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Çok yakında yayınlanacak olan Yeni Dünya Düzeni-Yeni Masonik Düzen adlı kitabımızda, Sırp saldırganlığının Siyonizm, İsrail ve masonlukla olan gizli bağlantıları çok daha ayrıntılı bir biçimde incelenmektedir.

... Sen yücesin, bize öğrettiğinden başka bizim hiçbir bilgimiz yok.
Gerçekten sen, her şeyi bilen, hüküm ve hikmet sahibi olansın.
Bakara Suresi, 32 [*]

Bölüm notları


1. Noam Chomsky, Kader Üçgeni: ABD, İsrail ve Filistinliler, İstanbul, 1993, s. 41.


1. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why, New York, Pantheon Books, 1986, s. ix

2. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators: A Reappraisal, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books, 1983, s. 267.


1. Roger Garaudy, Siyonizm Dosyası, İstanbul, Pınar yayınları 1983, s. 148
2. François de Fontette, Irkçılık, İstanbul, İletişim yayınları, 1991, s. 52
3. Ibid., s. 60
4. Ibid., s. 67
5. Anikam Nachmani, Greece, Turkey and Zionism, s. 55
6. Roger Garaudy, Siyonizm Dosyası, s. 118
7. Ibid., s. 119-120
8. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators: A Reappraisal, Chicago, 1983, s. 24
9. Ibid., s. 25
10. Francis Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985, s. 18
11. Ibid., s. 20
12. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 30
13. Ibid., s. 34
14. Ibid., s. 30
15. Francis Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, s. 22
16. Ibid., s. 17
17. Ibid., s. 25
18. Ibid., s. 25
19. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 45
20. Ibid. s. 48-49
21. Ibid., s. 49
22. Ibid., s. 47
23. Ibid., s. 50
24. Ibid., s. 51
25. Ibid., s. 52
26. Ibid., s. 54
27. Ibid., s. 54
28. Ibid., s. 58
29. Ibid., s. 59
30. Ibid., s. 59
31. Ibid., s. 60
32. Ibid., s. 71
33. Ibid., s. 61
34. Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers, Staunton, 1992, s. 93
35. Ibid., s. 126-127
36. Ibid., s. 153
37. Ibid., s. 154
38. Hermann Rauschning, Hitler M'a Dit: Confidences du Führer sur son Plande Conquête du Monde, Paris, 1939, s. 124
39. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 75
40. Conor Cruise O'Brien, Die Geschichte des Zionismus und des Staates Israel, Münich, 1991, s. 130
41. Wilhelmsrasse'nin Gizli Arşivleri, Kitap II, Paris, 1954, s. 3
42. Edward Tivnan, The Lobby: Jewish Political Power in US Foreign Policy, New York, 1987, s. 22
43. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 83
44. Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement, London, 1984, s. 382
45. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 85
46. Congress Bulletin, 24 Ocak 1936; Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 85
47. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 86
48. Ibid., s. 87
49. Ibid., s. 84
50. Ibid., s. 84
51. Ibid., s. 85
52. Ibid., s. 94
53. Ibid., s. 98
54. Ibid., s. 102
55. Francis Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, s. 219-220 ve s. 160-164
56. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 143-144
57. Faris Yahya, Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany, Beyrut, 1978, s. 55
58. Ibid., s. 56
59. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 146
60. Ibid., s. 149
61. Ralph Schoenman, The Hidden History of Zionism, San Francisco, 1988, s. 34
62. Faris Yahya. Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany, s. 59-60
63. R. Patai. Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel, 1971, s. 597-599
64. Meir Michaelis. Mussolini and the Jews, s. 131
65. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 117
66. Ibid., s. 125
67. Ibid., s. 125
68. Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers, s. 144
69. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, s. 162
70. Ibid., s. 170
71. Ibid., s. 171
72. Ibid., s. 184
73. Ibid., s. 184
74. Ibid., s. 189
75. Ibid., s. 190
76. Ibid., s. 195
77. Ibid., s. 195
78. Ibid., s. 267
79. Nathan Yalin-Mor. Israel-Israel, Histoire du Groupe Stern 1940-1948. Paris: Presse de la Renaissance, 1978 s. 98
80. Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, New York, 1963, s. 5
81. Ibid., s. 36
82. Ibid., s. 37
83. Ibid., s. 37
84. Ibid., s. 41
85. Ibid., s. 51-52
86. Ibid., s. 53-54
87. Ibid., s. 55
88. Ibid., s. 67
89. Ibid., s. 69
90. Ibid., s. 68
91. Ibid., s. 69
92. Mark Weber, "Zionism and the Third Reich", Journal of Historical Review, Temmuz/Ağustos 1993, s. 33
93. Salom, 14 Mart 1990


1. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, California, s. 4-5
2. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, California, 1990, s. 43
3. Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving, The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz, London, 1989, s. 7-8
4. Ibid, s. 9-10 ve 19
5. Ibid., s. 7
6. Ibid., s. 7
7. Ibid., s. 7
8. Ibid., s. 8
9. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, s. 6
10. Paul Rassinier, Was ist Wahrheit?, Starnberg, 1978, s. 91-94
11. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, s. 5
12. Lyon II Üniversitesi profesörlerinden Robert Faurisson ile yapilan röportaj
13. Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving, The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz, s. 10
14. Bernd Naumann, Auschwitz-Bericht über die Strafsache Mulka und Andere vor dem Schwurgericht Frankfurt, Frankfurt, 1968, s. 69
15. Paul Rassinier, Was ist Wahrheit, s. 91-94; Heirz Roth, ... Der Makaberste Betrug aller Zeiten, 1974, s. 86
16. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, s. 3-4
17. Marc Clein, "Observations et Réflexions sur les Camps de Concentration Nazis", Études Germaniques, no. 3, 1946, s. 31; Robert Faurisson, "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers or Improvised Gas Chambers & Casual Gassings at Auschwitz & Birkenau Acording to J. C. Pressac 1989", Journal of Historical Review, Yaz 1991
18. Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving. The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz, s. 13-14 ve 16
19. Ibid., s. 14
20. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, s. 6
21. Henri Roques, The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein, California, 1989, s. 187
22. Paul Rassinier, Was ist Wahrheit, s. 93; Franz Scheidl, Geschichte der Verfemung Deutschlands, c. 4, s. 60-61
23. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 51-52
24. Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving. The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz,s. 18
25. Ibid., s. 16
26. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 51
27. Adalbert Rückerl, NS-Prozesse, s. 32
28. Leon Poliakov, Breviaire de la Haine, 1951, 1960 ve 1979 baskılarında s. 223, 1974 baskısında s. 294; Le Monde Juif, Ocak / Mart 1964, s. 9
29. Saul Friedlander, Kurt Gerstein ou l'Ambiguite du Bien, Tournai, 1967, s. 106; Historiens et Geographes, no. 273, Mayıs / Haziran 1979, s. 630
30. Gideon Hausner, Justice a Jerusalem / Eichmann Devant Ses Juges, 1976, s. 228
31. Lucy S. Dawidowicz, The War against the Jews (1933-1945), London, 1975, s. 148
32. Hitler / Aufstieg und Untergang des Dritten Reiches, s. 192
33. Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews, London, 1961, s. 627
34. Henri Roques, The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein, s. 187
35. Bernd Naumann, Auschwitz-Bericht über die Strafsache Mulka und andere vor dem Schwurgericht Frankfurt, s. 70
36. Martin Broszat, Kommandant in Auschwitz-Autobiographische Aufzeichnungen von Rudolf Höss, Stuttgart, 1958, s. 166
37. Ibid., s. 126
38. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, California, 1977, s. 125
39. Lyon II Üniversitesi Profesörlerinden Robedt Faurisson ile yapilan röportaj
40. Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving, The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz, s. 14
41. Hefte von Auschwitz, no. 11, s. 5
42. Reimund Schnabel, Macht ohne Moral-Eine Dokumentation über die SS. Frankfurt, 1957, s. 346
43. Heinz Roth, Wieso waren wir Väter Verbrecher?, Lumda, 1972, s. 63
44. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, s. 118
45. Heirz Roth, ... Der Makaberste Betrug aller Zeiten, s. 106
46. Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving, The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz, s. 14
47. American Mercury, Ekim 1959, sayi 429
48. Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving, The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz, s. 15-16
49. Emil Aretz, Hexen-Einmal-eins einer Lüge, München, 1973, s. 25; Richard Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die?, England, 1975, s. 6
50. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, s. 10
51. American Jewish Year Book
52. Spotlight, 22 Şubat 1993
53. Meydan Larousse, c. 12, s. 161
54. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, s. 5
55. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, s. 125
56. Heinz Roth, Wieso waren wir Väter Verbrecher?, s. 111
57. Documents sur l'Activite du CICR en Faveur des Civils Detenus dans les Camps de Concentration en Allemagne, 1939-1945
58. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 52, 31
59. Arthur R. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, s. 47
60. Bernd Naumann, Auschwitz-Bericht über die Strafsache Mulka und andere vor dem Schwurgericht Frankfurt, s. 13
61. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 43
62. Ibid., s. 25
63. IMT -International Military Tribunal, c. VII, s. 641
64. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 44
65. IMT -International Military Tribunal, c. XXXIX, s. 243
66. H. G. Adler, Der verwaltete Mensch, Tübingen1974, s. 87-88
67. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 32
68. Udo Walendy, Europa in Flammen, Weser, 1966, c. I, s. 422; Mensch und Maß, 9 Temmuz 1974
69. Salom, 14 Mart 1990
70. Andre Chelain, La Thèse de Nantes et l'Affaire Roques, Paris, 1988, s. 217 ve 224
71. Ibid., s. 204-205
72. Henri Roques, The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein, s. 150
73. Andre Chelain, La Thèse de Nantes et l'Affaire Roques, s. 222-223
74. Henri Roques, The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein, s. 150
75. Paul Rassinier, Was ist Wahrheit, s. 91-94
76. Hermann Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz, Vienna, 1972, s. 221
77. Nokta, 19 Mayıs 1985
78. Paul Rassinier. Le Drame des Juifs Europeens, Paris, 1964, s. 38
79. Franz Scheidl, Geschichte der Verfemung Deutschlands, c. 4, s. 73
80. Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 2 / 1976, s. 105
81. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 95-96
82. Hermann Langbein, Der Auschwitz Prozeß, c. 2, s. 12, 17
83. Rudolf Vrba, I Cannot Forgive, New York, 1964, s. 16-17
84. Reimund Schnabel, Macht ohne Moral-Eine Dokumentation über die SS, s. 351
85. Rudolf Vrba, I Cannot Forgive, s. 227 ve 255
86. Martin Broszat, Höss Memoirs, s. 130
87. Benedikt Kautstky, Teufel und Verdammte, Zürich, 1946, s. 273-275
88. Brockhaus-Enzyklopadie, c. 10, s. 332; Der Große Brockhaus, c. 6, s. 471
89. Eugen Kogon, Der SS-Staat, Stuttgart, 1959, s. 166-167
90. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 118
91. Henri Roques, The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein, s. 187
92. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, California, s. 2
93. Fred A. Leuchter, David Irving, The Leuchter Report: The First Forensic Examination of Auschwitz, s. 13
94. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 51-52
95. Ibid., s. 104
96. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, California, s. 3
97. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 104
98. Ibid., s. 55
99. Nokta, 15 Ekim 1989
100. Salom, 20 Mayıs 1987
101. Paul Rassinier. Le Drame des Juifs Europeens, Paris, 1964, s. 42
102. Nathan Ausubel, Pictorial History of the Jewish People: From Bible Times to Our Own Day Throghout the World. New York, 1979, s. 296
103. Salom, 8 Kasım 1989
104. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 54
105. David Cole & Bradley Smith, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum, s. 4
106. Mark Weber, "Jewish Soap", Journal of Historical Review, Yaz 1991
107. Ibid
108. Ibid
109. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 35
110. Ibid, s. 38
111. Arthur R. Butz. The Hoax of the Twentieth Century ,s. 112-115
112. Lyon II Üniversitesi Profesörlerinden, Robert Faurisson Ile Yapilan Röportaj
113. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 35
114. The Observer, 12 Ocak 1992
115. Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of Dictators: A Reappraisal, Chicago, 1983, s. 233
116. Ibid., s. 234
117. Ibid., s. 237
118. Ibid., s. 242
119. Wilhelm Stäglich, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, s. 329
120. Robert Faurisson, "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers or, Improvised Gas Chambers & Casual Gassings at Auschwitz & Birkenau Acording to Jean-Claude Pressac 1989", Journal of Historical Review, Bahar 1991
121. Ibid., s. 45
122. Hürriyet, 24 Ağustos 1994
123. Salom, 11 Aralık 1991
124. Jewish Chronicle, 8 Mayıs 1992
125. Roger Garaudy. Siyonizm Dosyası, s. 15
126. Spotlight, 8 Mart 1993
127. New American View, 15 Temmuz 1993
128. Salom, 25 Ocak 1989.


