Table of Contents I. Introduction or why to research Azerbaijan

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V.2. Future researches
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson
The research Professionalization of Azerbaijani journalists in regard to ethical standards is the first research to cover processes going on in Azerbaijan using academic knowledge compiled by theoreticians across the globe. Yet, we have to state that Azerbaijani media remains in general a terra incognita since our research only skimmed the surface of issues and processes available for farther researches in the context of this country in transitional period.
The most important and probably vital for future of Azerbaijani media and thus interesting for future researchers is implementation of such ambitious and extensive projects as were American Journalist by Weaver and Wilhoit (1992-2002) or Czech Journalist by Volek and Jirak (2002-2005). Such researches may provide necessary data for journalistic organizations to start solving problems of Azerbaijani media since their current action are based on subjective conjecture of editors and others on now to solve problems.
Research of Azerbaijani readership could present another interesting research topic since many newspapers as well as media organizations in Azerbaijan blame population for their financial problems and accuse them of not reading newspapers. Yet in the first days of independence the readership was strong, and crossword newspapers still enjoy high circulation numbers. It brings a question if Azerbaijanis really do not like reading newspapers or there is something else to it.
As it was stressed throughout the research one of the major problems of Azerbaijani media is lack of special journalistic education among journalists. In this context, one has the same chance to meet in Azerbaijan a media theoretician as he has a chance to witness Loch Ness Monster or Himalayan Yeti strolling on the streets of Baku. That is why it is our sole duty to provide as much of theoretical background as possible to stimulate development of Azerbaijani media.
The final yet very pleasing piece of information, though the research was implemented by an undergraduate student and had no funding it already made a difference in Azerbaijan. It gave inspiration to certain people in Internews Azerbaijan to start drafting of a project intended to create a database of Azerbaijani journalists and newspapers.

List of literature
Dennis,E.- Pease,E. (1992) The Fairness Factor . Media Studies Journal.New-York, Columbia University

Halin, D.C., Mancini, P. (2004). Comparing media systems. Three Models of Media and Politics. Cambridge University Press.

Internews Azerbaijan, (2004). Azerbaijan Media Baseline Assessment. Baku: Uniprint.

Jakubowicz, K., (2005). Post-Communist Media Development in Perspective, National Broadcasting Council, Poland

Juskevits, S. (2001). Professional Role of Contemporary Russian Journalists, University of Tampere

Katz, J. (1997). Virtuous Reality. New York: Random House.

McNair, B. (1991). Glasnost, Perestroika and the Soviet Media. New York: Routledge.

McQuail D.: Introduction to Theory of Mass Communication, Portal, Praha, 2007

Metzler, K. (1979). Newsgathering. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

Keidai Ronshu, O. (2006) Professionals in Organizations: Implications from Academic Literature, Japan

Parkhomenko, S. (2000). Journalism of past and present - two different professions, Moscow: RAN

Siebert's Four Theories of the Press: A Critique. Available at:

Souhradova, E.(2002) Etická a Hodnotová Orientace Editoru Českých Celostátních Medii, Brno

Steele, B. – Black, J. (1999), Media Ethics Codes and Beyond. Available at:

Volek, J. (2007).Czech Journalists After Collapse of Old Media System: Looking for New

Professional Self-Image. University of Wroclaw

Volek, J. (2008). Quality press and (or) economic success? Professional attitudes of Czech editors to the commercialization of press. University of Wroclaw.

Walter, L.(1922). Public Opinion. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company.

Weaver, D., H., Wilhoit, G., C. (1996). The American Journalist in the 1990s. U.S. News People at the End of an Era. New Yersey. Lawrence Erlebaum.
VII. Index

This index lists page references to four different kinds of information: key terms, media organizations, people and titles of newspapers. It isn’t exhaustive, but should help to find out in the text what you looking for. Margin entries are signaled by “(m)” , newspapers and organizations by italic.

