By Reghan McNabb
Happy Holidays everyone! I’m back, and because it is so close to a special holiday, I am switching out one of my columns for this fun fact blizzard headed your way about the history of Christmas’ very own ELF ON THE SHELF! Many of you may not have heard of the Elf on the Shelf, but don’t fret because I am about to summarize this wonderful little character and tell you a little bit about everything he/she has gone through along with his/her other little elf buddies!
First, to summarize, I will tell you about the fantastic journey he/she goes on. The Elf on the Shelf is an elf that goes to a little boy or girl's house every day and goes with that little boy or girl anywhere he or she goes. This elf does this so he/she can report back to the big man himself and tell him if you have been naughty or nice. As long as you don’t touch your elf, he/she will come back every morning while you’re still sleeping and end up on a completely different shelf. The only problem is, if you touch him/her, his/her magic goes away and he/she can’t zoom back to Santa to tell him if you have been nice or not. The best part though, you can name your little scout elf anything you want!
Now that you know a little about the Elf on the Shelf, let’s get to his/her history. To start, this book was originally thought of and written by a mother and daughter duo named Carol Aebersold and Chanda Bell. Now, this idea came when they learned that Germans and Scandinavians always include elves as part of the holiday season. In a Danish tradition, children are often told the “nisser,” or elf, is watching over them so they better be good or they will be put on the naughty list. To help remind you of this, if any of you have ever seen the sitcom The League, then you have heard of this story as Kegal the Elf. The Elf on the Shelf has been a holiday tradition for many families since the day it came out in 2005. Don’t forget, there is an elf always watching over you to see if you are naughty or nice so you better watch out! See you after holiday break, and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday at that!
By Reghan McNabb
Hey Bees! I have managed to buzz back with the latest and greatest topic! Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer! The one from all the songs. Remember, he was always called names, and never allowed to play any reindeer games. Then all of a sudden one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say, “Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
Obviously, after he did that everyone loved him because he was popular though, right? Well, the story behind that is not just that some random dude got bored and started singing! There is story behind this. That story is what I am going to tell you!
Rudolph was so famous he was published before our parents and grandparents were born! In 1939, a book was written about him by Robert L. May and that book was published by Montgomery Ward. This guy has got to be in his 70’s! That is an old deer, if you ask me! In many countries Rudolph is an old folklore, or legend. For crying out loud, this guy’s got his own company! It’s called The Rudolph Company, L.P.! Let’s not forget that he’s in a song, a T.V. show, and a movie! Also, can you believe that before they came up with the idea of the name Rudolph they were going to call him “Rollo” or “Reginald”!?
Although there are a lot of crazy stories about this elderly deer, he is a legend that will be remembered by everyone! To be completely honest, I don’t think anyone could forget him, given that they turn on his song like a hundred times in December!
By Reghan McNabb
I’m back! Last week I talked to you about Cat Osterman and this week I am switching it out and talking about Lisa Fernandez! Are you ready to “BEE” gin? Fernandez is forty and is still living out her dream of being a right-handed pitcher! She comes from a Cuban-Puerto Rican national- ity. School is a big thing if you want to get somewhere, and believe me, she went to the right school! She went to the University of California in Los Angeles! Many times, she has been the, and I quote, “Without a doubt, the #1 softball player in the world!” Fernandez has been playing softball, or at least been in the game of softball in some way, for 15 years! To make things even juicier, she is a 3 time Olympic Gold Medalist! In 2004, Lisa was the Olympic Team USA's top hitter and pitcher, posting a 0.545 batting average, which just happened to set a new record for an Olympic tournament. Just in my opinion, I would agree with the quote, “Without a doubt, the #1 softball player in the world!”
If you were completely engaged in what I just told you, and you are feeling a compulsion (“force” to do a task) toward learning more about Fernandez, check out a YouTube video called UCLA vs. USA softball Lisa Fernandez! (if your parents approve). “Sting” you later bees!
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By Kaitlynn Moorhead
I curl into a ball under my covers, but it doesn’t stop the cold from freezing my bones. Another Christmas Eve with no new family. What’s the point in even celebrating if I don’t have a family to celebrate with. No, don’t say that, I tell myself. The other orphans are my family. After all, we’re all each other’s got. The thought brings a small smile to my face. I slowly sit up and crawl out of bed. I honestly think this is the first night in eleven years that I’ve celebrated Christmas with the other orphans. I never really saw the need to until now, I guess.
I tiptoe to the door and glance through the glass window to the kitchen, where all the girls are celebrating. They’re all sitting around the Christmas tree, opening gifts. I squint harder at the presents and almost fall backwards. One of the boxes—a big one covered in blue wrapping paper and a red ribbon—has a name on it. It says simply To: Abigail.
My freezing skin is momentarily filled with warmth and it gives me the courage to open the bedroom door and step out into the hall. They made me a gift, I think to myself, none of the girls have ever done that. When I walk into the kitchen, I’m automatically greeted with smiles. All the girls look up from their present opening and their faces light up. My best friend, Johanna, stands up to give me a hug.
