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From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Feb 27, 2001 6:43am

Subject: Disclaimer for RST
The suggestions for recovery based on the toxic mind theory are similar to advice given in 12-step programs and are not intended for children under 18 and in the care of parents without parental permission. Although the redirecting self-therapy brings full recovery from codependency and overlying addictions, it is NOT a part of any 12-step program and you do not need to practice the 12 steps in these programs. However, the suggestions for releasing and redirecting anger are in line with advice given by Melody Beattie in her book, Codependents' Guide to the Twelve Steps. In Step Nine she has a section on dealing with those who have harmed us and mentions the importance of releasing negative emotions, including suggestions for confronting those who have abused us. There is a slogan used in 12-step programs that applies to the redirecting self-therapy, "It works if you work it!"
The redirecting self-therapy can eliminate self-destructive behavior, but if you are suicidal please seek professional help. I am a neuroscientist, not a therapist or medical practitioner. If you are in an abusive relationship, find a safe place to use the self-therapy. It is suggested that you not make major changes in work or relationships during the recovery period unless you are in danger.
I cannot be responsible for any misuse of the self-therapy based on misinterpretation of the biological concepts. The redirecting self-therapy is safe as long as the anger is redirected as described rather than inward or toward others in person, and as long as there are no serious health conditions. Before beginning the RST you are advised to offer the scientific paper to your physician and ask for guidance. The advice on my websites doe not suggest discontinuing therapy or the use of prescribed drugs as ordered by physicians. The self-therapy can be used along with other therapies and medication. If you use the RST you are doing so at your own risk.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed Feb 28, 2001 7:05am

Subject: Passing the RST on to others
If you can help to pass the RST on to others, please do so. It can be printed out as a two-page pamphlet in 23 languages, copies made, and left around in any public places. I leave them in health food stores, supermarkets, etc. I sent some to the homeless shelters in New York City. I also made slips of paper saying "Self therapy for anxiety and depression" with the websites...




put them in envelopes and left them, with the help of doormen, on the bulletin boards in laundry rooms of the big apartment buildings all around New York City. It's a great lift to do this, knowing someone might be helped. I think you will have a good feeling if you can pass this on. It's best to use two URLs, since some in foreign countries can't reach both, and if you are in a foreign country you can find the URL for the article in your language to pass on.
If any of you in the group are in the media and could advertise my website, this one would be best for the media, ( in any newspapers, radio, TV, I would be most grateful. It might be advertised as:

Self-therapy for anxiety and depression based on the recent discovery of the biological basis for emotional disorders. It is a proven self-therapy for restoring the chemical imbalance which is the basis for depression.

If you have websites of your own and could put a link please do. Use any or all of these URLs.

There is no copyright to the Biology of Emotions article and you are welcome to download and put the whole article on any website in any language.

Thank you,



From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Fri Mar 2, 2001 7:59am

Subject: 12. Physical Symptoms
12. Physical Symptoms
Toxicosis - Since the time of Hippocrates it has been understood that symptoms of most diseases, other than degenerative disorders where irreversible organic damage has been sustained, represent the efforts of the body to eliminate toxins (4). Any substance, endogenous or exogenous, that cannot be utilized by the cells is recognized as toxic and eliminated. When elimination is impaired, toxins accumulate. The cells adapt to toxicosis, but when levels of toxin become intolerable the body initiates a detoxification process. Toxicosis is the true disease, and what we call disease is remedial action, a complex of symptoms caused by the vicarious elimination of toxins. Recovery from disease is not because of remedies but in spite of them. The illusion that remedies cure disease is based on the periodicity that characterizes functional disorders. When levels of toxin are reduced to the toleration point, the sickness passes and health returns. But the true disease is not cured. With continued enervation toxins again accumulate and another crisis occurs. Unless the causes of toxicosis are discovered and removed, crises will recur until functional derangements give way to irreversible organic disease. In 1848 Thomas Sydenham, the English Hippocrates, wrote, "[a] disease, however much its cause may be adverse to the human body, is nothing more than an effort of Nature who strains with might and main to restore the health of the patient by the elimination of the morbific matter" (5).

