The British Deep State's Plans to Invade Egypt
During those early days, the Suez Canal became not only a very important path that connected Britain to its colonies in the Far East; it also multiplied the trade value of the Eastern Mediterranean. For this reason, after the canal was opened in 1869, the British dragged Egypt into a pitfall of debt through economic and political games, caused it to bankrupt and then used the bankruptcy as a justification for invasion. This was another British deep state invasion plan against an Ottoman territory.
Britain knew all along that Russia advanced on Ottoman lands to capture Egypt so that it could gain control of the Eastern Mediterranean. Indeed, Tsar Nicholas had proposed to British Ambassador Hamilton Seymour that they share the Ottoman Empire, calling the Porte a 'sick man' and he wanted Crete and Egypt to be left to them. For this reason, the British deep state knew that it had to act quickly and make the first move. So it began to sow seeds of sedition and separation among the people of Egypt and by means of provocation and propaganda, managed to convince some Egyptians to riot against the Ottoman Empire. The ostensible leader of the riot was Colonel Ahmed 'Urabi, also known as Arabi Pasha, who was a member of the British deep state.
Arabi Pasha laid siege to Alexandria, which was also home to hundreds of British people, and at the instigation of the British deep state, massacred thousands of people in the city and burned their houses down. This was a part of the plan though, because the British deep state needed a justification to invade the country. Following the planned massacre by Arabi Pasha, Britain and France sent fleets to Egypt 'to save their citizens', and relentlessly pounded the city of Alexandria for six and a half hours, completely destroying the city. The British deep state didn't refrain from killing its own citizens, although the campaign was supposedly initiated to save them.
The British deep state played an intricate game of control for the Suez Canal and didn't even flinch when it had to sacrifice its hundreds of citizens to win it. In the end, having suppressed the rebels, which were already under its control, the British army carried out a formal parade in front of the former governor. On the surface, Egypt was still Ottoman, but in truth, it was under complete British control. When the Porte raised objections, the British deep state instigated riots in Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and finally provoked the Armenians in a bid to bully the Ottoman Empire into silence.
The British Deep State's Schemes to Prevent the Islamic Union
The biggest fear of the British deep state was Germany supporting the Ottoman policy of 'Pan-Islamism'.55 If this spirit of unity that the Ottomans sought to rekindle in Islamic countries came to be, the centuries old plots of the British deep state would be ruined. The goal of the British deep state has always been preventing the rise of an Islamic Union, which it knew would be the biggest threat to its interests.
The system of dajjal that currently manages the global tyranny and exploitation system of the British deep state considers an invincible Islamic Union, the representative of the Divine truth and justice, the biggest threat to its survival. It is well aware that the Mahdi (pbuh) will establish and then lead the Islamic Union to intellectually destroy the system of dajjal. Fourteen hundred years ago, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) told how the Mahdi (pbuh) would emerge from Istanbul along with all the portents of this blessed event. This is why the British deep state has been focusing on the region for the past two centuries and why breaking apart Turkey and capturing Istanbul has become a crucial goal and a Megali Idea for it. However, it should be known that no matter how complicated, intricate and multi-staged the plans and strategies of dajjal supporters might be, they cannot escape from being a part of the destiny that leads to the emergence of the Mahdi (pbuh). In the end, by the grace of God, all these developments will serve the Mahdi (pbuh), whose arrival will bring peace and justice to the entire world.
Although the supporters of the dajjal system act with impressive skills and immense resources, as well as direct support from satan, they display an equally high level of idiocy. Because of that, they cannot see the infinite wisdom of God and that God's plans will overrule all other plans. For this reason, the dajjal system is doomed to fail every time. Falsehood has always been defeated by the truth and it will always be so.
He [God] sends down water from the sky and river-beds fill up and flow according to their size, and the floodwater carries with it an increasing layer of scum; a similar kind of scum comes from what you heat up in the fire, when you desire to make jewelry or other things. That is how God depicts the true and the false. As for the scum, it is quickly swept away. But as for that which is of use to people, it remains behind in the ground. That is a metaphor, which God has made. (Qur'an, 13:17)
The Great War Is Looming
Prior to WWI, the British deep state stepped up its pressure and threats towards the Ottoman Empire and in an atypical fashion, deliberately created tension. British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury, known for his hatred of the Turks, was frequently heard saying to people in his immediate circle how the Turkish lands should be shared. He would attempt to insult the Ottoman Empire with statements like 'too rotten to survive' and suggested that its territories should be shared by big states, particularly Britain.
