United nations environment programme

Appendix 5: CAMPAS Results Framework

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Appendix 5: CAMPAS Results Framework

Project title:

Strengthening national biodiversity and forest carbon stock conservation through landscape-based collaborative management of Cambodia’s Protected Area System as demonstrated in the Eastern Plains Landscape (CAMPAS project)


Intermediate Results



Targets – Midterm & End of Project

Sources of verification


A: ‘Enhanced protected area management effectiveness’

Individual METT71 scorecards for five target sites

- Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary

METT Score Card = 32

Middterm = 40;

End = 50

  • Final METT scorecards at end of project for key protected area

  • METT systems are conducted by protected areas themselves

  • Links with SMART monitoring

METT systems are conducted judiciously

- Mondulkiri Protected Forest

METT Score Card = 37

Midterm = 45;

End = 50

- Phnom Nam Lyr Wildlife Sanctuary

METT Score Card = 14

Midterm = 25;

End = 40

- Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary

METT Score Card = 30

Midterm = 40;

End = 50

- Seima Protected Forest

METT Score Card = 49

Midterm = 49

End = 50

B: ‘Increased forest carbon stock and sequestration’

National REDD monitoring reporting and verification

Eastern Plains Landscape MRV score

Baseline Score Card72

Midterm = Baseline plus 5%;

End = Baseline +10%

  • National REDD MRV scorecards at project beginning and end & GEF CC TT at project beginning and end of project

  • Forest cover and carbon stock in target protected areas 350,000 ha and landscapes 150,000 ha

Effective measures based on National REDD-Coordination

Overall forest cover increase of 15% within the Eastern Plains Landscape

Baseline forest cover73

Midterm cover = 5% increase

End cover = +15%

C: ‘Increased inter-sectoral collaboration’

Inter-sectoral stakeholder collaboration on biodiversity issues

- Number of inter-sectoral meetings on biodiversity issues

1 per year

Midterm – 2 per year; End – 4 per year

  • Verification through Monitoring Effectiveness tracking Tool (METT)

  • Increased Reports and inter-sectoral plans (MOE and FA, FiA, MoF, MoP and local government)

  • documentation sharing

There is an actual, and measurable, increase in collaboration above the stated baseline

- Number of trans-boundary workshops on forest connectivity

1 every two years

Midterm - 1 per year with Vietnam; End – 1 per year with VN and Lao & Thailand

- Increase in number of inter-sectoral plans to entailing biodiversity issues

Confirm at Inception

Midterm – at least one new Inter-sectoral plan in development (policy & landscape). End – at least 1 inter-sectoral plan agreed

- Ensure active participation of women in the decision making process

Confirm at Inception

Midterm – at least 35 % of participants are women and involved in decision making during meetings and workshops (policy & landscape). End – at least 50 % women have been participating.

  • verification through attendance list as well as nomination of women in participation to working group and management committee

D: ‘Increased landscape connectivity’

Connectivity between conservation areas in the Eastern Plains Landscape

- Established corridors between conservation areas

No legal conservation corridor established

Midterm: and End: To be defined74

  • Project progress reports; planning and spatial documents; formal government papers

  • Coordinated trans-boundary biodiversity and forest conservation efforts with Vietnam

Workable options for connectivity between the target protected areas in place within the Eastern Plains Landscape – Interest for collaboration between 2 countries

- Established stepping stone habitats between conservation areas

Some identified under ADB-BCI, but not established

Midterm: and End: To be defined

- Trans-boundary Vietnam- Cambodia corridor agreement(s)

Discussion engaged but no agreement established yet

Midterm: consultations ongoing on Agreement with Vietnam; End - Agreement with Vietnam established

E: ‘Increase sustainable forest management’ SFM/REDD+

Sustainable forest management in the Eastern Plains Landscape

- Number of (SFM) forest management sites established by the project and running within the landscape


Midterm: At least one site operational and practicing SFM;
End - at least 3 sites operational and practicing SFM

  • Increased coordination for forest management with partners

Sustainable forest management is embraced by implementing stakeholders and coordinated with partners.

