Wg1 Resolutions

Resolution 10– Communication to ISO TC 42 on JPEG XR

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Resolution 10– Communication to ISO TC 42 on JPEG XR

WG 1 approves the outgoing liaison statement WG1N4926 to ISO TC 42, in which status information regarding JPEG XR work is described, the WG 1 exploration work on JPEG XR support for Camera Raw imagery is discussed, and TC 42 members are invited to participate in the upcoming meeting of the JPEG XR Camera Raw coding AHG.

Resolution 11– Communication to ECMA TC 46 on JPEG XR

WG 1 approves the outgoing liaison statement WG1N4927 to ECMA TC 46, in which status information regarding JPEG XR work is described and a response is provided to their incoming remarks on the subject.

Resolution 12– Communication to JTC 1 SCIT and ICC on JPEG XR

WG 1 approves the outgoing liaison statement WG1N4928 to JTC 1 SCIT and ICC, in which status information regarding JPEG XR work is provided.

JPEG Historical Archive Group

No Action

Administration and Other Business

Resolution 1– Approval of WG1 Terms of Reference

WG1 approves WG1 Terms of Reference as contained in WG1N4062.

Resolution 2– WG 1 affirmation of IP guideline statement submission

WG 1 re-affirms its support for its IP guideline statement first approved at the 16th WG 1 Seoul Meeting, March 1999.
“WG 1 requires all participants within all National Bodies to disclose and identify any and all patent rights and the specific technologies within the Verification Model to which they apply. Further, WG 1 requires this disclosure and identification at the time of submission of technology for VM consideration if submitted by the patent holder or no later than one meeting after submission of technology if the technology is not submitted by the patent holder. Further, WG 1 requires that the form contained in WG 1 N1267 be completed as part of this disclosure. This request is in accordance with Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC, clause 3.”

The relevant ISO/IEC directives are contained in the integration group report, WG1N1262.

Resolution 3– WG1 affirmation of SC 29 resolution on IPR guidelines

WG1 complies with the Resolution 9: “SC 29 IPR Guidelines” of the 20th SC 29 Plenary Meeting, 2007-04-30/05-01, San Jose, USA

“SC 29 affirms and supports Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC that requires a party that submits a technology contribution for proposed inclusion in any SC 29 standard to disclose to the WG the existence of patents or published pending patent applications, hereafter referred to as "IP rights", of which the party is personally aware and which the party considers to cover any item of its contribution.

"[Clause 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC] any party participating in the work of the Organizations should, from the outset, draw their attention to any known patent or to any known pending patent application, either their own or of other organizations."

SC 29 affirms the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC of only considering for inclusion in a standard (unless the ISO Council authorizes an exception) technology that is either 1) free of IP rights, or 2) available to all implementers of the standard without a royalty or license fee and under other reasonable and non-discriminatory ("RAND") terms and conditions, or 3) available to all implementers of the standard for a reasonable royalty/license fee and under other RAND terms and conditions.

Although royalty-bearing patented technologies may be included in SC 29 standards, SC 29 suggests to its WGs to promote, whenever possible, the inclusion of technologies that either do not require a patent license, or that only require a RAND license without a royalty or license fee. Additionally, SC 29 encourages disclosure by the IP rights holder of the type of licensing under which these IP rights will be made available for conforming implementations of ISO/IEC standards after final publication -- that is either 1) royalty/license fee-free and under other RAND terms and conditions, or 2) reasonable royalty/license fee and under other RAND terms and conditions. Negotiations regarding specific licensing terms and conditions are left to the parties concerned and are performed outside of SC 29. Further, SC 29 requires software and technology contained in any party's contribution to an SC 29 standard to be made available by such party to all members of the SC 29 WG developing such standard, on a royalty- and license fee-free basis, solely for the purpose of testing and developing such standard and only until publication of the standard.”

Resolution 4– Re-nomination of the ad hoc group chairs and editors

WG 1 re-affirms the following ad hoc groups and chairs and editors for JBIG SWG.

Ad-hoc Group



Dr. William Rucklidge (chair, editor) (USA)

Dr. Paul G. Howard (editor) (USA)

Dr. Fumitaka Ono (co-editor) (Japan)


Dr. Ronald B. Arps (chair, editor) (USA)


Dr. Hidenori Sakanashi (chair, editor) (Japan)


Dr. Fumitaka Ono (chair, editor) (Japan)


Mr. Louis Sharpe (chair, editor) (USA)

Dr. Hidenori Sakanashi (editor) (Japan)

WG 1 re-affirms the following ad hoc groups and chairs and editors for JPEG SWG.

