Text no. 1 umi kaalo

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sidaamú afó

as sample language for linguistics

Kjell Magne Yri

Text no. 1

umi kaalo

sidaamu gaooti giddo, alatti wondi woradira hallo yinanni baicci no.

mitto barra wedelliccu baaasi hakka matanni ube lekka hiikkami.

raare huruukkeenna olluu manni hiro fule hiikkaminoha ogeessunniba massi.

ogeessu amade laanno woite mikiccu maala toroorre fulino.

ogeessu mikicco dargasi kole sissiccunni usuri.

mitte lamala gedensaanni baaasi lekka lobo geea darite maliitu.

nafaru jajjabbi malame baaasa tagiccu minira massinanni gede assi.

hakime lau woite mada damuultino.

[alba assine hakimete mine abbinoommero lobo geea gabajjamannokki]ta kulte seejjo uuitu gedensaanni, baaasi mada alkoolete haiitu, marfeteno kansisi.

hakko barrinni kaise baaasi lubbo gati.

baaasa laino manni maganoho galata ikii.

olluuno danca roso afii.


umo (k) head

umi (Adj.) first

kaalo (t) help

sidaama (k) name of a nation inside Ethiopia

gaoote (k) kingdom

giddo (t) inside

alatta (k) wondo (k) name of an area

worada (k) an administrative level

hallo (k) name of a village

yaa, y- to say

baicco (k) place

nó is, exists

mitto (k) one

mitte (t) one

wedella (k) youth(s)

baaasa (k) boy’s name

hakka (k) tree(s), timber

mat- to cut branches (off a tree)

ub- to fall

lekka (t) foot, feet

hiikk- to break

raar- to shout

huruukk- to emit smoke here and there, to cry out loudly

ollaa (k) village

manna (k) people

hiro (t) the place where the cry for help came from

ful- to go out

ogeessa (k) the local doctor

mass- to take along

amad- to grasp, take, touch

la- to look, see

woite (k) time

mikka (t) bones

mikicco (k) bone

maala (k) meat

toroorr- to penetrate

darga (t) place

kol- return

sissa (t) splints (skinner til å spjelke med)

sissicco (k) splint

usur- to bind

lamala seven (Adj.), week (t)

gedensa (k) lateness, afterness

lobo (Adj.) big, much

geea (k) ascending dimmension in time or quantity ”up to”

dar- to swell

malV- to emit pus

nafara (k) porch, neighbourhood

jaba (k,t) a big person or thing

jajjabba (k) grown up people

mal- to consider

mal-am- to discuss with each other

tagga (t) medicine

tagicco (k) medicine

mine (k) house

gede (t) likeness, purpose

ass- to make, do

hakime (t) physician(s) (hakimitte, hakimicco)

mada (t) wound

damuul- produce worms

alba (k) face, firstness

abb- to take, transport

gabajj- to harm

kul- to tell

seejjo (t) advice

aa, uu- to give

alkoole (t) alcohol

hai- to wash

marfe (t) needle, injection

kas- to pierce

hakko (k) that

ka- to rise, begin

barra (k) day

kais- to make begin

lubbo (t) life, soul

gat- escape, recover

magano (k) the creator spirit, God

galata (k) thanks

iki- to present

-no and, beside

dancha (Adj.) good

roso (k) lesson

af- to see

af-i- to find

Text no. 2

A discussion between Yohannis (yo) and Eliyasi (e) about the advantages and disadvantages of countryside vs. town.

