The third pull [ 1956 1962 ] 1956 Vision of the Third pull

Body must be born again like your soul

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7. Body must be born again like your soul.

E-17 Now, Divine healing is not a hocus-pocus. It isn't touching a totem pole or pouring some mysterious stuff from--that's run out of somebody's hands on you.

Divine healing is an act of faith in the finished work of Calvary. That's just as purely the Gospel as I know how to place it. It's a finished work that Christ died for at Calvary. "He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed."

Now, healing is not on the same basis as salvation. When you're borned again, you receive a new spirit, new Life, Immortal, cannot die. But when you're healed, it's just an attribute of the Divine love of God that healed you temporarily for a while. Your body must be borned again just like your soul.

8. Africa trip vision.

E-23 And I just want say this, the many who knows me, and my friends are in here tonight, I just got my telegram back this morning from Durban, South Africa. The vision where three hundred thousand people will be gathered pretty soon for a meeting which is coming up right away... Oh, I'm so thankful for that. Dr. Vayle, I don't know whether you... Yeah, I believe I did tell you in the lobby awhile ago that we had gotten back now. I guess we will... The letter of details will coming soon.

9. US Constitution broken.

E-17 I was reading a little article the other day in a paper, that where the last flower of real democracy faded and died in one of your Ohio courts the other day, when a Mennonite family was sentenced to two years in prison for not letting their children go to a modern high school. Has this become a place, it's not the freedom of religion anymore? Democracy, we don't have any anymore. It's exactly right. Oh, what a disgrace.

And then the unjust judge tried to justify himself by saying to the father, "Give Caesar what's Caesars."

And the father answered him back and said, "Unto God..."

E-18 They've never had a juvenile delinquency among the Mennonite people. They've never had any rock-and-roll teen-age stuff among the Mennonite people. And if they can produce a crop like that without our modern education, God be with them is my prayer.

I'd rather have my boy in something like that and not even know his ABC's. I'd rather he'd know Christ, and be borned again, and not know the difference between split beans and coffee. Right. We need the old fashion Gospel preached again in the power and the demonstrations of the Holy Ghost. When our nation gets to a place that it robs us of our constitution, it shows that communist has rottened it to the core. Exactly right.

Mennonite, I'm for you. God bless you. Stay with it. I'll pray for you and do all I can.

387-124 And now, that church was taken up, and the remnant of the woman's seed who keep the commandments of God and have faith in Jesus Christ (See?), not the bride, the remnant of the woman's seed... Then the dragon spurted water out of his mouth to make war with the remnant of the seed. That's when the Protestant church under the Federation of Churches, which is the image to the beast, which is now being formed... And there'll be a boycott upon all churches like this.

Like we're in a great tax gathering right here now, a dispute, trying to say that we're not a church, and we got Constitutional rights to say that we are a church. As long as the Constitution stands there, no amendment to that, then we absolutely have the rights, just as much right as anybody. Our forefathers stood for that. But what have we done? We've broke every Constitutional law that they can break, and soon the Federation of Churches, which all the churches and denominations are invited into, and the devil's got in and making worldliness and everything in local church members and so forth like that, and great congregations, and class, and society, when the little old church is still down yonder being borned again in a mess like any birth is, still paying the price, still getting down and dying out, acting the same way they did when they first got born at the day of Pentecost, same kind of a church down there... They'll be closed and shut out under the Federation of Churches. It'll be a boycott like a union or something. You'll either come in or you'll go out.

73 We are all American; I think so, in--in the--the church tonight. We're all American citizens. We're thankful to be American. But yet, what happened to our American heritage. What was it? We begin to compromise. And as soon as we compromised, we lost the sacredness of our heritage, because we compromised. We run Presidents four times; that breaks down the the--the--the constitution. And we do things today. And we even... To this little parking meter we have on the street, that's unconstitutional. There's no such a thing in the constitution. It's against the constitution, yet we do it. And we do all kinds of things that's against the principles that this nation was founded upon. We do everything contrary, so we lose our heritage. Because why? We compromise upon the principles that it was based upon.

