The infinitive of purpose účelový infinitiv We use the to-infinitive to express purpose 

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Účelový infinitiv
We use the to-infinitive to express purpose to answer "Why...?"

Infinitiv s „to“ můžeme použít k vyjádření účelu. Do češtiny lze přeložit jako „aby“. „Not to“ pak jako „aby ne…“.

Účel může být v angličtině vyjádřen např. i pomocí „for“ či „so that“.
Examples: I'm calling to place an order for delivery.

Diane went to the door to open it.

To pass this test, you need to achieve a score of 60% or more.

He bought some flowers to give to his wife.

He locked the door to keep everyone out.

I wrote a short notice not to forget her birthday.

1. Rewrite these sentences using the infinitive of purpose.
Example: I'm going to the bank because I want to get some money.

I'm going to the bank to get some money.

2. I went to the beach because I wanted to sunbathe.

3. She went to the South because she wanted to visit her grandchildren.

4. They're going to study hard because they don't want to fail again.

5. The dog did all the tricks because it wanted to get the rewards.

6. Francis is going to Africa because he wants to go on a safari.

7. Sara is going to the shop because she wants to buy a new CD.

8. I’m going to Africa because I want to have a vacation.

2. Join together the following sentences by using infinitives.
Example: He did not have even a penny with him. He could not buy a loaf of bread.

He did not have even a penny with him to buy a loaf of bread.

1. We went to the station. We intended to book the tickets.

2. I am going to the supermarket. I want to buy some milk and some bread.

3. She is looking at a map. She wants to find her way home.

4. He went to the market. He wanted to buy some vegetables.

5. The little is lifting his hand in the air. He wants to answer the question.

6. He wants to be rich. He works hard for that reason.

7. I went to the airport. I wanted to catch my flight to London.

8. He collects old stamps. It is his hobby.

9. I turned on the radio. I wanted to listen to the news.

10. She is wearing rubber gloves. She wants to clean the basin.

11. The boy was happy. He received the prize.

12. I go the gym every day. I do an aerobics class.

Answer_these_questions_using_the_words_below._Add_an_infinitive_to_each_word_prompt.'>3. Answer these questions using the words below. Add an infinitive to each word prompt.
to buy some stamps, to visit my grandmother, to learn English, to catch a bus

1. Why are you going to evening classes? Answer: I am going to classes _________________________________

2. Why are you going to Brisbane next week? Answer: I am going to Brisbane ____________________________

3. Why are you going to the post office? Answer: I am going to the post office ____________________________

4. Why are you waiting here? Answer: I am waiting here ______________________________________________
4. Use the words in brackets to answer these questions.
1. Why are you going to the city? (Have lunch with a friend.)

Answer: I am going _____________________________________________________________________

2. Why are you going to the museum? (See the dinosaurs.)

Answer: I am going _____________________________________________________________________

3. Why are you going to the library? (Look for some books about space.)

Answer: I am going _____________________________________________________________________

4. Why are you waiting? (Get a taxi to the airport.)

Answer: I am __________________________________________________________________________
5. Complete with TO or NOT TO + verb in brackets.

1. Trees were planted……………………………………………….(reduce) traffic noise.
2. This is good……………………………………..………(get) rid of headaches.
3. We crept up the stairs………………………………………..…….. (not wake) granny.
4. A mouse is a devise………………………………………..……….(move) the cursor around the computer screen.
5. I swept the broken glass……………………………………..……….(prevent) an accident.
6. The new paint is excellent………………………………………..………… (cover) walls with cracks in.
7. We will write Claire’s name in the calendar……………………..………………………. (not forget) her birthday.
8. We spent the summer in London……………………………………..……… (improve) our English.
9. I didn’t say anything about Claude’s hair……………………………………..………. (not embarrass) her.
10. She bought a cage…………………………………………..….. (keep) her hamster in.
6. Complete the sentences using the infinitive of the verbs from the box.
watch take send meet listen learn find
1. We use a camera _________________ photographs.

2. We looked at the map _________________ the way.

3. I turned on the radio _________________ to some music.

4. They went to the airport _________________ Ben’s sister.

5. Tomek used the computer _________________ an email.

6. Jack and Carol went to the cinema _________________ a film.

7. They went to the Natural History museum _________________ about the natural world.
7. Complete the sentences using "Infinitive of Purpose"
Example: this button / turn on the computer

You use this button to turn on the computer.

1. a camera / take photographs


2. a watch / tell the time


3. a microwave / heat up food


4. a knife / cut things


5. an alarm clock / wake up in the morning


6. a pen / write things

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