“You came!” she shrieks. All I can do is nod my head. I look at the Christmas tree, with its shining lights and angel at the top. I’ve never felt anything like the happiness and joy I feel tonight. Tonight I feel welcomed and safe. Johanna snaps me out of my trance and turns me toward the table. A dozen cupcakes have been lit with candles. I do a quick check and realize there is one cupcake for every girl in the room—including me. “Make a wish,” says Johanna, and hands me a cupcake.
I think for a moment. Then, I take a deep breath. I want to have a family, with a pet and everything, I wish. Then, I blow out the candle.
We walk back to the Christmas tree and Johanna hands me my present. I open it and nearly faint. “How... how...”
“We piled our money together to buy it. We had just enough to get the whole set,” says Jennifer, one of the orphans who I didn’t know that well. Despite what they said, I was still in shock. Everyone knew I loved books, but I never expected anyone t o buy me the entire Harry Potter series. I smile joyfully until a slight breeze enters the kitchen and a woman walks in with Miss Sarah, our matron. I know why the woman is here. She’s looking for a child to adopt. Then, suddenly, against all odds, the woman’s eyes fall upon me and I realize with pure joy that my Christmas wish had come true.
By Reghan McNabb
(November and December)
Hey Bees! I’ve managed to “buzz” on back, and I’m ready to give you the latest on what’s going on up on the 2nd floor with our 7th graders.
M.V.P.’s come to the middle of the school year with a start of reading the play A Christmas Carol in Mrs. Bennett’s English class! Next, grasp your excitement and mosey on over to Mr. Nail’s class to learn about ratios and proportions! Creeping next door wouldn’t be such a bad thing once you found out that Mr. Cassell is all about the CPR thing in class. The only thing is that this CPR program is not what you think it is. This CPR is Creating Positive Relationships! Tip-toe across the hall and find that the students in Mrs. Barbour’s class are tackling Africa, and have been for about a week or so.
Skip, hop, and run all over the place until you hit V.I.P. territory and figure out the real secret to what they are learning! I won’t give out the whole secret. However, I will give hints. Hint number one is that Mrs. Cox and her classes are studying the history of Africa! Hint number two is that Mrs. Petty’s classes just finished short-stories and are going to begin A Christmas Carol just like those of you over on the M.V.P. side! Hint number three is Mrs. Walker’s classes are studying fractions, decimals, and graphing! Last but certainly not least, Mrs. Padan slips into energy and waves, and will start earth science at the semester start!
Now please, control yourself from getting too excited as we walk down to the bottom floor and get hooked in to Mr. Fischer’s math class! From what I have heard, they are in the middle of Chapter 6, learning linear functions and inequalities! Finalizing this month’s paper, on my part at least, we learn that Mrs. McDowell is finishing up with the teaching of the nonfiction unit. That is all for this month!
Read again next month and look forward to what is in store! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and enjoyed the outrageous meal you ate! Hope you didn't get too full or watched too much football!
Hey, Bee Hive! I’m back to let you know about the gossip in the 7th grade halls! This month, Mrs. Padan says we are starting off the holidays with electromagnetic, sound, and water waves! Also, Mrs. Cox says that they are still following up on the colonialism and history of Africa. Continuing across the way, Mrs. Petty is working on the play A Christmas Carol. Finishing, Mrs. Walker’s class is working on proportions, scale models and drawings, and is getting ready to start decimals, fractions, and percents!
If you start over with a different team, that team being the M.V.P.’s, you learn that Mr. Cassell has his students working with the study of paleontology, which involves carbon-14 dating. They are also studying the formation of fossil fuels. Across the way, Mr. Nail’s class is working on proportional relationships. Mrs. Barbour is continuing Ancient Egypt and Africa and wants to wish all students and staff Happy Holidays! Ending on Mrs. Bennett, her class is wrapping up the play A Christmas Carol, and we are going to wrap up right before Christmas break with grammar. Also, she would like for me to remind you all that she is collecting children’s books for the Tribune-Star Christmas Basket. Plus, to recognize the M.V.P.’s Character Ed students we have Jolene Lister with “cooperation,” Gene Crume with “respect,” Krutik Patel with “generosity,” and Brittany Ely with “tolerance.”
To end our 7th grade teams, the Olympians are next. First, in Mr. Fischer’s class they are working on adding and subtracting negative and positive rational numbers and are finding least common multiples and denominators. Next, Mrs. McDowell is having her class read the play A Christmas Carol just like many of the other teachers. Last on the Olympian team, Mr. Wilkinson is teaching his students about nonrenewable and renewable energy. Happy Holidays everyone and I hope you have a wonderful break!
