The third pull [ 1956 1962 ] 1956 Vision of the Third pull

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14. Elohim. [Hebrews 7]

143-136 That's the reason:

My faith looks up to Thee,

Thou Lamb of Calvary.

You think that's a big thing for God? God, Who made all the potash and calciums and everything in the world, He come down to visit Abraham; He said, "You think I'll keep it from you, seeing that you're the heir of the world? (Amen.) I'll not keep it from you."

God just got a... We're made out of sixteen elements. He just got some potash, and some calcium, some petroleum and cosmic light, went... [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] "Step in that, Gabriel." A body... [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] "Step in that, Wormwood." He stepped in it. Two Angels out of heaven...

God reached and got a handful of it, [Brother Branham blows--Ed.] stepped in it Hisself, come down and was hungry. Blessed... What about that, Adventist brethren, that won't eat meat? We're going to get into that after while. God Almighty, Jehovah... Find out if that same Name isn't translated the same One at the burning bush. Hallelujah. And when He stood on earth, He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM," that same One at the burning bush." That's right, Elohim. See if it isn't the same. He was the One was at the burning bush.

143-141 He was the One here in the presence of Abraham in a body of flesh that eat the calf, and drank the milk from the cow, and eat butter on hoecakes. Blessed be the holy Name of God. Walked right down there and said, "I'll not leave..." And He had His back turned. He said, "Abraham, I'm going to visit you, and you're going to bring that child. You're a hundred years old now, and Sarah's ninety." And Sarah in the tent went [Brother Branham illustrates--Ed.], laughed. He said, "What made Sarah laugh?" Behind Him, the tent between them...

Abraham said, "Sarah, did you laugh?"

"No, I never.

Said, "Yes, you did." What kind of a telepathy is that? What kind of a mind reading was that? He does the same today. He's Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never fails.

Look at Him; there He stands, walked right out and talked to Abraham and vanished in his sight. And the great patriarch Abraham said he talked face to face with God: Elohim, the same God. You get it? Not no three people, brother, three offices of the same Person.

E-54 But there's one Angel Who stayed with the Church elect. And He said to Abraham (Now He was a Stranger.), He said, "Abraham, where is your wife, Sarah?" Your wife, Sarah? a Stranger. See?

Said, "In the tent behind You."

Said, "I'm not going to keep this from you." ("I"--personal pronoun now) "I'm not going to keep this from you, but according to the time of life, Sarah's going to be a young woman again (You've heard me preach on it) and she's going to go back, have this baby."

And Sarah in the tent behind the man--never seen Him, in the tent laughed within herself.

And the Angel, with His back turned, said, "Why did Sarah laugh?"

Abraham called him "Elohim"; not the man setting there eating steak and drinking milk, eating corn bread. But it was the Spirit that was in Him. Now, what was it a sign of? That the Spirit of God would dwell in the flesh of people again and show the same sign before the end time. "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Now, Sodom was the one that burned; fire fell out of the heavens and burned them. And that's what's going to happen again; it ain't going to be water; it's going to be fire. So the Angel of mercy comes with the same message to warn the people, "Stay away from Sodom!"

99 Let me, before we go any farther, go back, Genesis 1:26. I'll pick it up Wednesday. When God made man... Before He made man, He called Himself "El," E-l, El; E-l-h, "Elah," "Elohim." The word means, in the Hebrew, "the self-existence," all by Himself. Nothing existed before Him. He was all the existence there ever was, self-existent One: "El, Elah, Elohim," means the "all-sufficient, all-powerful, Almighty, self-existent One." Oh.

