Uno's if we'll get there? 2006-09-22 09: 43: 42

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Uno's if we'll get there? 2006-09-22 09:43:42

Sitting in daves place less one car whos engine fell out 90 miles from mongolia. Fifi scrapped in russia final leg done in hitches are we last?Do we get a prize

Uno's if we'll get there? Team progress map 2006-09-15 12:20:50

finally left kyrgyzstan.4 weeks there.Ended up working for mercy corps.Are we in last place?Had a full car service in almaty for free.Fifi on form.Ragwa!

Team Aspiritus [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-09-06 09:22:20

5 weeks & 6 days later against all odds we made it! Cold beer has never tasted so good!

BLAZING CAMELS [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-09-05 10:15:52

blazed through land of mongol after 5hrs in russian police stn.Got to UB 2days ago-alice running perfectly!10472 miles,18countries later.We're all smiles

Pedal Faster [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-09-03 23:58:24

back at work, looking forward to next road trip

The Mongol Frauds [Completed...] 2006-09-03 09:37:48

Mongolia is as beautiful as its roads r shocking. We entered with a great little car, now a wreck on a truck. EPIC! In UB now, waiting+tired+broke

Island Monkeys [Completed...] 2006-08-29 15:15:19

If anyone is STILL IN UB around NASSAN HOTEL & they find a 2GB LEXAR COMPACT FLASH CARD then PLEASE contact us 4 BIG REWARD & keep card, just want the 500 pics!

Crazy Twin [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-29 15:14:03

after 10 days no shower in d freezing siberia, finally made it wiv team cannonballhun.Thanks 4 all d support. Bring on d horse rides & d fermented milk

BLAZING CAMELS [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-29 09:44:56

300km past here. Alice in garage last night-welding,great mechanic+workshop only£1! Local/national papers all over us. v wet cold weather like england [Completed...] 2006-08-29 08:35:55

In russia the mighty metro towing 2cv 250km after third breakdown media frenzy following!

Team Aspiritus [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-29 03:22:58

Pegasus is dieing! Dont know whats wrong with her but we will get to ub!

Team Aspiritus [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-29 03:20:46

we made it! Almost feel like we have made it to ub! Even if we were towed 2 border! Whatever it takes!

Team Aspiritus [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-29 03:18:50

wheel off again! Guess super glue and tape didn't work as well as we thought! Its going to be close!

Team Aspiritus [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-29 03:15:18

wheel fell off again last night-time is running out!

Island Monkeys [Completed...] 2006-08-28 06:35:30

Made it 2 finish line in mongolia on friday. We took the toughest route through and the little car survived. Out phones havent worked for ages so havent been

Island Monkeys [Completed...] 2006-08-28 06:35:14

able to text website. Thank you all for your messages of support. We have some amazing stories and pictures. Currently we are on plane home. At one point we had

Island Monkeys [Completed...] 2006-08-28 06:34:46

to abandon the car in a bog and hike 10kms to a town with the intention of never seeing the car again. Check for full story in a few days

Alan Paca [Completed...] 2006-08-28 02:02:05

we mde it!Last 200k ontarmac! Albeit the wrst rd i hv eva seen.evn beatin kazak1s. Thnx2all who helpd,supportd& donatd.Much apreciatd.off2explore

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-28 00:31:43

After a lot of waiting around at the airport we have got on mondays flight. Should arrive heathrow at 8pm tonight. V.tired-approx 1.5 hrs sleep.

The Hearse Flies [Abandoned - but finished without car...] Team progress map 2006-08-27 23:06:11

... Huge thanks to all who helped and supported our epic trip - we couldn't have done it without you

The Hearse Flies [Abandoned - but finished without car...] Team progress map 2006-08-27 23:01:14

v tempted to re-form celtic hearse, retrieve toto the fiesta, and keep driving till we hit hawaii!

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-27 16:57:55

Our potentially last night in mongolia is being spent in a karaoke room with several bottles of vodka.4 hours til we go to airport to see if we fly home.

celtic chancers [Completed...] 2006-08-27 14:50:39

Not sure tamsyn & i like this home lark. Proper beds, porcelin toilets, nobody asking 4 'machina passport'. Customs in ldn only took 45 seconds!

celtic chancers [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-27 14:45:15

Now home but made UB on 22nd after 10100 miles. Got mugged in UB, beat them up.. nearly arrested in moscow airport..All very rally like!