10. Pillar of Fire, you must meet It.

E-34 It was our character this morning, Job, that when he was in the deepest of his distress, when all of his riches had gone from him. His children was dead; his body was broke out in boils; and he was in the greatest distress that he was ever in, setting on an ash-heap with the crock scraping the boils and his wife in the door, "Why don't you curse God and die?"

When the members of his church had their backs turned to him for seven days and accusing him, when they ought to have been comforting him... But they were accusing him of being a secret sinner, accusing him of being a backslider. It was in that great hour; it was in that great momentous time, that when God took Job to the sacred sands where He takes every believer, to an experience unto the backside of the desert like He did Moses, until the little secret closet where He took you, until the coal shed where I received it.

God has a place, and a purpose, and a time. And when He had Job in this condition, He had him on the sacred sands. For He was going to reveal something to him that would never go away. Oh, for those sacred sands, He has to take every real child there. He gets you on those places where there's no devil can ever come. There's no teacher can ever explain it away. He gives you something on those sands back there that, an experience that you'll never forget as long as ages roll on.

No matter how atheotic your mother, your daddy, your husband, wife, your associates may become... Every true believer has that spot where God has met him. There isn't one left out. Every believer has it. Every person that's borned of the Kingdom of God knows that spot, that minute, that hour, that where God took him. And on those sacred sands in the Presence of the burning bush, He did something to that believer that all the mentality of the world could not destroy. "Upon this rock I'll build My church and the gates of hell shall not destroy it." Upon this rock, the spiritual revelation of the resurrected Jesus; upon this rock.

E-31 (…) What the ministry needs tonight, is not so many B.A.'s or D.D.'s, but it's an experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that puts life into the man, and gives him faith in a Living God, that changes not--an experience.

Moses was taught in all the wisdom of the Egyptian. And he had had forty years of teaching under his mother, and he could even teach the masters of Egypt. But it taken God just forty years to get that all beat out of him on the backside of the desert.

And one day while he was herding Jethro's sheep, running from Egypt, running from the task, and thought he'd just go back to work, and let it all go, because he'd tried in himself without having any experience. Teaching's all right, but the letter killeth. The Spirit giveth Life. And in the presence of that burning bush, he knowed more about God in five minutes, than he'd been taught in forty years.

What was it? It was an experience. He just didn't have a letter to read, or the laws to read, or the books to read, he had an experience, that God still lived. The God of Abraham was just as live in that day, in that foreign land, as He was when He talked to Abraham or Adam.

That's what it takes. And every man that ever goes to the pulpit ought to have the place in his heart, a backside of the desert. God gives all of His children that experience, where you meet God and talk to God, and He talks back to you, and you know there's something real.

All the doctors of divinity in all the world, they might explain this away, and talk that away, but they'll never be able to take you away from that backside of the desert experience, where you meet God face to face.

E-34 Then, when Moses had met God, he afterwards took the children of Israel through the fires of hell, for he endured as seeing Him, Who is invisible, not by His teaching, but by the experience he had.

11. “…a wicked and adulterous generation.”

MATTHEW 16:1-4

The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.

He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.

And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

E-26 And he walked out of the belly of the whale and begin to go through the streets preaching. And Jesus said that those people repented. Those ignorant, unlearned, didn't know gee from haw (or right hand from left hand, I mean to say. Excuse me for saying that. I didn't mean to say that.). All right. How many farmers in here knows what "gee" and "haw" is? Well, you know what I mean, then. All right. He didn't know the right from the left hand. And they repented.

And we're are supposed to be an educated, smart, intelligent bunch of people that's living in a day when a greater than Jonah is here. And what about this? To that poor, ignorant people, "I want you to notice," Jesus said.

They said, "Show us a sign."

He said, "I'll--there'll be no sign given to a wicked and adulternous generation, but the sign of Jonah."

