Title: Exciton binding energy and excitonic absorption spectra in a parabolic quantum wire under transverse electric field

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Uncontrolled terms:Determination coefficients - Grain protein contents - LANDSAT TM - Level distribution - Multi variables - Normalized difference vegetation index - Partial least squares regression - PLS models - Prediction model - Principal Components - Ratio vegetation indices - Reflectance index - Reflection index - Remote sensing data - Root mean square errors - Satellite remote sensing - TM image - Wheat grains - Winter wheat

Classification code:922.2 Mathematical Statistics - 921 Mathematics - 821.4 Agricultural Products - 821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control - 804.1 Organic Compounds - 741.1 Light/Optics - 732 Control Devices - 731.1 Control Systems - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20112013990403

Title:Optimization on variable speed operation with VFD for No.3 Huaiyin pumping station based on decomposition-dynamic programming aggregation method

Authors:Gong, Yi (1); Cheng, Jilin (1); Zhang, Rentian (1); Zhang, Lihua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China; (2) Jiangsu Surveying and Design Institute of Water Resources Co., Ltd., Yangzhou 225009, China

Corresponding author:Cheng, J.(jlcheng@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering

Abbreviated source title:Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao



Issue date:March 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Exhibition Road South, Beijing, 100026, China

Abstract:The mathematical model of optimal daily operation with variable speed for multiple pump units in single pumping station was constructed by taking the minimal daily electric cost as objective function. Considering the efficiency of variable frequency drive (VFD) varied with the unit rotational speed, the decomposition-dynamic programming aggregation method was applied to solve the model above. Taking minimal daily electric cost as objective function, the water quantity pumped by units as coordinated variable, this model was decomposed into several sub-models of daily optimal operation with variable speed for single pump unit. The constructed aggregation model took water quantity pumped by each pump unit as decision variable, the discrete values of water quantity pumped by pumping station as state variable. Both sub-model and aggregation model were solved by means of dynamic programming method. The decomposition-dynamic programming aggregation method could solve the optimal variable speed operation issues for multiple pump units with different types or the units of the same type with performance differences in single pumping station. Through the study on the operation of No.3 Huaiyin Pumping Station which is the third stage pumping station of South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China, a series of optimization results were obtained.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Dynamic programming

Controlled terms:Dynamic models - Flood control - Functions - Hydraulic control equipment - Optimization - Pumping plants - Pumps - Runoff - Speed - Variable speed drives - Water supply

Uncontrolled terms:Aggregation - Aggregation methods - Aggregation model - Decision variables - Discrete values - Dynamic programming methods - Electric costs - Multiple pump units - Objective functions - Optimal daily operation - Optimal operation - Optimal variables - Pumping stations - Rotational speed - Single pumps - South-to-North water diversion project - State variables - Submodels - Variable frequency drives - Variable speed - Variable speed operation with VFD - Variable speed operations - Water quantities

Classification code:921.5 Optimization Techniques - 921 Mathematics - 732.1 Control Equipment - 705.1 Electric Machinery, General - 931.1 Mechanics - 618.2 Pumps - 446.1 Water Supply Systems - 446 Waterworks - 444.1 Surface Water - 454.1 Environmental Engineering, General



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20110513640957

Title:Green hydrothermal synthesis and optical absorption properties of ZnO 2 nanocrystals and ZnO nanorods

Authors:Guo, Tian Hong (1); Liu, Yan (1); Zhang, Yong Cai (1); Zhang, Ming (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Key Laboratory of Environmental Material and Environmental Engineering of Jiangsu Province, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225002, China

Corresponding author:Zhang, Y. C.(zhangyc@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:Materials Letters

Abbreviated source title:Mater Lett



Issue date:February 28, 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:Elsevier, P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands

Abstract:A green hydrothermal method was proposed for the controllable synthesis of ZnO2 nanocrystals and ZnO nanorods, using the common and cost-effective 2ZnCO3•3Zn(OH)2 powder and 30 mass% H2O2 aqueous solution as the raw materials. The characterization results from X-ray diffraction, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicated that the products synthesized at 100-120°C for 6 h or at 170°C for 0 h were cubic phase ZnO2 nanocrystals; while those synthesized at 170°C for 3-6 h were hexagonal phase ZnO nanorods. The UV-vis absorption spectra showed that the as-synthesized ZnO2 nanocrystals and ZnO nanorods had optical band gaps of about 4.1 and 3.3 eV, respectively. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