By Mikey Fields
You know Runny, Dancy, Frolicky, Dixen, Star, Lovey, Toner, and Pitzen. But, do you recall the most famous reindeer of all? Rudolph the sick-nose reindeer had a very red nose (like a lantern), and if you ever saw it, you would say it glows (like a light bulb). All of the other reindeer who used to laugh and call him names (like Clowny) never let poor Rudolph play in any games (like Connect Four). But, one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say (with a thermometer), “Rudolph, with your nose so stuffed, stay at home tonight.” All of the other reindeer shouted with glee, “Yipee!”
By Reghan McNabb
Hey Bees! It’s Reghan here with your latest and greatest news! To start off, we have Mr. Wilkinson on the Olympian team. In his class, they are working on the Periodic Table! Next, Mrs. McDowell’s students just finished The Diary of Anne Frank and they are researching genocide. Finally, on the Olympian team, Mr. Fischer has his students working on adding and subtracting polynomials.
Moving to the next team, we have the Knights! On the Knights team, Mrs. Lee is helping her students learn about the first presidency and George Washington! Plus, Mrs. Scott has told me that the students are solving multi-step equations and inequalities. Also, Mrs. Carre is teaching her students about the elements in the periodic table, how atoms bond ionically and covalently, and the students are balancing equations! Ending the Knights, Mrs. Armstrong has teamed up with Mrs. Seibert from the All-Stars to have their students perform William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” and “A Midsummers Night’s Dream” and they are starting the novel The Outsiders.
Considering that we basically transferred over to the All-Stars just a minute ago, and just covered Mrs. Seibert, we will move over to Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown’s students are learning about the writing of the Constitution and the formation of our country! Also, Mrs. Rector’s class has the CPR (Creating Positive Relationships) program right now. Finally, Mrs. Tabor’s students are learning about the systems of equations and inequalities! I hope everyone
has a wonderful holiday break! See you later, Bees!
By Gareth Brunner
Once upon a time Santa was at the North Pole. He was a coach for football. His team was the Reindeer. Across the North Pole was Fat Albert, and his team was the Elves. They were the underdogs. They both were training for the Christmas Football Tournament. The game was on December 25th. So, they had to train as fast as they could.
Time went by fast and the tournament was the next day. Santa retrieved all of his elves that hid on the shelves. Then he was off into the night sky. The elves went back to training. They all trained as much as they could. But, the next day came and it was time to play football.
First touchdown, the Reindeer scored.
Then another, another, and another! The elves were sad. The half time bell rang. It was time for Santa and Fat Albert to sumo wrestle. (They were wearing big underwear.) Santa lost! Then, the game started again. That sumo match had encouraged the elves. In the end, the elves won!
They went to all the middle schools, but they went to Honey Creek first.
By Emma Olsen
What does the holiday season mean to you? The first person I asked this said “Lots of money gone to waste.” This is true, and I won’t deny it. Here are just a few more responses:
“It is time to be with your family and time to relax.”
“A time of wishes- most of which go unfulfilled.”
“Christmas is a time to be with your friends, family, and to be thankful for all that you have.”
As you can see, these aren’t all the people I interviewed, so here are a few more:
“Staying up all night with my mom and sisters.”
“I think it means presents and making cookies.”
“It means I can sit around and be lazy and have fun.”
I have three more people to write down, so just hold on:
“It means a time for family and love.”
“Getting to spend time at home and staying inside. Since the weather was always bad (my dad lived in North Dakota), we did puzzles, played games, and had fun.”
“I think that the holidays mean spending time with your family and having fun. Merry Christmas!”
By Taylor Lueking
A pig with five eyebrows; no, a donkey with 2 legs! These are some cool definitions for a really weird word. This month I asked Honey Creek students what they thought the really weird word swill meant. So, inquiring minds want to know what they said. Here are the definitions they came up with…….
-person with muscles
-fat guy eating donuts
-twirling while doing a jig to Mozart
-cool glasses with fireworks shooting out of them
…..of course, swill really means to eat or drink greedily.
So, “Say w-h-h-a-t-t?”
By Isabella Lopes-Murphy
The Festival of Lights is a Jewish holiday celebrated with, of course, lights! This special Jewish holiday is in celebration of the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem. The Festival of Lights starts on the 25th day of Kivlev, which is a month on the Jewish calendar and is around the month of December.
Hanukkah, which is another name for the Festival of Lights, lasts eight days. The “Lights” part of the Festival of Lights come from candles on the menorah, which is a candle holder that has one candle holder in the middle, and semi-circles that hold one candle on each side. It can also be called the hanukkyah. The Jewish light one candle at a time every day of Hanukkah with the largest candle called the shammash, or the servant candle. Before or after one of the candles is lit, there is a special blessing thanking God and a Jewish hymn is usually sung. The Jewish usually put the menorah in the window for people to see and remember the story of Hanukkah. Many games are played during Hanukkah, such as dreidel. You can also give and receive presents. Oil-fried food is traditionally eaten on Hanukkah. Food such as latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (deep-fried dough-
nuts that are filled with jelly or jam and dusted with sugar.) Yummy!! Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights, is very, uh, deLIGHTful for the Jewish culture.
