User Manual Oromiya Portal System

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Figure 4.5. Document Adding Form

You can give permission on who should access the document and who should not. Based on the permission you gave a given user can access or denied of the document.

      1. Document Library Display

The Document Library Display portlet is an instanceable portlet that can be paired with a document library to display specific folder structures.

  • For example, say you have a public web site and have a private page with a Document Library in it, and one of the folders holds downloadable files you want to give to your customers.

  • You can give permission some folders so that only members of the particular community or organization can view them, but you really don't want the public to see these folders.

  • You would use a Document Library Display portlet on your public pages to show just the folder structure that contains the public files.

You can add the Document Library Display using the Add application from the dock. Under Content Management link the Document library display and the document library display portlet will be displayed on the page.
      1. Image Gallery

The Image Gallery portlet is very much like the Document Library portlet, except it specializes in storing images.

You can access the Image Gallery using the Control Panel.

  • Navigate to the Control Panel and click on the link Image Gallery.

You already used the Image Gallery behind the scenes when you added the image to your Web Content.

olders you make available in the Image Gallery are available to content creators when creating page content.

Figure 4.6. Nested Portlets
      1. Nested Portlets

Up to now, you have been selecting page layouts from the Layout Template link in the Dock. You can create more complex layouts with a combination of the layout templates and the Nested Portlets portlet.

How to add Nested Portlets

  • Hover your mouse over the dock, from the many links click the Add Application.

  • Under Content Management category of Add Application, Add the Nested Portlets portlet to your page.

  • Drag the portlets you want to the Nested Portlets portlet.

  • You can Drag and drop to this nested portlets any portlet you what to be nested.

      1. Web Form

he Web Form portlet is used to collects comments on different things within the portal. The Web Form portlet allows a web administrator to define a form to be published in the portal. Users who visit the Portal can then fill the form, which is then sent to a configured email address. There are two modes for the Web Form portlet: view mode and edit mode.

Figure 4.7. View Mode of Web Form

Using View Mode

The above figure depicts the view mode of the Web Form portlet. As an administrator, you may need to add the Web Form portlet in the page. Let's do it as follows:

  • Hover your mouse over the dock, from the many links click the Add Application.

  • Under Tools category of Add Application, Add the Web Form portlet to your page.

Using Edit Mode

s an administrator, you can view the edit mode of the Web Form portlet. You simply click on the Configuration icon at the upper right of the Web Form portlet. The following figure depicts the edit mode of the Web Form portlet. You can set up a form to be published in the website and configure Permissions, if you have proper access.

Figure 4.8. Edit mode of Web Form

There are only two Permission actions for the portlet, View and Configuration:

  1. With the View Permission, users can View and fill the form, which is then sent to a configured email address.

  2. With Configuration Permission, users can set up a form to be published in the website and configure Permissions, such as reassign Permissions and delegate Permissions for Users, User Groups, Organizations, Community and Guest.

In general, the Web Form portlet (in edit mode) has the following features

  1. The Title and introductory Description of the form shown to the users are configurable.

  2. The Email Address and Subject of the email is also configurable per form.

  3. It is possible to have as many different forms per website and Page, as desired.

  4. It supports many types of fields: Text, Text Box, Options (separated by commas), radio buttons, paragraph and checkbox.

  5. To add a new Form Field, simply click on the link "Add another form field"; to remove the last form field, simply click on the link "Remove the last form field". Click Save to save the changes, or Cancel to cancel the changes.

    1. Additional Content Management Portlet

      1. Breadcrumb

The Breadcrumb portlet provides ability to show a trail of parent pages for the current page. It can be placed on public portal pages as a navigational aid to publish websites. It helps the user visualize the structure of the site and quickly move from a page to a broader grouping of information.

How to add Breadcrumb Portlets

  1. Hover your mouse over the dock, from the many links click the Add Application.

  2. Under Content Management category of Add Application, Add the Breadcrumb Portlets portlet to your page.

      1. Navigation

The Navigation portlet provides a directory of links to reflect the portal's page structure, with drill down into the current page. Style and appearances are adjustable. The Navigation portlet displays links to other pages outside the current page's trail of parent pages. It helps the user visualize the structure of the site and provides links to move from page to page quickly. Further, it displays more information about the current page.

How to add Navigation Portlets

  1. Hover your mouse over the dock, from the many links click the Add Application.

  2. Under Content Management category of Add Application, Add the Navigation Portlets portlet to your page.
      1. Site Map

The Site Map portlet provides the ability to display a structured directory of links to all the pages in the portal. It is used to navigate directly to any page on the site. Furthermore, it can be configured to display the entire site or a sub-section of pages.