katamanna gatare

yo: gatare nookkiha (if!) katamu diheeanno.
balatte gatare noobaati katama ikkannohu.
e: gatarete katamu nookkiha gatare wolka diafiao (-ao = -anno).
katamu nookkiha gatare tunsote.
konni daafira gatarete waanna ikkannohu katamaho.
yo: egennaamma ofolte dogganno ikkinnina, katamaho
noohu duuccu gataretenni fulloho.
e: katamu takkama (horoonsia) hoogeemmero, gataretenni mannu
fule katamaho diminanno.
gatarete calla heea galau heeonni diwoyyitanno.
yo: egennaamu batire loosiro, danca assara dandaanno.
kainnilla, egennaamu heeoommero gatareno katamaho
woroonni diabbitanno.
aanu, waasu, sinde, maalu, malabu katamaho mitto
baicco dino.
katamaho mitto baicco tullo afiinohu, egenno
afiino daafira, konne (nucleus!) gataretenni abbanno ikkinnina,
duuccunku fulannohu gataretenniiti.
katamu gatare nookkiha ona mineeti.
e: gatare katamaho lekkate, katamu kainni gatarete
kunni daafira katamu heea hoogoommero, gatare tunsote
yaate; dubboho yaate.
galau heeo, kalamete heeonni diwoyyitao.
kainni katamu ille ikkino daafo, womu katama
daanno daafira, baadihu agurrina baarihu nafa katama
daanno daafo, tennenni (konnira) katamu gatarete ille ikke, tababba
ikke, womare leellie, egenno leellie, maamaru heeo
leellie, amaalama leellie, daddalinai gara leellie,
tamarranni gara leellie, uddinanni gara leellie, woma
doogora katamu gatare looso ikkinnina gatare wittuhu katamu
laalanno yaate. katamu gumaho.
yo: katamu guma diikkino. gumu gatarete. (copula negated)
hattonnilla kainni ani mitto kaadeemmokki coi no.
egennaamu noo daafira tagaraammu noo daafira, intai gara
loonsai gara egenntio manni no daafira, gatarete daiha
aanano tuma assite ittanno.
gataretenni daiha [maalano, malabono] insa abbitinohu
gede assite hirtanno.
mitto coe kuleemmohe.
gataretenni dainokkiha, baara widinni abbinonni coi
nafa, lobo geea waaga airrinoha ikkinota afootto
atinni nafa.
maira hatto ikkino.
kawii gatarete daa hoogino daafiraati.
gatarete egennaamu heeoommero, katamu mulla ofolle
tecco kuni katamaho no manni gaa hude tookanni, gatare daanno.
wole agurrina gatare waasa, aana, maala, malabo,
buuro abba hooggoommero.
e: yaattoti mittiido likkete.
kainni ikkirono, mittu mittu coi ate ledo
taadeemmokkihu coi no.
katamu illete yoommo, gatare kaii lekkate.
halaaleho mittu coi.
mittu womu maali bisu takilaallu (baalu) illebello heeiro tunsote.
katamu illete.
halaaleho gatarete baara wido nohu dilaallo yootto gede,
katamu hoogoommero baarihu agurrina baadihu gamba yaara
katamu heea gobbate heeote yaate.
gatarete heeo mullareeti, woi ditakkantannote (horo diafiinote)
diikkitannote yummokkinni, katamu heeo gatarete illete.
katamu heei woite, gatare hasiissannore afiara
dandiitino (A: dandiitanno).
kainnilla katamu giddo mittu gabare ikkino manci
hasiisannosire kaalannosire kaasianno gede, katamuno heeo
sammi ye kaentinni ofolle ”mine mine uddano haiie
heeoommo” yaate didandaanno.
hiitto ikke heeannoro doogo hasiatenni daddalino
daafo hiino daafo tirfisiino daafo ati katama wona
biltoollu (busulu) no baiccooti yite wokkasootto.


gatare (t) countryside

katama (k) town

hee- to exist, be present

balat- to be fist, bigger

ikk- to be

wolka (t) power

tunso (t) darkness

waanna (k) the main, most important thing

egennaamo (k,t) a knowledgeable person

egennaamma (t) knowledgeable persons

ofoll- to sit

dog- to cheat

ikkinnina rather (ikk- with suffixes)

takkam- to be useful

horoonsi- to use

hoog- to lack, omit

min- to build (house)

calla (k,t) ”only-ness”

galao (k) baboon

heeo (t) life

woyy- to be better

bati- to be abundant

loos- to work

danca (k,t) good things

dandV- to be able to

kainni(lla) however (ka- with suffixes)

