Title: Exciton binding energy and excitonic absorption spectra in a parabolic quantum wire under transverse electric field

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Number of references:11

Main heading:Towers

Controlled terms:Cyclic loads - Deformation - Elasticity - Electron energy loss spectroscopy - Energy dissipation - Energy dissipators - Load testing - Loading - Models - Research - Stiffness - Timber

Uncontrolled terms:Corbel bracket set - Deformation characteristic - Load transferring mechanism - Model test - Yingxian Timber Pagoda

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 901.3 Engineering Research - 801 Chemistry - 672 Naval Vessels - 641.2 Heat Transfer - 525.4 Energy Losses (industrial and residential) - 422.2 Strength of Building Materials : Test Methods - 422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 415.3 Wood Structural Materials - 408.1 Structural Design, General - 402.4 Towers


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20113114207716

Title:Experimental and numerical studies of soil arching in piled embankment

Authors:Fei, Kang (1); Wang, Jun-Jun (2); Chen, Yi (2)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; (2) Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225009, China

Corresponding author:Fei, K.(fei@hhu.edu.cn)

Source title:Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics

Abbreviated source title:Rock Soil Mech



Issue date:July 2011

Publication year:2011




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Academia Sinica, Wuhan, 430071, China

Abstract:In order to improve the understanding of soil arching effect in the piled embankment, a series of three-dimensional model tests were carried out. The stress reduction ratio and the vertical stress distribution in the embankment fill were studied in detail. Based on the measured and the computed results, the applicability of Terzaghi method and Hewlett & Randolph method were verified. Three-dimensional finite element analysis was also performed in this research; the computed orientation of maximum principal stresses, the stress level and the settlement pattern were analyzed in detail. Based on the test and numerical results, it is found that the value of stress reduction ratio computed by Terzaghi method is closed to that of Hewlett & Randolph method; but the vertical stress distributions of the two methods are different considerably. If the failure surface observed from the numerical result is used, the prediction of vertical stresses using Terzaghi's method is found to be coincident with the measured value.

Number of references:9

Main heading:Numerical methods

Controlled terms:Embankments - Finite element method - Geologic models - Hydraulic structures - Pile foundations - Soils - Stress concentration - Three dimensional

Uncontrolled terms:Embankment fill - Failure surface - Finite Element - Maximum principal stress - Model test - Numerical results - Numerical studies - Piled embankments - Soil arching - Soil arching effect - Stress levels - Stress reduction - Three dimensional finite element analysis - Three-dimensional model - Vertical stress

Classification code:921.6 Numerical Methods - 902.1 Engineering Graphics - 611 Hydroelectric and Tidal Power Plants - 483 Soil Mechanics and Foundations - 481.1 Geology - 441 Dams and Reservoirs; Hydro Development - 422 Strength of Building Materials; Test Equipment and Methods - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 405 Construction Equipment and Methods; Surveying


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20112814129084

Title:A novel photoelectrochemical sensor for the organophosphorus pesticide dichlofenthion based on nanometer-sized titania coupled with a screen-printed electrode

Authors:Li, Hongbo (1); Li, Jing (2); Yang, Zhanjun (1); Xu, Qin (1); Hu, Xiaoya (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Chemistry and Engineering, Yangzhou University, 88 South University Avenue, Yangzhou 225002, China; (2) College of Chemistry and Biology Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, 9 Yingbin Avenue, Yancheng 224051, China

Corresponding author:Hu, X.(xyhu@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Analytical Chemistry

Abbreviated source title:Anal. Chem.



Issue date:July 1, 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:American Chemical Society, 2540 Olentangy River Road, P.O. Box 3337, Columbus, OH 43210-3337, United States

Abstract:A novel photoelectrochemical sensor for detection of the organophosphorus pesticide (OP) dichlofenthion using nanometer-sized titania coupled with a screen-printed electrode is presented. Nonelectroactive dichlofenthion can be indirectly determined through the photocatalytical degradation of dichlofenthion with nanometer-sized titania. The electrochemical characterization and anodic stripping voltammetric performance of dichlofenthion were evaluated using cyclic voltammetric (CV) and differential pulse anode stripping voltammetric (DPASV) analysis, respectively. DPASV analysis was used to monitor the amount of dichlofenthion and provide a simple, fast, and facile quantitative method for dichlofenthion. Operational parameters, including the photocatalysis time, pH of buffer solution, deposition potential, and accumulation time have been optimized. The stripping voltammetric response is linear over the 0.02-0.1 and 0.2-1.0 μmol/L ranges with a detection limit of 2.0 nmol/L. The assay result of dichlofenthion in green vegetable with the proposed method was in acceptable agreement with that of the gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) method. The promising sensor opens a new opportunity for fast, portable, and sensitive analysis of OPs in environmental samples. © 2011 American Chemical Society.