This is true for what we generally call physical disease. The common cold is an example of a series of detox crises. But this is also true for emotional disorders, in which case the toxins are primarily endogenous. The emotional disorders are physical. It would be better to speak of disorders of the brain and of the periphery.

When you are experiencing the emotional detox crises, i.e. the excitatory nervous symptoms, and doing the redirecting, you are detoxing excess accumulations of endogenous neurochemicals that store repressed emotions. These substances will travel through the blood stream and may impinge on pain receptors, causing discomfort. You may at the same time be detoxing some toxins from the periphery. If you experience increased symptoms after doing the redirecting, the toxins flowing out are probably more from the brain than from the periphery. Physical symptoms of all kinds are likely to get worse until you are post flood. You may have headaches, high fever, sore throat, colds, diarrhea, etc. These are all healing events. This is because toxins are flowing out of the brain and body, and can cause symptoms. These physical symptoms are detox crises and unless you have irreversible organic damage, like metastatic cancer, they are not serious.
The following is an excerpt from Fit For Life, II by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond.

"Review of the Principles

Regardless of what you are trying to achieve in the area of your health, certain fundamental principles can be used. The most basic of these deserve mentioning. Although these principles are described in detail in Fit for Life, it is important at least to review them. The approach to eating suggested by and described in Fit for Life is designed to accomplish the vital function of keeping the inside of your body clean and in tiptop working condition. When everything is fine on the inside, it is reflected on the outside. Even though Fit for Life addresses itself to energy enhancement and weight loss, its underlying goal is to cleanse the body. Keep in mind that your body, like anything else, can become dirty if the inner workings of your car become all sludged up, it will not operate well until it is cleaned out. The same holds true for your body. Your insides can be impeded in their operations by uneliminated metabolic waste. You can either clean it out or ignore it. Of course, ignoring it, which in effect is allowing it to become cumulatively worse, makes about as much sense as jumping in front of a speeding truck. How does your body become clogged up-- By what is called a metabolic imbalance, or toxemia. Metabolism is the sum total of all the processes of the body in taking in food, using what it can, and getting rid of all the rest. Stated a little differently metabolism is the building up (anabolism) and the breaking down (catabolism) of tissue in the body. When waste builds up faster than the body can eliminate it, you become toxic (or poisoned). The more toxic you are, the sicker you can become.
Every day your body breaks down somewhere between 300 and 800 billion cells. Every day! They must be eliminated. Why? Because, besides being no longer of use to the body, they are in fact toxic or poisonous to the body, which is where the word toxemia comes in. Spent cells are dead if they are allowed to build and build at a faster rate than the body can eliminate them, then you will reach a point where they begin to poison the body and start damaging its internal organs. The breaking down of cells is not the only source of toxic material. There is another contributor to the level of toxemia with which the body must contend. Food! That's right, our old friend that we all know and love. The people of the United States have a diet that has more than its fair share of highly processed and overcooked food. Because the body absorbs nonusable debris and toxic additives from the intestinal tract, there is a slow buildup of food residue and additives (which are toxic) that cannot be used by the body. This waste matter coupled with the toxic debris generated by the breaking down of cells is what creates a metabolic imbalance or toxemia. You want to have a system as clean and free of toxic waste as possible. The key to living a long, disease-free, pain free life lies in understanding and minimizing your level of toxemia.
Dr. John H. Tilden, who discovered the phenomenon of toxemia in the early 192Os, first laid out his findings in his landmark hook Toxemia Explained. Dr. Tilden was a practicing physician who became disillusioned with the drugging approach to healing and turned to Natural Hygiene. The success he had employing the principles of Natural Hygiene with his patients totally convinced him of the worthiness and excellence of this field of science. He described the extent to which toxemia is the root cause of the many ailments we humans suffer. He demonstrated dramatically that, more often than not,
Of course, the different problems are given different names depending on the area used for the elimination of waste, creating the illusion that there are thousands of separate maladies when, in fact, most of them are one and the same-- toxemia. To think that every single malady is a distinct and different problem is like thinking that water, dew, ice, frost, snow all have a distinct and different essence. Envision a dike holding back a large body of water. This dike is made of bricks and mortar. Because of a prolonged rainstorm, the body of water becomes larger and larger, putting more and more pressure on the dike. Ultimately, the dike starts to succumb to the ever growing body of water. First, some of the mortar loosens and water starts to trickle through. Then some bricks pop out and water starts to come through those openings. With the breach, some the structure itself starts to crack and crumble, and finally the foundation starts to erode, with the result that some of the structure collapses. Finally, the water level becomes so great that water simply surges right over the entire dike and floods it under. The problem here is not the bricks or the mortar or the foundation of the structure itself. The problem is the ever increasing, vast amount of water that ultimately became more than the dike could withstand. There were not four problems, there was one: an overload of water. To understand what happens with toxemia, imagine that your body is the dike and that the water is your level of toxemia. No matter how strong you are, no matter what measures you take to remain strong, an ever increasing level of toxemia will in time take its toll. It will overwhelm you and lay you low with some malady. This is why I say that the secret to longevity (and sanity! my addition) is in keeping your level of toxemia as low as possible."
This is where I got the flood analogy. In the brain, the large body of water held back by the dike would be the excess accumulation of toxic amounts of neurochemicals that are responsible for the expression of emotions.
This same Dr. John Tilden wrote the following: 'Drunkeness and crime of all kinds are vicarious toxin eliminations--crises of toxemia.'
What is different about the nervous system is that nerve cells, or neurons, are formed at birth and generally do not replace themselves as do the cells in the periphery. This means they must periodically repair portions of the cytoplasm during periodic detox crises (which are excitatory nervous symptoms). In the hypothalamus, which is not protected by the blood brain barrier, some of the toxins are from exogenous food and other sources. But most of the toxemia in the neurons--toxicosis is a better word since toxemia usually refers to blood--is from excess noradrenaline, acetylcholine, and related metabolites, which have accumulated in the neurons as a result of the suppression of anger and grief.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Mar 5, 2001 3:24pm