woro (t) inferiority (local -> abstract)

abb- bring out (=produce)

aana (k) cabbage

waasa (k) the porridge made from ensete edulis

sinde (t) wheat

malabo (k) honey

tullo (t) hole, entrance

egenno (t) knowledge

duucca (Adj.) all

ona (Adj.) empty

ille (t) eye(s)

daafo (k) reason

dubbo (k) forest

kalame (t) monkey

woma (Adj.) all, full

baado (k) belonging to the same people

agurrina let alone (agur-ni-na)

baara (k) ocean

nafa (k) even “surprising-ness”

tababba (k) light

tabado (k) light

leell- to appear

leell-i- to show

maamara (k) society

amaal- councel, discuss, advice

daddal- to do business, trade

gara (k) way (of doing smth)

tamar- to study, learn

udd-(i-) to dress (oneself)

doogo (t) road, manner

looso (k) work

wit- to sow

laal- to harvest

guma (k) fruit  result

kaad- despise

coe (k) matter

tagaraamo (m) cheater

it- to eat

tuma (Adj.) good, beautiful

tumma (k) wellbeing (in greetings)

hir- to sell

wido (k) direction

waaga (k) price

airr- to be heavy, honoured

kaba (k) here

mulla (Adj.) empty

gat- be left

tecco (t) to-day

gaa (t) tomorrow

hude (t) hunger

took- to flee

buuro (k) butter

likke (t) correctness

taad- meet, agree

halaale (k) truth

biso (k) body

takilaalla (k,t) wholeness

-beello without

gamba yaa to assemble

gabare (k) farmer

kaal- to help

kaas- to plant

sammi yaa to keep silent, simply

kaentinni afterwards (ka- with suffixes)

uddano (t) clothes

hi- to buy

tirf-is-i- to profit from business

wona (t) previousness

bilta (k,t) haughty person

busule (k) clever, active person

wokkas- criticize

Text no. 3 (difficult!)

The introduction in a textbook in Sidaama for children in the 2nd grade. The translation, in clumsy English, and the square brackets, are devised to bring out to some extent how the sentences are construed.


[mittu afii mimmitu taadira kaalo ikkasi aleenni]

heeoteno lobo looso afiino.
One language, above being a help for reciprocal communication

also has a big service (work) for life.

hakkonni daafira, afuu rosi, bude afiinoha ikka hasiissannosi.
Therefore the learning of language needs to be something that has a system, (custom, tradition).
rosu hakkonni gedensaannino [[taandenna hasaanbe] mitto karra tirate]

bude afiino doogonni hasaaba hasiisanno

In the second place, learning, in order to solve one problem, one coming together and conversing, needs to speak in the systematic way.
coi mittu amadono [kaalunni woi borrotenni] ikinanni

wolu assaabeno macciiine woi nabbanbe afate

[afuu egenno] hasiissanno.
When someone presents the contents of a message by speech or by writing,

in order to understand the ideas of another person after listening or reading,

knowledge of the language is necessary.
[afuu rosi amadono] rosaano macciiite,

[coie borreessitenna nabbabbe] affu egenno

[olluu ledo heeonsara kaalo afiinotanna

hattoo uuitannonsata] ikka hasiissannose.

After the students have heard the content of the lesson of the language, having talked,

having written and having read, the knowledge they have aquired (seen)

has to be one which contains and gives help (should be applicable) for their life with the community (village).
[[togoo roso kitteessantino nibaabe] gobbate heeo ledo aante

afiino] coi umma aana loosate.

Reading material which is prepared with such knowledge, being related to the country’s life, - to prepare about topics.
coi gede nibaabe kitteessante ikkuti

[gogu duugamanno gara kultannota ikkituro],

[hatte assaabe bati dargano ikkenna]

[rosaancu loosu aana hosiisara dandaannota] ikkitanno yaate.

