Tez özetleri Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı

Polychaeta (Annelida) Species Living on Littoral Zone of Kapıdağ Peninsula (Marmara Sea) and their Some Ecological Properties

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Polychaeta (Annelida) Species Living on Littoral Zone of Kapıdağ Peninsula (Marmara Sea) and their Some Ecological Properties
This study which is aimed to identification of polychaeta species and determination of environment factors that affect the distribution of species in Kapıdağ Peninsula in the south of the Sea of ​​Marmara, was made on 5-6-7-8 April 2011 and 17-18-19-20 October 2011. From 21 stations in total, 6 of which were on the coast (0.5 m) and 15 of which were from the depths ranging between 1 and 30 m (1 m, 5 m, 10 m, 20 m, 30 m), samples collected in two seasons, totally 45 species and 40884 individuals belonging to 21 families were identified.
During the sampling in spring 37 species and 40108 individuals, in autumn 27 species and 776 individuals were identified. The highest number of species and the highest number of individuals in Kapıdağ Peninsula were recorded in spring.
Using the composition of the number of species and the number of individuals at the sampling stations Shannon-Weaver Diversity Index (H') was performed, Bray-Curtis Similarity Index was performed in order to determine the similarity between the sampling stations, Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) was performed in order to analyze the regional distribution pattern and SIMPER analyses were performed in order to identify the percentage of the contribution of each species to the similarities and differences within the groups formed after mass analysis.
In Kapıdağ Peninsula, of the ecological variables of the environment temperature was determined to range between 8 and 18°C, salinity ‰ 12,5 and 29,2, dissolved oxygen between 3,8 and 15,3 mg/l and pH between 7,2 and 8,7. In Kapıdağ Peninsula, in the surface sediment at the sampling stations during the sampling period the percentage of mud between % 0,3 and 94,2, total organic carbon values were between % 0,4 and 3,5, total calcium carbonate values were between % 0,3 and 85,9.

ŞEN Emine

Tez Adı : Hamilelikte Ve Laktasyonda Akrilamid Ve Alkol Uygulanan Farelerin Erkek Yavrularinin Testis Gelişimi

Danışman : Prof. Dr. Melike ERKAN

Anabilim Dalı : Biyoloji

Programı : Zooloji

Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013

Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof. Dr. Melike ERKAN

Prof. Dr. Mehmet KAYA

Doç. Dr. Gül ÖZHAN

Doç. Dr. Özen Banu ÖZDAŞ

Yard. Doç. Dr. Meliha İNCELİ

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