Subject: Forbidden anger
Hello Ellie,
I feel like I've been through a quite intense time emotionally and last week I kind of took a break to re-evaluate.
I used to get a hate feeling towards my son because he is in my life and holding me back from running free (or rather away). I found out that I'm doing the same my mother did to me. In parts she hated me and I could feel that as a small child (also because of her actions). So I would redirect everytime I got that feeling and now that hate feeling is almost gone or just a very faint feeling. When I get that feeling now (from time to time) I can easily redirect. When I'm with my son I don't feel it at all, I just feel love (which I was feeling before, just in a clouded version). So that's positive and it's so good, because my child is the greatest blessing and my motivation to even go through this.
I'm still going through the mood swings, but over the weekend I started redirecting actively. Yesterday I cried so hard, because of the loss of my father and that he was never a part of my life. I had forgotten what kind of person he was and how our relationship was, but then I remembered and that was sad and yet good. I have almost no memory of my childhood, so remembering that my father actually was a "good" father (tried to anyway) gave me a lift. At least it was not all bad.
After I cried for a while I did get mad at him for not being here and not taking care of himself and me...and so on. And then I got into a major rage towards my mother. Since then I've been redirecting of and on.
Before all this redirecting I lit a candle and prayed. I asked for the ability to feel and free my anger and my prayer was heard. I never would get angry in the past. Anger to me is like a forbidden emotion. So I really have to push myself now that I've been doing this for a while and have released some anger. I will get side tracked and try to do other things, everything else than getting to that anger. BUT, I want to feel normal just for once in my life, so I my desire forces me to keep on pushing. Yes, the moodswings and depression is terrible, but holding on to anger is not going to make it any better (as I experienced last week).
I keep getting caught up in the motion of wanting to fix everything on the outside instead of inside (such as going on my candida diet, doing exercise, planning for my child care business, pretending to be alright while eating tons of chocolate). And I have to remind myself time and time again to return to the origin of my misery - my stored anger.
I'm gonna do it Ellie. Regardless of how depressed and hopeless I get. I am gonna do it. I can feel it in my gut and my heart. I'm gonna do it. How long it will take me? Don't ask. I'll do it step by step. Everyday - a new day. I'm going to get that anger out, every last feel of it.
On this strong note I will end this e-mail.
Talk to you soon. Natalie
Hi, thank you for sharing this. Your courage to go through the feelings and the increased mood swings is an inspiration. And the crying is a good sign. I believe your prayer will be answered and you will "feel normal". Here is a nice post from someone about normalcy.
"I know it is too soon to be claiming a cure, but as truth has it, the months I poured into detoxification/redirection have sure paid off. Feeling "normal" may not seem to some like much of a reward. But the burden as it was is no longer there, and it has recently dawned on me what a gift this normalcy is. Nothing dramatic, just satisfaction and ease - time to get back to life.
In the 4 months prior to September of last year I had 4 doses of the flu. Since then I have not had so much as a cold. I am marshalling my energies without obsession and it is so simple if I ever feel depressed, and the technique is so effective. It works straight away. I have this mental imagery of myself engaging in Hong Kong style Kung Fu on my past abusers. I turn around almost immediately after this, which occurs once or twice a week. I understand that I am not attacking them, but the product of the sick situation we were all in. Feel free to post this to the group. I wish them well. I dropped out because I got to the stage when it was more positive not to listen to question upon question. They need to understand that your motive, unlike so many in the "healing" professions, is solely humane." Carl