1. The National Jewish Post and Opinion, 6 Kasım 1959
2. New York Times, 24 Temmuz 1958
3. New York Times, 13 Aralık 1951
4. Roger Garaudy, Siyonizm Dosyası, İstanbul, 1983, s. 166
5. M. Lilienthal, What Price Israel, s. 194-195
6. Türkkaya Ataöv, Siyonizm ve Irkçılık, Ankara, 1985, s. 54
7. Alfred M. Lilienthal. What Price Israel, s. 197
8. Copy in Publications File, Records of the Document Library Branch, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Record Group 319, National Archives, Secret Weekly Intelligence Report 112 from the Office of the Director of Intelligence, OMGUS, Dated July 3, 1948
9. Stephen Green, Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, New York, 1984, s. 50
10. Copy in Publications File, Records of the Document Library Branch, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Record Group 319, National Archives, Secret Weekly Intelligence Report 112 from the Office of the Director of Intelligence, OMGUS, Dated July 3, 1948
11. Ibid
12. Türkkaya Ataöv, Siyonizm ve Irkçılık,s. 55
13. Ibid., s. 55
14. Ibid., s. 56
15. Amos Perlmutter, Israel: The Partitioned State: A Political History since 1990, New York, 1985, s. 113
16. Türkkaya Ataöv, Siyonizm ve Irkçılık,s. 56-57
17. Dan Raviv & Yossi Melman, Every Spy a Prince: The Complete Story of Israel's Intelligence Community, Boston, 1991, s. 38-39
18. Türkkaya Ataöv, Siyonizm ve Irkçılık,s. 55
19. Türkkaya Ataöv, Siyonizm ve Irkçılık,s. 57
20. Jerusalem Post, 21 Temmuz 1964
21. Dan Raviv & Yossi Melman, Every Spy a Prince, s. 36
22. New American View, 1 Ağustos 1993
23. Dan Raviv & Yossi Melman, Every Spy a Prince, s. 38
24. Nokta, 16 Haziran 1991
25. Hürriyet, 10 Ocak 1985
26. Gündem, 10 Ekim 1992
27. Salom, 6 Eylül 1989
28. El-Mecelle, 22 Ocak 1994
29. Salom, 6 Aralık 1989
30. Salom, 18 Ekim 1989
31. Salom, 5 Ağustos 1987
32. İsrail Devleti'nin çağdaş politikalarının bir bölümünü M. Tevrat ayetlerine dayandırdığı inkar edilemeyecek bir gerçektir. İsrail'in yayılmacılık politikası, askeri stratejileri, hatta işgal altındaki topraklarda uyguladığı baskı yöntemleri bile M. Tevrat hükümlerinin birer yansımasıdır.
33. La Question Juive, Ilan Hale'vi, s. 24. Dr. Thon'un sözkonusu raporu, ilk defa 1970 yılında, İbranice olarak, Tel Aviv'de, Massada yayınları tarafından yayınlanan Siyonist Kolonilizasyon Tarihi isimli kitapta yayınlanmıştır.
34. Roger Garaudy, Siyonizm Dosyası, s. 153-154
35. I. Rennap, Anti-Semitizm ve Yahudi Sorunu, İstanbul, 1991, s. 88-89
36. Salom, 16 Eylül 1982
37. Salom, 27 Kasım 1991
38. Salom, 2 Nisan 1986
39. Salom, 2 Nisan 1986
40. David Musa Pidcock, Satanic Voices Ancient & Modern: A Surfeit of Blasphemy Including the Rushdie Report. From Edifice Complex to Occult Theocracy, Oldbrook, 1992, s. 164-165
41. Ralph Schoenman, The Hidden History of Zionism, San Francisco, 1988, s. 37
42. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why, New York, 1987, s. 161
43. Abram L. Sachar, A History of the Jews, New York, 1984, s. 57
44. Andrew J. Hurley, Israel and the New World Order, Santa Barbara, 1991, s. 25, 292
45. Edward Tivnan, The Lobby: Jewish Political Power and American Policy. New York, 1987, s. 32
46. Salom, 20 Nisan 1988
47. Salom, 11 Mayıs 1988
48. Interview Mensuel d'Informations Generales, Ekim 1992
49. Salom, 22 Nisan 1992
50. Yahudi Kültürü ve Ülkeye Dönüş Problemleri ile ilgili Haber Bülteni, Aralık 1990
51. Jewish Chronicle, 17 Aralık 1993
52. Jewish Chronicle, 24 Aralık 1993
53. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Haziran 1994.