Akhmedov, A., 24,

Azadliq, 22-24, 31, 51

Bizim Yol, 11-13, 22, 48, 51

Dennis,E.- Pease,E., 9

Deprofessionalization, 9-10, 33; 38; 44,49, 52-53

Four Theories of the Press, 8

Gun Seher, 11-13, 22, 24, 50

Hallin, D.C., Mancini, P., 5, 9,14,38,49,52

Instrumentalization political 3, 9, 19, 33, 38, 50, 52

commercial 9

Internews Azerbaijan, 3,19(m),24,26,28,54

Jakubowicz, K., 3-4

Juskevits, S., 5-6,15

Katz, J., 6

Keidai Ronshu, O., 9

Mammedli, Z., 3, 19(m)

McNair, B., 8

McQuail, D., 6-7

Metzler, K., 8

Objectivity 6-9, 11, 19, 49, 50, 51

Parkhomenko, S., 19

Press Council, 10-12, 37, 39, 40,41,42,44, 49

Proletarization, 9-10, 38,44,49, 52,53

Professionalization, 4-5, 9, 14,38,52,53

Steele, B. – Black, J., 10

Souhradova, E.,14,37,50

Union of Azerbaijani Journalists, 13, 38-42, 44, 49

Volek, J., 5, 10, 14, 38, 49, 53

Walter, L.,6

Westerstahl, 6, 7, 50

Weaver, D., H., Wilhoit, G., C., 14; 37; 54

Yeni Musavat, 15, 1, 22,51

Appendix 1

Please cross the correct answer and/or fill in the space provided

  1. Your gender is: male female

  1. Your family status: single married divorced

widow/widower other______________________

  1. How old are you:_____

  1. Your highest level of education achieved:

middle school college institute university

  1. In case if you graduated from a college or a university please stipulate in the space below your field of studies


  1. Do you currently study: Yes No

  1. In case if the answer to the question 6. is Yes, please stipulate what subject/s are you currently taking


  1. For how long have you been working in media: _______________________________

  1. What is your current position:_____________________________________________

  1. Do you work: full time part time

  1. For how many media have you been working including current­­­­__________________


  1. You became a journalist after:

a. After a long period of taking interest in this profession and education

b. After a coincidence that brought me to this work

c. That was an opportunity to survive at the time

Appendix 2
Questions for in-depth interview RU/AZ

  1. Считаете ли вы университетский диплом важным для работы редактором. Есть ли у вас степень в журналистике?

Redaktor mutləg ali tahsilli olmalidir. Sizin öz təhsiliniz ne üzrədir

  1. Если бы у вас был шанс какой бы университет вы выбрали для этой работе сегодня?

Yalnız jurnalist təhsili olan redaktor ola bilər?

  1. Думая о ваших первых шагах в вашей карьере, что было для вас сильнейшим ударом по вашим идеалам когда вы встретились с каждодневной практикой в журналистике?

  2. Jurnalist fəalliyətinizin ilk dövründə sizi ən çox məjjuz edən nə olub? Sizin təsəffürünüzə uyğun gəlməyən nə olub?

  3. Что вам доставляет удовлетворение в вашей работе?

Redaktor işi nəyi ilə sizi cəlb edir?

  1. Что бы вы назвали основой вашей профессии?

Bu fəzifənin əsas mahiyyəti nədən ibarətdir?

  1. Какие профессиональные качества связанные с вашей профессией вы прежде всего ассоциируете с собой как редактором?

Redaktora lazım olan hansı keyfiyyətlər sizdə daha güclüdü?

  1. Как по вашему, наскольку влиятелен человек в позиции редактора?

Redaktor vəzifəsi cəmiyyətdə nüfuza malikdir mi?

  1. Вас когда нибудь беспокоит мысль что вы как редактор можете повлиять на процессы проходящие в обществе?

Cəmiyyəttə ki proseslərə təhsir edə biləcəyiniz barədə düşünürsüz mü?

  1. Как вы считаете что дозволено и что не дозволено делать журналисту в рамках его свободы?

Redaktor öz fəaliyyət dairəsində nəyi edə bilər və nəyi edə bilməz?

