3. THAT I have perused the petition of Col. (Rtd.) Dr. Kizza Besigye and the Affidavits of Hon. “Major (Rtd.)” Okwir Rwabwoni and of Hon. Winnie Byanyima both dated 23d March 2001 in support of the said Petition and I wish to reply thereto as hereunder.
4. THAT it is not true as stated in the Petition, paragraph 4 of the affidavit Hon. “Major (Rtd)” Okwir Rwabwoni (hereinafter called “Hon. Okwir”) and paragraph 7 of Hon. Winnie Byanyima, that on the 19th February 2001, he was made by Lt. Col. Noble Mayombo and myself to sign a document at Nile Hotel, Kampala announcing his withdrawal from the Elect Besigye Task Force (hereinafter referred to as“EBTF”)
5. THAT it is not true that on 21st February, 2001, Hon. Okwir was forced to make a statement disassociating himself from EBTF in my presence as stated in paragraph 8 of the said affidavit of Hon. Okwir.
6. THAT in the ordinary course of my duties as Senior Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief, I detail and receive from various persons acting under lawful covert circumstances, reports concerning security matters within Uganda.
7. THAT on numerous occasions Hon. Okwir was assigned by me the task of covertly gathering information and reporting to me matters of highly sensitive nature relating to the security of and in Uganda.