Preparatıon of Graphite Nano-Sheets Via Physical and Chemical Methods
and Using in Conductıve Composite Applicatıons
Last few years high electrical and thermal conductance of polymer/carbon composite and nano composite has been one of the deep research and application essay because of physical features and such as reformation the mechanical features. In case graphite, namely two dimension nano layers with two dimension crystal construction, has became prominent having electrical thermal and mechanical features that is into carbon essential stuffings.
Graphite is chosen the fact that has the fever cost than carbon nano tube and carbon nano fiber and has lower specific weight, that became one of the most important perform stuffings relatively the others with achievement via nano dimension layers modified by various chemical and physical methods. Also it has been prepared based ideal quality polymer stuffings by using obtained nano dimension grafit layers at various polymer such as stuffing material.
Modification of the graphite by chemical and physical methods and preperation of the nano dimension graphite/grafen layers is purposed in this thesis. Also preperation of the conductive composite by using layers which in nano dimension like a stuffing material at thermoplastic polymers is aimed. The studying within the thesis would obtain quantitative data about both subject the producing composite and the structural identification of the most important steps of conductive composite production such as “preparing the raw material”, “stuffling modification and characterization” which has superior mechanical specifications examine process connection.
Tez Adı : Kitosan-Metal Oksit Kompozit Filmlerinin Hazırlanması ve Karakterizasyonu
Danışman : Prof. Dr. Gülten GÜRDAĞ
Anabilim Dalı : Kimya Mühendisliği
Programı : Kimyasal Teknolojiler
Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013
Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof. Dr. Gülten GÜRDAĞ
Prof. Dr. Oğuz OKAY
Prof. Dr. Hasine KAŞGÖZ
Doç. Dr. Hüseyin DELİGÖZ
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