Now watch. What was the sign of Jonah? "As the--Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so the Son of man must be in the heart of the earth three days and nights." So what would be the sign to a wicked and adulternous generation? The sign of the resurrection (Amen), the sign of the resurrection. Sure it is. There we are. And we're living in a wicked and adulternous generation.

E-27 As my good friend, Jack Moore, once said, "If God let's this America get by without punishing it, He will be obligated as a just God, to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize for burning them up. That's right. Sure, we are living in an awful age: a teen-age rulership, rock-and-rock, boogly-woogly, all that ungodly carrying on of filth and gaum and untrue living. Divorce is on the run, and perversion, and homosexuals, and oh, it's a awful, just like it was in Sodom, the same thing we're having.

Then the holy God's obligated. He hates sin, but He loves the sinner. And He promised that He would give this wicked, adulternous generation the sign of His resurrection. And if He's raised from the dead, He will do the same signs that He did before He died, if He's raised again.


E-32 And watch how God moves, and how that great city that they didn't know "gee" for "haw," or right-hand from the left-hand. And they repented at the preaching of Jonah. And Jesus said, "A greater than Jonah is here." A ignorant and unlearned people repented at the preaching of Jonah, and He said, "A greater than Jonah is here." But He said, "As Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and nights, so shall the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and nights." Remember, they just asked Him, after all the signs that He'd done, He prophesied. Here's another good thought there.

Notice what He did. He said, "A wicked," or "evil and an adulternous generation shall seek after signs. And there'll only be one sign given them, and that will be the sign as Jonah was in the belly of the whale." Therefore the wicked, or weak and adulternous generation is this generation that we're living in now, the adulternous generation. History has repeated itself. And it said it would be given the sign of the resurrection.

And brother and sister, we are living today to see the direct witness of the resurrected Jesus Christ performing the same things that He did when He was here on earth. He prophesied.

E-33 Then He referred them to Solomon's age. Solomon was given a great gift. And the good thing about Solomon's age, all the people rallied around that gift. And it was the--it was the millennium for the Jewish age; it was called the golden age of Israel. Why the news of it spread everywhere. And all the people was with one accord. Everybody believed that gift that was in Solomon. Why, he had a gift of discernment; there never was such a gift of discernment as Solomon had, until that day. And all Israel rallied around it. It was the greatest age they had ever knowed of.

And friends, would not it be nice tonight, if all the Church of the living God would rally around the gift of the Holy Spirit like they ought to do it? We could just ditch all the atomic missiles and everything else. It'd be the greatest defense that the world's ever had, if everybody, all churches, would just rally around the great Holy Spirit, be sincere, not notice your denominations, but just be sincere and rally around the Holy Spirit, what God would do. All the nations, everywhere, would recognize that this, something's happened over here, if they'd rally around the gift of God that's been sent to them in this last day.

[The last generation.]


E-22 Look, the Baptists has got a revival, Billy Graham. The Catholic is having a revival. And the Methodists is having a revival, some of them, and some of the Baptists. Pentecost has got a revival: Oral Roberts and so forth, great men of God who's gone forth in a revival. And Israel's got a revival. God deals with Gentiles as individuals, Israel as a nation.

And Israel for her first time for twenty-five hundred years is restored again to Jerusalem. O people, don't let that go over your head. That's the fig tree putting forth its buds. This generation. Forty years is declared a generation. It's already been gone a long time, way into it sev--ten, twelve years. We're into the last generation.

Watch what He said would take place. As it was in the days of Noah, there'd be marrying, given in marriage. Look at the Reno, Nevada's and everywhere else, even to the ministry, leaving one wife and marrying the deacon's wife and so forth, back and forth, and allowing it in their churches. Oh, take warning, people. "They'll run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase." It'll come a time that the warning gave that the church would get to a place it'd be "heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent and despisers of those that are right; having a form of godliness," going to church, that form of godliness.

I'm not saying this to call any certain church. Every one of us is guilty. The Pentecost is guilty; the Presbyterian's guilty; the Baptist's guilty; all is guilty. "We've all sinned and come short of the glory." Exactly right.