  1. Вы отцениваете ваш нынешний пост профессиональным успехом?

Tutduğunuz vəzifə sizi gani edir mi?

  1. Являются ли редактора элитой?

Redaktorlar cəmiyyətin yüksək təbəqəsinə aiddirlər?

  1. В отношениях с вашими журналистами вы относитесь к ним как к подчинённым или скорее как к коллегам с другим планом работы?

Sizcə, işin kollektivdə məşvərət üzrə, yoxsa göstəriş üstündə gurulması daha realdır?

  1. Что бывает часто, журналист принимает вашу точку зрения о том как должна выглядеть статья или вы позволяете себе довериться аргументам автора.

Məgalə yazanda müərlif redaktorun istəyinə tabe olmalidır yoxsa redaktor müərliflə məgalənin üzərində birgə işlməlidir?

  1. У журналистов есть свои проф организации. Являетесь ли вы членом какой либо такой организации и если да то чем такое членство полезно ?

Siz jurnalist həmkərlar təşkilatının üzvüsünüz mü? Bunun nə kimi üstünlükləri var?

  1. Как вы считаете существование Союза журналистов Азербайджана важно для журналистов?

Azərbaycan Jurnastlər İttifagının olması jurnalistər üçün vacibdir mi?

  1. Как вы считаете из чего состоит понятие профессиональной этики?

Jurnalistlik etikasi nələri ehtiva edir?

  1. Как вы считаете, нужен ли этический кодекс для работы вашей редакции?

Sizcə etik gaydaların yazılı şəkildə rəsmləşdirilməsi vacibdirmi?

  1. Как бы вы отценили ваше знание норм этики хорошо, средне, плохо?

Etik normalar barədə na dərəcədə məlumatlısız (orta, yaxşı, əla)

  1. Вас удовлетворяет такой уровень знаний?

Bu sahədə biliyinizi artirma ehtiyacini duyursunuz mu?

  1. Известны ли вам какие нибудь кодексы заграничных медии? Местных?

Azərbaycandaki və digər ölkələrdəki mediya etik kodekslərinin hagginda nə bilirsiniz?

  1. Как вы считаете уделяется ли журналистами достаточно внимания обсуждению случаев содержащих этические дилеммы? Что отсутствует в таких дискуссиях или они не проводятся вообще?

Jurnalist etikası məsələlərinin müzakirəsinə lazımı diggət yetirilirmi? Və bu müzəkirələrdə sizcə nə çatışmır?

  1. Будучи редактором, можете ли вы вспомнить какой нибудь случай когда вы сомневались если работа автора была этична? Опишите пожалуйста.

Öz iş praktikanızda jurnalistin etik gaydalara riayyət etməməsi hallarına rast gəlmisizmi? Misallar

  1. Представьте ситуацию ваш журналит опаздывает со статьей и сдаёт её практически перед печатью, так что у вас неостаётся времени вникнуть в неё. После того как статья напечатана вы обнаруживаете что журналист использовал надуманный источник. Какова будет ваша реакция? Были ли в вашей карьере такие случаи?

Belə bir situasiyanı təssəvvür edin: jurnalist məgaləni gec gətirib və onu yoxlamaga vaxtınız çatmır. Çap olundukda isə məlum olur ki müərlif yoxlanılmamış mənbədən istifadə edib. Bu vəziyyətdə sizin reaksianiz? İş praktikanizda belə hallar olub mu?

  1. Существует ли в Азербайджане СМИ с которым бы вы отказались сотрудничать по этическим причинам даже если бы вам предложили гораздо лучшие условия работы?

Azərbaycanda elə kivlər olubdur mu ki siz onlarla etik səbəblərə görə əməkdaşliqdan imtina edibsiz, hətta daha artig əmək haggi verilsə belə.

  1. У вас когда нибуди возникала мысль создать новые этические нормы в журналистике?

Sizini jurnalistikada yeni etik gaydalar yaratmag istəyiniz olub mu?