BLAZING CAMELS [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-27 09:34:51

drove through almaty 2 days ago.Now in russia!Changed condenser+fan belt last night freezing wearing all clothes.carrying paddle for up the p'creak team

Smithers and the Goon [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-27 08:26:43

met up with the chief account for the Mongolian red+. Aka Mongolian godfather. He's class haggler and has been telling everyone we're sons of diplomats!

Rogue Squadron [Abandoned...] Team progress map 2006-08-27 07:31:31


Kahn It Be Done? [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-27 03:00:18

made it a few days ago, sorting stuff out now. Mongolia is amazing, UB is cool. Thanks to everyone who helped us, cheers! C.

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-26 18:37:22

Said goodbye to Bobo earlier at the childrens centre. Arnold will be going to live in a Ger camp outside UB run by christina noble foundation on monday!

Mongol Rally Madness [Completed...] 2006-08-26 18:29:38

Finally back in england after a few days in beijing. Good luck to those still going, back to dave's bar next year!

UB or not UB? [Completed...] 2006-08-26 17:50:02

In our excitment, we forgot to say we arrivd in UB on wed 23rd eve! Was ace driving in,v v excited-loadsa hugs & emotion.Well done ladyshave.Woohoo!X

Flashmen [Abandoned...] Team progress map 2006-08-26 17:40:02

Flashmen [Abandoned...] Team progress map 2006-08-26 17:37:26
Flashmen [Abandoned...] Team progress map 2006-08-26 17:35:38
Team Desert Penguins [Completed...] 2006-08-26 14:51:29

Journey has now sadly come to an end. Watched a mongolian concert in t town square this eve now on way to t airport. Back in sunny boro late 2moro

Alan Paca [Completed...] 2006-08-26 11:43:50

Jst leavin bayan khongor.serious issues,rear axel no longer attachd. drive slow,scrape,jack up, kick axel bac. Repeat. Indefinately.

Mongol Dragons [Completed...] 2006-08-26 02:29:52

15 hrs on a train and 12 hrs on a bus and we are in beijing. Staying at saga hostel. Anyone else here fancy a pint? Jim & Dave: +447751719884

Pedal Faster [Completed...] 2006-08-25 19:07:24

Finished the rally on tuesday 15 aug after 11500 miles and 17 countries! Spectacular adventure! Massive thanks to tom jen and team

Mongol Mocha [Completed...] 2006-08-25 16:54:21

Made it home, slowly adapting to being stationary. Thks for everyones help and support. Out

Alan Paca [Completed...] 2006-08-25 13:14:59


Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-25 10:29:05

We're now clean! And trying to organise getting home. I'd quite like to drive all the way back :-)

Crazy Twin [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-25 07:07:10

pre-historic humans never have piles as if u take more than 30 sec those little suckers will kiss both moons and sac. With cannonballhun, camp david

The Mongol Frauds [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-25 05:33:34

Now in Russia after a 15hr drive and we're mullet spotting. Still have usual number of limbs although beard has grown to monstrous proportions!

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-25 03:52:17

Finally we made it to UB! Waiting for the pub to open so we can get beer and food. Very excited to be here.

Up The Proverbial Creek [Abandoned...] Team progress map 2006-08-25 00:59:56
Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-24 23:47:52

Up at sunrise and on the move to UB. Arnold is in position on the roof. A beer and shower are calling,in that order....will keep you all posted.

BLAZING CAMELS [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-24 17:13:17

drive from osh beautiful. got new kazak visas in bishkek. Camped in kyrg canyon + climbed it. Stunning. 6 days to get to Mongolia-fingers crossed.

Mongol Mystery Machine [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-24 14:59:02

we got our free pint at dave's place at 12 midnight, monday 21st august

Mongol Mystery Machine [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-24 14:55:44

drove straight through bishkek and on to almaty

Mongol Mystery Machine [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-24 14:53:40

we stayed in a hotel, before breaking down shortly afterwards and getting thrown out of a museum.

Team Desert Penguins [Completed...] 2006-08-24 14:21:02

In desert, sleepin in a ger and horseridin 2moro absolutely superb! Life doesn't get much betta

celtic chancers [Completed...] 2006-08-24 13:58:17

@9927 mls, finally made it 2 mongolia!! 10 diff countries, days spent @ borders, problems, swap team mates, heat, desert, cold, bad terrain, grr!