Ad-hoc Group



Part 1 (2000) Editing Committee

Mr. Martin Boliek (chair, editor) (USA)

Dr. Eric Majani (co-editor) (France)

Dr. Charilaos Christopoulos (co-editor) (Sweden)

Part 1 (2000) AMD 1

Mr. Takahiro Fukuhara (chair, editor) (Japan)

Mr. Yasuyuki Nomizu (co-editor) (Japan)

Part 1 (2000) AMD 2

Mr. Takahiro Fukuhara (chair, editor) (Japan)

Part 1 (2004) AMD1

Dr. Siegfried Foessel (chair, co-editor) (Germany)

Dr. Michael Marcellin (editor) (USA)

Part 1 (2004) AMD2

Mr. Walt Husak (editor) (USA)

Dr. Fabrizio Frescura (co-editor) (Italy)

Dr. Chaker Larabi (co-editor) (France)

Part 1 (2004) AMD3

Dr. Chaker Larabi (editor) (France)

Dr. Fabrizio Frescura (co-editor) (Italy)

Mr. Antonin Descampe (co-editor) (Belgium)

Part 1 (2004) AMD4

Mr. Ambarish Natu (editor) (Australia)

Mr. Walt Husak (co-editor) (USA)

Mr. Adi Kouadio (co-editor) (Switzerland)

Dr. Tetsuro Kuge (co-editor) (Japan)

Part 1 (2004) COR1

Ms. Margaret Lepley (editor) (USA)

Part 2 Editing Committee

Mr. Martin Boliek (chair, editor) (USA)

Dr. Eric Majani (co-editor) (France)

Mr. Scott Houchin (co-editor) (USA)

Dr. James Kasner (co-editor) (USA)

Mr. Mathias Larsson Carlander (co-editor) (Sweden)

Part 2 (2004) AMD 1

Dr. Michael Marcellin (editor) (USA)

Dr. Janet Rountree (co-editor, chair) (USA)

Part 2 (2004) AMD 2

Dr. Tim Wilkinson (editor) (USA)

Part 3 Editing Committee

Dr. Siegfried Foessel (chair) (Germany)

Mr. David Singer (editor) (USA)

Dr. Joerg Mohr (editor) (Germany)

Mr. Takahiro Fukuhara (co-editor) (Japan)

Part 3 AMD 1

Mr. Didier Nicholson (editor) (France)

Mr. Arne Nowak (co-editor) (Germany)

Part 4: Conformance Testing

Mr. Bernie Brower (editor) (USA)

Dr. Michael Gormish (co-editor) (USA)

Part 5: Reference Software

Mr. Richard Clark (editor) (UK)

Dr. Michael Adams (co-editor) (Canada)

Mr. Joel Askelof (co-editor) (Sweden)

Dr. Touradj Ebrahimi (co-editor) (Switzerland)

Part 5 AMD 1: File Format Reference Software

Mr. Scott Houchin (editor, chair) (USA)

Mr. Greg Colyer (co-editor) (UK)

Part 6: Compound Image File Format

Dr. Robert Buckley (editor, chair) (USA)

Mr. Louis Sharpe (co-editor) (USA)

Mr. Simon McPartlin (co-editor) (Germany)

Part 6 AMD 1: Compound Image File Format

Mr. Junichi Hara (editor) (Japan)

Dr. Klaus Jung (co-editor) (Germany)

Mr. Louis Sharpe (co-editor) (USA)

Part 8: JPSEC

Dr. Vania Conan (co-editor, chair) (France)

Dr. Touradj Ebrahimi (editor) (Switzerland )

Mr. Claude Rollin (co-editor, co-chair) (France)

Dr. Susie Wee (Co-editor) (USA)

Part8 AMD1: File format security

Mr. Vania Conan (chair) (France)

Mr. John Apostolopoulos (co-chair) (USA)

Dr. Susie Wee (editor) (USA)

Mr. Zhishou Zhang (co-editor) (Singapore)

Part 8 AMD2: JPSEC Conformance tests and bitstreams

Mr. John Apostolopoulos (USA)

Part 9: JPIP

Dr. Robert Prandolini (editor, chair) (Australia)

Mr. Greg Colyer (co-editor) (UK)

Mr. Scott Houchin (co-editor) (USA)

Part9 AMD1:API's, metadata, and editing

Dr. Alexis Tzannes (editor, chair) (USA)

Part 9 AMD 2: JPIP Extensions

Dr. Alexis Tzannes (editor, chair) (USA)

Dr. Peter Schelkens (co-editor) (Belgium)

Part 9 AMD 3: JPIP extensions to 3D data

Dr. Thomas Richter (editor, chair) (Germany)

Dr. Alexis Tzannes (USA)

Part9 AMD4: JPIP Server and client profiles

Dr. Alexis Tzannes (editor, chair) (USA)

Dr. Robert Prandolini (co-editor, chair) (Australia)