Number of references:40

Main heading:Sensors

Controlled terms:Mass spectrometry - Pesticides - Photocatalysis - Titanium dioxide - Voltammetry

Uncontrolled terms:Accumulation time - Anodic stripping - Buffer solutions - Deposition potential - Detection limits - Differential pulse - Electrochemical characterizations - Environmental sample - Operational parameters - Organophosphorus pesticide - Photoelectrochemicals - Quantitative method - Screen printed electrodes - Sensitive analysis - Titania - Voltammetric - Voltammetric response

Classification code:741.1 Light/Optics - 801 Chemistry - 801.4.1 Electrochemistry - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20113114194948

Title:Circulation system complex networks and teleconnections

Authors:Gong, Zhi-Qiang (1); Wang, Xiao-Juan (2); Zhi, Rong (1); Feng, Ai-Xia (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Laboratory for Climate Monitoring and Diagnosing, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China; (2) College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500, China; (3) Department of Physics, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China

Corresponding author:Wang, X.-J.(mouse0903@126.com)

Source title:Chinese Physics B

Abbreviated source title:Chin. Phys.



Issue date:July 2011

Publication year:2011

Article number:079201



Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Institute of Physics Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6BE, United Kingdom

Abstract:In terms of the characteristic topology parameters of climate complex networks, the spatial connection structural complexity of the circulation system and the influence of four teleconnection patterns are quantitatively described. Results of node degrees for the Northern Hemisphere (NH) mid-high latitude (30° N-90° N) circulation system (NHS) networks with and without the Arctic Oscillations (AO), the North Atlantic Oscillations (NAO) and the Pacific-North American pattern (PNA) demonstrate that the teleconnections greatly shorten the mean shortest path length of the networks, thus being advantageous to the rapid transfer of local fluctuation information over the network and to the stability of the NHS. The impact of the AO on the NHS connection structure is most important and the impact of the NAO is the next important. The PNA is a relatively independent teleconnection, and its role in the NHS is mainly manifested in the connection between the NHS and the tropical circulation system (TRS). As to the Southern Hemisphere mid-high latitude (30° S-90° S) circulation system (SHS), the impact of the Antarctic Arctic Oscillations (AAO) on the structural stability of the system is most important. In addition, there might be a stable correlation dipole (AACD) in the SHS, which also has important influence on the structure of the SHS networks. © 2011 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.

Number of references:29

Main heading:Solar buildings

Controlled terms:Atmospheric pressure - System stability

Uncontrolled terms:Arctic Oscillation - Arctic oscillations - Circulation systems - Complex networks - Local fluctuations - Node degree - North Atlantic oscillations - Northern hemisphere - Shortest path - Southern Hemisphere - Structural complexity - Structural feature - Structural stabilities - Teleconnection patterns - Teleconnections - Topology parameters

Classification code:402 Buildings and Towers - 443.1 Atmospheric Properties - 961 Systems Science



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20112113998095

Title:On classification of Bäcklund transformations

Authors:Cao, Xifang (1); Chen, Ying (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Mathematical Sciences, Yangzhou University, 88 Daxue Road, Yangzhou 225002, China

Corresponding author:Cao, X.(xfcao@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Applied Mathematics and Computation

Abbreviated source title:Appl. Math. Comput.



