To the select committee on marine parks in south australia

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4.3.6 Acknowledgements: This paper was developed by an AMSA subcommittee, the AMSA MPA Working Group, in 2008. The Working Group referred a draft to AMSA members through the AMSA email forum, prior to approval of the final document by the AMSA Council in November 2008. Although it draws from many sources, Edgar, Russ & Babcock (2007) in particular was used extensively in the preparation of section 3.5. Our thanks also to Graeme Kelleher, Bob Pressey, Bill Ballantine, Hugh Possingham, Terry Hughes and Quentin Grafton for helpful advice and comment.

We consider it is part of our professional duty as marine biologists to state publicly and frequently the need for a representative, replicated, networked and sustainable system of highly protected marine reserves. We doubt if our grandchildren will accept any excuses if we fail.

Ballantine & Langlois 2008:35

4.3.7 References

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