Number of references:11

Main heading:High resolution transmission electron microscopy

Controlled terms:Absorption - Hydrothermal synthesis - Light absorption - Materials properties - Microstructure - Nanocrystalline materials - Nanocrystals - Nanorods - Optical materials - Optical properties - Oxidation - Ultraviolet spectroscopy - X ray diffraction - X ray spectroscopy - Zinc - Zinc oxide

Uncontrolled terms:Aqueous solutions - Controllable synthesis - Cubic phase - Energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy - Hexagonal phase - High resolution - Hydrothermal methods - Nanocrystallines - Optical absorption properties - Optical materials and properties - Semiconductors - Transmission electron - UV-VIS absorption spectra - ZnO - ZnO nanorod

Classification code:951 Materials Science - 933.1.1 Crystal Lattice - 933 Solid State Physics - 804.2 Inorganic Compounds - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 802.2 Chemical Reactions - 801 Chemistry - 761 Nanotechnology - 741.3 Optical Devices and Systems - 741.1 Light/Optics - 546.3 Zinc and Alloys - 423 Non Mechanical Properties and Tests of Building Materials - 421 Strength of Building Materials; Mechanical Properties



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20110913699635

Title:Magnetic manipulation and half-metal prediction of one-dimensional bimetallic organic sandwich molecular wires [CpTM1CpTM 2] (TM1 = Ti, Cr, Fe; TM2 = Sc-Co)

Authors:Zhang, Xiuyun (1); Tian, Zhi (1); Yang, Shuo-Wang (3); Wang, Jinlan (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Department of Physics, Southeast University, Nanjing, 211189, China; (2) Department of Physics, Yangzhou University, Yanzhou, 225009, China; (3) Institute of High Performance Computing, 1 Fusionopolis Way, #16-16 Connexis, Singapore 138632, Singapore; (4) School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, 211189, China

Corresponding author:Wang, J.(jlwang@seu.edu.cn)

Source title:Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Abbreviated source title:J. Phys. Chem. C



Issue date:February 24, 2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Journal article (JA)

Publisher:American Chemical Society, 2540 Olentangy River Road, P.O. Box 3337, Columbus, OH 43210-3337, United States

Abstract:We systematically investigate the stability and electronic and magnetic properties of one-dimensional (1D) bimetallic organic sandwich molecular wires (BOSMWs), [CpTiCpTM] (TM = Sc-Co, Cp = C5H 5), [CpCrCpTM] (TM = V, Mn, Co), and [CpFeCpTM] (TM = Cr, Co), using ab initio methods. All the BOSMWs are highly stable due to mixed ionic-covalent bonding. With the exceptions of [CpTiCpV], [CpTiCpMn], and [CpCrCpV] exhibiting antiferromagnetic behavior, all the other BOSMWs are ferromagnetic with tunable magnetic moments. In particular, magnetic moments of [CpTiCpCo] and [CpCrCpMn] can be as high as 5 μB per unit cell. Our calculations further show that [CpTiCpTM] (TM = Cr, Fe), [CpCrCpTM] (TM = Fe, Co), and [CpFeCpCo] are robust half-metals (HMs) with large HM gaps. Most importantly, we identify an empirical valence electron filling rule for these BOSMWs, and a BOSMW is found to be a half-metallic ferromagnet whenever N - 5(10) = 5(7) (N is the sum of the valence electrons of two metal atoms). This electron filling rule, together with the HM equations formulized in this study, can be extended to predict new HM BOSMWs. © 2011 American Chemical Society.

Number of references:33

Main heading:Chromium

Controlled terms:Antiferromagnetism - Ferromagnetic materials - Ferromagnetism - Magnetic moments - Magnetic properties - Manganese - Nanowires - Scandium - Wire

Uncontrolled terms:Ab initio method - Antiferromagnetic behaviors - Covalent bonding - Electron filling - Electronic and magnetic properties - Half metals - Half-metallic ferromagnets - Magnetic manipulation - Metal atoms - Molecular wires - Per unit - Valence electron

Classification code:761 Nanotechnology - 708.4 Magnetic Materials - 701.2 Magnetism: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 933 Solid State Physics - 549.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys excluding Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals - 543.1 Chromium and Alloys - 535.2 Metal Forming - 543.2 Manganese and Alloys



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20110813679430

Title:Research and development of preceding-evaluation system of rural drinking water safety project

Authors:He, Lian (1); Cheng, Jilin (1)

Author affiliation:(1) Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China

Corresponding author:He, L.(helian@yzu.edu.cn)

Source title:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Abbreviated source title:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Volume:345 AICT