This information came from this website: www.why
christmas.com/customs/hanukkah.shtml- Hanukkah—TheJewishFestivalofLights ChristmasCustomsansTraditions--whychristmas?com
By Isabella Lopes-Murphy
Christmas is almost around the corner, and there's a whole bowl full of Christmas recipes. One of them is called 'chocolate spoons.' Okay, okay, it's not whole spoons covered in chocolate; it's chocolate filled spoons. You'll get what I mean afterwards. As I was saying, chocolate spoons are the way to go if you like cashews, white and milk chocolate, and color-coated chocolate chips. Now let's get started:
• 200g of white and milk chocolate
• Cashews (fancy edible silver balls)
• Color-coated chocolate chips
• Plastic spoons
• Ziploc bags
• Christmasy bows (optional)
First, you put the spoons on a tray with baking paper, making sure that everything is level. Next, put either the white or milk chocolate into a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. Make sure to smooth with a spoon all of the chunks. Repeat this step for the second chocolate. Then, pour each of the melted chocolates into a different plastic bag and snip one of the edges of the plastic bag. Fill half of the spoons with white chocolate and the other half with milk chocolate. Make sure to tap each spoon so that the chocolate in the spoons stays level. Afterwards, put the leftover chocolate into another set of plastic bags and snip a very small cut to make designs on the spoons. After you make the designs, add the cashews and color coated chocolate chips. If you want to be decorative, you can put Christmasy bows on the spoons and let them set in the refrigerator. Finally, all you have to do is take them out and eat them. I bet that you know now what I meant when I said chocolate spoons. I hope you like this recipe, and don't eat too much of it, or you'll get a wee bit chubby. Happy holidays and good eating!!!!
I got this information from: www.kidspot.com.au/best-recipes/Christmas+42/Christmas-chocolate-spoons-recipe+3741.htm-Christmas Chocolate Spoons Recipe-Christmas
By Isabella Lopes-Murphy
So, there's Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. Those are all of the reindeer. (P.S. Rudolph isn't included.) I did a North Poll, get it, hahaha, okay moving on, I did a poll to see how many reindeer twenty-five people, including me, could name. One person named zip, (or zero), one person named three reindeer, three people named four reindeer , two people named five reindeer, three people named six reindeer, four people name seven reindeer, and, drum roll please, eleven (including me) named all eight reindeer. Congratulations, you know who you are. I also did a little research on the reindeer. Reindeer are very powerful and strong creatures. The reindeer from the Santa Claus Inc. are the only reindeer that are known to fly. They were known to have been fed magic corn from a wizard. Ohh, magical. Because of the “natural” reindeer's physical form, people believed that they could be able to pull Santa's sleigh full of presents. The eight reindeer, as mentioned before, first popped up in a poem written by Clement Clarke Moore in 1823 in “'Twas the Night Before Christmas.” In that poem, Donner was mentioned as Donder. So, there is kind of a dispute between Donder and Donner. So, now you know some of the history of the eight reindeer and their names.
Good-bye. Wait just a second, I want to say something I was saving for this article: Merry Christmas to all, and to all a merry Christmas. Okay now you can quit reading. Bye. Until next month. Okay, I'm done.
(P.S. Bye)
I got this information from: www.novareinna.com/festive/deer.html-The Reindeer
Book 1)
Written by Cassandra Clare
Reviewed by Kaitlyn Moorhead
There is a world hidden among our own. This world is about to be discovered by Clary Fray. Clary believes she is a regular human, but when she meets the Shadowhunters, a group of demon-fighting warriors, secrets are revealed that even Clary isn’t ready to find out. Pretty soon, Clary must accept the fact that she, an anything-but-regular sixteen year-old girl, was born to be a Shadowhunter.
Clary and her friends, Alec, Isabelle, Simon, and Jace, must fight alongside each other to destroy Valentine Morgenstern, an evil Shadowhunter who is intent on destroying all Downworlders (warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and fairies). Valentine was believed to be dead for many years, but discoveries among family and friends alike show that Valentine has been alive, well, and plotting revenge for a long time. Revenge for what, you say? You’ll find out in the book.
Filled with romance, adven- ture, and ever so many surprises, City of Bones is jam-packed with everything you need in a book! I absolutely LOVE Cassandra Clare’s writing as she tells the story of Clary, who learns to face any challenge, be it love, hate, or terrifying secrets! City of Bones is so far my favorite book in the six-book series. I hope to say the same for you, but I guess you’ll have to read to decide. See you next month, where I’ll have a review of the second book in the series, City of Ashes!
By Zac Dressler
At school I asked some people, if you could have one wish for Christmas what would it be?
One said, “Peace in Israel.”
Another said, “A safe trip to Florida.”
