The cantos of ezra pound [from The Cantos of Ezra Pound (1972)]

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16317 "Dummheit, nicht Bosheit," said old Margherita

16318 (or Elenor? dowager)

16319 "Sono tutti eretici, Santo Padre,

16320 ma non sono cattivi."

16321 Mind (the Kaiser's) like loose dice in a box.

16322 Ballin said: "If I had known,

16323 wd/ indeed have stuffed all Hamburg with grain."

16324 Bülow believed him. But Talleyrand set up Belgium,

16325 Two dynasties, two buffer states,

16326 wd/ have set Poland.

16327 So that Belgium saved Frogland; Svizzera neutral.

16328 xvi.20: only two of us who will roll up our sleeves.

16329 And Brancusi repeating: je peux commencer

16330 une chose tous les jours, mais

16331 fiiniiiir
16332 [Image] hsiang2 xvii, 7
16333 Lost the feel of the people [Image] xviii, 5

16334 xviii, 19 [Image]

[Page 561]
16335 [Image]
16336 way repeatedly not clean, noisy, & your hearts loveless. 22

16337 Get men, it will grow

16338 Milites instar ursorum, xxiii, 5, men strong as bears

16339 Not in two minds

16340 [Image] jóung

16341 touan

16342 Edictorum

16343 [Image] t'i

16344 [Image] iao

16345 ta seu tá hiún (xxiv, 11)

16346 te í tá hiún

16347 Quis erudiet without documenta?

16348 even barbarians who button their coats t'other way on 13

16349 Non periturum

16350 [Image] kiue sin (xxiv, 15)
16351 [Image] leading to

16352 Mencius, chi4 (453, Mathews)

[Page 562]
16353 MOU WANG [Image]
16354 [Image] King Mou 1001-946
16355 repeating the
16356 [Image] tou
16357 [Image] tchoung
16358 [Image] tchen
16359 to Kiun Ia,

16360 3rd of his line in office:

16361 "Their names are banner'd,

16362 year'd on the T'ai Tch'âng

16363 the [Image] tch'âng.
16364 Now my turn for thin ice and tigers.

16365 Live up to your line

16366 and the constitution [Image]
16367 [Image]
16368 etiam habitus inspiciendus
[Page 563]
16369 [Image] mao4

16370 [Image]

16371 It may depend on one man

16372 ... as in the case of Edwardus

16373 and von Hoesch on the telephone:

16374 to good for three years,

16375 or to evil

16376 Eva's pa heard that on the telephone,

16377 but forgetful of Bismarck;

16378 lost to all i4 [Image]
16379 "No wars after '70."

16380 "Nicht Bosheit, Dummheit!"

16381 "Sono tutti eretici, Santo Padre,

16382 ma non sono cattivi."

16383 It can't be all in one language"

16384 "They are all prots YR HOLINESS,

16385 but not bad.
[Page 564]
16386 Yes yr/ Holiness, they are all of them prots."

16387 "Wd/ have filled Hamburg with grain."

16388 "No, Miss Wi'let, on account of bischniz relations."

16389 20 years to crush Bonaparte,

16390 gold through France into Spain

16391 The purchase and sale of

16392 Geschäft,

16393 and Buchanan's remark about monarchies

16394 (1850 to Pierce)

16395 mentioning only those on the Continent

16396 question? England not yet sold for the Suez---

16397 That would have been 20 years later,

16398 or was it '74?

16399 At any rate, sold down the river,

16400 passed over Parliament,

16401 "whatever else he believed in,

16402 it was not representative government"

16403 Nor visible responsibilities.

16404 All, that has been, is as it should have been,

16405 but what will they trust in

16406 [Image] now?
16407 "Alla non della", in the Verona statement

16408 ...

16409 Section Rock Drill.

16410 Alexander paid the debts of his soldiery. They

16411 thought there was a catch in it somewhere, but he set up

16412 the tables

16413 at camp's edge; "Any note will be paid."

16414 OBIT apud Babylonios

[Page 565]
16415 (date ... out of Arrian).

16416 And in the great Hamurabi Inscription:

16417 THEY LIED.

16418 That is the Regius Professorships

16419 (apud Chris. Hollis)

16420 to falsify history

16421 and impose the Whig point of view.

16422 "Such hatred"

16423 wrote Bowers,

16424 and La Spagnuola saying:

16425 "We are perfectly useless, on top,

16426 but they killed the baker and cobbler."