- Area of reforestation, habitat rehabilitation, and agroforestry practices facilitated by project


Midterm: at least 500 ha planted/rehabilitated/agroforests facilitated by project;
End - at least 2000 ha planted/rehabilitated/agroforests, facilitated by project

- Number of REDD+ schemes facilitated by the project and ongoing in the landscape

To be confirmed with National REDD+ project at commencement

Midterm – REDD partner facilitation started; End – Partner(s) establishing at least one REDD scheme in the project landscape

- increase and improve women’s participation in meetings, workshop, forum and dialogue at national and sub-national levels organized

Confirm at Inception

Midterm - At least 30% of participants are women and from the communities taking part in project activities End –At least 50 % of participants are women and from the communities taking part in project activities.

  • Attendance list

  • Project progress report and field

  • Monitoring report

Project objective: ‘To enhance Cambodia’s protected area management effectiveness and secure forest carbon through improving inter-sectoral collaboration, landscape connectivity and sustainable forest management’

Outcome 1: Strengthened national vision and support for landscape-based protected area and forest management


Verifiable Indicators



Sources of verification


1.1 Delivery of national biodiversity and protected area system strategic goals more coherently, successful, and with better inter-sectoral governance

1.1 Increased levels of available monetary and non-monetary resources as part of the project-planned ‘conservation area business plans’

Cambodia’s NBSAP updating process has identified issues around: insecure monetary resources (FR), limited information resources (IR), and constraints on biodiversity management resources (MR).

Midterm: (i) NBSAP: National Targets & Indicators Appendix 16 (FR-2, IR-19, MR11) (iii) Increasing METT scores (as above A.), & (iii) Increasing Capacity Development Scorecard values (as below 1.2a)
Midterm: (i) NBSAP: National Targets & Indicators Appendix 16 (FR-2, IR-19, MR11) (iii) Increasing METT scores (as above A.), & (iii) Increasing Capacity Development Scorecard values (as below 1.2a)

  • National Budget

  • National Biodiversity Steering Committee

  • National CBD reporting

  • GEF Capacity Development Scorecards

  • Beginning, mid-term and end of project.

Political will

NBSAP approval

National Target & Indicator reporting

1.2 Improved national compliance with protected area management goals - particularly for wildlife conservation, combating illegal trade, and maintaining forest connectivity across large landscapes

1.2a Increased compliance with conservation laws and efficiency in the monitoring of conservation-related activities with national METT reporting scores increasing by project mid-term and project end

(i) Increasing METT scores (as above A.), & (ii) Capacity Development Scorecards

CR1: 4

CR2: 2

CR3: 2

CR4: 0

CR5: 0

Midterm: (i) Increasing METT scores (as above A.), & (ii) Capacity Development Scorecard values

CR1: 5

CR2: 4

CR3: 3

CR4: 2

CR5: 2

End: (i) Increasing METT scores (as above A.), & (ii) Capacity Development Scorecards values

CR1: 7

CR2: 7

CR3: 5

CR4: 3

CR5: 3

  • Scorecard reports at beginning, mid-term and end of project.

  • TTBP Tracking Tool and SMART Monitoring

Stakeholder transparency and Political will

Accurate reporting

1.2b Increasing successful cases of Law Enforcement through the project LEM system reported

In 2011 a report on law enforcement identified that 374 incidents resulted in 23 court cases and 17 fines (WWF 2011)

Midterm: a 5% increase in reported cases

End: a 10% increase in reported cases of which half are followed up with legal action

LEM reports

Political and judiciary will

1.3 Improved national support of biodiversity conservation, protected areas, and forested landscape connectivity in support of national development goals

1.3 Increased nationwide understanding and support on biodiversity conservation, including knowledge on the national conservation area system and of needs to mainstream biodiversity conservation beyond conservation areas

1. Capacity Development Scorecards and stratified by gender effect (as above 1.2 but yet to be stratified per gender)

2. Knowledge Awareness and Participation (KAP) baseline surveys to be designed, gender stratified and conducted during Inception (first 3 months)

3. Media reference to CAMPAS objectives and activities negligible

Midterm: Capacity Development Score increase (as above 1.2) and stratified per gender

End: Capacity Development Score increase and stratified per gender (as above 1.2).
Midterm survey showing increased KAP of 15% for men and 10% for female participants;

End of project KAP survey showing 50% improvements / scores for men and 35% for female participants

Midterm: at least 10 project references in written Media &

> 200 Social media site visitations, feeds, tweets etc.