But in Genesis 2, when He made man, He said, "I am Y-a-h-u, J-u-v-u-h, Yahua, Jehovah. What did it mean? "I am the all-existence One Who has created something off of Myself to be a son of Mine, or a temporary, or an amateur little one of Mine." Oh, glory. Why? He gave man... "Jehovah" means that He gave man to be an amateur god. Because He is Father God, and He made a man an amateur god, so He isn't self-existence anymore; He exists with His family. Amen. Elah, Elah, Elohim... Now, now He is Jehovah, "Jehovah" meaning the "One Who exists with His family."
15. Numerology of the Bible. [Numbers]

90-15 There's not another piece of literature written anywhere that can do that. And mathematically, and geographically, and every way; there's not a Book in the Bible wrote like the Bible. There's not a book in the world, I mean, wrote like the Bible; there's nothing. The numatics of the Bible is perfectly in harmony; just even chapters, and punctuations, and everything is perfect. Not another book... You couldn't read a chapter out of it without crossing itself back. But there's not one cross-up in the entire Bible. And was wrote by many, many, many people; and hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of years apart, not knowing one piece...

One wrote It here, and one wrote It here, and one wrote It over here; when It was all formed together, It made God's Bible. And not one contradicts the other one. And no... Not mathematics, geographics, anything else of the Bible, everything, numatics, everything runs perfectly together. If that isn't inspired, I don't know, what will you call inspiration? I'm so glad for the blessed, old Bible.

Some of them said, "Are you a Catholic? Protestant?" I said, "Neither one; I believe the Bible." That's right. I believe the Bible, and I'm glad that we still have the freedom to preach It in this nation. Oh, it's wonderful.


151 Thrones, lightning’s... What? Seven lamps, or lamps, or seven stars, called seven Spirits, meaning the mani--seven manifestations of the Holy Spirit of the seven church ages, the seven seats of mercy for the people. Here they are, seven seats of mercy, seven seats, seven churches, seven stars, seven manifestations, seven Spirits, seven lamps. Oh, my, how God is so perfect. Every...

Let it be in the numatics of the Bible, numatics of the Bible is the most perfect thing there is on earth. You can't get one flaw from Genesis to Revelations in the numatics of the Bible. Not another piece of literature written that you can't find a flaw 'fore you read three verses; but not in the Bible.

E-73 "You're name is called Simon; hereafter you'd be called Peter. You was Saul, but you'd called Paul from now on." How about all these names, if they don't mean something?

"Oh," you say, "that's numerology." The devil's got one (that's right), and God's got one. Everything the devil's got, he's patterned it off of God. Exactly right. Changed his name... After Jesus overcome He received a new Name Himself.
16. The 14th Mystery of no eternal hell fire. [Matthew 25:40-46]
Q & A. HEBREWS. PART. 1. JEFF. IN 57-0925

Explain what it means by everlasting punishment in Matthew 25:46.

But the... That's the question.

213-24 (…) Now, listen real close. Everybody now,

Matthew 25:46.

And these shall go away into everlasting punishment:...

Now, the question is, "What... Explain..." Now, the word "everlasting" comes from the word "from ever and forever," and "forever" is "a space of time." It only means "so much time," as forever. Now, if you'll just read... I don't know who wrote the questions, 'cause no one put their name on them; it didn't have to be; I don't want them. See?

But these shall go away into everlasting punishment:... (Now, watch; that's the wicked.)

Now, dear--dear person that asked the question, just read the rest of It.

...but the righteous unto life eternal...

The wicked shall go into everlasting punishment, "a certain space of time," but the righteous has Eternal Life. You'll never find eternal punishment: couldn't be. See, if they got eternal punishment, they got Eternal Life; they got Eternal Life, they're saved. See, it can't be. Now, if you'll watch, the--the question asked itself--answers itself. See?

And these... (Now, watch, I'll get before here:)... and they...

In the 20th--44th verse.

... and they also answered, said unto Him, Lord, when shall we be hungered, when with thirst, and and a stranger, and naked,... and--and in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

Then shall--then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Insomuch as you did it unto one of the least of these, you did it... unto me.

And these shall go away into everlasting... (everlasting)... punishment... (That's the wicked.):..; but the righteous into Eternal Life.

