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5.5 HSE Personnel The HSE Personnel are responsible for daily random checking/ monitoring of PPE in use throughout
the Barge Vessel this will include essential Emergency Clothing and Equipment e.g. firefighters suits
and Self Contained Breathing Apparatus They will also ensure that where required third party
inspection and certification is being conducted e.g. 6 monthly for Safety Harness.
5.6 All Employees All Employees, subcontractors, visitors and Company personnel will take reasonable care for their
health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions and co-operate
with Saipem in complying with this procedure.
6 PROCEDURE 6.1 General Different jobs and work tasks will require specialised protective clothing and equipment. Section
Heads will ensure the proper selection of suitable clothing / equipment for these situations.
The correct choice of the PPE for the specific task is essential for the safe performance, as the
incorrect PPE can endanger the person using it or create a false sense of protection.
NOTE: PPE should be considered a last resort and should never be relied upon as a sole means of
protection from harm or injury. PPE as a protection measure should be considered only after all of the
measures from the hierarchy of control measures have been exhausted:
1. Eliminate the hazard
2. Substitute the hazard with a lesser risk
3. Isolate the hazard
4. Use engineering controls
5. Use administrative controls
6. Use personal protective equipment
Further requirements for Personal Protective Equipment for specific tasks may be indicated within the
Permit to Work Procedure (refer to procedure SA-SWZZZZ-HS-PRO-0705). Specific requirements for
PPE are also contained in the activity procures i.e. Working at Height, Hot Work and Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)