His letter to Ottoman Grand Vizier Said Pasha on June 28, 1895, was full of threats:
Every day the opinion grows that the Ottoman state will not endure.56
General feeling [in Britain] is increasingly to the effect that the Ottoman Empire will not continue to exist.57
With the start of the 20th century, the British deep state reassessed its friends and foes according to the plans it made for the post-war era. Russia was no longer a rival, but Germany was. It was carefully avoiding a friendly attitude towards the Ottoman Empire and pursued a passive policy. Accordingly, Edward VII of Britain and Nicholas II of Russia met at the Bay of Reval on June 8-9, 1908 and signed a treaty. These developments were clear signs that the British deep state was making good on Salisbury's threat in his letter that read 'What contributes to the existence of the Ottoman Empire, is the fact that Britain is not allied with Russia. If an alliance comes out, the Ottoman Empire will perish.'58
All these pre-war strategies of the British deep state were designed to establish who would be on its side, and who would be against it during the war. The only thing left was writing the script for the events that would start the war.
The British Deep State's Policy to Dismember the Ottoman Empire
The British deep state slyly set the stage for the Great War, creating small but irritating reasons for tension between the European countries and empires. In the end the situation turned into a ticking time bomb. Finally, through a vile assassination by a hit man, the British deep state started WWI.
The Ottoman Empire always believed that the Allied Powers would win if the war started. Therefore, it made its best efforts to reconcile with Britain, France and Russia and ally with them. The Ottoman government of the time made numerous contacts and attempts through the triumvirate of Enver, Talat and Cemal Pashas. However, Britain would never agree to it, as one of the most important goals of the war was taking the Ottoman territories. Naturally, these efforts came to nothing. Britain declined each and every time the Ottomans offered alliance or non-aggression pacts.
Running out of options, the Sublime Porte had to forge an alliance with the Germans and joined the war on their side, exactly as the British deep state had planned. As soon as the Ottoman Empire joined the war, the British deep state quickly began its project of dismembering the Empire. Two days before Britain officially declared war on the Ottoman Empire, on November 3, 1914, it announced that it annexed Kuwait. On November 5, it announced that it invaded Cyprus and on December 18, 19, it announced that it annexed Egypt. These moves not only bolstered its control over Egypt and the Mediterranean, they also enabled it to control the seaways to the Middle East.
In the meantime, as a part of its plan to destroy the Ottoman Empire from within, it began to provoke Indians, Arabs and other minorities against the Ottomans. This way, it hoped, the dissolution of the Empire would be faster, easier and with the least casualty for its side.
The members of the British deep state began their sedition by spreading nationalist sentiments among the Ottoman constituents and inciting riots. The primary goal of the propaganda was preventing Indian Muslims and Arabs from joining the fight on the side of the Ottoman Empire when the Caliph declared 'Call to Arms'. It also wished to stop a potential Islamic army from forming. The notorious deep state agents of the time, like Captain T. E. Lawrence and Gertrude Bell, were used to provoke Arabs against the Ottoman Empire.
Accordingly, the British deep state signed treaties with Sheikh Sayyid of Sabya in Yemen on April 30, 1915, with Saudi Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Saud on December 26, and with the Qatar Sheikh on November 3, 1916. As a result of the British deep state's Arab sedition, the 'Call to Arms' of the Ottoman Empire dated November 23, 1914 was left largely unanswered.
The British arguments intended to undermine the 'Call to Arms' reflected a very sly and divisive strategy. A memorandum handed out by a British cruiser that came off shore of Jeddah on June 4, 1915, included the following perfidious allegations:
- The Call to Arms of the Ottoman Empire was invalid, because it was cooperating with a Christian country (Germany),
- Germany, taking advantage of the difficult position of the Porte, fooled the Turkish government with promises and money and pushed them into a wrong war,
- Germans made the Ottomans declare war to provoke millions of Muslims living under British rule against Britain, because it was Germany's archenemy,
- If Muslims accepted the call for the greatest struggle, they would be sacrificing themselves for the interests of Germany,
- Muslims living under British, French and Russian rule were against the wrong policies of the Turks.