That means: ”According to the matter” (however) the reading (passage) which is presented after being prepared, if it deals with the way skins are prepared, that reading passage can be used wherever you like, it becomes something which the student can put into practise.
hakkaanni higeno kainni,

[[afuu roso (macciia, coia, nabbabanna borreessa) gubuursa]te kaalitannosi]

egenno afianno.
Passing on from that, however, he (=the student) finds the knowledge which helps him to strengthen the learning of the language (to listen, talk, read, and write). (The function of the –te: purpose)
afuu rosi, konni aleenni haransine kulli gedee amado afia hasiissannosi.
The learning of the language, as one has briefly exposed above, needs to find contents (be related with society).
mitte mitte yannara rosu mataaffa giddo leellannohu gede

kaallate roso calla ikka dinosi.

Contrary to what is sometimes observed in textbooks, it must not be only the learning of words.
[[kaallanna wole [afuu mittu kulamanno] gara] calla] egenna

afoo hakkonne egenna dikkitanno.

Knowing [only the words and some other way one language is spoken (used)] is not the same as knowing that language.
mittu afii egennora barru barrunni ikkinanni ikkonna

[taadu loosi ledo fiitooma afiinoricco] afate.

Even if for the knowledge of one language it goes on day by day, it is (necessary) to understand that it is [something that has relationship with work in a group] (=related to everyday duties).
[hakko afiinni taande hasaanbanninna wole looso loonsanni wote] yaa

hasinannire tunke anfiro

egenno kaallannita calla ikkikkinni woleno afinanni.
To say “when one speaks and communicates in that language and does other work (with that language)” – means:

if one understands all of that which is sought after, then one understands that knowledge is not only pertaining to words, but other kinds as well.

konni daafira [afuu rosi yinanni wote]

di[[kaallate]nna [hakko afii kulamanno gari] roso] callaati.

“Therefore, when one says ‘the learning of language’, it is not only “the learning of words and the way that language is spoken”.
[afuu rosi] [[barru barru ikkito [mittu afiinni ikkite] kulantanno gari] roso]oti
The learning of language is the learning of how everyday behaviour is communicated in one language. (The sentence is translated from Amharic and did not make much sense to Addamu at first, then he accepted it)
sidaamu afii egennorano,

[yanna yannatenni heeanno soorro] lendenna,

[[[konni kai ilamarano kaalo ikkannoha] rosu] budenna mataaffa]

kitteessa hasiissino.

Moreover, for the knowledge of the language of the Sidaamas, in adding the change which occurs from time to time, it was necessary to prepare books and systems containing the learning which serves as a help for the generation to come.
kitteessantu mataaffano,

rosaano [coiate, borreessate, nabbabatenna macciiate egennonsa] lettitanno gara

[deerru deerrunni leelliannonsata] ikkite borreessantino.
And the prepared books are written in such a way that they show the students step by step the method of how to add the knowledge of speaking, writing, reading and listening.
ledeno [afuu egenno

[[hattenne kaalonni wole egennonna ogimma afie] umonsanna gobbansa kaala]

dandiitanno gede]

assate hedonniiti.

Besides, it is the expectation to accomplish that the knowledge of the language shall enable them to help themselves and their country when they, by means of this tool, have found other knowledge and aquired other skills.

(How far is egenno SUBJ and when does insa take over?)

saeno [[rosaancu rosu giddo macciiannohu]

deerru deerrunkunni [konni woroonni leellanno amado]

afianno gede] assate wonaallonni.
Passing on (moreover), one has tried to achieve that the student who listens (aquires something) in the learning, step by step finds the objectives (content) which appear below.