How to add Site Map Portlets

  1. Hover your mouse over the dock, from the many links click the Add Application.

  2. Under Content Management category of Add Application, Add the Site Map Portlets portlet to your page.

By default the Site Map will display only the pages which are not hidden. You can configure the site map to display the hidden pages. To do this simply clicks on the Configuration icon at the upper right of the Site Map portlet; from the new page check the check box next to Show Hidden Pages and Click the Save button.
      1. Asset Publisher

Add Asset Publisher portlet in the page where you want to display contents with specific Tags. Let's add Asset Publisher to the page you are working on.

  1. Hover your mouse over the dock, from the many links click the Add Application.

  2. U
    nder Content Management category of Add Application, Add the Asset Publisher portlet to your page.

Figure 4.9.Asset Publisher Edition Form

Set up Asset Publisher

To set up the Asset Publisher portlet you added to your page simply click on the Configuration icon at the upper right of the Web Form portlet.

You can set the choice of asset selection, as either Dynamic or Manual. For Manual selection, you will have a chance to select the assets directly. The Dynamic selection allows you to select tagged contents by specific Tags.

Before selecting specific Tags, you can select a specific Tags category. The default Tags category is "None".

To input Tags which the displayed content must contain, simply start typing the Tag and a list of Tags will appear. Pick up a Tag which the displayed content must contain. The selected Tags will appear to the right of input box. To remove a Tag, click on the mark "[x]" located next to the tag.

Similarly, to input Tags which displayed content must not contain, just start typing the Tag, and a list of Tags will appear. Pick up a tag which must not contain the displayed content. The selected Tags will appear to the right of input box also.

You can narrow down the search results by setting up Search Operator. There are two search operators: "and" and "or". The "and" means that all the conditions (must contain certain Tag, must not contain certain Tag) must be satisfied, while the "or" means that at least one of the conditions (must contain certain Tag, must not contain certain Tag) must be satisfied.

Click the Save button to save the changes if you are ready, or click the Cancel button to cancel the changes.

Tagged content display settings are also configurable. To change the display settings, click on the Display Settings tab first, and then select one of the display styles: full content/abstract. Check/uncheck the boxes "Show Query Logic" and "Show Available Locales". Click the Save button to save the changes, or the Cancel button to cancel the changes.

The Asset Publisher portlet provides a way to display tagged contents: Bookmarks entries, Blogs entries, Document Library documents, Image Gallery images, Wiki articles, Journal articles, and Message Board threads. Given a set of Tags, the contents "tagged" with specific Tags will be shown in this portlet.

In addition, you can easily add assets (such as Bookmarks entries, Blogs entries, Document Library documents, Image Gallery images, and Journal articles) via this portlet.

      1. RSS portlet

As an administrator, you may need to include formatted data (news) from external Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds. For example, you want to add CNN news feed (such as, and BBC news feeds (such as, in the page "News" under the Page "Community" at the Book Lovers Community. Whenever that RSS XML file is updated on the remote site, the page will reflect those updates on the next portal page reload.

How to add RSS Portlets

  • Hover your mouse over the dock, from the many links click the Add Application.

  • Under News category of Add Application, Add the RSS portlet to your page.

How to get the displayed news? You need to configure the RSS portlet as follows:

    1. To set the feeds that you want displayed, click on the Configuration icon first at the top of the RSS portlet.

    2. By default, the tab Setup is selected.

    3. To add a feed, click on the Add icon first, then input title such as "CNN" and URL such as "".

    4. To add another feed, click on the Add icon first; then input title such as "BBC" and URL such as "".

    5. To delete a feed, locate the feed and click on the Delete icon to the right of the feed.

    6. To edit a feed, locate the feed, and click on the title and/or URL; change the title and URL as you want.

    7. Select the number of Entries Per Feed, say "4" that you want displayed.

    8. Click on the Save button to save the changes, and click on Return to Full Page arrow to return.

Of course, you can use other news feeds. In a word, to add a feed, simply click on Add icon first; then input the title and the URL.

      1. IFrame

As an administrator, you may need to create an inline frame that contains another document or website such as "" at the Page. First add the IFrame portlet in the page you want it to be. To add IFrame Hover your mouse over the dock, from the many links click the Add Application. Under Sample category of Add Application, Add the IFrame portlet to your page. After adding the IFrame, it needs to be configured. The configuration is as follow:

    1. Click on the Configuration icon to the top-right of the portlet.

  1. Enter the URL( for example “http:/”) on the new form of the white box next to Source URL

  2. Click on the Save button when you are ready.

  3. Click on Return to full Page arrow icon to return to main view.

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