Issue date:July 1, 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier Inc., 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010, United States

Abstract:In this paper, we study Ba¨cklund transformations u v from nonlinear partial differential equations uxx = F(u, ux, u t) to Gv,vx,vt,...,∂xlv,...,∂tlv=0 defined via integrable systems on v. We classify all such Ba¨cklund transformations under some restrictions. Our results show that there exist many such Ba¨cklund transformations. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Number of references:10

Main heading:Barium

Controlled terms:Nonlinear equations - Partial differential equations

Uncontrolled terms:Cklund transformation - Integrable system - Integrable systems - Nonlinear partial differential equations

Classification code:549.2 Alkaline Earth Metals - 921.1 Algebra - 921.2 Calculus



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20113314234684

Title:Dynamic hand gesture recognition based on SURF tracking

Authors:Bao, Jiatong (1); Song, Aiguo (1); Guo, Yan (1); Tang, Hongru (2)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China; (2) School of Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225300, China

Corresponding author:Song, A.(a.g.song@seu.edu.cn)

Source title:Jiqiren/Robot

Abbreviated source title:Jiqiren



Issue date:July 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Academy of Sciences, 90, Sanhao Jie, Shenyang, 110003, China

Abstract:A method of dynamic hand gesture recognition based on SURF (speeded up robust feature) tracking is proposed. The main characteristic is that the hand trajectory is described only by tracking the dominant movement directions of matched SURF points in adjacent frames with no need of the previous detection and segmentation of the hand region. The dynamic hand gesture is then modeled by a series of trajectory direction data streams after time warping. Accordingly, the data stream clustering method based on correlation analysis is developed to recognize a dynamic hand gesture and to speed up calculation. The proposed algorithm is tested on 26 alphabetic hand gestures and yields a satisfactory recognition rate, which is 87.1% on the training set and 84.6% on the testing set. Its successful application to the motion control of our self-developed robot Hunter also establishes the effectiveness of the approach.

Number of references:17

Main heading:Gesture recognition

Controlled terms:Algorithms - Data communication systems - Feature extraction

Uncontrolled terms:Correlation analysis - Data stream - Data stream clustering - Feature-tracking - Hand gesture - Hand-gesture recognition - Main characteristics - Recognition rates - Speed-ups - Speeded up robust features - Time warping - Training sets

Classification code:716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - 717 Optical Communication - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 921 Mathematics



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20112814135954

Title:A mathematical modeling for the lookback option with jumpdiffusion using binomial tree method

Authors:Kim, Kwang Ik (1); Park, Hyun Suk (2); Qian, Xiao-Song (3)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Mathematics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, 790-784, Korea, Republic of; (2) Department of Finance and Information Statistics, Hallym University, Chuncheon, 200-702, Korea, Republic of; (3) School of Mathematical Science, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China

Corresponding author:Qian, X.-S.(qianxs@gmail.com)

Source title:Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Abbreviated source title:J. Comput. Appl. Math.



Issue date:July 1, 2011

Publication year:2011




Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:The binomial tree method (BTM), first proposed by Cox et al. (1979) [4] in diffusion models and extended by Amin (1993) [9] to jumpdiffusion models, is one of the most popular approaches to pricing options. In this paper, we present a binomial tree method for lookback options in jumpdiffusion models and show its equivalence to certain explicit difference scheme. We also prove the existence and convergence of the optimal exercise boundary in the binomial tree approximation to American lookback options and give the terminal value of the genuine exercise boundary. Further, numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the theoretical results. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:20

Main heading:Trees (mathematics)

Controlled terms:Computer simulation - Plant extracts

Uncontrolled terms:Binomial tree - Binomial tree method - Difference schemes - Diffusion model - Exercise boundary - Jump diffusion models - Jump-diffusion - Lookback option - Mathematical modeling - Optimal exercise boundary - Theoretical result - Viscosity solution

Classification code:461.9 Biology - 723.5 Computer Applications - 921.4 Combinatorial Mathematics, Includes Graph Theory, Set Theory



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20112814146577

Title:Review on the progress in synthesis and application of magnetic carbon nanocomposites

Authors:Zhu, Maiyong (1); Diao, Guowang (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China

Corresponding author:Diao, G.(gwdiao@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Nanoscale

Abbreviated source title:Nanoscale



Issue date:July 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Royal Society of Chemistry, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 OWF, United Kingdom