  1. habuura, saadate cea, wkl (woleno konne labannore). Plowing, the breeding of cattle etc. (=other things which resemble these ones)

  2. gaootu looso (aradda, katama, akimete mine, wkl. Administration, surrounding, town, hospital) (The lines in the frame are not considered in the glossary:

  3. agaate looso (bua, dubbo, moicco, wkl.) The work of conservation (soil, forest, animals)

  4. amaññoote (mimmito airrisa, batama, firde, mittimma, wkl.) Values (mutual respect (greetings), love for each other, jurisdiction, unity)

  5. sagale (intannire, waa, uddano, wkl.) Food (what is eaten, water, clothes)

  6. dancummanna hagiirre (godole, misile, addi addi borro, wkl.) Goodness (kindness) and happiness (games+dance, examples, various writings)

  7. taadu doogo duucca (bosita raadoone, gaaseeta, silke, wkl.) All means of communication (mail, radio, newspapers, telephone)

  8. baiccunni baicco hanai gara, wkl. How to travel from one place to another.

jeefotenni konni alba assine kulliti baala,

[manci beetti heeo giddo barru barrunni leellitanno ikkito]oti.
All what one has told above in short at the beginning, is the behaviour (happenings) which appears day by day in the life of the son of man.
hattono ikkitino daafo,

[rosaancu sainsete doogonni [egennosi loosu aana hosiisate dandiisiissannota]nna

[rosiiu loosirano lobo kaalo afiino]] yine hedo assinoonni.
And because it is like this, one has made the plan, saying: (one is hoping that) the student will (plural!) cause his knowledge to be at work in a scientific way, and have found (plural!) much help for the work of teaching.


bitima (k) entrance, introduction, general

taado (k) communication

afó (k) mouth, language

mimmito (k) one-to-one

alé (k,t) high ground, aboveness

bude (k) custom, system

has-iis- to be necessary

hasaab- to converse

karra (k) difficulty, problem

tir- to solve

coé (k) message, matter, thing

amado (t) content, method

kaale (k) word, speech

borro (t) writing

wole (Adj.) different, other

maccii- to listen

woi or

nabbab- to read

ros-aanco (k,t) student, pupil

ros-aano (t) students

co-i- to speak

borr-eess- to write

ledo (k,t) togetherness

hattó (t) like that, such

togó (t) like that, such

kitt-eess- to prepare

nibaabe (t) reading (material)

aan- to be close to

aante (t) relevance

umma (t) heads, topics

goga (k) skin

duug- to tan (skin)

bat- to love, like (“to be everywhere”)

hos-iis- to spend the day

hig- to turn, return, go on

-no and, also, too

-nna and

hakkaV (t) that

gubuurs- to strengthen, support

haran-s- to shorten

yanna (t) time

mataaffa (t) books

kaalla (t) words

fiitooma (k) relationship, kinship

wote = woite

tuk- to do everywhere, in every way

ikki-kki-nni it not being so

ikkito (t) behaviour, condition

soorro (t) change

led- to add

kaa (k) beyondness

il- to bear (children)

lett- to add for oneself

deerra (k) the right measure, step

ogimma (t) craft, art

umo (k) head, self

sa- to pass

wonaal- to try

habuura (k) plowing

saada (t) cattle

cea (m) breeding

lab- to resemble

aradda (t) surrounding

ga- to administrate

gaoote (k) administration

akime = hakime

bosita mail (”post”)

raadone radio

gaaseeta newspaper

silke telephone

ha- to go, to travel

jeefo (t) shortness

konni = konninni

alba assa to do first

baala (k) totality

beetto (k,t) son, daughter

manco (k,t) man, woman

barra (k) day

sainse (t) science

rosiia (k) lesson

Text no. 4

Taken from a sixth grade textbook in geography.

arriote bude

arriote bisi rooru loosaminohu, haidirojinetenna hiliemete yinannihunni ikkino daafira, lobo iibbilli wolka afiinorinna uminsa caabbicco kalakanno beeddahe ledo mittoho. konninni kainohunni gobbaiidi bisise 6000 (lee kume) digire sentigireede iibbilli nooseha ikkanna giddiidi bisi kainni 20 (lemo) milioone digire sentigireede ikkanno yine hendanni.

arriote doiccora doitannori addi addiri iimaadda bisubba no.