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Mar 5, 2001 4:19pm

Subject: Questions

I just posted a share from Carl in which he mentioned he left the group because of all the questions. I just want to clarify this and say that I welcome your questions if they are about the RST and I appreciate hearing from you how you are doing. He was referring to the people who are still in denial and question the toxic mind theory. I get a lot of misdirected anger if I claim authority about the theory. What can I say, it is proven by science, and the RST is proven to work because of this, and also because all who use it as suggested do recover.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Mar 6, 2001 6:38am

Subject: Working it
I have only begun the freedom of my anger. Ahh the release of such toxins as the hitting of the bed comes into play. It is an exhausting time afterwards. I feel as if I had left something behind me... I have all the old crap (sorry). It is as if all the stuff I have been lugging around with me wash out of me.
This is when rest comes into it for me. I rest with a book, or a walk around the block. There is so much more bed whacking to come... and as Ellie has told me the forgiveness will also be authentic. This is truly a blessing in my life... Thank you Ellie for all you have done. Your struggle and pain was not in vain as you give back the freedom you studied professionally and applied personally. This is another step to my recovery.
Bless you, S.
Thank you for sharing this, and please don't thank me, but thank God who decided it's time we understood the biology of how our minds work. The toxic mind theory was a gift from God, and I am just passing it on to those who are "ready to hear." And please don't apologize for the word "crap" is crap that got stuck in the neurons of our brains, and I'm glad to hear it is washing out of your brain, and it will bring you permanent rest....a sustainable peace of mind. And yes, the forgiveness will be authentic when all the crap is gone, and you will have true love and compassion for others, even for those who still abuse you. Bless you for "working it." Ellie


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Mar 6, 2001 7:34am

Subject: Anonymity

This is to reassure those of you whose stories I have posted to the group that I only use common first names or a pseudonym or an initial in the messages posted to the group. No one else in the group can see your full name or your e-mail address or where you live or any information about you in the member's section of the eGroup. The member's list is private. The sharing in the group is anonymous and intended only to support others who are using the RST. Of course I can make a mistake, so I must explain that I cannot be responsible for your privacy. Please don't include any names or specific identifying information if you send me an e-mail. I'm sure you know that the people who run the eGroup can access anything posted to the group, and the Internet is not free from hackers. Thank you for your understanding of this.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Mar 6, 2001 7:47am

