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Using ISSR Markers for Characterization of New Meadow Saffron

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Using ISSR Markers for Characterization of New Meadow Saffron

(Colchicum L.) Species Candidates in the Flora of Turkey
Colchicaceae is a family of flowering plants which shows a widespread distribution. Due to the high frequencies of species and endemics, Turkey and the Balkans are the major centers of diversity and speciation. Colchicum spp. have been used as medical plant for more than 3000 years.
The modern medicine use of Colchicum as a source of therapeutically active alkoloids called colchicinoids. These are poisonous alkoloids, named as colchicine. It has been used in the treatment of gut, FMF (Familial Mediterranean Fever) and Behcet disease as the drug.
Geophytes are used not only in medicine but also in ornamental industries. Also, many of them are grown in parks and gardens as ornamental plants due to their beautiful flower.
Molecular markers have been proved to be useful tools in the characterization and evaluation of genetic diversity either within or between species and populations. Especially, ISSR analysis has several advantages for assessing genetic diversity due to the use of longer primers with higher primer annealing temperature, which enable higher-stringency and greater band reproducibility. For this reason, ISSR analysis have been used in genetic diversity studies for many plant species.
In this study, ISSR primers have been used to assess genetic diversity among some known meadow saffron (Colchicum L.) species and new meadow saffron (Colchicum L.) species candidates. For this purpose, 100 ISSR primers were used for the determination of genetic diversity between 20 new meadow saffron species candidates and 14 known meadow saffron species. In ISSR analysis, 23 primers yielded a total of 799 scorable bands, which are all polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphism is 100%. Maximum band number was obtained by using UBC 827 primer. As a result of this analysis, 52 bands have been occured.
Maximum parsimony and neighbour joining phylogenetic trees exhibiting genetic diversity between species have been generated by the analysis of the data obtained from polymorphic primers using " PHYLIP 3.69" and "TreeView" software programs.

The results would be valuable source for identification of taxonomy of the Colchicum species. Also, it has been aimed to report the usefulness of ISSR for the assessment of genetic diversity and relationships among Colchicum species.

This is the first study focusing on Colchicum species by using ISSR technique. Therefore, it would have a potential to be a basis for breeding studies to be conducted in the future.

KÖM Deniz
Tez Adı : Partikül Bombardımanı Yöntemi İle Mısır (Zea mays L.) Bitkisine GenAktarımı

Danışman : Yard. Doç. Dr. Serap SAĞLAM-ÇAĞ

Doç. Dr. Selma ONARICI

Anabilim Dalı : Biyoloji

Programı : Botanik

Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013

Tez Savunma Jürisi : Yard. Doç. Dr. Serap SAĞLAM-ÇAĞ

Prof. Dr. Orhan KÜÇÜKER

Prof. Dr. Muammer ÜNAL

Prof. Dr. Gül CEVAHİR-ÖZ

Doç. Dr. Şener AKINCI

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