See the difference? The wicked has everlasting punishment, but "everlasting" is "a space of time." Now, if it would've been the same, it would've been written, "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, the other shall go away into Everlasting Life." See? Or, "They shall go away into eternal punishment, and the other one into Eternal Life." See, if there's an eternal punishment, to be punished forever and ever, then he's an eternal--he's got Eternal Life; and the only one Eternal Life, and that comes from God. Everything without a beginning has no end; everything with a beginning has an end. See what I mean?

Now, the Scripture Itself that the--the dear person answered... Now, if you'll take it in the Lexicon,

"And these shall go forth into ainion, cutting off, and into everla... into fire, the lake of fire."

Now, the word "a-i-n-i-o-n" means "a space of punishment," in the Greek Lexicon, right here, "space of punishment," or, "time of punishment." See? They shall go away into a time of punishment. The word is used, "a-i-n-i-o-n, ainion," which means "times, a time, a limited time." Then take it back into the--into the translation here, the English, "everlasting" is "a limited of time." See? It comes from the Greek, "a limit of time." The word "ainion," or "a-i-n-i-o-n, ainion" means "a limited time of punishment."

215-32 But then read the other, "But these shall go into eternal” (That's a different. See?), Eternal Life. Eternal comes from the word of eternity, and eternity had neither beginning nor end. It's forever and forever. Now, that should answer that (See?), because if you'll just read the Scripture real close, you'll see. "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous..." The wicked shall go into everlasting punishment, be punished for a space of time: maybe a billion years, I don't know; but you'll certainly be punished for your sins. But as certain as sin had a beginning, sin has an end. Punishment had a beginning, and punishment has an end. And hell was created for the Devil and his angels. See? All right.
17. Divine Revelation. [Matthew 16:15-18] [Birth of the Holy Spirit.]

E-40 And Jesus vindicated the same thing when He said, "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, Simon Peter," when he confessed Him to be the Lord. "Flesh... You never learned this in a seminary. You never learned this from some church, but My Father which is in heaven has revealed it to you. And upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Spiritual revealed truth of the living God.

When God has revealed to you by the Holy Spirit, not by theology, not by mental thinking, but by the actual birth of the Holy Spirit, that Jesus Christ raised from the dead, you have Eternal Life. That's the revelation. Wish we had time to bring it through the Bible.

27 And may I stop here to say that the church of the living God is built upon Divine revelation, not upon denomination, organizations, not upon creeds or doctrines, but on spiritual revealed truth of the living God.

Abel, in the garden of Eden had it when the church begin. How'd he know to bring a lamb? Why didn't he bring fruit like Cain did? But it was revealed to him.

Jesus once speaking, said, "Who does man say I the Son of man am?"

"Some said You're Moses, and Elijah, so forth."

He said, "But Who do you say I am?"

You see, it doesn't rest upon what somebody else thinks; it's what you know to be the truth. "What do you say?" That question would meet every one of us in the face tonight, "What do you say?"

And Peter quickly speaking up without one hesitation, said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

As Jesus Who knowed the secrets of all hearts, for He was none other than Jehovah manifested in flesh, and He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, the son of Jonas, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in heaven has did this. And upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It."

34 It is a Divine revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Person of His Being made manifest in the heart, "Upon this rock I'll build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." It works perfect with Matthew 24--5:24--or St. John 5:24, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life; and shall never come into condemnation, but has passed from death unto Life." Not because you had any move, any emotion; but because you have been the privilege of having Christ revealed to you from heaven, "Upon this rock I'll build My Church."


122 I wonder tonight now, quickly, those who would like to accept Christ as personal Saviour, say, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner. I want to come by the shed Blood. I'm tired of joining churches and running from place to place. I want to be borned again. I want an experience in my heart that I know that Christ has revealed Hisself to me by the spiritual revelation that you just spoke of, Brother Branham. I want the spiritual revelation, the Holy Spirit in my heart, making me alive, bringing Christ more real to me than I am to myself. I desire that experience, Brother Branham. Will you pray for me as I raise my hand?"

