To my parents, Jack and Marilyn

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taking over and the government running all of your companies

RT Hon Gordon Brown MP: Our position was not that. Our position was to support action so that the will of the international community-that Saddam Hussein disclose and dispose of weapons-be reinforced. And at the back of my mind was this sense that, if the international community did not act here, then the international community would find it difficult to gain credibility for acting in other areas, and this New World Order that we were trying to create was being put at risk

The London Summit 2009

Gordon Brown: I think a New World Order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation.

Feb 25, 1972: President Nixon - Hangzhou, China

You'll believe deeply in your system and we believe just as deeply in our system. It is not our common beliefs that have brought us together here but our common interests and our common hopes. The interests that each of us has to maintain our independence and the security of our peoples at the hope that each of us has to build a New World Order in which nations and peoples with different systems and different values can live together in peace.

11/30/1989 Mikhail Gorbachev: Sheraton Chicago

That does not describe why the world has changed so much and why the world has turned so much toward a New World Order and a new kind of civilization

11/16/91 George H.W. Bush: Speech to US Congress

Bush: Until now, the world we've known has been a world divided. A world of barbed wire and concrete block. Conflict. Cold War. Now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which the very real prospect of a New World Order.

Oct 19, 1999 Hillary Clinton congratulates Walter Cronkite on receiving A Global Governance award from the World Federalist Association

We would like to bring you a message from the First Lady of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Hillary Clinton: Good evening and congratulations Walter. I'm receiving the World Federalist Association's Global Governance award. For more than a generation in America it wasn't the news until Walter Cronkite told us it was the news.

10/02/01 Tony Blair (Former Prime Minister of Great Britain) The Labour Party Annual Conference

This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us reorder this world around us.

BBC NEWS Fri. Oct. 12, 2001 UK Politics

Headline: Blair's push for new world order

01/18/05 Henry Kissinger: Charlie Rose Interview

Kissinger: The United States is in a key position to shape this so that the problem of the Bush presidency will be the emergence of a new international order.

Rose: Within the next four years we will see the emergence of a new international order.

Kissinger: The beginning of a new international order.

The London Paper: March 12, 2007


06/20/07 Gordon Brown:

The first decade of the 21st Century that out of what will be seen as the greatest restructuring of the global economy Perhaps one even greater than at the time of the industrial revolution a new world order was created.”4
Gee, what’s that sound like? Folks, I’m not making this up! Sounds to me like somebody’s taking this One World Government and New World Order thing pretty serious, how about you? And lest there be any misunderstanding where this One World Government and satanically Antichrist system is leading to, let’s remind ourselves why the Bible calls it satanic. Here’s what it’s leading to. It ain’t pretty. It’s called total slavery!

Revelation 13:16-17 “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, o that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
Now folks, the Bible clearly tells us that the Antichrist’s system is not only going to be over the whole world, but he’s also going to force the whole world to receive some sort of a Mark into their right hands or foreheads, in order to buy or sell, right? Total slavery to the Antichrist, if you don’t go along with his system, you’re going to be shut out of the system! You won’t buy or sell. And folks, believe it or not, that too is already here. One man, Aaron Russo, exposed the whole thing a few years ago before he mysteriously died. Hmmm, I wonder why? Here’s the actual conversation he had with one of these Globalists, pushing for this One World Government, and you tell me if they’re not planning on this Mark of the Beast system, to control what you buy or sell.

Aaron Russo:

This is Aaron Russo, a filmmaker and former politician. To his left is Nicholas Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller Banking and business dynasty. After maintaining a close friendship with Nicholas Rockefeller, Aaron eventually ended the relationship, appalled by what he had learned about the Rockefellers and their ambitions.

Aaron Russo: I got a call one day from a Terry woman I knew, and she said, 'Would you like to mean one of the Rockefellers?'. I said, 'Sure, I'd love to'. And we became friends and he began to divulge a lot of things to me. So he says to me one night- [11 months before Sept. 11th 2001] There's going to be an event Aaron…we are going to go into Afghanistan so we can put in pipelines from the Caspian Sea. We are going to go into Iraq to take the oil and establish a base in the Middle East and we're going to go into Venezuela and then try and go in and get rid of Chavez. And the first two they've accomplished. Chavez they didn't accomplish. You're going to see guys going into caves looking for looking for people that their never gonna find-you know he was laughing about the fact that you have this "war" on "terror". There's no real enemy. He's talking about how by having this war on "terror", you can never win it...because it's an eternal war and so you can always keep taking people's liberties away. 

I said how are you going to convince people that this war is real? He says by the media. The media can convince everybody that it's real.  I mean you know you just keep talking about things. You keep saying it over and over and over and over again and eventually people believe it. 