223 Don't be ashamed of Him in this generation; sinful, perplexed, the last generation that'll ever be on the earth, this sinful, adulternous, and full of all putrefied sores. All, everything that's been decent has become indecent. National politics, filth... Nations are broke up.

12. New Ministry. [Third Pull] [Mark 11:20-24, Matthew 17:20]

E-17 Now, there's a change in my ministry coming. And how many... Would there be one here that remembers when I first started on the field? Let's see your hand. Oh, my, there's several. You remember how it was given to me by the Angel of the Lord, that I would take my left hand and lay it onto the--the person was standing sick, and not use my own voice, and It would speak out and tell them what was wrong with them? You remember that? And you remember, I told you that the Holy Spirit told me that night when I talked to Him, what it would be. And said, "Then if you'll be sincere, it'll come to a place that you'll know the very secret of their heart." How many of you that was in my first meetings heard me tell that before that ever come to pass, raise up your hands high. That's good. Now, has it come to pass?

Then He said, "If you'll continue to be sincere and humble, it'll grow greater and greater." And now, this ministry is going to step higher now, into another realm, where it'll be far beyond what it is now. I don't know just what it is, but I'm warned of the Holy Spirit to quickly now, close my meetings off (My last one will be in Philadelphia), and go into the hills and wait on the Lord to see which a way to conduct this ministry. When I come out again, it'll be in a new ministry. This ministry will never cease; this ministry will continue on. This first will continue on; it's still just the same.

God gives gifts; He never takes gifts. He... Your gift remains, but if you be honest with what you got, God will take other talents and just keep pouring them on, if you just keep climbing on. He's always done it.


E-4 So remember this coming week now, if the Lord is willing, we'll be speaking Monday night, the Lord willing, upon the issuing in of the new ministry. Now, many know that way back from the beginning, how the Holy Spirit revealed first before I started on a gift. And then I come up the west coast and across Canada for three or four years, telling you that He said that something else would come which would be far greater. Then along it came. Then he said, "Just keep humble; keep away from money and all the things of the world. Don't never try to be big; just stay humble; and there'd be something else greater." Now, that's coming in now. You see? Oh, He's just God; that's all I can say, just, "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound." So we're happy for these things and grateful to God for them.


E-2 (…) And now, being that tonight is rather pushing for the service of healing, or praying for the sick, we want to say... I want to make this statement, the reason I haven't had any healing lines this week, there's been something that's been on my heart.

And I told you the last time here there was a new ministry coming. I spoke with some of the brethren today, and was telling them about what's happened. Just remember, that the first time I was here, you remember the Lord had told me something was going to happen: change in the ministry. It happened. Said another one's going to happen, and it happened.

Now, there's a another one greater, far greater than all the rest of them put together, already confirmed and ready. I hope it happens tonight. I just might say that. I don't have the time to explain it to you, but the brethren who does know about it, it's wonderful. It'd be such a great thing for the people. And I am grateful to God that the hour is soon at hand (I believe it), when God is going to help His children. Especially, it'll be for those who can't muster the faith to raise up and get a hold of God like they should. I believe the Lord is providing a way for us now to take care of them also.

Some runs into the faith that they can just reach over and receive anything. Why, that's great faith. Some of them has mustard seed faith, and has to wait so long to get through. I believe the Lord is making a way for those people now. And I don't know when it will be, but it will be. Just as certain as I'm standing here, it will be.
I KNOW. JEFF. IN 60-0417S

7 I was looking at Brother Pat Tyler sitting over here. I was just talking to someone last night. That our last meeting in Oklahoma, I tried to, trying now (and I'll announce this) to lay aside until God would call me to do it, my old ministry of discernment, because I think beginning, it's the-- the new ministry is coming in.

The other night, no one knowing nothing about it, I tested it on a child coming across the platform, had been borned blind, a baby, and was totally blind, about a sixteen-year-old boy. And just immediately he let a scream out, "Brother Branham, I can see." And there, and Pat Tyler standing near, right by the boy, when his eyes come open for the first time in all of his life. And so I trust that you here, with great anticipations, with myself, I'm looking for something God to do for us, and bring us up to another level than what we have been. Let us bow our heads now for prayer.