18. New birth is different from the Baptism of Holy Ghost.
Q. & A. HEBREWS. PART 2. JEFF. IN 57-1002

270-370 Now, the question is... Let's answer it just one by one; there's three questions.

By one Spirit we are all baptized into the body of Christ.

That's correct, I Corinthians 12 would give the answer to that. All right.

At that time we receive the new birth, this takes place? Is that when?

That's what they want to know. Yes. "By one Spirit..." No. No. By one Spirit we're all baptized into one body. See, that isn't when the new birth begins; the new birth begins when you believe on the Lord Jesus.

Now, see, there's not a--there's not one thing... Now, listen. What can you do besides believe? What more can you do? What can you do about it any more than just believe it? Tell me one thing you could do. There's not one thing that you can do outside of believe it. Now, if anything comes outside of your believing, it isn't an act of your own; it's a act of God. Therefore...

Now, if we'd say that when you--the... A lot of times I've seen, many times, people accepting "initial evidence of speaking in tongues" as the Holy Ghost, and sometimes shake the people, or beat them and pat them, saying, "Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it." You know, repeat a word over and over, "Say it. Say it. Say it." See, it's something you're doing yourself. And--and--and it don't... It doesn't... It--it's nothing. You might get a confusion of tongues. You might get a--a lot of things and sensations. But if anything comes outside of your own personal faith, it has to be a Divine gift of God given to you. See?

"And by one Spirit we're all baptized into one body." That's correct. See? The baptism of the Holy Ghost is a different act from the new birth. One is a birth; one is a baptism. One brings you Eternal Life; the other one gives you power. It gives power into Eternal Life (See?) to operate. Now, you got it? Okay, all right.
19. Four beasts of Revelations. [Revelation 6:1] [Lion, ox, man and eagle.]


As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
Q. & A. HEBREWS. PART 3. JEFF. IN 57-1006

320-683 Now, these four beasts of Revelations, if you notice them, every place... (You Bible readers, and which the man is going to listen to this tape recording...) Those four beasts, they had four faces: one had a face like a man; the other one had a face like an ox; and the other face was like an eagle; and the other face was like a lion. And they never went backwards; they couldn't go backwards.

How many remembers the old book of Revelations when they taught it years ago, when I took about two years here on the Book of Revelation? A lot of the old-timers do.

Look, they could not go backwards, because every way they went they were going forward. If they went this a-way, they was going like a man; if they went this a-way, they was going like a lion; went this a-way, they was going like an eagle; if they went this a-way, they was going like an ox. See, they couldn't go backwards; they were going forward all the time.

Now, those four beasts... Now, to quickly get this, 'cause I don't want to stay too long on this. But the four beasts... The "beast," in Bible represents "power." And you notice these beasts were not out yonder in the lake or in the sea somewhere coming up, but they were at the throne of God, and they were worshipping God. Those "four beasts" means "four powers" that come up out of the earth, and those four powers was the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; one don't contradict the other one.

And one of them, the... As the Gospel goes forth as a lion, it's stern, it's bold; the Gospel is brave like a lion, and it's a king like a lion. If it goes towards a man's face, it's cunning and shrewd like a man. If it goes the eagle, it's got the swift wings and the high heights. It... See what I mean? If it goes like the ox, it's the work horse that can pull, the work ox that pull the--the--the burden of the Gospel. The four beasts was the four powers, which were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the four Gospels that ring out in the Presence of God. That was...

If you noticed, they had eyes in front and in the back. They--they... Everywhere it went, it reflected. They seen everywhere they were going. And that's the power of the Gospels as it goes out; it can... It's got the shrewdness of a man; it's got the swiftness of an eagle; it's got the--the--the--the power, the pulling power, the burden-bearer like an ox; it's got the--the sternness and the boldness of a lion. See, it's the four Gospels, which are the four powers of the Revelations the 4th chapter. All right, now the next...
20. New Jerusalem. [Revelation 21:1-5]

[Eight day, after millennium, after fullness of time.]