End: at least 25 project references in written Media &

> 700 Social media site visitations, feeds, tweets etc.

  • Capacity Scorecard and KAP survey reports at beginning, mid-term and end of project.

  • Media monitoring and summaries in SA Progress Reports

Ministries and Province commitment and Participation

Outcome 2. Integrated landscape management to safeguard forests, biodiversity, and carbon stocks in the Eastern Plains Landscape


Verifiable Indicators



Sources of verification


2.1 Enhanced biodiversity security and forest connectivity in the Eastern Plain Landscape, with reduced emissions by harmonizing economic development plans with forest and biodiversity conservation

2.1a - Improving impact of stakeholder consultation and conflict management mechanisms on integrating BD/forest & ES in development planning

2.1b - Increase in number of planned/ established corridors and stepping stones of connectivity between protected areas.

No such plan nor regional agreement in support of BD, ES and forest connectivity

No legal conservation corridor established

Some ‘stepping stone habitats’ identified under ADB-BCI, but not established

2.1.a Midterm: regional economic development scenarios drafted and being consulted. Results incorporated in draft Mondulkiri Landscape Plan

2.1a End: Mondulkiri Landscape Plan fully supporting enhancement of local livelihoods with biodiversity and forest conservation – as well as being endorsed by both government and affected communities
2.1bMidterm: draft landscape plans and spatial allocation established

2.1b End: at least 4 stepping stone habitats, corridors and other landscape connectivity agreed with local and central government – and incorporated in Mondulkiri Landscape Plan

2.2 Enhanced and institutionalized forest carbon stock monitoring capacity in the Eastern Plains Landscape

2.2a Eastern Plains Landscape MRV score
2.2b Community REDD+ co-benefits in Community-CPA & CFs identified, gender disaggregated, and maintained or improving during the project

Baseline CC Score Card75

Baseline co-benefits t.b.d during first project year (NTFP, eco-tourism, water, ect)

2.2a Midterm :Baseline plus 5%;

2.2a End: Baseline plus 10%

2.2b Midterm: baseline plus 5% overall, but gender disaggregated;

2.2b End: Baseline +10% overall, but gender disaggregated.

  • National REDD MRV scorecards & GEF CC TT at project beginning and end of project

Effective measures based on National REDD-Coordination

2.3 More effective resource mobilization for integrating protected area management in the Eastern Plains Landscape

2 .3a Increasing annual budget value for at least two protected areas and protected forests

Baseline budget/finance levels to be established during Inception

2.3 Midterm = (i) sustainable finance levels increased with > 10% over baseline in at least one PA/PF; (ii) Sustainable finance targets and mechanisms incorporated in at least two PA/PF Management and Business Plans
2.3 End = sustainable finance levels increased with > 30% over baseline in at least two PAs/PFs

PA/PF business Plans, MoE & FA budget records
Project financial surveys at the pilot sites

2.4 Enhanced forest cover and carbon sequestration with increased community resource management and livelihood security

2.4a Area of reforestation, habitat rehabilitation, and agroforestry practices facilitated by project

2.4b Increasing # of community members benefitting from project sponsored livelihoods activities (# & income levels).

2.4c # of conservation agreements with communities on land tenure, boundaries, and land-use in and around PAs/PFs

NoneTarget communities and their reference income levels to be assessed during Inception. Sample design to be fixed for baseline and end-of-project surveys
Baseline: 26 conservation agreements drafted or agreed (REDD+ Seima & EPL SFB assessment)

2.4a Midterm: at least 500 ha planted/rehabilitated/agroforests facilitated by project;
2.4a End - at least 2000 ha planted/ rehabilitated/ agroforests, facilitated by project

2.4b Midterm: baseline plus 5% increase in members as well as increasing income levels
2.4b End – baseline plus 10% increase in members as well as increasing income levels

2.4c Midterm: baseline plus at least 2 Conservation Agreements
2.4c End – baseline plus at least 6 Conservation Agreements

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