Aga Khan, one of the religious leaders of India at the time and who was also an avowed anglophile, acted as an advocate for British deep state interests and made the following accusations towards the Ottoman Empire:
Now that Turkey has so disastrously shown herself a tool in German hands she has not only ruined herself but has lost her position as Trustee of Islam and evil will overtake her.59
Through such provocative arguments, many Arabic and Muslim communities that were subordinate to the Ottoman Empire were turned against the Ottomans and prevented from answering the Sultan's Call to Arms. This development enabled the British deep state to more easily manipulate these minorities and cause them to riot and declare independence. Now no longer a part of the Empire, these former Ottoman lands couldn't protect themselves from coming under British deep state's control.
The British Manages to Incite Some of the Arabs against the Turks
The first step in the plan of the British deep state was preventing the Islamic Union from forming by undermining the Ottoman Empire's Call to Arms and separating the Arabs from the Ottomans so that it could add new colonies to its rule. Arabs were living on lands that were not only the most strategic passage points in the world; their lands were also home to rich oil reserves.
The representatives of the British deep state first made contact with Hussein, the Hashemite Arab leader and Sharif of Mecca, who was appointed in 1909 and was infamous for his rebellious and threatening attitude towards the Ottoman Empire. The British deep state promised him full support and a big kingdom after the war, if he started a riot against the Ottomans. Of course, this promise was nothing other than another British deep state trick used for temporary pawns. In truth, the British had already shared these regions with France with the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement signed in April 1916. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 also said that there would be a Jewish state in Palestine. Neither of those plans made any references to the so-called 'Great Arab Kingdom' promised to Sharif Hussein.
Nevertheless, Sharif Hussein, with dreams of being the king of a 'Great Arab Kingdom', made a deal with Sir Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Cairo, and started the riot on June 27, 1916. The uprising was financed with British gold, amounting close to £1 million.60
British Ambassador Reader Bullard to Jeddah called Sharif Hussein a 'cunning, lying, credulous, suspicious, obstinate, vain, conceited, ignorant, greedy, cruel Arab sheikh'.61 He was indeed an anglophile that didn't refrain from betraying his own people and country for his personal dreams of gaining important positions. He had all the typical characteristics of the hypocrites the British deep state has picked from among Muslim communities throughout history for purposes of causing sedition.
It should be stated here that contrary to general belief, not all the Arabs joined in this betrayal and revolt. The official British records refer to this riot as the 'Great Arab Revolt' and state that all Arabs participated in it. This is a deliberate misinformation, an anti-propaganda intended to fuel Turkish-Arabic animosity in the long term. According to British author Robert Lacey, it was nothing but a joint British-Hashemite betrayal staged against the Ottoman Empire.62
Unsurprisingly, the British deep state didn't have any trouble locating hypocrites and sycophants amongst the Arabs to serve the British deep state interests. These hypocrites that betray their nations and countries for petty gains, in truth gain nothing, because the British deep state never keeps its promises to them once they are done with them. Moreover, these people can't even realize that they make themselves miserable by sacrificing their dignity and honor, and eventually cannot escape becoming outcasts. Such people are described as follows in one verse of the Qur'an:
... Anyone who takes satan as his protector in place of God has clearly lost everything. He makes promises to them and fills them with false hopes. But what satan promises them is nothing but delusion. The shelter of such people will be hell. They will find no way to escape from it. (Qur'an, 4:119-121)
In his book Fahreddin Paşa'nın Medine Müdafaası (Fahreddin Pasha's Defense of Medina), Feridun Kandemir explains why it would be wrong to attribute the Sharif Hussein revolt to the entire Arab society:
Throughout the entire war, Arabs fought alongside the Turks in every frontier, starting with Gallipoli. Indeed, even during our War of Independence, many Arabs fought Greeks together with Turkish soldiers at the Aydın front and were martyred as a result. In WWI, there was not a single Arab that revolted against Turks in Arab majority areas, like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen or Palestine. The only one that revolted was Hussein, the Sharif of Mecca… The Arabs that Sharif recruited for this revolt were impoverished Bedouins that lived as nomads in the deserts of Hejaz that used to live on looting; they were Urbans. Not only did the Arabs in cities and towns like Mecca, Taif, Jeddah hadn't participated in the riot; Sharif Hussein didn't even attempt to recruit them. However Urban and its relevant sheikhs were poor and only looked for finances. The British was aware of this just like Sharif Hussein and used the power of money to tempt and use them until the revolt achieved its purpose.63
This fact is also mentioned in the British resources. A British diplomat, Sir Henry McMahon, also said that the reason why he provoked Sharif Hussein into rising up was to shake the loyalty of Arab soldiers fighting on the side of the Ottomans:
At that moment a large portion of the [Turkish] forces at Gallipoli and nearly the whole force in Mesopotamia were Arabs, so that the Arabs were between the two. Could we give them some guarantee of assistance in the future to justify their splitting with the Turks? I was told to do it at once and in that way I started the Arab movement.64
As McMahon clearly admits, the British deep state carried out intense propaganda and made false promises to tear the Arabs away from the Ottoman Empire. Despite that, they managed to influence only a small group of Arabs. However, the British deep state's support allowed this minority to gain the upper hand against the Ottoman Empire.