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-24 12:00:42

Finally after our last brush with russian form filling,we are in mongolia! UB here we come!

The Hearse Flies [Abandoned - but finished without car...] 2006-08-24 11:28:22

Celtic hearse now imprisoned under guard with mongol mocha and mongol madness in moscow hotel... Have to love the russians...

The Hearse Flies [Abandoned - but finished without car...] 2006-08-24 11:14:48

Just when we thought the rally was over... Celtic hearse towed the micra to childrens centre... Fought off muggers in ub...

Up The Proverbial Creek [Abandoned...] 2006-08-24 10:50:15

Check out our web page at for new photos! 4-5000km to the Mongolian boarder, 7 days to do it, hello 24h driving!

Up The Proverbial Creek [Abandoned...] 2006-08-24 09:08:25

Website updated with a few more photos. Check out and click on the photos page!

Mongol Mocha [Completed...] 2006-08-24 08:59:07

Trying to get home, flight was delayed so missed connection. On the upside they are going to feed us. The saga continues

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-24 08:23:22

big news-we at russia-mongolia border.There is a large queue,but hopefully wont be 2 many hours for this one. Back shock absorber has gone+have leaky gearbox...

2006-08-24 08:14:14

Yo mate, got back last night - Hows it goin? What you up to over the next few days?

Alan Paca [Completed...] 2006-08-24 08:06:49

What the funk

Up The Proverbial Creek [Abandoned...] Team progress map 2006-08-24 07:48:17

Collecting Kaz visas tonight and rocketing to Russia...

Kahn It Be Done? [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-24 06:17:52

still pressing on for the border, scenery is stunning. Come on micra!

Kahn It Be Done? [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-24 06:14:56
Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-24 02:12:54

We've finally found somewhere that has colder summers than Scotland! Passed an abandoned rally car this morning - so close! Still holding my breath..

Team Tangerine [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-23 17:53:48

Dave's Cafe in Ulanwossisname. Lord we've made it! Can't believe it. Kangaroo hops at 30 last 150 awesome! Bar shuts 5 mins. Oh yeah?

Alan Paca [Completed...] 2006-08-23 14:20:26

In olgi mde it in tsaganuur!!altai region of russ lush & wait at bordr n finly in mong!drivn acros roadles expanses of hils. Lost n fed in ger

Team Twister [Abandoned...] 2006-08-23 12:59:17

Game over: suspension sheered again early this morning, too much damage to fix, plus the middle of nowhere, donating car to the state and heading to ub on train

Boulder Mobile [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-23 12:38:13

we made it to Ulan baatar!

Team Dairy Devil [Completed...] 2006-08-23 12:02:46

WE'VE MADE IT!!! After 4 weeks of pushing the Dairy Devil through her paces she can now retire amongst her fellow cows. She served us well...

Team Desert Penguins [Completed...] 2006-08-23 11:48:54

Finally made it! Jst had food n a beer @ daves place in ulaan bataar. Almost had t b towed last 40km but errol gave 1 last gasp. Over the moon!

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-23 11:45:30

So unutterably relieved and excited to be back on the road! Big up to russian mechanics. Think we might have set the record for longest time in a garage 11hrs!

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-23 11:31:32

Russia doesn't do Fiat parts! found a Russian mechanic tho who knows what he's doing and has the patience of a saint. New contacts fitted. Car back on road....!

The Mongol Frauds [Completed...] 2006-08-23 06:53:57

Oh the dust, the DUST! When will this country end? About to drive through the most radioactive town east of Nevada, will count no of arms in Russia.

Team Marco Polo [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-23 06:25:49

becoming semi nocturnal and havent showered for 2 weeks. Heading for lake baikal.

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-23 04:49:37

Mechanics here dont seem to be able to get car started. No one seems to know whats wrong...

Boulder Mobile [Completed...] 2006-08-23 04:12:29

Russian border closed all day yesterday. Spent night at border. Part way through today though.

Team Desert Penguins [Completed...] 2006-08-23 03:47:40

We are in MONGOLIA! We've made it, we've driven all the way from london to mongolia! Absolutely amazing!!!

Team Twister [Abandoned...] Team progress map 2006-08-23 03:42:51

passed through late last night, final push to border, car not happy but still going!