This is the one that surprised me: “For my mom and dad to get back together.”
“My wish is for world hunger to end.”
“For a smart board.”
The last one (drum roll please): “Call of Duty Black Ops 2.”
By Brooklyn Drummond
Dear Jackie,
My best friend is avoiding me for some reason. And, I don’t know what to do. I want to talk with her like I used to, but how?
Help Me Hope
Dear Help Me Hope,
Maybe your BFF is going through a rough time. She might be upset because a family member died or is having a rough time at school. She might feel excluded, bullied, or just lonely. What you should do is talk to her and see why she is avoiding you.
Dear Jackie,
I need some advice. Starting, this year my friend has been really serious and not as fun as she was in 5th. A couple years ago my friend’s buddy ditched us because my friend was too funny and embarrassing but now they’re friends again but she’s just using my friend. The buddy is also putting her against me. Now she keeps on saying we’re too embarrassing and immature. Should I tell her she’s being used or should I leave it alone? I don’t want to lose a friend.
6th grade girl
Dear Don’t Want To Lose a Friend,
First, talk to your parents. If you don’t want to go to your parents, you should tell your friend. Telling your friend would be better than living it alone. Also, tell your friend you still want to be friends.
Your friend,
By Zac Dressler
Every December 24th millions of people are visited by a short, fat guy in a red suit. Where did he come from, why does he do it, and how does he accomplish this seemingly impossible task? Santa Claus... Kris Kringle, Old Saint Nick. Santa Claus has different names. We see him on advertising posters, in parades, at departments stores...who is this guy and why does he have so many aliases? Well, the original St. Nicholas lived in southwestern Turkey in the 4th century. As the bishop of Myra he was credited with doing a number of miracles involving sailors and children. After his death this led him to become the patron saint of both groups as well as for unmarried girls. As a saint he was given his own "feast day" that was celebrated on December 6th. Roger Highfield, who wrote the book Can Reindeer Fly? The Science of Christmas, suggests that Wallers has not considered that Santa might have some high tech solutions to his problems. For example, "inertial dampers" - a device that's referred to in the Star Trek movies to keep the crew from getting shmoshed as the Enterprise accelerates to Warp 8 - could be used by Santa to solve his high-acceleration problems. The technology isn't known to our science, but to Santa, well, who knows? In fact some people have even suggested that Santa has the technology to manipulate time. By creating an artificial time bubble around his sleigh and his person, he could speed himself up as much as he needed. Again, this is far beyond human technology. However Santa does it, he seems to manage each year to delight millions of children on Christmas morning as he has done for over a century. Perhaps it's just MAGIC.
By Annabelle McCammon
Miracle on 34th Street: at Tilson Auditorium, ISU. December 10th at 7:30
Cory Zion Church Craft and Bake Sale: Dec. 1st at 8:00 a.m.
Let’s Can Hunger Holiday Food Drive: at 1437 Ohio St. on Dec. 1st at 9 a.m.
Salt Dough Ornaments: at Native American Museum on Popular St. on Dec. 1st 10 a.m.
26th Annual Christmas in the Park: at Deming Park on Dec. 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th ,13th, 14th, 15th,16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th , 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 26th at 6 p.m.
2nd Annual Tree Fest: at Wabash Valley Fairgrounds on Dec. 6th at 4 a.m.
And many more!
You can find more at www.wthitv.com
Make ten five-letter words from “Christmas.”
By Zac Dressler
It was a night out of town. I was walking down the sidewalk when a chair fell right in front of me. I was shocked and didn’t know what to do. Then, I saw people running for their lives, so that’s what I did. The chairs were everywhere; no one knew what to do.
ONE MONTH LATER…The chairs finally moved; we, at first, were shocked. After the chairs came alive, they started to pull out weapons so we almost battled, but the chief finally awoke and the humans (us) made friends with the talking chairs.
Written by Jeannine Atkins
Reviewed by Annabelle McCammon
This book is for those who want to learn about people in past times and what their daughters accomplished. This book is full of poems about Laura Ingalls Wilder, Madam C.J. Walker, Marie Curie and of course their daughters.
Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder: When Rose was little, her mom would tell her stories about her childhood. When Rose got older, Laura’s stories were published into books. Now their books are read all over the country.
Madam C.J. Walker and A’Lelia Breedlove: After A’Lelia’s father died in the war her mom and she lived in a house that smelled of lye soap because they had to do white folk’s laundry. They made a million dollar hair care line after C.J. found out she was losing her hair.
Marie Curie and Irene Curie: Marie discovered radium and won 2 Nobel Prizes. She gave birth to the scientist Irene Curie who helped injured soldiers in World War I. She also won awards for her work.
I really liked this book because it talked about famous people who did amazing things and about what their daughters achieved. It is a really inspiring book.
By Reghan McNabb
Hey Bees! Reghan here to let you know that if you missed me I’m back! Ha! This month we are going to talk about a different certain tennis player, my personal favorite, Maria Sharapova!