16427 "Don't write me any more things to tell him

16428 (scripsit Woodward, W. E.)

16429 "on these occasions
16430 HE[Image]
16431 talks." (End quote)

16432 "What" (Cato speaking) "do you think of

16433 murder?"

16434 But some Habsburg or other

16435 ploughed his Imperial furrow,

16436 And old Theresa's road is still there in Belgium.

16437 Tree-shadowed

16438 and her thalers

16439 were current in Africa,

16440 standard in our time,

16441 "characters by their coinage";

16442 Cleopatra wrote of her coinage.

16443 (Joseph two, verify? ploughed his furrow)
[Page 566]
16444 Up out of Tuscany, Leopoldine.

16445 "We don't hate anybody."

16446 Quoted Konody,

16447 "We fight when our Emperor says so."

16448 (Austrians 1914)

16449 "Decent chaps" (Schwartz '43)

16450 "a shame that we have to fight 'em."

16451 "Mais le prussien!

16452 Le prussien

16453 c'est un chic homme."

16454 Said the aged femme de ménage with four teeth out.

16455 "Vous voullez me rouler,

16456 mais 'ous ne me

16457 roulerez pas,

16458 "paaasque je suis trop rosse."
16459 litigantium dona [Image] féi
16460 [Image] pào
16461 non coelum non in medio

16462 but man is under Fortuna

16463 ? that is a forced translation?

16464 La donna che volgo

16465 Man under Fortune,
16466 CHÊN
16467 [Image]
[Page 567]
16468 Iou Wang, 770 [Image]

16469 King Jou [Image]

16470 killed by barbarians
16471 "I [Image]
16472 [Image] Houo
16473 in angustiis me defendisti,

16474 "Millet wine, fragrant,

16475 and a red bow

16476 with a hundred arrows

16477 and a black bow

16478 and a hundred arrows.

16479 ne inutile quiescas." end quote.

16480 "Will not rustle cattle,

16481 will not take oxen and horses,

16482 will close all traps and pitfalls

16483 that they have set for wild game"
16484 Pe [Image]
16485 K'în [Image]
16486 order for mobilization against insurrection

16487 by tribes from t'other side of the Houai river

[Page 568]
16488 in time of
16489 TCH'ENG [Image]
16490 WANG [Image] 1115-1078
16491 "will not traipse into peoples' fields

16492 chasing fugitives, real or ...

16493 "in eleven days we will go into Sui,

16494 prepare your provisions."

16495 end quote.

16496 "On these occasions

16497 HE [Image]
16498 talks."

16499 end quote, Woodward '36

16500 Eleven literates

16501 and I suppose Dwight L. Morrow"

16502 re Senate enrollment

16503 Br ... C.... g

16504 question? about '32

16505 "hysteric presiding over it all" '39

16506 House, Foreign Relations.

16507 Bellum cano perenne ...

[Page 569]

16508 ... between the usurer and any man who

16509 wants to do a good job

16510 (perenne)

16511 without regard to production---

16512 a charge

16513 for the use of money or credit.

16514 "Why do you want to

16515 "---perché si vuol mettere---

16516 your ideas in order?"

16517 Date '32

16518 Or Grock: Où ça?

16519 (J'ai une idée.)

16520 Grock: Où ça?

16521 Berchtold as if been blown up by dynamite,

16522 Calm on the surface.

16523 If I had known more then,

16524 cd/ have asked him,

16525 as Varchi---one wanting the facts.

16526 Of Roanoke, EIGHTEEN 31:

16527 "Nation silly to borrow its own."

16528 Polk, Tyler, an honour roll.

16529 paideuma fading,

16530 Buchanan still fairly clean,

16531 Infantilism increasing till our time,

16532 attention to outlet, no attention to source,

16533 That is: the problem of issue.
[Page 570]
16534 Who issues it? How?

16535 And after the year 1600 Nakae Toji

16536 carried Wai' Ya'

16537 (name worn out in some dialects)

16538 Min's lamp to Nippon.

16539 The total dirt that was Roosevelt,

16540 and the farce that was Churchill

16541 (vide Grenfell re/ phoney war)

16542 "But", said Antoninus,

16543 "Law rules the sea".

16544 "And that the state shd/ have benefit

16545 from private misfortune,

16546 not in my time, not under me."