Q. & A. HEBREWS. PART 3. JEFF. IN 57-1006

344-857 And when the thousand years are expired on this earth, then the devil comes up; and the second resurrection comes, the resurrection of the unjust. They gather a great army like the sands of the sea, and they come up to compass the camp of the saints. And when it does, God rains fire and brimstone out of the heaven and destroys them.

And John said, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth was passed away, and there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." There you are.

There he said, "The wife... The Lamb and the Bride will be there forever." There'll be a new earth, millions and millions of square miles. Oh, my. The city, the Bible measures out the city of fifteen thousand square miles. It's fifteen thousand miles long, fifteen thousand miles wide, and fifteen thousand miles high. That's exactly the description the Bible gives of the City. No wonder there's no more sea, there wasn't no place for it.

Oh, there'll be such beauty. And in there, there's a fountain right at the throne of God, that flows before the throne. There's a tree on either side of the tree--of the river of Life. And in this tree dwells prayer--twelve manner of fruit, and yields its fruit every month.

345-861 There's the twenty and four elders. There's your Bride. There's the forty and four thousand, the temple eunuchs. Oh, brother, we're going somewhere. Things lay ahead for us. The four... The twenty and four elders, the hundred and forty-four thousand eunuchs, the Bride setting with Christ, my, you talk... My home, sweet home... Amen.


260 And over in the New Jerusalem, how that the kings of the earth even bring their glory into the city there. Oh, it's wonderful. Let... If you want to take that... See, just like shine like stars, crowns. And Daniel 12:3 gives a great, big description of it, if you'd like to write it down. Maybe we'd have time just for a few minutes to get it. Let's get Daniel, what he says here in 12th chapter of Daniel. All right. Let's start at the 1st, at the 12th chapter:

And at that time shall Michael... (See? Oh, you know Who that is.)... shall stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble,... (What is it? Right after this: tribulation.)... such as never was since there was a nation even till that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that is found written in the book.

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, and some to everlasting life... (the crown)... and some to shame and everlasting contemptment.

And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness shall as the stars for ever and ever.

Oh, brother, there's your crown, that glorious crown of Eternal Life: a crown of Eternal Life.

(…) (continues)


277 ... a pillar in the temple of my God,... and I will write upon him the name of my God,...

Now, what's the Name of God? Jesus. If you want to jot this down (We're getting a little late.), "Jesus." Ephesians 3:15 said in heaven and earth all's named Jesus. You see? All right. All right. Now. All right.

... and the name of the city of my God, which is the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: I'll put on him... (Oh, you can see it's all the same Name, if you'd already caught it. See, see?)... I'll put on him the name of the city of my God,...

"The City," He goes ahead and say, "which is the New Jerusalem (See?), the New Jerusalem. I'll put on him the New Jerusalem." Now, the Bride, or the church, is the New Jerusalem. How many knows that? The church itself is the New Jerusalem. You believe that?

Let's just prove it. Revelations 21, I think it is that we want. All right, let's look back here so we can show. The Bible said, "Prove all things." See? Now, Revelations 21. Oh, listen to this right... Just listen to this, if you want to see what this new City of His (God's Name) is.

And I saw a new heavens and a new earth: for the first heaven and... first earth was passed away; and there was no more sea.

And I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

The new--new church is the Gentile church, the Bride. The Bride is a Gentile, and the Gentile has His Name. He took a people out of the Gentiles for His Name's sake. You believe that?

If you don't believe it, turn to Acts 15:14 and find out. Acts 15:14, if you want to turn over to it just a second, and we'll... Then you'll... Acts the 15th chapter and the 14th verse, I believe we'll find it. Then we're just about ready to close. Acts 15 and the 14th verse...

And after that they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me:

Simeon has declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. (All right, there She is. Oh.)

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