You know you create the Federal Reserve in 1913 through lies. You create 9/11 which is another lie. Through 9/11 you then are fighting a war on "terror" and also you go into Iraq, which was another lie. And now they're going to do Iran. So you know, one thing leading to another leading to another, leading to another.

So now what are you doing this for? What's the point of this thing? I mean you got all the money in the world you'll ever want. You got all the power, you know. I said you're hurting people, I said, it's not a good thing. And he would say why do you care about the people for. Take care of yourself and take care of your family.

And I said to him what are the ultimate goals here. He said the ultimate goal is to get everybody in this world chipped with an RFID chip and have all money be on those chips and everything on those chips and if anybody wants to protest what we do or violate what we want. We just turn off their chip.”5

Wow! Revelation 13 right before our very eyes! So much for a wacky conspiracy theory! Folks, this is all happening right now, it’s not make believe, it’s real, and we better get motivated. It’s exactly what the Bible said would happen, when you are living in the Last Days! It just happens to be happening now! And here’s the point. What more does God have to do? This is not a game! God doesn’t want us going into the 7-year Tribulation and He certainly doesn’t want us to go into HELL! And so that’s why, out of love, He’s given us these signs of a One World Government to show us that the Tribulation is near, Christ’s 2nd Coming is rapidly approaching. And that’s why Jesus Himself said:

Luke 21:28 “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
People, like it or not, we are headed for The Final Countdown. And so the point is this. If you’re a Christian here today it’s time to get busy! We’ve got to lay aside our differences and start getting busy working together saving souls by the Spirit of God! Amen? That’s the answer to the ills of our country, as we saw last week! There’s still hope! In fact, this guy says the same thing.

“Since the recent election, we’ve seen same-sex couples lining up at courthouses in several states to receive their marriage licenses, and hundreds of people gathering in public places to light up marijuana cigarettes in the states where it has just been decriminalized.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. The moral decline we see on television programs – blatant immorality, senseless violence, media-friendly gay and lesbian behavior – is just a reflection of the moral corruption that has infected our entire nation. These are indeed dark days…but there is hope.
For far too long, as a nation we have neglected – and even rejected – the Word of God and His commands. Yet the Scriptures are mighty, able to penetrate even the most hardened and darkened hearts with convicting, life-giving power. This is the only cure for a sin-sickened country that is about to slip into a moral abyss, and it is why we must proclaim the Good News.”6
In other words, stop goofing off, stop beating each other up, and start getting busy working saving souls, sharing the Gospel, amen? That’s what’ll turn our country around in the nick of time, amen?

But that’s still not all. The 4th proof that we know really are headed for a One World Government is what I call the Tactical Proof. Boy, is the enemy slick, or what? Folks, what most people don’t realize is what we’re seeing in world events, the tactics they’re using to put this together behind the scenes, is the exact same tactics that the Bible said the Antichrist himself will use, nearly 2,000 years ago, to set up his One World Government. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to God’s.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to Him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the splendor of His coming.
The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

Folks, according to our text, the Bible clearly says whatever you do, don’t reject God’s truth, you better deal with the facts, right? Why? Because if you don’t, you’re going to be one of those people who are perishing falling for the lies of the Antichrist, and notice what his tactics were to get people to fall for it. How does he get the job done? How does he dupe the whole world into not only following him but even go along with this One World Government? Well apparently, it’s deceit, right? His tactic is using a satanic lying counterfeit deceit. It’s a pack of lies! And that shouldn’t be because he’s satanically inspired, which means he’s all about what satan’s all about! Lies, deceit! Lies, deceit, right? That’s satan! So is it any surprise that the Antichrist does the same thing to dupe people into going along with a One World Government? Of course not! Makes perfect sense.

But here’s the point. I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad we don’t seen any signs whatsoever of people around the planet using satanic evil deceitful tactics to delude us into going along with a One World Government, any…time…soon…Yeah, right folks! They’re already using them in high gear, all over the planet! Okay? We’re being duped!

And the 1st evil tactic they’re using to get us to go along with a One World Government is the deceit of Fear & Manipulation. Once again, put yourself in the Antichrist’s shoes. If you’re going to deceive the whole world into creating A One World Government then you first have to get everybody on the planet into a total state of fear, right? Why? Because then you can manipulate them. He’s not dumb! He knows what he’s doing! He knows historically people are more apt to surrender their freedoms in a time of fear than in a time of peace. So, if you create a crisis, you can manage the outcome. If you create a fearful event, you can manipulate the people to do whatever you want to have done, whether they realize it or not!

