(Cladocora caespitosa Linnaeus, 1767) Around Gökçeada Island
Cladocora caespitosa Linnaeus, 1767 which has an important endemic role in the Mediterranean ecosystem provides the permanence of the reef ecosystems by forming banks in the habitats that are found. Beside this they are used as bioindicators for determining the effects of climate changes on the marine communities. Furthermore this carbonate producers provides us information about the climate changes in the past from their fossil residuals.
In this study we investigated the distribution of C. caespitosa related to the depth around the Gökçeada which is the largest island of Turkey and situated in the North Aegean Region.
Scuba diving was carried out in the selected 25 spots of Gökçeada during the spring and summer seasons of 2012. As study spots Yıldızkoy, Yelkenkaya, Balık Çiftliği, Kaşkaval, Ali Bey Koy, Kanyer, Eğri Meşe, Kefaloz Burnu (inside), Kefaloz Burnu (out side), Kefal Burnu, Lüfer Burnu, Yüzen Taşlar, Akyarlar, İncesu, Mağaralar (Arabın gemisi), Kapıkaya Karakol Plaj, Laz koyu (Ministery of justice), Köpek Burnu, recreational facilities of Ministery of healty , Uğurlu Limanı, Gizli Liman, Fidanlık, Marmaros, Pirinç Burnu ve Ördek Yalağı were selected. We measured the temperature, pH, salinity, conductivity and light penetration in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ve 30 m depths of these spots. Cladocora caespitosa Linnaeus, 1767 were photgraphed.
During the study, it was found out C. Caespitosa were distributed between 5 and 15 m depths in the selected spots in Gökçeada. The depth distribution of C. Caespitosa show differences between North and South part of the island and while colonies has seen intensively in 10 m depths on the north part of the island, has poorly seen in 15 m depths of south part.
In this study we proved the distribution of the species related to the depth around Gökçeada and the distribution map of the species were created.