Subject: PS Anonymity
PS, I am always happy to hear from you how you are using the RST, so please continue to let me know, but just write at the top of your message, DO NOT POST, if you don't wish to share it with the others in the group. I do get to know many in this group and as I've posted before, there is an interactive group for post-flood people, which is not anonymous and hopefully will be a community of emotionally healthy people.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sat Mar 10, 2001 10:23am

Subject: 12. Physical Symptoms
Hello, As you see I am repeating some posts to you each week for the benefit of new members of the group. BTW, if some of you have sent me e-mail and I have not replied, please accept my apologies. Sometimes my browser deletes e-mail and it never reaches me. Ellie
12. Physical Symptoms
Toxicosis - Since the time of Hippocrates it has been understood that symptoms of most diseases, other than degenerative disorders where irreversible organic damage has been sustained, represent the efforts of the body to eliminate toxins (4). Any substance, endogenous or exogenous, that cannot be utilized by the cells is recognized as toxic and eliminated. When elimination is impaired, toxins accumulate. The cells adapt to toxicosis, but when levels of toxin become intolerable the body initiates a detoxification process. Toxicosis is the true disease, and what we call disease is remedial action, a complex of symptoms caused by the vicarious elimination of toxins. Recovery from disease is not because of remedies but in spite of them. The illusion that remedies cure disease is based on the periodicity that characterizes functional disorders. When levels of toxin are reduced to the toleration point, the sickness passes and health returns. But the true disease is no t cured. With continued enervation toxins again accumulate and another crisis occurs. Unless the causes of toxicosis are discovered and removed, crises will recur until functional derangements give way to irreversible organic disease. In 1848 Thomas Sydenham, the English Hippocrates, wrote, "[a] disease, however much its cause may be adverse to the human body, is nothing more than an effort of Nature who strains with might and main to restore the health of the patient by the elimination of the morbific matter" (5).
This is true for what we generally call physical disease. The common cold is an example of a series of detox crises. But this is also true for emotional disorders, in which case the toxins are primarily endogenous. The emotional disorders are physical. It would be better to speak of disorders of the brain and of the periphery.
When you are experiencing the emotional detox crises, i.e. the excitatory nervous symptoms, and doing the redirecting, you are detoxing excess accumulations of endogenous neurochemicals that store repressed emotions. These substances will travel through the blood stream and may impinge on pain receptors, causing discomfort. You may at the same time be detoxing some toxins from the periphery. If you experience increased symptoms after doing the redirecting, the toxins flowing out are probably more from the brain than from the periphery. Physical symptoms of all kinds are likely to get worse until you are post flood. You may have headaches, high fever, sore throat, colds, diarrhea, etc. These are all healing events. This is because toxins are flowing out of the brain and body, and can cause symptoms. These physical symptoms are detox crises and unless you have irreversible organic damage, like metastatic cancer, they are not serious.

The following is an excerpt from Fit For Life, II by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. "Review of the Principles

