectively blocked this sinister British deep state plan. However, this doesn't mean that the danger is gone and the plan is no longer there. The British deep state is seeking new ways to carry out its nefarious plans. For this reason, it is crucial that we are aware the threat still exists and are on our guard at all times. By God's leave, the British deep state will never be able to achieve its dark plans for Turkey.

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