Will the word-processor user remember that there are three different ways of changing the properties of a formatting style?
Is it so difficult to change the layouts of menus that hardly any users will bother?
Once the system is set up to support work-groups of a particular size and structure, how much effort is involved in changing the system to support changes in the group?
How many of the people who try the system
will actually continue to use it?
To answer these questions, we analyze the
design in terms of its usability.
Usability Factors
The speed of performance of the activity, which affects how many people are needed to perform it
The incidence of errors while performing the activity
The user’s ability to recovery from errors that occur
The magnitude of the user’s task in learning to use the system
The user’s retention of learned skills
The user’s ability to customize the system to suit their way of working or the situation of use
The ease with which people can reorganize
activities supported by the system— their own
activities and other people’s
Users’ satisfaction with the system.
What happens if we fail?
Breakout #1
Divide into your groups
Do the following:
Watch the demonstration video.
List all the usability issues you can identify in the use of this product.
Fundamentals of Interactive System Design
Identifying the human activity that the proposed interactive system will support
the tendency to apply the first guideline that seems relevant
Problems in applying guidelines, e.g., from Tullis (1988): Example: Reduce search times by minimizing the number of groups of items while designing each group to subtend a visual angle as close as possible to 5 degrees
Does this apply to our problem?
Will it have the desired effect?
Will the resulting design really be more
Check the guideline against the problem statement:
Check the guideline against the problem statement:
Is the guideline appropriate to the activity that the design is to support?
Is it applicable to the type of user who will perform the activity?
Does it address the particular levels of support or usability factors that determine the success of the design?
Is it appropriate to the form of solution chosen?
Guideline Categories
Five contexts that cover the spectrum of guideline use:
General principles that apply to any user interface
Guidelines that apply to forms of solution for interactive display layouts, including those that use color
Guidelines for use with specific interaction styles
Sets of guidelines offered in style guides associated with proprietary systems and standards
Guidelines for the design of individual user interface components supporting particular user tasks.
General Design Principles
Two universal principles:
Design with a view to supporting the user’s task or process.
Know the user (Hansen, 1971 in Newman and Lamming,1995).
Suggested general principles:
Shneiderman (1992) Nielsen and Molich (1989)
Strive for consistency. Be consistent.
Enable frequent users to use Provide short cuts.
Offer informative feedback. Provide feedback.
Design dialogues to yield closure. Good error messages.
Offer simple error handling. Provide clearly marked exits.
Permit easy reversal of actions. Support internal locus of control.
Reduce short-term memory load. Minimize user memory load.
Simple and natural dialogue.
Speak the user’s language.
Prevent errors.
Examples of Guidelines
Make all facets of design consistent with user expectations considering both the user’s prior experience and well established conventions, such as symbology
Design workstations, controls, and displays around the basic capabilities of users regarding such characteristics as strength, dexterity, memory, reach, visual acuity, and hearing
Be sure that auditory signals are well within users’ threshold values for amplitude and frequency considering the effects of ambient noise
Be sure the brightness of visual signals must be sufficient to be perceived by users working under various conditions of ambient illumination and that the brightness and contrast are adequate to optimize legibility
Be careful that labels and displayed information
are easy to read from the typical viewing angles
and distances. Symbol size, contrast, color, and
display depth must be considered.
Ensure abbreviations, symbols, text, and acronyms placed on, or displayed by, the device are also used in the instructional manual
Ensure abbreviations, symbols, text, and acronyms placed on, or displayed by, the device are also used in the instructional manual
Design control knobs and switches to correspond with both general conventions and any that are unique to the user population
Arrange and design knobs, switches, and data-entry key in a way that reduces the likelihood of accidental activation
Use color and shape coding to facilitate the rapid identification and discrimination of controls and displays. Color and codes should correspond to universal industry convention.
Space keys, valves, and control knobs sufficiently apart for easy manipulation. This will also reduce likelihood of accidental
in performing step-by-step analysis of performance
Steps in Conducting a Cognitive Walkthrough
Identify what the user is trying to do, and then ask the following questions repeatedly:
Q1: Will the correct action be made sufficiently evident to the user?
Q2: Will the user connect the correct action’s description with what they are trying to do?
Q3: Will the user interpret the system’s response to the chosen action correctly, i.e., will they know if they have made a right or wrong choice?
The result is to expose design flaws that may interfere with exploratory learning.
The method is best applied by small teams walking through the design together.
Field study versus laboratory study
Video recording
Concurrent verbal protocols
Passive observation
Prototype Stages
Identifying key properties. We focus on properties identified in the problem statement or in early requirements documents.
Developing the prototype. All we need is a prototype that
has the functions to support the tasks of interest
has the performance to allow a realistic test and
has enough robustness to survive each test without serious failure.
Experimental design. We need a small number of users, to whom we set a suitable range of benchmark tasks, chosen to exercise the prototype’s functionality as fully as possible.
Collecting data. Direct observation and recording of video and concurrent protocols are especially effective.
Data analysis. The good and bad features of the design will probably be obvious right away; we may also take simple performance measurements.
Drawing conclusions. The primary outcome of informal testing is a list of design changes.