16547 Until Salmasius, wanting precision:

16548 Want, ,

16549 "Common practice!" sd/Ari re business;

16550 "Cogitatio, meditatio, contemplatio."

16551 Wrote Richardus, and Dante read him.

16552 Centrum circuli.

16553 Remove the mythologies before they establish clean values.

16554 "Europe" said Picabia

16555 "exhausted by the conquest of Alsace-Lorraine."

16556 Vlaminck: "... is local." "Art is."

16557 The pusillanimous wanting all men cut down to worm size.

16558 Wops, maggots, crumbled from simple dishonesty.

16559 ... ...

16560 quia impossibile est.

16561 Ver novum

16562 are protected of course,

16563 hic est medium

[Page 571]
16564 [Image] chih in the 3rd/ tone

16565 and a radical.

16566 Was not unanimous

16567 broke tie,

16568 That is 6 jurors against 6 jurors

16569 needed .

16570 Right, all of it, was under Shang

16571 save what came in Athens.

16572 Y Yin, Ocellus, Erigena:

16573 "All things are lights."

16574 Greek tags in Erigena's verses.

16575 And when they bumped off Alexander in Babylon

16576 that wrecked, said Gollievski "a good deal".

16577 Greece had no Quattrocento.

16578 Justinian's codes inefficient

16579 "abbiamo fatto un mucchio ...

16580 (a haystack of laws on paper)

16581 Mus. viva voce:

16582 "We ask 'em to settle between 'em.

16583 If they can't, the State intervenes."

16584 They deny, of course, but it percolates,

16585 Ocellus:

16586 jih [Image]
16587 hsin [Image]
16588 the faint green in spring time.

16589 The play shaped from

16590 gospoda ,
[Page 572]
16591 From the dawn blaze to sunset

16592 "What has been, should have

16593 "All metal as barter"

16594 Destutt or whomso,

16595 "Pity to stamp save by weight."

16596 Always the undertow,

16597 gold-bugs against ANY order,

16598 Seeking the common (as Ari says)

16599 practice
16600 for squeeze.

16601 [Image] chih4

16602 directio voluntatis.

16603 "An instrument of policy

16604 even more than a measure." Said Douglas (C. H.)

16605 and the squirmers plunder men's mind,

16606 wanting all men cut down to worm-size.

16607 "A few" said Jean C.

16608 "gros légumes."

16609 in pochi,

16610 causa motuum,

16611 pine seed splitting cliff's edge.

16612 Only sequoias are slow enough.

16613 BinBin "is beauty".

16614 "Slowness is beauty.":

16615 from the

16616 [Image] San

16617 [Image] Ku

16618 to Poictiers.
[Page 573]
16619 The tower wherein, at one point, is no shadow,

16620 and Jacques de Molay, is where?

16621 and the "Section", the proportions,

16622 lending, perhaps, not at interest, but resisting.

16623 Then false fronts, barocco.

16624 "We have", said Mencius, "but phenomena."

16625 monumenta. In nature are signatures

16626 needing no verbal tradition,

16627 oak leaf never plane leaf. John Heydon.

16628 sleep there on the ground

16629 And old Jarge held there was a tradition,

16630 that was not mere epistemology.

16631 Mohamedans will remain,---naturally---unconverted

16632 If you remove houris from Paradise

16633 as to hsin [Image]

16634 In short, the cosmos continues

16635 and there is an observation somewhere in Morrison.

16636 leading to Remy?

16637 Bombs fell, but not quite on Sant'Ambrogio.

16638 Baccin said: I planted that

16639 tree, and that tree (ulivi)

16640 Monsieur F. saw his mentor

16641 composed almost wholly of light.

16642 (Windeler's vision: his letter file

16643 the size of 2 lumps of sugar,

16644 but the sheet legible. Santa Teresa ...

16645 Butchers of lesser cattle, their villain the grain god.

16646 Fell between horns, but up ...

16647 and the murmur: "salta sin barra,"
[Page 574]
16648 There is no such play for a goat.

16649 Tho' Mr Paige has described Ligurian butchery,

16650 And the hunting tribes require some preparation.

16651 Mont Ségur, sacred to Helios,

16652 and for what had been, San Bertrand de Comminges.