I will start out with some basic facts. Maria Yuryevna Sharapova, professional, Rus- sian tennis player, has already won four grand slams! Maria’s parents are Yelena and Yuri Sharapova.
Sharapova’s height is six foot two inches and her weight is 130.1 pounds! She is definitely
in amazing shape! When Maria originally decided to become a tennis sensation she was seventeen! Amazingly, she was the most searched on Yahoo under athlete in 2005 and 2008!
If you ask me that is pretty amazing! Also, she has been named one of the top one hundred greatest of all time by the Tennis Channel! This woman is an astounding role model for any big tennis dreamers out there! Eventually, everyone’s mind will be set on the fact that Maria Yuryevna Sharapova is the one to watch, learn from, and take notes on!
Finally, don’t forget about that stellar grunt!
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By Cadence Altvater
One of the newest scary games for kids my age is The Slender Game. It’s basically about you—as a 5 or 6 year-old- finding a note about someone named Slenderman. It tells you a tiny bit about him, and suddenly he appears. He sizes you up. He decides to drive you insane- and you, being a 5 year old-are scared out of your mind, but you also want to find out more about him. So, you start looking for more clues—there are eight in all. Every time you find a note about him, he gets angrier. And, all you have is one flashlight. Remember: this is in the middle of the night. And, there are two ways your flashlight goes off—one is if you have it on for too long, and the other is around the eighth note. The main point at this part of the game is that you are alone, in the dark, with no flashlight, and Slenderman is coming to get you. My personal opinion on this monstrosity of a game? So glad you asked.
The entire game is made to scare you. Unlike the day version of the game (the one where he just wants his $20) you are in danger in the night version. The way the entire thing works is as follows: Step one, you start the game - just curious about what it is. Step two, you find a few notes, and you start to worry. Step three, the last note comes around and you freak out because your flashlight is dead. And, Slenderman is angry. Very angry. Step four, you quickly exit the game, not wanting to see what happens next. Step five is you have nightmares about it and basically drive yourself into insanity. And, finally, Step six, you tell your friends about the horrible experience and they restart the cycle.
I bet many of you reading this have played this, and now understand the point of the game. I personally think that if the time we have in this world was spent on something more important, we’d probably last a lot longer. Instead of making people freak out over something that doesn’t exist, we should be doing something positive. Teaching kids our age that something like this is real is basically cruelty, and some - like me - may even go as far as to call it abusive. This kind of thing hurts our sense of reality. The human imagination is the most powerful thing in the world, so why use it to hurt people psychologically instead of helping them? The reason why it would be dangerous for us to know what is going to happen is that we might try to change it – and, half the time, trying to change it is what makes it the outcome. The future is not ours to decide, no matter how much influence we have on it. So when things like this happen, I’m sorry to say that I’m one of the many trying to fix it. But, at least I’m doing it to help, not to hurt.
So the Slender Game is really just a psychological cruelty to the young minds and it needs to be removed. Some kids enjoy the game, find it entertaining, even. But, not me. Nope, I find it unfair that such a thing can poison someone’s life so quickly. You may not like it, but this is my opinion. Like it or not, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
Chapter Two
Written by Cadence Altvater
“So Karma eventually found Aries in the form of Cancer. Cancer knew what had happened to Capricorn and Libra, but Capricorn would not hear her out. So, she tried Plan B. “Libra! Libra, my sister! You must listen! Capricorn has done you no wrong!” She cried when she next visited her sibling. “It was Aries! He was the source of this rivalry!”
“Why don’t you tell Capricorn that?” Libra asked simply.
“He won’t listen to me! Oh, Libra, what will we do?” Cancer cried again, faking her innocence. In all honesty, the whole ruse that Aries had created had actually been her idea, and she had planned all of this. Cancer herself had given Aries the idea of creating their rivalry.
“Well, for starters, isn’t it appropriate that I try apologizing to Capricorn for my blunt rudeness and blindness to the issue?” Libra asked in concern.
“Or,” Cancer said excitedly, “We could get back at Aries for this great wrong doing. Save that talk for later. Now, how should we go about doing it?” Cancer did not wait for an answer before quickly telling Libra her plan for Aries. Libra, seeing no flaws in the plan, agreed to it. The next day she went to visit her sibling in his Fire Palace.
“Aries?” Libra asked cautiously when she entered. She could make out the outline of a person at the end of the room. She walked closer, and as she did so she sighed in relief. It was Aries, sitting there staring at a piece of paper in front of him. He was drawing something on it, but he kept erasing it and trying again. “What are you doing, Aries?” She asked, oddly confused.
“Trying to draw a map of...” He stopped short, cursing himself for almost telling her. “Nothing. Forget what I was saying. Anyway, what has brought you to my home?” Aries got up from his throne of fire and walked over to her, gently rolling up the piece of parchment and putting it in his pocket, reminding himself that he should not put it off anymore than he has to.
