8. THAT on numerous occasions Hon. Okwir did report to me on matters of a highly sensitive nature relating to the security of and in Uganda.
9. THAT at about 5.00 p.m. 15th February 2001, Hon. Okwir telephoned me and requested for a meeting. I agreed to meet him on 17th February 2001. on the evening of 17th February 2001, Hon. Okwir and I met at Okapi Gallery Bunga, where we held a long discussion concerning National security matters in which the Petitioner was named.
10. THAT I called Lt. Col. Noble Mayombo the Acting Chief of Military Intelligence and informed him that I had received information from Hon. Okwir on important national security matters to discuss. The three of us agreed to meet at Sheraton Hotel, a venue selected by Hon. Okwir.
11. THAT a meeting was held at the Sheraton where Hon. Okwir repeated the information pertaining to the Petitioner’s involvement in subversive activities against the state of Uganda.