16653 "Wherever"

16654 said Frobenius "we find these drawings, we

16655 find water at not more than 6 feet,

16656 And the headless clay lions leave place for the head."

16657 Squirrils white, perhaps before a hard winter, oak cats,

16658 Indians say: when high weeds.

16659 As the water-bug casts a flower on stone

16660 nel botro,

16661 One interaction. Tê [Image] interaction. A shadow?

16662 "Bomb him down. He comes up again" said

16663 the sergeant detailed perhaps to impress me.

16664 "Und tey vere dhere, shentlemenn,

16665 mit tearsz hrolling tdown dhere vaces

16666 "Gentlemennn, shinn bones!!"

16667 ecstacy at a mathematical congress, ottocento.

16668 The bone is in fact constructed,

16669 according to trigonometrical whichwhat. Shinbones!

16670 Which illustrated Speech as a medium,

16671 the problem of order.

16672 But an economic idea will not (Mencken auctor) go into them

16673 in less than a geological epoch.

16674 "Nowt better than share (Mencius)

16675 nor worse than a fixed charge."

16676 That is the great chapter, Mencius III, 1, III, 6
[Page 575]
16677 T'ang Wan Kung [Image]

16678 pu erh. "Why must say profit

16679 [Image] (the grain cut).

16680 No dichotomy.

16681 Who leave the sun out of

16682 chih [Image]

16683 Religion? with no dancing girls at the altar?

16684 REligion?

16685 Cytharistriae.

16686 Vide Neruda's comment,

16687 but focus, can they even animadvert on focus?

16688 or true editions?

16689 "or even the use of process?

16690 That fine old word"

16691 sd/ "Stink" Saunders,

16692 "An independence".

16693 The nomignolo not reflecting on character

16694 but at that time, 1900 or thereabouts,

16695 applied to all professors of chemistry.

16696 And they count on the amount of coherence,

16697 the amount of endurance,

16698 durations,

16699 Henry's remarks on "dissolving view"

16700 Should be registered.

16701 Chiefs' names on a monument,
[Page 576]
16702 Seepage,

16703 the élan, the block,

16704 dissolution.

16705 [Image]

16706 Or as Henry again: "we have, in a manner of speaking,

16707 arrived.

16708 Got to, I think he says "got to, all got to."

16709 The ubicity, ascertaining.

16710 Was De Molay making loans without interest?

16711 Church councils bumbling. Fanatics do not understand

16712 interest.

16713 Justice, directio voluntatis,

16714 or contemplatio as Richardus defined it in Benjamin Major.

16715 Old crocks to die in a bug-house:

16716 Gallagher (Patrick) mentioned London loans to Tibet,

16717 an old colonel turned against masonry.

16718 And as to what old T. F. saw in the Treasury ...

16719 probably nothing.

16720 Tigers mourn Sikandar.
[Page 577]


16721 It was Saturday the 1st day of April, toward noon,

16722 the Senate not being that day in session ...

16723 came to my room at Brown's asking was I

16724 Mrs Clay's blood-relation?

16725 Prompt in agreeing to meet ... exact in protesting Clay's

16726 right to call him. "Col. Tatnall, the bearer,

16727 is authorized ...

16728 Was defiance of Adams, not Clay,

16729 in the senate speech, but to Jessup had said

16730 He would waive privilege,

16731 which constitutes a very palpable difference.

16732 Vague report that he had said that Salazar's letter

16733 bore earmarks

16734 ("blackleg")

16735 Which led to absolute challenge absolutely accepted,

16736 By which time it had become "forgery"

16737 (Jessup to Tatnall)

16738 "Forged or manufactured"

16739 (Tatnall quoting his principle: Charlotte jury

16740 Wd/ find presumptive strong likeness

16741 "in points of style" to other papers,

16742 Not proof but suspicion, for which he declined to offer

16743 explanation.

16744 Adams and Clay were for entanglement.

16745 Right bank, which is in Virginia #

16746 above bridge of the Little Falls

16747 ten paces
[Page 578]
16748 # where there was a law

16749 against duelling.

16750 I alone knew how he meant to avoid that.

16751 I went to Clay's on the Friday, the youngest child

16752 went to sleep on the sofa.

16753 Mrs Clay, as always since the death of her daughter,

16754 the picture of desolation

16755 But calm and conversable.

16756 Clay and I parted at midnight.

16757 Saturday, Randolph's, Georgetown,

16758 Could not ask him

16759 but mentioned the child asleep on the sofa.