“I’ve noticed how incredibly impatient you are, and I’d like to help you fix this terrible issue. Why don’t you come to my Kingdom in the Clouds tomorrow and I can show you the ways of patience?” Libra asked. Actually, it sounded more like a demand than an offer. Aries stared at her in disbelief. Not because she was demanding—she was always like that. Moreover, because he had work to do. He was a busy guy! He didn’t have time for this when he had war maps to make! Rivalries to create! Battles to commence!
Still, he was touched that his sister was being so kind to him. Maybe he should admit to what he did and apologize after all of this was set and done. Ah, well, but what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, he thought while nodding in agreement. “I’m up for that if you don’t mind. I’d hate to be a bother.” He said modestly. She just laughed and patted him on the head.
“Don’t worry, Aries. It will be such a delight to have you there!” She smiled all too nicely, Aries noted. Maybe I shouldn’t do this, he thought as his sister evaporated into thin air. Oh well. The next day he showed up at Libra’s Cloud Castle and knocked on the door.
“Libra! It’s Aries!” He shouted. She opened the door and waved at him.
“Hello, Aries. I’m so glad you could drop by.” Her smile was vicious as the cloud beneath him dissipated and he started to fall down towards the ground. He was screaming like bloody murder. When he was so close to the ground that he knew this was the end, he was engulfed by water. At once he thought his sister, Cancer, was watching out for him again. But when he thought the waves would calm down, they just thrashed around more. And more. And more. Aries tried to catch his breath, but water filled his lungs. He tried to scream, but water just filled him up. The last thing he heard before he passed out was as follows: “That’s what you get, jerk,” Libra, the traitorous girl.
When Aries awoke, he was in his Palace, shivering and soaked with water. His fire was out, so he could not give the Earth any warmth at all. And, when his fire did eventually come back to him, he decided not to give any warmth anyway. After several years of arguing, begging, yelling, and crying, he agreed to give the earth the warmth again and stop being so greedy, though his feeling was more of self pity than greed. This period of bickering is what we would have called ‘The Ice Age.’
By Cadence Altvater
I look up at the sunshine
I see you smiling; you laugh
Tears escape my smiling eyes
Just you and me, forever
You pull out your violin,
I pull out my viola,
And we play the song; our song
We walk away holding hands
I know that when the dream ends,
You will leave me once again.
Were you ever really there?
It’s too real to be a dream...
As we reach the sandy shore
I know time is not on my side.
I see you lean to kiss me
And your lips utter good-bye
I’m strong while you’re still with me,
But I weep when you are gone
But in a few short hours,
You’ll be back from dusk till dawn
You’ll pull out your violin,
I’ll pull out my viola,
And we’ll play the song; our song
We’ll walk away holding hands
By Annabelle McCammon
Good morning elves! We are here live from Santa Studios! Today in the North Pole Santa is getting ready for Christmas which is only 5 days away! But we have a major problem. Rudolph is missing! We have search teams looking for him now! If anyone spots Rudolph, please contact us at 555-Santa! But, in better news we only have 500 more toys to make. Plus, there are a lot of good girls and boys this year! Which is great so we have more coal for fire! Right now we are here with Santa himself!
So, Santa, how are the toys coming along?~ Reporter.
We are making progress, only 100 toys per day! ~ Santa
That is great Santa! Thanks for being with us today! ~
No problem! ~ Santa.
Breaking news: Rudolph has been found! We found him in Candy Cane Woods! Thanks for looking! This has been Elf News. See you tomorrow!
By Annabelle McCammon
A candy maker from Indiana wanted to make a candy that would be a witness, so he made the candy cane. He started off with a pure white piece of hard candy. The white was to symbolize the purity of Jesus and the hardness for the Solid Rock. Then, he made it shaped like a J for the name of our savior, Jesus, and he made red strips for the blood that he shed.
Some of our 6th graders are working on the oral tradition and have just finished writing their own creation myths in English. Others are working on grammar, like prepositional phrases on the board. (HaHa!) Still, others are writing argumentative essays, and we know how much we all love to argue, so if you hear yelling pencils and pens...These essays, though, are tastefully done and done to prove a point—should we or should we not teach cursive handwriting?
What is matter? I don't know. What is the matter with you? Most of our busy sixth graders have finished a unit of matter, where they studied what matter is and the states of matter. Gas, solid, or liquid—now they know! Now they're moving into energy, like potential and kinetic. Students are dis- covering that energy is neither created nor destroyed but transformed into other forms, such as heat, sound, light, and electrical energy. Students have experienced flying suction arrows from a toy bow and arrow set, a mouse trap demonstration, and even a virtual chimp named Chiki to discover the transformation of energy for themselves.
Our sixth graders are enjoying Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. The students are working with Ms. Babbitt’s excellent writing style that includes the use of similes, metaphors, and symbolism.
