Mektubu falan görmedim.
This form serves to extend the meaning of the first word to include similar things.
When we say, Odada dolap molap yok, we mean there are no cupboards or things like cupboards in the room.
Bahçede çiçek miçekgörmedim means I didn’t see any flowers, shrubs or anything resembling a flower. One may sometimes come across a repetition with the kernel word repeated but with change of vowel as in mal mul, though this is rare.
The repetition of a word with change of the initial consonant to m is possible with anyword and is very widely used. However, the guiding rule is ease of pronunciation and pleasing combination of sounds. It is easier to say otomobili filan yok instead of otomobili motomobili yok. It is also easier on the ear.
Since the coined word with m takes the same case ending while filan does not, in actual usage we don’t double after certain combinations, e.g., evlerimizden mevlerimizden. We prefer evlerinizi filan görmedilertoevlerimizi mevlerimizi görmediler.
Sometimes it is used when upset like: ekmek mekmek almam ben!