UB or not UB? [Completed...] 2006-08-23 01:34:39

After 15 hrs at border waiting for russians to let us out of country we've finally almost made it to no man's land and mongolia is at our fingertips!

Plague Dodgers [Completed...] 2006-08-23 01:16:23

Flashmen, if you are still in beijing are you boys still up for a few beers? Trotter we are staying at 'leo' hostel. Ring me!

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-22 23:55:58

Should have camped outside a mechanic last night! Getting towed back to the nearest town to hopefully get Bobo on the road again.

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-22 23:40:10

Back to the sparking problem. On a farmers track-just flagged down a man who we hope will take one of us to a mechanic! Bobo aint wanting to go to mongolia.

Up The Proverbial Creek [Abandoned...] 2006-08-22 23:33:30

Masquerading as well known TV presenters and touring the nightspots of Bishkek. Possibly heading south for fishing etc tomorrow...

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-22 23:31:30

Damn car wont start again...We got up early to get a good run. Typical! Push start is useless.

The Lumley Run. Episode 2 [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-22 19:10:06

Ulan Batoor, Mongolia. Friday 18th August, 19:28. Job done.

Marcos Polo [Completed...] 2006-08-22 17:42:52

Marco's polo is with childrens charity-emotional moment there. Now back in uk trying to get myself clean.

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-22 13:02:16

Gunning it to Irkutsk - 92km to go. Hoping to go for a dip in Lake Baikal - had a wash in days. Met loads of other rally teams today. Still in the running!

The Mongol Frauds [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-22 11:53:48

8000mi done,1000km 2go of this vast wasteland. Huge eagles everywhere. Not met any Borats yet but he wasnt lying when he said Kaz was big.

Team Desert Penguins [Completed...] 2006-08-22 10:50:16

This is absolutely guttin! We've been @ t mongolian border all day n haven't even got thru t admin bit, over 20 hrs n counting n its just closed!

The Mongol Frauds [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-22 08:06:34

Went the long way into Kaz, 30mi from China! Day2 on the beautiful, barren Steppe. Gearbox sounds like bag of nails. Discovered marmite rice.

The Mongol Frauds [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-22 07:55:46

Come2 Kyrgyzstan its ace! Humungous mountains, nomads, funny hats, cheap hostels, crazy travellers, bent police, flat roads but still no signs

Up The Proverbial Creek [Abandoned...] 2006-08-22 07:49:26

Passports with the Embassy. Having breakfast then heading out for a round of golf.

The Mongol Frauds [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-22 07:36:57

Living the high life in Tashkent with Dave+Matt. Its a sad day when a swim counts as a shower! Decent pizzas are as rare as road signs here...

The Mongol Frauds [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-22 07:27:25

thank god for Uzbekistan. Bukhara is great, ended up buying 2rugs + got taken 2 a club by head of Uz Telecom, and his mates, v surreal night.

Boulder Mobile [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-22 06:56:57

ulan-ude. Nice camp by the big lake

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-22 06:47:25

On the road after another mishap last night.Never believe a russian that says they have good roads-absolute shite.gravel tracks form their temporary M53.

The Hearse Flies [Abandoned - but finished without car...] 2006-08-22 05:10:33

Team celtic hearse is proud to announce that we have reached the finish line in ulaan bataar! Hooray!

Team Twister [Abandoned...] 2006-08-22 05:01:25

Car bodged for now.half price after giving him spare lead spring.fingers crossed from here on in.just bumped into 4 other teams

Team Dairy Devil [Completed...] 2006-08-22 04:41:21

Happy birthday duncan-oops the suspension has snapped again. 3 times in 3 days. Now riding on the axle doing 5mph. We're determined to get to ub no matter what.

UB or not UB? [Completed...] 2006-08-22 03:56:41

Lots of vodka + sauna + 4 russian policemen = randomest night of our lives! Heading for the border...

Team Desert Penguins [Completed...] 2006-08-21 16:33:49

Well we're at the border, had some tea and a beer and now have to wait til mornin to be let thru. Errols just about given up

Team Twister [Abandoned...] 2006-08-21 15:50:00

Made great progress again today, then dodgy front right suspension sheered of the mount, pretty buggered, but fortunatly right next to a garage, 2 b cont...

2006-08-21 15:08:04

Wow, we're famous! The self preservation society have just been featured on the Mongolian evening TV news...