6-3 Many of the meeting from my new ministry coming in... A brother, Baptist brother standing here, his daughter, teen-age, had been kind of a little wayward, and I told him, "I give you your daughter for the Lord Jesus," the other morning, and when he went home she's saved, and the other one here this morning to be baptized, and going on.

And a man, Mr. Sothmann, a friend of mine from Canada, his mother-in-law in a dying condition, said, "You'll find your mother-in-law when you get there, well, on her road to recovery, all right." That's just the way it was. And just--people just coming in. It's just in its infancy now, moving. But oh, we're expecting the exceedingly, abundantly above all. We're in the evil and last days, but in a glorious hour.

E-2 Well, we are happy tonight to see the gathering out on this hot night. And we are happy to hear the reports from the last night's meeting. I wonder if there's anybody here that can show, or would raise their hand, that was prayed for by that new ministry last night can show--can know that there's a definite improve in their conditions? Let's see you raise your hands for them that went through, went through the prayer line. Good, fine, that's good. All right.

Someone told me that the man that was paralyzed in the wheelchair here last night, is setting back there somewhere in the audience tonight without the wheelchair. And we're glad to know that. Where are you, brother? Would you raise up your hand, everywhere you are, the brother that was in the... Here he is, setting right here. Thanks be to the Lord. That's--that's fine. That shows what just letting a little faith go to work.

Now, the new ministry is to curse the disease that's in there. Have you noticed what the Holy Spirit has done? The first thing when He told me, was prayer for the sick. Now, I complained and said, "It... They won't listen to me, because I am not educated."

And He said, "As Moses was given two signs, you'll be given two." And then, He said, "The first one, the people just lay their hands on yours, and you'll tell them. And they'll even see the reaction, whether it's gone or not."

Now see, that becomes... You have to watch that; that becomes an entertainment.

And then said, "If they won't believe that, then there'll be another sign, which you was born with. You'll see the vision, and know what the people has done, and all about them and so forth."

And I said, "That's what I was here for. I've been told that that was wrong." Then He laid the Scripture to me, and that settled it. But I long for that day to come.

How many's in the building tonight that remember when I first come up the West Coast, and oh, down through the south, and--and just had that one ministry of that laying of hands? Can you remember that? Just look at the friends. All right.

Then did I tell you that the Lord told me that there would be another ministry (You remember that?), which would be the discerning of the thoughts of the heart and so forth. Well, them ministries has worked perfectly the world around. See? One went its day, the other one lived its day.

E-5 Now, a little later on if I get a chance, I want to tell you what happened just recently, bringing in a new ministry. I'll just speak the word. And it brings... It puts it right back into the lap of the people again. If they will come with the right attitude and believe, it's just got to happen. How many's read the book? Of... In the book... All right, there's a few here that's read my life story in the book. When it was a... How that He told me that I was born to pray for sick people. "Get them to believe you, then be sincere when you pray. Then nothing shall stand before the prayer." Did you ever hear that before? Sure you have.

All right, now that... Then these signs and miracles of showing the past, future, and what would be, and what has been, and all about it, was the vindication of the approaching Messiah. And to let the people... It was to show the people that I have told them the truth, that I was called to pray for the sick. That's the idea, praying for the sick.

Now, the second ministry's leaving, and the third is entering in. So I'm so glad about it.

6 I didn't see you here, brother. How are you, Brother West? I just heard some good news, that the last of Brother Daulton's family came in, the other boy--the other girl. That's ten, is it? Nine. You remember that was under the new ministry when the Lord told him there that the--his family would be saved. I been praying for them, standing there not knowing what I would be saying; the Holy Spirit said, "I give you your family." See? And--and there it is, every one of them. See how the Lord does? See, His words are perfect; they never, never fail. Well, we don't want to get onto the Divine healing side; we're trying to stay as long--this part, on the prophetic side.

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