It is important to note one historical fact: When WWI broke out, Egypt was under British control. However, the British deep state was well aware that Egyptians would seek to join the Ottoman ranks in the war, and therefore excluded Egypt from their war efforts. In other words, the British deep state knew full well that a major part of the Arab subjects of the Ottoman Empire would remain loyal to the Ottoman Empire.65
Key Figure behind Sharif Hussein Revolt: British Spy Lawrence
Despite the massive financial and logistic support of the British, the revolt failed to turn into a movement that represented the entire Arabic world and was rather limited to the participation of four to five thousand armed people. During the riot, one person played an especially key role by helping Mecca Sharif Hussein. He was a British intelligence service agent and an archeologist: Thomas Edward Lawrence. As a British deep state representative, Lawrence collaborated with the Mecca Sharif Hussein and one of his sons, Faisal, to organize the Hashemite Arab uprising against the Ottomans.
British author David Garnett, who wrote a biography of Lawrence, says that he was an arrogant person with a victim complex.66 According to Richard Aldington, Lawrence had 'pretentious egotism', was 'faked, boastful' and a 'homosexual'.67 In other words, Lawrence displayed the typical characteristics of the British deep state members.
At this point, it is important to remember that the British deep state takes care to choose homosexuals to do its bidding and especially for risky missions.
Born on August 16, 1888, in Tremadog, Wales as an illegitimate child, Lawrence began to take an interest in Arabs in 1909. Two years later he went to Tripoli for excavations, and began to live with the Arab tribes, dressing and acting like them. Despite his fascination with the Arabs, Lawrence harbored an immense hatred for the Turks. In a letter he sent to Ms. Reider in Oxford on April 5, 1913, he told of his dislike of them:
As for Turkey, down with the Turks! But I am afraid there is, not life, but stickiness in them yet. Their disappearance would mean a chance for the Arabs, who were at any rate once not incapable of good government.68
In another letter he sent to Ms. Reider on September 18, 1914, he voiced his thoughts on the prospect of Turks entering the war:
I have a horrible fear that the Turks do not intend to go to war, for it would be an improvement to have them reduced to Asia Minor, and put it into commission even there.69
After WWI broke out, Lawrence was stationed at the British intelligence office in Cairo as a lieutenant in December 1914. He would interrogate the prisoners of war, draw maps, assess the intelligence reported by agents operating beyond the Turkish lines and build strategies with the input of the Arabs in a bid to destroy the Ottoman Empire.
He later took over the 'Arab Bureau' newly set up in Cairo. His unbridled Turkish hatred could not be contained and would show itself on many occasions, including in a letter he sent to his archeologist friend D. G. Hogarth on April 20, 1915:
Poor old Turkey is only hanging together. People always talk of splendid show she has made lately, but it really is too pitiful for words. Everything about her is very very sick...70
After a short while, sent to Iraq on a secret mission by the British War Office, Lawrence re-emerged in April 1916 to help save the 13,000 British troops under General Townshend's command, who were held under siege by the Turks at Kut Al Amara. Together with Colonel Beach and another British officer named Aubrey Herbert, he met the Turkish General Halil Pasha with the intention of offering him first £1 million hoping that Halil Pasha would release the British garrison. According to the plan, if he rejected, they would double the amount and offer £2 million instead. Halil Pasha, completely disgusted, not only flat out refused the offer, but also exposed their attempted bribery, humiliating them.
