Develop marketing activities at the urban level, with the goal to better communicate on local initiatives that will stimulate an improvement in the international reputation and local perception of actions in the field of ceramics.
Limoges, as lead partner of UNIC, has committed to ensuring the development, effectiveness (as regards lobbying activities) and sustainability of the network (facilitating the network, searching for new opportunities, supplying and maintaining a resource centre).
European Green Cities Network ( ; European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy – REVES (
Creation of a permanent European Network of Ceramic Cities??
Delft Delft strategy is based on the project of the Museum Factory “Royal Delft”. For advancing with this large scale project, actions are needed along two “axis”, one vertical (with different type of actions) and one “horizontal” (with actions horizontal to all types of activities). The main objectives are the following:
Strengthen the climate of ceramics in relation to history and future of the city of Delft, specially also start to create a new image for younger generations.