1. Hakimler, 21/3-6
2. Mika, 3/ 9, 10, 12


1. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why. New York, 1986
2. Ibid., s. 76
3. Ibid., s. 81
4. Ibid., s. 82
5. Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, Dangerous Liason: The Inside Story of US-Israeli Covert Relationship, New York, 1991. s. 218
6. Noam Chomsky, Kader Üçgeni: ABD, İsrail ve Filistinliler, İstanbul, 1993, s. 559
7. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why, New York, 1987, s. 86
8. Ibid., s. 82
9. Andrew and Leslie Cockburn. Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the US-Israeli Covert Relationship, s. 238
10. Ibid., s. 223-226
11. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why, s. 102
12. Ibid., s. 99
13. Andrew and Leslie Cockburn. Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the US-Israeli Covert Relationship, s. 212, 262, 266-267
14. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why, s. 76, 78
15. Andrew and Leslie Cockburn. Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the US-Israeli Covert Relationship, s. 233-36, 257-58
16. Dan Raviv & Yossi Melman, Every Spy a Prince: The Complete Story of Israel's Intelligence Community, Boston, 1991, s. 57-58
17. Victor Ostrovsky. The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda. New York, 1994. s. 226
18. Ibid., s. 4-5
19. Ibid., s. 242
20. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why, s. 248.

[*] Ayet, sayfa 255'tedir...

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_______. "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers or, Improvised Gas Chambers & Casual Gassing at Auschwitz & Birkenau Acording to Jean-Claude Pressac 1989", journal of Historical Review, Bahar 1991.
_______. "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers or, Improvised Gas Chambers & Casual Gassing at Auschwitz & Birkenau Acording to J. C. Pressac 1989", journal of Historical Review, Yaz 1991.

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