16760 He said:

16761 "I shall do nothing to disturb its sleep

16762 or the repose of its mother",

16763 and went on making codicils for things of slight value;

16764 To Macon, some english shillings to

16765 keep game when he played whist;

16766 Young Bryan sent back to school to

16767 save him shock if ... and so forth.

16768 Wanted gold, coins not then in circulation,

16769 sent Johnny to Branch bank to get a few pieces,

16770 who returned, saying they had none.

16771 "They are liars from the begining. My HORSE!"

16772 which was brought him, for he never rode Johnny's ...

16773 Down Penn. Avenue to what is now Corcoran, Riggs,

16774 Johnny behind him at 40 paces.

16775 Asked for the state of his account. The teller

16776 took up packages of bills and

16777 asked in what size notes he wd/ have it.

[Page 579]
16778 "I want money."

16779 said Mr Randolph.

16780 The teller, begining to understand him, said: Silver?

16781 "My MONEY!" said Mr Randolph.

16782 "Have you a cart, Mr Randolph?"

16783 By that time the cashier

16784 told him there was a mistake in the answer to Johnny

16785 and that he shd/ have what he wanted.

16786 He got it, and closed the account,

16787 Returned and gave me an envelope

16788 to open if he were killed,

16789 And a slip to read before I got to the ground:

16790 to feel in his breeches pocket:

16791 nine pieces, I think it was,

16792 3 for me, Tatnall, Hamilton, each

16793 to make seals of, as mementos.

16794 We were all three then at his lodgings.

16795 He and the seconds took carriage,

16796 I followed on horseback.

16797 His (R's) stepfather

16798 brought out a "Blackstone" (a. D. 1804)

16799 The place was a thick forest in which a little

16800 depression or basis.

16801 Bellum perenne:

16802 1694: on what it creates out of nothing

16803 1750: shut down on colonial paper.

16804 Lexington;

16805 '64 "greatest blessing" said Lincoln.

16806 1878: in circulation as currency.

16807 sangue, fatica, in our time.

[Page 580]
16808 And there is, undoubtedly, blood on their silver,

16809 Without honour men sink into servitude.

16810 Responsible, or irresponsible government?

16811 Minimum of land without surveillance.

16812 And as to peerage:

16813 I. Edward vi, c. 12

16814 lords of parliament and peers of the realm, having place

16815 and voys in parliament may have benefit of their peerage,

16816 equiv/ that of clergy, for first offence, though they cannot

16817 read, and without being burned in the hand, for all offences

16818 then clergyable and also for housebreaking for robbery on the

16819 high-ways, horse stealing and robbing of churches.

16820 Hal. P. C. 377

16821 The books of a scholar, his countenance (wainagium)

16822 that of a villein.

16823 That these are the Histories

16824 OR

16825 Thus recapitulate:

16826 That T'ang opened the copper mine

16827 (distributive function of money).

16828 Nothing on which he leans, the chuntze, under heaven

16829 should have nothing on which he leans,

16830 Or monopoly, Thales, common practice, but dirty,

16831 Antoninus lent money at four percent

16832 that being the summit of Empire

16833 (Roman)

16834 "Trying", he said, "to keep some of the

16835 non-

16836 interest-bearing national debt in circulation as currency.

16837 one, eight, seven, eight,

16838 Mencius on tithing,
[Page 581]
16839 PERENNE.

16840 Cano perenne,

16841 I believe the Dai Gaku.

16842 Belascio or Topaze, and not have it sqush,

16843 a "throne", something God can sit on

16844 without having it sqush;

16845 With greek tags in his excellent verses,

16846 Erigena,

16847 In reign of Carolus Calvus.

16848 "Captans annonam

16849 maledictus in plebe sit!"

16850 that was Ambrose:

16851 "Hoggers of harvest!" Delcroix (properly):

16852 "always the same."

16853 Get the meaning across and then quit.

16854 Said Baccin: "That tree, and that tree,

16855 "Yes, I planted that tree ..."

16856 Under the olives

16857 Some saecular, some half-saecular

16858 trees, conduits, cisterns, ad majorem

16859 Dum ad Ambrosiam scandet,

16860 sacro nemori.

16861 altro che tacita

16862 , ,

16863 To the all-men as to the Emperor.

16864 Antoninus as apex, but on slavery and on bhoogery ...

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