Issue:PART 2

Monograph title:Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV - 4th IFIP TC 12 Conference, CCTA 2010, Selected Papers

Issue date:2011

Publication year:2011




Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:4th IFIP International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture and the 4th Symposium on Development of Rural Information, CCTA 2010

Conference date:October 22, 2010 - October 25, 2010

Conference location:Nanchang, China

Conference code:83827

Sponsor:China Agricultural University; China Society of Agricultural Engineering; International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP); Beijing Society for Information Technology in Agriculture; National Natural Science Foundation of China

Publisher:Springer New York, 233 Springer Street, New York, NY 10013-1578, United States

Abstract:The preceding-evaluation plays a crucial role in guiding construction. Preceding-evaluation system of rural drinking water safety project includes four main contents: opportunity evaluation, necessity evaluation, feasibility evaluation and decision evaluation. Using multi-turns specialist consultation method, the paper mainly studies the decision evaluation. Modular system structure is designed according to system function analysis and target analysis. Based on system database as the basic information support, preceding-evaluation system is developed by object-oriented method. The syetem includes the functions of project information storage, project estimation, economic analysis and decision evaluation, it can provide reference for planning, design and construction management of rural drinking water safety project. © 2011 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.

Number of references:7

Main heading:Information management

Controlled terms:Agriculture - Economic analysis - Optimization - Planning - Potable water - Project management - Work simplification

Uncontrolled terms:decision optimization - Design and construction - Drinking water - Evaluation system - Information support - Modular system - object-oriented method - preceding-evaluation system - Project estimation - Project informations - Research and development - System database - System functions - Target analysis

Classification code:444 Water Resources - 821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control - 911.2 Industrial Economics - 912.1 Industrial Engineering - 912.2 Management - 921.5 Optimization Techniques



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20110813679552

Title:Study of optimal operation for Huai'an parallel pumping stations with adjustable-blade units based on two stages decomposition-dynamic programming aggregation method

Authors:Gong, Yi (1); Cheng, Jilin (1); Zhang, Rentian (1); Zhang, Lihua (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China; (2) Jiangsu Surveying and Design Institute of Water Resources Co., Ltd., Yangzhou, China

Corresponding author:Gong, Y.(gongyi_8@163.com)

Source title:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Abbreviated source title:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Volume:346 AICT

Issue:PART 3

Monograph title:Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV - 4th IFIP TC 12 Conference, CCTA 2010, Selected Papers

Issue date:2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:4th IFIP International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture and the 4th Symposium on Development of Rural Information, CCTA 2010

Conference date:October 22, 2010 - October 25, 2010

Conference location:Nanchang, China

Conference code:83827

Sponsor:China Agricultural University; China Society of Agricultural Engineering; International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP); Beijing Society for Information Technology in Agriculture; National Natural Science Foundation of China

Publisher:Springer New York, 233 Springer Street, New York, NY 10013-1578, United States

Abstract:Two-stage decomposition-dynamic programming aggregation method has been first proposed and introduced to solve the mathematical model of daily optimal operation for parallel pumping stations with adjustable-blade units. Taking minimal daily electricity cost of single pump station as objective function, the water quantity pumped by each station as coordinated variable, by means of the type of the pump units this model is decomposed into several first-stage sub-model of daily optimal operation with adjustable-blade for single pump station. Then taking minimal daily electricity cost of single pump unit as objective function, the water quantity pumped by each unit as coordinated variable, the first-stage sub-model is decomposed into several second-stage sub-model of daily optimal operation with adjustable-blade for single pump unit which takes the blade angle as decision variable, the discrete values of water quantity pumped by each unit as state variable, and is solved by means of dynamic programming method. The constructed aggregation model takes daily water quantity pumped by each pump unit as decision variable, the discrete values of water quantity pumped by parallel station group as state variable, and is also solved by dynamic programming method. The aggregation process replaces the traditional method of constructing equations. This method has first solved the optimal operation issues for multi-units of parallel stations with various operation modes, time period division and daily average head of each station, and also provided theoretical support for the study on optimal operation of multi-stage pumping stations. Taking Huai'an No.1, No.2, and No.4 parallel pumping stations as a study case, a series of optimization results have been obtained. © 2011 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.