Regardless of what you are trying to achieve in the area of your health, certain fundamental principles can be used. The most basic of these deserve mentioning. Although these principles are described in detail in Fit for Life, it is important at least to review them. The approach to eating suggested by and described in Fit for Life is designed to accomplish the vital function of keeping the inside of your body clean and in tiptop working condition. When everything is fine on the inside, it is reflected on the outside. Even though Fit for Life addresses itself to energy enhancement and weight loss, its underlying goal is to cleanse the body. Keep in mind that your body, like anything else, can become dirty if the inner workings of your car become all sludged up, it will not operate well until it is cleaned out. The same holds true for your body. Your insides can be impeded in their operations by uneliminated metabolic waste. You can either clean it out or ignore it. Of course, ignoring it, which in effect is allowing it to become cumulatively worse, makes about as much sense as jumping in front of a speeding truck. How does your body become clogged up-- By what is called a metabolic imbalance, or toxemia. Metabolism is the sum total of all the processes of the body in taking in food, using what it can, and getting rid of all the rest. Stated a little differently metabolism is the building up (anabolism) and the breaking down (catabolism) of tissue in the body. When waste builds up faster than the body can eliminate it, you become toxic (or poisoned). The more toxic you are, the sicker you can become.
Every day your body breaks down somewhere between 300 and 800 billion cells. Every day! They must be eliminated. Why? Because, besides being no longer of use to the body, they are in fact toxic or poisonous to the body, which is where the word toxemia comes in. Spent cells are dead if they are allowed to build and build at a faster rate than the body can eliminate them, then you will reach a point where they begin to poison the body and start damaging its internal organs. The breaking down of cells is not the only source of toxic material. There is another contributor to the level of toxemia with which the body must contend. Food! That's right, our old friend that we all know and love. The people of the United States have a diet that has more than its fair share of highly processed and overcooked food. Because the body absorbs nonusable debris and toxic additives from the intestinal tract, there is a slow buildup of food residue and additives (which are toxic) that cannot be used by the body. This waste matter coupled with the toxic debris generated by the breaking down of cells is what creates a metabolic imbalance or toxemia. You want to have a system as clean and free of toxic waste as possible. The key to living a long, disease-free, pain free life lies in understatiding and minimizing your level of toxemia.
Dr. John H. Tilden, who discovered the phenomenon of toxemia in the early 192Os, first laid out his findings in his landmark hook Toxemia Explained. Dr. Tilden was a practicing physician who became disillusioned with the drugging approach to healing and turned to Natural Hygiene. The success he had employing the principles of Natural Hygiene with his patients totally convinced him of the worthiness and excellence of this field of science. He described the extent to which toxemia is the root cause of the many ailments we humans suffer. He demonstrated dramatically that, more often than not,
Of course, the different problems are given different names depending on the area used for the elimination of waste, creating the illusion that there are thousands of separate maladies when, in fact, most of them are one and the same-- toxemia. To think that every single malady is a distinct and different problem is like thinking that water, dew, ice, frost, snow all have a distinct and different essence. Envision a dike holding back a large body of water. This dike is made of bricks and mortar. Because of a prolonged rainstorm, the body of water becomes larger and larger, putting more and more pressure on the dike. Ultimately, the dike starts to succumb to the ever growing body of water. First, some of the mortar loosens and water starts to trickle through. Then some bricks pop out and water starts to come through those openings. With the breach, some the structure itself starts to crack and crumble, and finally the foundation starts to erode, with the result that some of the structure collapses. Finally, the water level becomes so great that water simply surges right over the entire dike and floods it under. The problem here is not the bricks or the mortar or the foundation of the structure itself. The problem is the ever increasing, vast amount of water that ultimately became more than the dike could withstand. There were not four problems, there was one: an overload of water. To understand what happens with toxemia, imagine that your body is the dike and that the water is your level of toxemia. No matter how strong you are, no matter what measures you take to remain strong, an ever increasing level of toxemia will in time take its toll. It will overwhelm you and lay you low with some malady. This is why I say that the secret to longevity (and sanity! my addition) is in keeping your level of toxemia as low as possible.
This is where I got the flood analogy. In the brain, the large body of water held back by the dike would be the excess accumulation of toxic amounts of neurochemicals that are responsible for the expression of emotions.
This same Dr. John Tilden wrote the following: 'Drunkenness and crime of all kinds are vicarious toxin eliminations--crises of toxemia.'
What is different about the nervous system is that nerve cells, or neurons, are formed at birth and generally do not replace themselves as do the cells in the periphery. This means they must periodically repair portions of the cytoplasm during periodic detox crises (which are excitatory nervous symptoms). In the hypothalamus, which is not protected by the blood brain barrier, some of the toxins are from exogenous food and other sources. But most of the toxemia in the neurons--toxicosis is a better word since toxemia usually refers to blood--is from excess noradrenaline, acetylcholine, and related metabolites, which have accumulated in the neurons as a result of the suppression of anger and grief.
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