  1. Участвуете ли вы в академических дискуссиях на проблемы журналистской этики на семинарах, университетах или ТВ дебатах? Посещаете ли в качестве наблюдателя? Как часто?

Siz jurnalist etikasi problemləri üzrə elmi diskussiyalarda iştirak edirsizmi? Onlarda müşahidəçi ya ekspert gismində iştirak edirsiniz?

  1. У вас когда нибудь были проблемы с вашим начальством изза печатания (не печатания) материала который несоответсвовал этическим нормам?

Etik normalara ugun olmadigi görə çap olunmuş (olunmamış) materiallara görə sizin rəhbərliyinizlə probleminiz olub mu?

  1. Оглядываясь на пройденый вами путь что вы считаете вашим наибольшим профессиональным успехом и что самой большой неудачей. Redaktor oldugunuz dövrdə ən böyük uhur və nəiliyyətinizi nəyi hessab edirsiniz? Bəs ugursuzduk?

  1. Ситуационные вопросы

  1. Представьте что один из ваших журналистов принёс вам статью на социальную тему написаную исключительно на основании слов жены мужа журналиста служащего единсвенным источником информации для статьи. Вы примите такую статью?

  1. Ваш журналист, бывший работник ПР отдела нефтяной корпорации находящейся в Азербайджане. Считаете ли вы такого рабоника подходящим для рубрики касающейся нефтяной отрасли?

  1. В нынешнем мире журналист часто получает приглашение на всякого рода церемонии и презентации корпораций, госучреждений и фирм. Посещаете ли вы такие мероприятия? Если да то как часто?

  1. Что бы случилось если бы ваш журналист пошел на такое мероприятие но не принёс бы и строчки оттуда? Когда нибидь случалось такое?

  1. Ваш журналист хочет написать статью где у него есть источник утверждающий что высокопоставленный чиновник – взяточник. Однако, источник хочет остаться анонимным. Разрешите ли вы писать ему такую статью с неизвестным источником?

  1. Ваш журналист прибыл в Праго или Париж для освящения переговоров между Арменией и Азербайджаном. В процессе он узнал что скоро процесс закончится объявлением войны Армении. Проинфомируете ли вы в своей газете общество о грядущем событии или скорее подождёте до официального объявления?


This article is based upon research project “Professionalization of Azerbaijani Journalists in regard to ethical standards” implemented in March-April 2008 in Azerbaijan and intended to fill theoretical vacuum around Azerbaijani media. Being a product of a post-Soviet regime Azeri media are still in transitional period suffering from excessive political instrumentalism as well as from other negative features. Combined, these aspects lead to Azerbaijan’s high profile on media violence. Yet, until now, no one asked a reasonable question on how professional are Azerbaijani journalists at doing their job. The purpose of this research was to answer the question as well as to map ethical and value orientations of editors working in the twelve largest nationwide newspapers in Azerbaijan. The results of our research suggest that Azerbaijani journalistic society is not only divided by political affiliations but also has distinctive groups varying by their professionalism.

KEY WORDS: professionalization, Azeri journalists, journalistic profession, political instrumentalism, deprofessionalization, proletarization, opposition newspapers

I don’t remember exactly when the idea to make this work about Azerbaijan media was born in my head, however its “official” birth can be traced back to a consultation day at PhDr. Volek’s cabinet when he said that it will be very interesting if I make a work on Azerbaijani media. That kind of work promised to be extremely interesting and hard at the same time to accomplish. Little by little, through consultations and general discussions the plot came around and the project was conceived. This has been an ambitious project that had as its goal to map media landscape of Azerbaijan in a matter that no scholar has attempted before. Carrying out this research was an abundant experience especially due to many obstacles that imposed various challenges to successful implementation of the research.

There were people as well as an organization that helped the project to take place and I would like briefly to acknowledge their help here.

PhDr. Volek Ph.D. and Ph.Dr. Stetka Ph.D. were very helpful in providing necessary information and critique of the project proposals as well as gave new ideas and inspiration.