insano honse pilaaneetta, 31 (sajjinamitte) satelaitta, kume milioone
kiirranni metioraitootaati.
kuri iimaadda bisubba baala gamba yite, arrionniha 1/100 (tibbunni
mitte anga) calla
ikkitenna arrio 99/100 (tibbunni honsaaina honse) anga
amaddanno. arriote budi giddo
jabiidi bisi arrio umoseeti. arriote gaangaaba doitannore
iimaadda bisubbanna arrio umose mitteenni arriote bude yine


pilaaneete “pilaaneetta” yaannohu laatinete kaalinni dainoho. tirosino “doanno woi doannoricco” yaate. bie yannara roomete egennaammi beeddahete tiintallo assitanno wote, dargansa soorritanno bisubba laino daafira uuitinonsa sumaati. [[pilaaneettate uminsaha ikkino caabbicci noonsa]kki]reeti. roore pilaaneetooti [bikkinsanni babbattitinore ikkansa]ra aleenni teertiññinsano babbattannoho.

mite mite pilaaneetta arriote gaangaaba doitannori uminsa doogo

noonsa. Mite mite pilaaneetta doicconsara arriote gaangaaba
doitanno wote, haannohu galciminni soojjaati widiraati.
arriotebiinni noonsa teertiññinni kainohunni arrio doaate
aitannonsa yanna babbattitinote.


arrio (t) sun

roore (Adj.) bigger

haidirojine (t) hydrogen

hilieme (t) helium

iibbille (k) heat

caabbicco (k) lamp, light

kalak- to create

beeddakko (t) star

beeddahe (t) stars

-iidi NAdj

digire sentigireede degrees centigrade

sentigireede centigrade

hed- to think, estimate

doicco (t) circle, orbit

do(y)- to circle

addi addi (Adj.) various types of

iimaadda (Adj., pl.) small (pl)

bisubba (t) bodies

pilaaneetta (t) planets

pilaaneete (t) planet

pilaaneetoota (k) planets

satelaitta satelites

metioraitoota meteorites

anga (t) hand, fraction, times

jabiidi (Adj.) strong, big

gaangaaba encirclement

gaangaab- to encircle, surround

laatine (t) Latin

kaale (k) language

tiro (t) solution, translation

bié (t) old times

egennaamma (k,t) wise persons

tiintallo investigation

soorr- to change

suma (k) name

roore (k,t) most of (note the syntax!)

bikka (k) moderation, measure

teertiññe (k) distance

babbatt- to be different from each other

galcima (k) west

soojjaato (k) east

a- to take, receive

Text no. 5

Yohannis Balicca tells about his childhood

oosote yanna

oosote ledo tabo(-ho) godoleemmo.

loosiya(no) waannu lalo allaalate.
lalo allaalleemmo woite, soodo fulle fuinummoro, kale
kasineemmo, dae kasineemmo, koca godolineemmo.
konne godole amandummoro, waasa intommota nafa dianfeemmo.
waasa intummonso hoongummo yinanni barra dangenna, waasa
ittinikkinni maira hossini yiniro, hambe honsoommota hakka woite
calla anfeemmo.
oosote ledo godolineemmo woite, lame widonni hinge
mitto widonni lamu mitto widonni lamu uurrine godolineemmo.
hatti kalete.
hakkii saniro, lalo abbineemmo woite, hakke hiikkine anga
haane abbineemmo.
amankera dange waa dirrineemmo.
anninkera kainni, anninke loosannoba marre honseemmo.
habarro, amanke seennu ledo hasaabbanno, anninke labballu ledo
anninke lekka mule ofolline, annínke maattó kulannonke.
albiidi manni dudubo kulannonke.
agge agge ikkino coe duucca kulannonke.
konne kulanna, lekkasi mule heene, gotano (muganó) amadduro,
sane gonteemmo.
anninkera amankera loonseemmo loosi taru tarunniiti (aante (t) aantetenniiti).
amankera mini giddo sokkammeemmo.
waa dirrineemmo, hakke iima hiikkine abbineemmo.
anninke weese kaansanniba, goire loonsanniba kaalineemmo.
oosimmate yanna lobo geea danca yannaati.
intannire afiniro karru wolu dino.
oosimmate yannara oosote ledo godola, galagalle gibbono
gibamano no.
galagalle muleenni araarammanni.
bero gibammi beetti ledo tecco araaramme honsanni.
oosimmate yannara togonni sainseemmo.
sainsummo gedensaanni ta tenne yannara, ooso iimaadda timirte
jammartino daafira, albunni (albita) sidaamu godolenna hasaaba
loboha diaffino.
ninke nafa ta hamba hamba dangoommo.
maira yitiniro lobo yannara hakkoe (=hakkonne) agurroommo daafira.