Abstract:This review focuses on the synthesis and application of nanostructured composites containing magnetic nanostructures and carbon-based materials. Great progress in fabrication of magnetic carbon nanocomposites has been made by developing methods including filling process, template-based synthesis, chemical vapor deposition, hydrothermal/solvothermal method, pyrolysis procedure, sol-gel process, detonation induced reaction, self-assembly method, etc. The applications of magnetic carbon nanocomposites expanded to a wide range of fields such as environmental treatment, microwave absorption, magnetic recording media, electrochemical sensor, catalysis, separation/recognization of biomolecules and drug delivery are discussed. Finally, some future trends and perspectives in this research area are outlined. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Number of references:251

Main heading:Synthesis (chemical)

Controlled terms:Chemical vapor deposition - Cracking (chemical) - Drug delivery - Magnetism - Microwave sensors - Nanocomposites - Sol-gel process

Uncontrolled terms:Carbon based materials - Environmental treatment - Filling process - Future trends - Magnetic carbons - Magnetic nanostructures - Magnetic recording media - Microwave absorption - Nanostructured composites - Research areas - Self-assembly method - Template-based synthesis

Classification code:933 Solid State Physics - 813.1 Coating Techniques - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 761 Nanotechnology - 732.2 Control Instrumentation - 701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 461.6 Medicine and Pharmacology



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20111913963005

Title:Solvothermal synthesis of Cr-doped ZnO nanowires with visible light-driven photocatalytic activity

Authors:Wu, Changle (1); Shen, Li (2); Zhang, Yong-Cai (2); Huang, Qingli (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Testing Center of Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China; (2) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China

Corresponding author:Wu, C.(wcl20021@yahoo.com.cn)

Source title:Materials Letters

Abbreviated source title:Mater Lett



Issue date:June 30, 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:Cr-doped ZnO nanowires were fabricated by a solvothermal route from Zn(NO3)26H2O, Cr(NO3) 39H2O and NaOH. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and high resolution transmission electron microscopy results confirmed the doping of Cr into ZnO lattices. UV-vis absorption spectra of both pure ZnO and Cr-doped ZnO displayed a band gap absorption peak at about 365 nm. However, compared with pure ZnO, an additional broad tail from approximately 400 nm to 750 nm appeared in the UV-vis absorption spectrum of Cr-doped ZnO. The photocatalytic studies indicated that the as-synthesized Cr-doped ZnO nanowires were a kind of promising photocatalyst in remediation of water polluted by some chemically stable azo dyes under visible light. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Number of references:9

Main heading:High resolution transmission electron microscopy

Controlled terms:Absorption - Absorption spectroscopy - Azo dyes - Electron microscopes - Electrons - Emission spectroscopy - Inductively coupled plasma - Light absorption - Materials properties - Nanoparticles - Nanowires - Optical emission spectroscopy - Optical materials - Photocatalysis - Photocatalysts - Semiconductor doping - Ultraviolet spectroscopy - X ray diffraction - Zinc oxide

Uncontrolled terms:Bandgap absorption - Cr-doped - Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy - Optical materials and properties - Photo-catalytic - Photocatalytic activities - Pure ZnO - Semiconductors - Solvothermal route - Solvothermal synthesis - UV-VIS absorption spectra - Visible light - ZnO

Classification code:801 Chemistry - 803 Chemical Agents and Basic Industrial Chemicals - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds - 941.4 Optical Variables Measurements - 931.2 Physical Properties of Gases, Liquids and Solids - 933 Solid State Physics - 933.1.1 Crystal Lattice - 932.3 Plasma Physics - 761 Nanotechnology - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties - 423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 708 Electric and Magnetic Materials - 714.2 Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 741.1 Light/Optics



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20112414060802

Title:The orientation workspace of a 3-PRS parallel manipulator

Authors:Chen, Wenjia (1); Zhao, Lanlei (1); Mo, Xian (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China

Corresponding author:Chen, W.(wjchen@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011 - Proceedings

Abbreviated source title:Int. Conf. Consum. Electron., Commun. Networks, CECNet - Proc.

Monograph title:2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011 - Proceedings

Issue date:2011

Publication year:2011


Article number:5768919



Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011

Conference date:April 16, 2011 - April 18, 2011

Conference location:XianNing, China

Conference code:85030

Sponsor:IEEE Consumer Electronics Society

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