Part 10: JP3D

Dr. Peter Schelkens (editor, chair) (Belgium)

Dr. Alexis Tzannes (co-editor, co-chair) (USA)

Mr. Chris Brislawn (co-editor) (USA)

Mr. Tim Bruylants (co-editor) (Belgium)

Part11: JPWL

Mr. Didier Nicholson (editor, chair) (France)

Dr. Fabrizio Frescura (co-editor, co-chair) (Italy)

Dr. Frederic Dufaux (co-editor, co-chair) (Switzerland)

Dr. Enrico Magli (co-editor) (Italy)

Part11 AMD1: JPWL

Mr. Didier Nicholson (editor, chair) (France)

Dr. Fabrizio Frescura (co-editor, co-chair) (Italy)

Dr. Frederic Dufaux (co-editor, co-chair) (Switzerland)

Part12: ISO Media File Format

Mr. David Singer (editor) (USA)

Dr. Per Frojdh (editor) (Sweden)

Part13: Entry-level Part 1 Encoder

Mr. Yasuyuki Nomizu (Chair & editor) (Japan)

Mr. Kats Ishii (co-editor) (Japan)

Part14: XML Structure Representation and Reference


Mr. Junichi Hara (chair & editor) (Japan)

Dr. Michael Gormish (co-chair) (USA)

Dr. Youngseop Kim (co-editor) (Korea)

JPEG2000 Verification Model

Dr. Michael Marcellin (chair) (US)

Mr. Mathias Larsson Carlander (editor) (Sweden)

File Format Sub-Group

Mr. Scott Houchin (chair) (USA)

Digital Cinema AHG

Dr. Siegfried Foessel (chair) (Germany)

Broadcast Applications AHG

Dr. Walt Husak (chair) (USA)

Mr. Ambarish Natu (Co-chair) (Australia)

Registration Authority

Dr. Touradj Ebrahimi (chair) (Switzerland)

Dr. Fumitaka Ono (co-chair) (Japan)



Dr. Mun Kew Leong (editor) (Singapore)

Mr. Wo Chang (co-editor) (USA)

Mr. Scott Houchin (co-editor) (USA)

Dr. Frederic Dufaux (co-chair) (Switzerland)


Dr. Youngseop Kim(editor) (Korea)

Dr. Mun Kew Leong (co-editor) (Singapore)

Dr. Yong-Hwan Lee (co-editor) (Korea)

Dr. Je-Ho Park (co-editor) (Korea)

Dr. Mario Döller (co-editor) (Germany)

Dr. Jaime Delgado (co-editor) (Spain) (NEW)


Dr. Kyoungro Yoon (chair & editor) (Korea)

Dr. Mun Kew Leong (co-editor) (Singapore)

Mr. Wo Chang (co-editor) (USA)

Dr. Mario Döller (co-editor) (Germany)

Mr. Ruben Tous (co-editor) (Spain)


Dr. Akio Yamada (editor) (Japan)

Dr. Mun Kew Leong (co-editor) (Singapore)


Dr. Frederic Dufaux (co-chair & editor) (Switzerland)

Dr. Mun Kew Leong (co-editor) (Singapore)



Mr. Robert Rossi (chair & editor) (USA)

Mr. Ambarish Natu (co-editor) (Australia)

Mr. Lou Sharpe (co-editor) (USA)

Dr. Gary Sullivan (co-editor) (USA)

Dr. Andrew Tescher (co-editor) (USA)


Dr. Gary Sullivan(chair & editor) (USA)

Dr. Aharon Gill(co-editor)(Israel)

Dr. Shankar (Otto) Regunathan (co-editor) (USA)

Part 3

Mr. David Singer (chair & editor) (USA)

Part 4

Dr. Gary Sullivan(chair & editor) (USA)

Dr. Aharon Gill(co-editor)(Israel)

Mr. Bernie Brower (co-editor) (USA)

Dr. Shankar (Otto) Regunathan (co-editor) (USA)

Part 5

Dr. Gary Sullivan (chair & editor) (USA)

Dr. Michael Ansorge (co- editor) (Switzerland)

Mr. Lou Sharpe (co-editor) (USA)

Mr. Robert Rossi (co-editor) (USA)

Dr. Thomas Richter (co-editor) (Germany)


Dr. Peter Schelkens (chair) (Belgium)

JPEG XR Camera Raw imaging coding AHG

Mr. Gen Sasaki (chair) (Japan)

Dr. Gary Sullivan (co-chair) (USA)


Dr. Chaker Larabi (chair) (France)

Mr. Scott Houchin (co-chair) (USA)

Requirements and Profiles

Dr. Touradj Ebrahimi (chair) (Switzerland)

Historical Archive AHG

Mr. Richard Clark (chair) (UK)

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