ooso (t) children

tabo (k) light, field

godol- to play

lalo (k) cattle (oxen and cows)

allaal- to herd

fu- to bring out

kale (t), dae (t), kocá (t) different games

godole (k) game

amad- to begin

-nso or (in questions)

hab- to forget

hos- to spend the day

wido (k) side

uurr- stand

hakkii = hakkinni

hakke (k,t) firewood

haa- to take along

ama (t) mother

waa (k) water

dirr- go down

waa dirr- to fetch water

anna (k) father

mar- to go with a destination

habarro (t) evening

seenne (k) females

labballo (k) males

mulé (k) nearness

maatto (t) stories of the old times

dudubo (k) news, tales

agge (t) surprising story, miracle

gotano (t) sleep

mugano (t) tiredness

got- to sleep

tara (k) turn

aante (t) turn

so(k)- to send

sokk-am- to be sent for someone, to run errands

weese (t) ensete edulis, trees of this species

kaas- to plant

goire (t) group work, preparing for sowing

oosimma (t) childhood

gibbo (t) contempt

gib- to despise, hate

galagal- to repeat, do again

muleenni shortly after

araar- to reconcile

bero (t) yesterday

timirte (t) learning (”going to school”)

jammar- to begin

agur- to stop doing

Text no. 6

aadde (Mr.) amalo (proper name) mine minara manna “ilaala fultine t’arra abba kaalee” yé huucc’ií.
isi (his) huucc’atto macc’iie, mannu t’arra abbasira ilaala fulí.
mannu ilaala fulé, t’arra haaé (T5) abbisi. mannu t’arra abbé, sagale ité duubé, isonna ( baabba (Mrs.) sooreette (proper name) maassiinsa.
insano “daafuroneno maganu k’olone” yiteenna, mannu haara kaí (T1).
aadde amalono manna “dagaya, hanni mitte higgine macc’iiee, assootinera galateemmone. t’aano tecco sette mine mina kaalee (T2)” yí.
mannuno macc’iie, afatto ae, “maahoyye” yí.
settikki barra mannu fulé, aadde amalora miné, mine gudí.
minisi ama (T5) baabba sooreette baarare worteenna mannu ité duubé, maassiensa hai.
muli (T5) yannara aadde amalo mine maassiisiara ( hasií.
jila jilé manna ”mine maassiee” yé woí. mannuno daé jila ité “minu kaayyoha (The nominalizer may also mean: characterized by x), kaayyaminoha ikkó” yé maassié haí.
aadde amalono minisi manni ledo ( keerunni heeí.
ilaala (k) mountain

t’arra (t) poles to make the circular wall of a house

huucc’i- to ask

huucc’atto (t) request

sagale (t) food

duub- to become satisfied

maassi- to bless

daafuro (k) toil, hard work

k’ol- to answer, compensate

daga (t) group of people

hanni please, introduces imperatives

mitte higgine “one you-doing” = once, right now

assoote (k) work, contribution

galat- to thank

t’a (t) (V-no) now (and now)