Many students have been setting up ratios along with making proportions to solve various problems. “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally,” has made it back again as we study Order of Operations in solving problems.
During November, they in- vestigated the framework for our election process and even “voted” for President. After the election, the focus shifted to Ancient Rome. After viewing several dramatic videos, students were able to imagine living during the period and were instructed to write a journal entry describing a day at an event during the ancient Roman era.
European holiday traditions will be shared in December, as well as determining the Geography Bee participants.
By Alex Fuller
In November there are several holidays, but the one that is a big festival is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has been around for a VERY long time, but it wasn’t called Thanksgiving until 1624—which was 388 years ago!! Thanksgiving is on November 25th. A Thanks- giving meal is usually turkey, mashed potatoes, chicken and noodles, and all that good stuff. Thanksgiving Day is a day you can sit down with the people you love and enjoy a meal with them. I hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
Submitted by Alex Fuller
"Hope" is the thing with feathers-
That perches in the soul-
And sings the tune without the words-
And never stops-at-all-
-Emily Dickinson
By Alex Fuller
One thing is there are a lot of you who want to be on Battle of the Books! But, sadly there can only be five team members and five alternates. So read, read, read!!! Set a goal to read all 20 Young Hoosier Books. I’m giving a special shout out to Annabelle McCammon!!! I hope you make the team. You’ve worked so hard!!!!! Good luck to everyone else!!
Everyone who is on the battle of the books team is dashing through the snow with books. My friend Annabelle McCam- mon is dashing through all of the Battle of the Books books. She is doing so well this grading period; she has over 100 S.R.C. pts.!
What is your favorite Christmas book? I bet it’s great!! My favorite Christmas book is... The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!!!! Everyone agreed that the six Herdman kids were the worst kids in the world. They lied, they stole, they hit little kids, they talked dirty, and even the girls smoked cigars. Sunday School was a safe haven for the other children because the Herdmans never went there. But, when the Herdmans show up one Sunday looking for chocolate cake, they hear about the Christmas pageant and decide they want to take part. To the dismay of everyone involved, the Herdmans land the main parts in the play. Although everyone expects a disaster, the Herdmans bring a fresh interpretation to the Christmas story, a story they had never heard before.
by Alex Fuller
Logan Tom is a famous volleyball player. She was born on May 25, 1981, and is an American indoor volleyball and beach volleyball player. She is a four-time Olympian at the outside hitter position.
At age 19, Logan became the youngest woman ever to be selected for an American Olympic volleyball team when she made the 2000 games in Sydney. She is a skilled all-around player who brings stability to the American serve receive and defense, while also providing the team with a solid attack and block at the net. She has been a huge part of the national team for many years. In Beijing, Tom helped Team USA win a silver medal and was named Best Scorer.
By Alex Fuller
Have you ever wondered about the......elves??? Simple questions, like where did they come from or how many are there and even what are their names? Well, I can answer your questions? There are an unlimited number of elves. Why? Because there are so many toys that need to be made. These elves have been working their little tooshi’s off for us to have toys. One little tip: DO...NOT....FEED
...FEED...THE...ELVES!!! I think the elves are so cute in their little green outfit and little green hat. Do you have any more questions? Well, there will be a box in the library you can put it in, and I’ll answer it in the January issue.
By Alex Fuller
This is a very important game. This game is the championship game, to see who wins a year supply of candy canes. In white are team snowmen and in green are team elves. People are placing bets on who’s going to when. Lots and lots of people are saying the snowmen are going to melt before they even get on the court. The first serve is the elves. The players on the court for the elves are Jingles, Bells, Hope, Charity, Peace, and Snowflake. And on the other side of the court are Ted, Fred, Greg, Joe, Bob, and George. Jingles serves the ball, it’s over the net, and ouch Ted just got a face full of volleyball. Ted is going to sit out for a while, and his replacement is now Larry. The current score is 0-1. Elves are in the lead. Now, to make this short and sweet, they are going to 3-pts. Jingles serves again…….and Joe dives in for a bump. Bob sets it and Greg spiked it. The elves had no reaction; that was a terrible move for the elves. The score is 1-1. Now the snowmen are serving. Larry is serving; it’s over the net and the elves have a fast reaction to this one. Hope jumps high in the air and spikes it right to them. Then and there the elves just took the lead with the current score being 1-2. Snowflake just served the ball. If they can make it through they can when this right here right now. And over the net, Fred hits it...does go over and…wow an amazing recovery. George hits the ball and it goes over. Charity dives for the save, and oh-no she misses by just a drop away and the game is tied up again, 2-2. This is the game point; whoever wins this also wins the year supply of candy canes. This is intense. Bob serves the ball and then Peace just hit it back and I think this is it. Fred is going for it…..he’s got it, he’s got it and he doesn’t have it. That’s it, game over! The elves won!! They also won the year supply of candy cane. Wow! that was a good game.
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!
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