And folks, if you’ve been paying attention, this is precisely what’s been happening to our country for the last several years! For instance, in order to drum up fear, to manipulate us, we are being told that we have a “health-care crisis,” a “child care crisis,” an “economy crisis,” a “constitutional crisis,” a “terrorist crisis,” and of course, that dreaded “environmental crisis.”7 We don’t have problems anymore. No! Everything is a horrible crisis just waiting to explode! AHHH! And because of these “crisis” that are seemingly out of control, we have been manipulated, whether we realize it or not, into a constant state of fear and we’re starting to cry out for what they want us to cry out for. Some global entity, some external savior, some universal global government to fix all these global crisis that are seemingly out of control. We’ve been duped! And you might think, “Come on, does this lying deceitful fear tactic really work on people, to get them to surrender their freedoms and go along with a One World Government?” You bet it does!

And the 1st thing this fear manipulation tactic of the Antichrist is leading to is a Universal Congress. Again, put yourself into the Antichrist’s shoes. If you’re going to get the whole world to go along with a One World Government, then you first have to have some sort of Global Congress or Governing Body to oversee the whole operation, right? Well folks, guess what the United Nations and countries around the world have been working on for decades? Right now folks, there is waiting for approval, or is already in place, the plans for absolute total global control of the whole world. Right now, there’s a Universal Law of the land called the Earth Charter, which is being proposed as a new universal law to unite all peoples of the world in order to save the planet…you know…the CRISIS thing! It’s going to blow up! AHHH! Save us! Save us! And for those of you wondering what it’s all about, here’s the new universal law they’re wanting all of us to follow.

The Earth Charter is stated as being, “A declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century.” It was created by a commission from every corner of the globe, including world leaders such as Mikhail Gorbachev, Steven Rockefeller, and the drafting effort involved more than 100,000 people in 51 countries.
So what exactly does it contain? “It clearly lays out the Constitution for a New Green Order.” “The choice is ours, form a global partnership to care for Earth and one another or risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life.” But the real intent behind the Earth Charter, and the Global Green Agenda is to eliminate national sovereignty and place all humanity under the control of a single “Earth Government.”
In fact, Mikhail Gorbachev said, “My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount', that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century.” And Maurice Strong, a founding co-chairman of the Earth Charter and advisor to the U.N. said, “The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments.”


In fact, speaking of the Ten Commandments, the Earth Charter has been place into it’s own “ark” called the “Ark of Hope” a totally mockery of the Biblical Ark of he Covenant that housed the real Ten Commandments. It’s carried around by “ark walkers” and the four sides have various artwork depicting the four directions (north, east, south, and west), and also four elements (earth, water, fire, and air).  The top of the ark also features artwork that represents the fifth element: spirit. And around the edges of the top are a variety of religious and cultic symbols, including the occult pentagram! Gee, that should tell you the source! In fact, here’s the video of it’s unveiling.

‘Fundamental changes are needed; in our values, in our institutions, and our way of living. The Earth Charter provides and ethical foundation for building a more sustainable world-respecting nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace.

The creation of the Earth Charter was achieved through a decade long, worldwide, cross-cultural dialogue, commonly shared values.  Beginning with the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Earth Charter drafting process continued gaining momentum at the 1995 Earth Charter International Workshop in the Hague, Netherlands.

These unique participatory and inclusive process continued over the next 5 years through national and regional workshops worldwide. A new face began in the year 2000, with the official launching of the Earth Charter.

We make this gift of service to all our brothers and sisters in the human family; especially to the children, to those who suffer in poverty and under oppression, and to future generations.

It is vital for humans and for nature, that the Earth Charter movement continues to spread it's message of hope for a brighter future.”8
For a brighter future? Or for the ultimate excuse to create a One World Government? Folks, sounds to me like the Antichrist is using an evil lie, a deceitful tactic in the Last Days… AHHH! The planet is going to blow up!…to get us to go along with a One World Government, how about you?

But that’s not all. If you’re going to have a universal law of the land, then you need a Universal Governing Body to oversee this law, right? Well hey, that’s why right now there’s a document called The Constitution for the Federation Earth, with plans for a World Government, World Supreme Court, World Capitols, and a World Police.9 And the only thing holding it up is ratification, which they’re hoping is going to take place real soon.

But wait a minute. If you’re going to have a universal governing body then you need a Universal Judicial System to make sure people obey this new World Government, right? Well hey, that’s why, right now, there’s a World Criminal Court that went into effect July of 2002, thanks in part to the signing of the treaty by Bill Clinton on his last day in office. Thanks Bill! Thanks for your help in forming a One World Government.

International Criminal Court

“Some of the worse crimes ever known have been committed during the 20th century. Millions of children, women and men have been victims of unimaginable atrocities that have deeply shocked the conscience of humanity.

Unfortunately, in the past, such crimes have often gone unpunished. Millions of people died during two World Wars and in fighting in Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and in former Yugoslavia.

The International Criminal Court is the first criminal court with jurisdiction over the most serious crimes threatening the peace, security and well being of the world.

