Hello.. I recently purchased a new ad&d product called "Of Ships & the Sea" and I love it. It has great info on ship movement and combat and just about anything you need to add ships to your campaign. Unfortunately, this new product does not have important info (needed for ship movement and combat) on al-qadim ships. (although it does include a very generic arabic ship.) Since I only play al-qadim and I love corsairs and ships and Golden Voyages and Corsairs of the Great Sea, I deceided to work out all the particulars needed for the AQ ships.. So, here they are (to be used with 'Of Ships & the Sea.')
Note: Not all of this info is set in stone. there are variations is ships -- ex. a zaruq for instance may be streamlined for more speed but this would lower its seaworthiness a little too. ex2. a barijah could be just big enough to fit into a Large Size and would then have a defense class of A.. or it might be a little smaller (M) and have a defense class of C.