tecco sette 8 days from to-day

afatto (t) topic, matter

a- to accept

maahoyye O.K., all right

settikki (A) eigth

baarare (t?) food as “salary” for helping a neighbour

wor- put, serve

yanna (t) time

jila (k) party

jil- to make a party

da(g)- to come

wo- to call, invite

kaayyo (t) good fortune

kaayy-am- to be fortunate

Text no. 7

WAYI AANI DOOGO (orthography)
Manchi beetti waa duuchcha doogonni horoonsi'ranno: agate, uddanonna biso hayishshi'rate, kaashsho lossate, howolotenninna wolurinni darguyi darga ha'rate, korreentete wolqa kalaqatenna wole konne roorerichcho loosate.
Konni duuchchu loosi giddo wayi mitte lowotenna alba ikkite kulama hasiissanno kaa'lo afi'rino. Hattino konni aleenni kulantino, baattote iima doogo uuyitanno kaa'lo aate. Wayi aanaanni doogimma ha'rate.
Ikkeennano kayinni wayi aana lekkatenni qaanfe ha'ra didandiinanni. Hakkonni daafira wayi aana bayichchunni bayichcho ha'ratenna udiinne woy saada massate, howolo woy wole ise gedee kaa'lo afi'rinorichcho hasiisanno. Mite mite gobbara buufunna badiraamu haqqi hattoo kaa'lo aanno. Abbaayyu giddo giddichchote togoore loose umosi kaa'lannohu lowo manni hee'ranno gede egennamino.
Tenne niwaawe giddo coyi'ni gede bayichchunni bayichcho ha'rate sholladu wayi ikkannokkita afa hasiissanno. Qilinta afi'rino wayi giddo calla aleenni kulamino garinni waa horoonsi'ra dandiinanni.

Text no. 8


Teksten er tatt fra Kachara Bansa (2002): Sidaamu Afii Rosu Xinti Hanafote Dhagge, Roso 1-20, The Sidama Literacy Project, Awasa)

Risa iima buuwanna anfanni. Mannu risa lukkote caacurre ite gudanno daafira dibaxanno. Aadde Amalo mini amaranna oososira lukkote caacurri noonsa.

Oosote ama ooso “Risu caacurre itannona agarre” yitu.

Ooso risa hooltara siqqonna kinco adhite agartu. Agarte heedhenna, risu buuwe daye caacurru aana uwi. Uwino risa affe lukko kakkisse raartu. Lukko kakkisse raarte, risa afuunni qasse, culunqatenni bibbidde ka’’a hooltu.

Insa ka’’a hoolte heedheenna ooso dodde iillitu. Ooso iillite, risa kincunni olte, dullunni gantu. Ooso cancitennanna lukko “Kakka, kakka” yite raarteenna mannu fuli. Mannu fuli wote, ooso risa gante gawajjiteenna munde nooha afi.

Mannu ooso “Hiissitine gantine gawajjitini?” yee xa’mi. Oosono “Lukko raarteenna donde marrummo wote, lukkote ledo ganamanni nooha dullunninna kinchunni ganne gawajjinummo” yitu.

Caacurre hansi wote, mitto risu amade, mitto lukko risu ledo ganantanna kakkadame reyinoha anfi. Gatinoha hanse gamba assine amuuwu ledo minira abbini. Hakko barrinni kayisse caacurru gobbara fulannokki gede, amuuwa usurte sagale uyitanni lossitu.

Ordliste, ortografisk angitt (om det er k- eller t-klasse ser du selv):
risa hauk

buuw- å fly

lukko høne, høner

caacurre kylling, kyllinger

-na på finitte verb: “fordi”

agar- å passe på

hool- å hindre

siqqo stokk

kincho stein

adh- å ta, holde

agarte heedheenna, en form av ’agarte no’

uw- å falle, komme ned

kakk-is- å forårsake “kakka”, å kakle

culunqa negler, klør

bibbid- å klore

dod- å løpe

iill- å nå fram

ol- å kaste

dulla = siqqo

gan- å slå

gan-am- å bli slått, å slå hverandre = å slåss

canc- å bråke

munde blod

xa’m- å spørre

rey- å dø

gat- å slippe unna, overleve

ama flertall: amuuwa

loss- å oppdra
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