Number of references:8

Main heading:Dynamic programming

Controlled terms:Agglomeration - Agriculture - Decision making - Dynamic models - Optimization - Parallel programming - Pumping plants - Pumps - Runoff - Water distribution systems

Uncontrolled terms:adjustable-blade - aggregation - Aggregation methods - Aggregation model - Aggregation process - Blade angle - Decision variables - Discrete values - Dynamic programming methods - Electricity costs - Multi-stage - Objective functions - Operation mode - Optimal operation - parallel pumping stations - Pumping stations - Single pumps - State variables - Study case - Time-periods - Two stage - Water quantities

Classification code:921 Mathematics - 912.2 Management - 821 Agricultural Equipment and Methods; Vegetation and Pest Control - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 921.5 Optimization Techniques - 723.1 Computer Programming - 446.1 Water Supply Systems - 446 Waterworks - 444.1 Surface Water - 618.2 Pumps



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20110813679234

Title:Computer-aided design system development of fixed water distribution of pipe irrigation system

Authors:Zhou, Mingyao (1); Wang, Susheng (1); Zhang, Zhen (1); Chen, Lidong (1)

Author affiliation:(1) College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, 31 middle Jiangyang Rord, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu Province, China

Corresponding author:Zhou, M.(myzhouyz@163.com)

Source title:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Abbreviated source title:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Volume:344 AICT

Issue:PART 1

Monograph title:Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV - 4th IFIP TC 12 Conference, CCTA 2010, Selected Papers

Issue date:2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:4th IFIP International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture and the 4th Symposium on Development of Rural Information, CCTA 2010

Conference date:October 22, 2010 - October 25, 2010

Conference location:Nanchang, China

Conference code:83827

Sponsor:China Agricultural University; China Society of Agricultural Engineering; International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP); Beijing Society for Information Technology in Agriculture; National Natural Science Foundation of China

Publisher:Springer New York, 233 Springer Street, New York, NY 10013-1578, United States

Abstract:It is necessary to research a cheap and simple fixed water distribution device according to the current situation of the technology of low-pressure pipe irrigation. This article proposed a fixed water distribution device with round table based on the analysis of the hydraulic characteristics of low-pressure pipe irrigation systems. The simulation of FLUENT and GAMBIT software conducted that the flow of this structure was steady with a low head loss comparing to other types of devices. In order to improve the design efficiency, a program was made using Visual Basic. The system was user-friendly, flexible operation, convenient and able to meet the needs of different users. © 2011 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.

Number of references:15

Main heading:Irrigation

Controlled terms:Computer aided design - Computer software - Pipe - Water supply systems

Uncontrolled terms:Computer-aided design systems - Current situation - Design efficiency - Fixed water - Flexible operation - Hydraulic characteristic - Irrigation systems - Low head - Pressure pipes - Round tables - VISUAL BASIC

Classification code:446.1 Water Supply Systems - 619.1 Pipe, Piping and Pipelines - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.5 Computer Applications - 821.3 Agricultural Methods



Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Accession number:20110813679212

Title:An efficient and fast algorithm for mining frequent patterns on multiple biosequences

Authors:Liu, Wei (1); Chen, Ling (1)

Author affiliation:(1) School of Information Technology, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing, China; (2) Institute of Information Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China; (3) National Key Lab. of Novel Software Tech., Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

Corresponding author:Liu, W.(yzliuwei@126.com)

Source title:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Abbreviated source title:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Volume:344 AICT

Issue:PART 1

Monograph title:Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV - 4th IFIP TC 12 Conference, CCTA 2010, Selected Papers

Issue date:2011

Publication year:2011





Document type:Conference article (CA)

Conference name:4th IFIP International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture and the 4th Symposium on Development of Rural Information, CCTA 2010

Conference date:October 22, 2010 - October 25, 2010

Conference location:Nanchang, China

Conference code:83827

Sponsor:China Agricultural University; China Society of Agricultural Engineering; International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP); Beijing Society for Information Technology in Agriculture; National Natural Science Foundation of China

Publisher:Springer New York, 233 Springer Street, New York, NY 10013-1578, United States

Abstract:Mining frequent patterns on biosequences is one of the important research fields in biological data mining. Traditional frequent pattern mining algorithms may generate large amount of short candidate patterns in the process of mining which cost more computational time and reduce the efficiency. In order to overcome such shortcoming of the traditional algorithms, we present an algorithm named MSPM for fast mining frequent patterns on biosequences. Based on the concept of primary patterns, the algorithm focuses on longer patterns for mining in order to avoid producing lots of short patterns. Meanwhile by using prefix tree of primary frequent patterns, the algorithm can extend the primary patterns and avoid plenty of irrelevant patterns. Experimental results show that MSPM can achieve mining results efficiently and improves the performance. © 2011 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.

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