In the meantime, the representatives of the British deep state were deep in negotiations with the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein, for his riot against the Ottoman Empire. And Lawrence was trying his best to convince the Iraqi Arabs to join and cooperate with the British army, promising Shia leaders the caliphate. He failed.
After Sharif Hussein started the revolt, Lawrence went to Arabia in October of the same year, this time as a captain. There he met Abdullah, Ali and Zaid, the sons of Sharif Hussein, and Faisal, whom he would later greatly help in his ascension to throne in 1921 in Iraq. Together with other British officers, he helped supply weapons and money to the revolt, which was in its initial stages, and also gathered together and organized the rioting tribes and staged attacks on pre-determined targets.
After joining the forces of Faisal as a communication officer, Lawrence continued his spying activities and participated in the actual fighting against the Turks. With hit-and-run tactics, he inflicted damages on Ottoman units and supply lines and captured Aqaba Port, which won him a medal and the title of lieutenant colonel. He staged attacks on Hejaz railway. Hundreds of Ottoman soldiers were martyred in the ever-intensifying attacks, and the British won the battle. Lawrence didn't refrain from revealing his twisted state of mind as he boasted about his success:
And we were casting them by thousands into the fire to the worst of deaths, not to win the war but that the corn and rice and oil of Mesopotamia might be ours. The only need was to defeat our enemies (Turkey among them), and this was at last done in the wisdom of Allenby with less than four hundred killed, by turning to our uses the hands of the oppressed in Turkey. I am proudest of my thirty fights in that I did not have any of our own blood shed. All our subject provinces to me were not worth one dead Englishman.71
Lawrence was the principal driving force behind the Arab revolt against the Turks72, and he would also admit that his duty was based on hypocrisy and deceit:
My people have probably told you that the job is to foment an Arab rebellion against Turkey, and for that I have to try and hide my frankish exterior, and be as little out of the Arab picture as I can. So it's a kind of foreign stage, on which one plays day and night, in fancy dress, in a strange language…73
In the attack staged against the 4th Ottoman Army in September 1918, Lawrence ordered his men to not take any prisoners. As a result, upon the orders of Lawrence, 5,000 Ottoman soldiers were beheaded in a shocking massacre.74 By the end of the same year, together with his entourage of murderers, he entered and terrorized Damascus.
In October 1918, Lawrence set out for Britain, before which he would write the following lines to Major R. H. Scott on October 4:
We were an odd, small group but I believe we changed the course of history in the Middle East.75
In the preface of his Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Lawrence explains how the British deep state, with him as their representative, deceived Arabs with false promises so that they would be convinced to riot against the Turks:
The [British] Cabinet raised the Arabs to fight for us by definite promises of self-government afterwards. Arabs believe in persons, not in institutions. They saw in me a free agent of the British Government, and demanded from me an endorsement of its written promises. So I had to join the conspiracy, and, for what my word was worth, assured the men of their reward… It was evident from the beginning that if we won the war these promises would be dead paper, and had I been an honest adviser of the Arabs I would have advised them to go home and not risk their lives fighting for such stuff: but I salved myself with the hope… I risked the fraud, on my conviction that Arab help was necessary to our cheap and speedy victory in the East, and that better we win and break our word than lose.76
Emir Faisal, the son of Sharif Hussein, who started the riot against the Ottomans and shed Muslim blood, eventually saw through this deceit when he saw that none of the promises given to him were kept and belatedly said:
I'm not going to be able to face the Muslim world. I asked them to fight the Caliph, and to sacrifice. But now I see that the European countries, whose purposes we served, are dividing the Arab countries.77
The Sharif Hussein-Faisal-Lawrence alliance inflicted one of the greatest damages to the Islamic world. The policy of making Muslims fight each other first started with this alliance and now represents the pivotal point of the British deep state's carefully engineered plans. This example shows the presence of hypocrites that have always existed in Muslim communities. These people fall for the lies of the British deep state and do not refrain from betraying their own countries for petty gains. The British deep state will be a risk for the Islamic world only when it uses hypocrites. For this reason and for the sake of the Islamic world, it is vital that Muslims are extremely careful and wary of the hypocrites that fall for the satanic games and ploys of the British deep state.
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