High wheeled bicycle: transition to lower wheeled bicycles with air tires, elderly men and women preferred the safety of lower wheels and air tires, and young men preferred the speed that air tires offered
The Technological Frame
SCOT: relevant social groups share a particular interpretation of what a technology means, shared interpretation influences how the relevant social group views the technology and shapes its development
“Technological frame” shapes the interpretation of the technology shared by members of a relevant social group
The technological frame includes, “problem solutions, current theories, tacit knowledge, testing procedures, and design methods and criteria”
Technologies developed without the benefit of a dominant technological frame are more likely to have radical innovations
Are technological frames, and shared interpretations of technological meaning, related to wider macrosocial groupings?
For example, were bike designers that shared the same technological frame with respect to the bicycle also members of the same social group, trained in the same place by the same people, etc.? Were the relevant social groups that shared interpretations of bicycles part of the same class or nationality?
As Rosen puts it,
“They (Pinch and Bijker) identify three RSGs whose interests have decided the shape of bicycles for almost a hundred years. It is important to understand why it was that these particular groups, rather than the others that Pinch and Bijker refer to, were the relevant ones. Although women and elderly men made up over half the adult population, we are told nothing about the social make-up of these groups, how large a proportion of them were cyclists, from which social classes they came, and so on.” 483