Students are asked to fill in questionnaires and attend focus groups every term to ensure high standards. One of the main points is the value they place on clear lesson objectives and clear conclusions at the end of each class.
All sessions must start with a clear outline of Aims and Objectives / Learning Outcomes and these MUST be written on the white board in your teaching space.
Students should know what the class is about, how it relates to the course and their professional situation/ambition and what they can do with this new skill/ information. If they feel lessons are insufficiently planned they are very vocal about it.
It is important to communicate clearly with us. We will put any key information, timetabling matters, etc. in writing to you. We would ask you do the same with us. If you have any issues, particularly with Depping (see policy below) please put these in writing. Your main contacts are Adam Bushell, Mark Irwin and your own Head of Department.
Any correspondence about or to students must be highly professional and stick to the facts rather than express your feelings or personal views. In the past there have been incidents of highly unprofessional comments expressed by e-mail or on tutorial paperwork. Be aware that students and parents of those under 18 have the right to read any information that we hold on file or on e-mail relating to them.
All tutorial paperwork needs to be accurately completed and must include the date and signatures of the student and tutor who takes the tutorial.
Even if you are not personally requested to take one-to-one tutorials (which are largely delivered by Heads of Department) you should understand the system and proactively refer
and encourage students to book their one to one sessions. These are a major part of what makes BIMM special.
BIMM will hold training days before the start of the academic year and at certain times thereafter. You are required to attend these as part of preparing to work with us.
During the year we will observe lessons and bring tutors together in specialist groups, where appropriate, in order to improve practice.
We expect you to attend all annual tutor training days as well as occasional meetings as these are vital to ensure you are fully briefed and able to deliver at the highest level.
Course Notes
Notes are commissioned annually.
If you have contributed, you would have been commissioned in June, with the deadline for End of August – and will be written to confirming rates. If you are interested in writing notes in the future please discuss this with the Principal.