Alan Paca [Completed...] 2006-08-21 14:38:44

russ rds gd,ldies2!Alan fyn,few minor ailments-no hndbrke,rear leaf snapd.rearview mir falin of.window brkn,trakin gon,radiatr lekin,exhst falin of

Alan Paca [Completed...] 2006-08-21 14:24:35

Friday finally got mongol visa in almaty,north thro kazak met&helpd quidgrid&marco polo argue way out of crash with local. Convoy up2russia-bordr 8hrs, @%* 's

Team Dairy Devil [Completed...] 2006-08-21 13:50:55

After getting and of our leaf springs fixed another snapped damaging the fuel tank. another day wasted. The car is on it's last legs but still going. UB 22nd???

Team Aspiritus [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-21 11:56:10

drama over-car fixed. Now have 2 race the 2500 km to mongolian border before our russian visa runs out on the 24th! Can we make it in time?!

Team [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-21 11:12:16

still going after a 60mph crash and a car blowing up :)

The Hearse Flies [Abandoned - but finished without car...] 2006-08-21 10:49:03

4x4's, pah! All you need is a hearse and a fiesta!

Rustbox 360 [Completed...] 2006-08-21 10:35:07

Car + Alex and Theo now in Novosibirsk. Crash ahead of them turned them into a midnight ambulance.

Team Tangerine [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-21 09:13:22

welding in Olgiy, welding in Khovd. Now we're stripping the carb. Life could be a dream . . . shaboom

Boulder Mobile [Completed...] 2006-08-21 08:06:22

We have just done an interview for russian tv. We think its called Channel Bpemeyk.

2006-08-21 07:43:38

Mission acomplished! Both minis now in UB, chilling with beer & victory cigars. Red mini needed towing last 40miles after engine exploded.

Kahn It Be Done? [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-21 07:40:36

Been well looked after by the russians again, the morris has a new windscreen and we have a long drive across siberia! Mission! C.

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-21 07:13:28

Fingers crossed this will work! We have local builder+an architect who is riding 2 moscow fixing broken bits of the wheel area.Part has been welded...

Up The Proverbial Creek [Abandoned...] 2006-08-21 06:09:24

Crossed the mountains and now burning it to Bishkek to make the Kazak embassy by 12 to secure another visa. Everyone has food poisoning.

UB or not UB? [Completed...] 2006-08-21 06:01:40

So near yet so far! Broken the other set of springs now so in another garage in irkutrsk.aagh. Keep ur fingers xed hope to b in mongolia 2moro x

Monkey Tank [Completed...] 2006-08-21 01:43:35

Disaster struck. Wheel bar has sheared from car.Stuck in freezing cold.Nina walking back a few miles 2 nearest village 4 help. Need some serious welding!

Bravo5 [Completed...] 2006-08-20 23:29:45

Sun 20 August- back in London in 11 hours! Minus luggage-hopefully that arrives tomorrow... Upgraded to Business Class from Moscow. Now to catch up on news!

The Hearse Flies [Abandoned - but finished without car...] 2006-08-20 20:48:07

Ps. 'shewee' brilliant gadget! Www.Shewee.Com - thanks nicola from car maintenance class!

The Hearse Flies [Abandoned - but finished without car...] 2006-08-20 20:46:15

Oops, stopped for speeding but somehow managed to get away with smiling sweetly to avoid fine - makes a change!

Bravo5 [Completed...] 2006-08-20 19:34:11

Fri 18 August- Black Market in am, Millies for lunch, then deliver jeep to childrens centre. Sad to say goodbye after such good service... Rally Party tonight

Bravo5 [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-20 19:24:50

Wed 16 August- Ulaanbaatar at last! Rolled into town about 5.30pm-perfect time for a beer. Great to be finished but shame to be out of countryside.ElToro

Bravo5 [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-20 19:16:38

Tue 15 August- stopped early when saw Mongolmania with wheel off-bearing trouble. Back on road late. Unplanned detour saw serious 4wd tracks-ok in lo 2wd

Bravo5 [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-20 19:07:46

Mon 14 August- river crossing assisted by young guide. Looked very disappointed with payment-wanted more! Rebuilt rear brake after lock-up. Good to go

Bravo5 [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-20 19:01:10

Sun 13 August- good tracks today and great distance covered. Finally say another rallier, Pathfinder Brian. Moved out of town to camp. Good day.

Bravo5 [Completed...] Team progress map 2006-08-20 18:55:02

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