In addition, I would like to stress my gratitude to Ismayil Valiyev and the staff of Media Forum, Internews-Azerbaijan for their help in arranging interviews with otherwise inaccessible for an outsider people. Special thanks to Mgr. Geda Montvilaite for invaluable support during preparation of this publication.

Last but not the least, many editors were willing to give up well beyond an hour of their time to answer research questions and I sincerely thank them for that.

Masaryk University, Faculty of social sciences

Professionalization of Azerbaijani journalists in regard to ethical standards

Graduate work


Eldar Valiyev

Brno 25.05.2008

Čestné prohlášení,

Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto bakalářskou práci vypracoval samostatně

s použitím pramenů a literatury uvedené v bibliografii.

V Brně, 25.5.2008

1 Political regime of the first Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan emerged on 28th of May 1918. It was the first democratic regime in any Muslim country and what is more important pioneered in democratic efforts not only on the Caucasus but in the Europe as a whole. Thus for example it accepted women’s right to vote already in 1918 while western European countries accepted later. The last country to give women right to vote was Switzerland that accepted that law in 1991. Moreover, nowadays some blame the government of ADR for being too democratic stances since it agreed to shift two provinces of Azerbaijan to Armenians that were along with Bolsheviks represented in the Parliament of ADR.

2 Source: Siebert's Four Theories of the Press: A Critique.

3 Those subscriptions mainly consist of not private citizens but government agencies that are automatically subscribed to receive all official government outlets.

4 Internews Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Media Baseline Assessment, 2005 Baku, UniPrint,

Zeynal Mammedli, Public TV in Press Mirror, 2007 Baku. On November 13th 2007 Court of Binagadi district of Baku ordered complete withdrawal and subsequent destruction of all printed copies of this publication due to its unbalanced presentation of materials concerning work of the Public Television.

5 Circulation on April 4th -5th, 2008

6 Though it may seem from our data that profession of editor is dominated exclusively by males, in reality female editors are not uncommon and have same opportunities. It is possible to list at least several newspapers that have female editors-in-chief: Diaspora Press, Baku Sun, CBN-Extra, Ganja Basar, News of Ganja and etc. One of the selected newspapers – Yeni Azerbaycan had female deputy managing editor yet due to staff changes in a form of appointment of new editor-in-chief [appointed in March 2008] of the newspaper she hesitated to participate in our research.

7 Works as deputy managing editor at 525ci Gazette.

8 This category is represented exclusively by old-school journalists working in government newspapers Azerbaijan and Xalq

9 Crossroads is a multi-national news program that is transmitted in three South Caucasian states and promotes communication and share of information between Georgian, Azerbaijani and Armenian citizens.

10 For instance editor-in-chief of independent newspaper E.S. recalled at least two cases when his journalists broke standards of professional ethics. One case was related to taking pictures of a celebrity in a public lavatory and another concerned a journalist who sat only for 15 minutes at a press conference and wrote an article bases on his guesses taking it into completely new direction, turning the story it upside down. Y. confessed that it happens often in their practice when a journalist after a press conference writes an article that is based only on one opinion expressed at the press conference and does not look for balance. B.H. on the other hand, had a case when for an article, did not specify though, he was severely beaten by five unknown men then taken to the outskirts of Baku, where execution continued. His leg was broken in several points. Local residents brought him to hospital. After one year of intensive medical care he returned to his work yet did not recover completely and only due to large respect to Ismayil Valiyev granted us interview.

11 The statement is based upon coverage of 2006 Parliamentary elections by Azadliq newspaper. One of the pre-election articles of this newspaper was named “Bakhtiyar/Vartan” and was aimed to cause damage to Bakhtiyar Akhmedov, member of Yeni Azerbaycan Party who was running in the elections for a post of deputy. The article used his picture along with a picture of an Armenian field commander and argued that it is the same person.

12 However, the newspapers were mainly represented by those that are stationed in Baku. For example none of newspapers from Ganja, the second largest city in Azerbaijan were invited to the congress.

13 Azerbaijan Media Baseline Assessment, 2004

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