In 1998, during the Rome Diplomatic Conference on the International Criminal Court, 160 countries negotiated a treaty to design the world's first permanent international criminal court.”10

Yeah! Awesome! Now we have a court system to make us obey this World Government! But that’s not all. If you’re going to have a universal judicial system to enforce this universal law then you need a Universal Army to punish those who don’t obey this World Government and World law, right? Well gee that’s why, right now, Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister, has been calling for NATO to become the future “military arm of a new world order rather than strictly a defensive alliance.”11 And if you think about it, we’ve already seen NATO exercise more and more military force over the sovereignty of nations, right? In our lifetime. I wonder who’s next? But here’s the point. Sounds to me if you put all this together and I’d say somebody’s pretty serious about forming a One World Government, how about you? And the tactic they’re using is fear and manipulation! And that’s exactly what the Bible said the Antichrist would do, when you are living in the Last Days!

But that’s not all. The 2nd thing this fear and manipulation tactic of the Antichrist is leading to is a Universal Behavior. Yeah, they’re going to dictate everything folks. Once again, put yourself in to the Antichrist’s shoes. If you’re going to deceive the whole world into creating A One World Government then you have to provide a Universal Standard of Behavior so that you can dictate universal compliance, right? Well gee, guess what? Again, this is what the United Nations has been working towards for decades. And again, they’re using fear and manipulation to pull it off!

For instance, right now in order to preserve our supposed endangered earth, AHHH! thanks to the World Heritage Protection program, the UN has full authority over millions of acres of land right here in America.12 Such areas include Yellowstone National Park, the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon, and the Yosemite Valley, just to name a few. Then, in order to preserve our supposed endangered food supply, AHHH! right now the World Food Summit continues to meet to govern what crops we can grow, what livestock we can raise and even what we get to eat.13

But that’s not all. In order to preserve our supposed endangered air, land, and water supply, AHHH! right now a program called Agenda 21 has total plans to dictate our total behavior. Things such as what job we can get, what housing we can have, what education and health care we get, what means of transport, and even how many children we can have…just like China! Don’t believe me? Here’s what this program is promoting.

“If you were to hear that in the very near future the United States will have no privately owned property, no air conditioning, no dams, no paved roads, no way to correct rivers for flood control, no golf courses, no pastureland used for grazing, would you believe it? These are all mandates of a United Nations program called Agenda 21. Here is a list of some of their “Unsustainable” Targets…

  • Ski runs

  • Grazing livestock

  • Disturbing of soil surface/plowing of soil

  • Building fences

  • Commercial Agriculture/Modern farm production

  • Chemical fertilizers

  • The use of fossil fuels

  • Any industrial activity

  • Single family homes

  • Paved and tarred roads

  • Railroads

  • Floor and wall tiles

  • Technology

  • Range lands, fish ponds, or plantations

  • Harvesting timber

  • Hunting

  • Logging activities

  • Dams and reservoirs, straightening of rivers, and power line construction

  • In fact, they will not only control your birth, they will control your death,

young and old alike. Here’s the actual commercials.
Agenda 21 How will it affect you?

We have only one earth. Our living planet that helps to sustain life. We are warned this life system is in crisis.

Fresh water. Clean Air. Good soil. The things we need to stay alive are being destroyed. Sustaining the environment is something we all have a vested interest in. After all, who wants pollute the water or the land?

Let's look at the Chinese Communist government and it's one child policy. Just like marriage in China, there are numerous hurdles you must overcome before permission is granted. For a Chinese couple to have a child, they have to get a birth license. In order for the couple to get a license, they have to go through a procedure that runs through local Communist Party functionaries. Without a birth license, no hospital or doctor can treat the mother or the child before, during or after the birth. The Chinese are required to inform the authorities of any illegal birth. In short, the Chinese government is in complete control.

Since China is one of the 5 permanent members of the U.N.'s Security Council, it has a great deal of influence on U.N. policy and how they view population control.

China's one child policy now being considered as a viable solution towards Sustainable Development.

The P.C.S.D. shows their support in this very idea; and in their 1998 publication.

  "We must move toward stabilization of the U.S. population and a reduced rate of population growth in the United States and the world."  ---Sustainable America: America's Environment, Economy and Society in the 21st Century. 14

Yeah, you’ve lived a good life. And don’t you know according to Agenda 21 it’s you’re patriotic duty to let them pull the plug on you, if you’re old or have a deformity, to make room for the rest of us! People, this is sick! This is the kind of society the Antichrist is building using fear and manipulation. We’ve got to do this to save the planet!

But that’s still not all. In order to preserve our supposed endangered animals, AHHH! you know, because they’re more important than humans nowadays. Right now they have something called the Biodiversity Treaty that’s getting ready to dictate where you and I get to live and where the animals get to live, at least those they decide who get to live in the first place.15 In fact, in the next page is the actual map.

And what’s strange about this map is not only how wild it is in the first place, but it starts to shed light to this passage of Scripture in the Book of Revelation.

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