Prerequisites: graduate level in physical chemistry
Evaluation: Written examination
Total number of hours: 11.5 (2 ECTS)
B208: Master Thesis (6 months)
Total number of credits: 12 ECTS
P201: Nanophotonics
Main professor: Dr. Eric Cassan (University of Paris 11, Orsay)
Dr. Eric Cassan
Objectives: The objective of this module is to train students in the fields of nanophotonics and its applications in biology through a description of the properties of light-matter interaction in structured environments across the length of wave optics, optical properties of biological media, methods of characterization, microscopic imaging and marking within biophotonics.
Outline (with number of hours per part)
This teaching is structured in two parts.
The first part deals with fundamental aspects of light-matter interaction in structured environments scale of the optical wavelength that allows control of a relevant number of properties of light.
The second part deals with the use of optics for applications to biology, through the description of the optical response of the biological and methodologies own characterization, tagging and microscopy.
statistical properties of light waves
guiding, photonic circuits
structured environments: Photonic crystals (guiding, confinement of photons scattering properties)
plasmonics and Metamaterials
Optical molecular nanobiophotonics:
Work practice: “Electromagnetic simulation for photonics”
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