What are gro wlers? How do you think they got their name?

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party and its problems on the other side of the continent," said Maj Gen Patrick Fagan, the chairman of the society. "The Ross Sea party lost most of their supplies when their ship was blown away during a blizzard. They consequently developed scurvy and later made errors of rash judgment that we do not think Sltackleton would It ave allowed tit em to make."
Sub-Activity A-Identifying Characteristics of a Good Leader

Have you ever been in a group activity where you could tell some leader ship was needed, but wasn't there? Having effective leaders in an activity is important. Sometimes a gro up chooses a l eader to direct them and other times leaders emerge from within the group. Regardless, the first step is to know what to look for in a goo d leader and know what is important to you. Identifying characteristics that you feel are important in a leader will help you develop criteria that can be used to select excellent leaders.


Think about leaders you know. What characteristics make them good leaders? Do they have trust among the people? Do they get along with others? Do people admir e them and for what reasons? Are they rich, popular, funn y, honest, good looking, or smart? Do they get things done? Are they skill ed in what they do? Do they have good ideas? Have they helped other people?

With your partner, list ten characteristics you feel are valuable in a leader on th e ch art below. Remember,

when you put your trust in a leader, you are giving them the power to decide the focus, priority, and direction of the activi t y or project you are involved in. Think carefully abo ut what char act eristics are needed to make those types of decisions. How does this list relate to Shackle t on ' s leadership qualities?


2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. ----------------------------------------


5. ----------------------------------------

6. ----------------------------------------

7. ----------------------------------------



Sub Activity B-ldentifying Leadership Qualities in Yourself
Are you a good leader? Do you possess any of the qualities you identified in the first act ivit y? To find out, take this survey answering the questions below in the space provided. Don't put your name on this paper.
Part A - Individual Activity

  1. If you were leading a group in any activity, what would be your main goal?

  1. What are the top t hr ee ch aract erist ics that make you a good leader?

A. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Part B- Small Group Activity - Leadership Scenarios
In your small group, review the following scena r io s. Select one and formulate an effective response to address the scenario. Your group has to come to a unanimous consensus on what to do; no "majority rules" in deciding. (Be sure to incorporate any ideas from our discussion about Shackleton's leadership qualities, the first activity identifying leadership qualities or the act ivi ty above.) Write your answers on the back of this paper.
!1l _You are leading a team and a member is not ready to follow your decision. What do you do?
!1l _ A team member is placing blame for his/her underperformance on another team member . What do you say to the team member placing blame and to the team member being blamed?
!1l _You have two team members of equal talent and skills to do a specific task. What process would you take to choose only one to complete the task and how would you tell both of them your decision?
_You have a team member who is ver y good at what he/she does. The only problem is that the team member is difficult to work with, bossy, and unfr iendly . What do you say to this person to get them to be more of a team player?
Soc r at ic Seminar Preparation Guide
Directions: Thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the following question s. In addition to descri bing your opinion, write down spec ifi c evidence to support your views/ claims. During the seminar, your t ask is to synt hesize the ideas we have explored to develop a thorough respon se to our essent ial quest ion: What makes a leader?

Focus Question Your Opinion Historical, personal, literary, or contemporary evidence
Socratic Seminar Rubric
Names of team: _

Proc edural Feedback fo r My Partner




Active List ening

See ks to u nderst and then to be understood-Mirrors and uptakes peers' ideas (Ackno wledges p ee rs

id eas.

Body language, restatement of ideas; in

t h e m oment )

Mirrors OR uptakes peers' ideas

At t empt s to mi rro r or upt ake peers' id eas


Asks clarifying,

com plicating, and follow- up questions that extend t he conve rsation

Asks clar if yin g,

complica ting , or follow up questions

Po ses question s not directl y related t o the t opic


Supports ideas with specific, relevant evide nce

from a variet y of sources

Support s ideas wit h specific evidence.

Relies mostly on own opinion

Analysi s

Takes ri sks by offering provocative ideas and questions in response to data. Expl ains impl ication s

of e vi den ce.

Offers enough so lid an alysis t o move t he

conversat i on forward.

Off ers so m e an alysis

Leade rship &


Su ccessfully invit es peers into the discussi on. Sel f- monitors cont ributions . (Doesn 't monopoli ze or

o pt out.)

Attempts t o draw people into the discussion. Mostly self- monitors

cont ribut ions

At t emp t s t o draw people into the discussion or mostly self-monitors

cont ributi ons.

Today's Go al:

Today' s Achievement:

Multimedia Pre sentation Rubric

Name: Date:

Categories and

. . .

Criteria: Level 1 Level2 Levell Level4

Knowledge/ demonstrates demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates

U nde rst and ing limited understanding of consider able thorough and understanding of researched topic understanding of insightful

Topic researched topic researched topic understanding of


researched topic

Thinking/Inquiry analyzes and analyzes and . analyzes and . analyzes and

interprets interprets interprets interprets

Analysis, Interpretation

information with information with information with information with a

dem onstrates

  • demonstrates some

limited preparation

preparation for



for performance-


preparation for

preparation for

focus not provided,

not provided, but



/5 limited effectiveness some effectiveness considerable high degree of

effectiveness effectiveness

Planning and .



. demonstrates . demonstrates


but follows through follows through with beginning, middle excellent

to a close to a close .

with information and information and and end beginning, middle brings presentation brings presentation presentation flows and end

well presentation flows

. .

presentation is presentation lacks seamlessly disorganized structure

Communication communicates communicates communicates communicates

orally with a limited orally with some orally with a clear orally with a strong

Language and Style

sense of audience sense of audience sense of audience sense of audience

. . . .

15 and purpose and purpose and purpose and purpose

Presentation uses few audio- uses some simple uses a variety uses creative/

Conventions visual elements to audio-visual audio-visual innovative audio- enhance elements to elements to visual elements to

. . . .

/15 performance enhance enhance enhance performance performance performance

uses support uses support uses support integrates support


materials materials with materials effectively materia ls with a

Music ineffectively moderate high degree of

Text effectiveness effectiveness Power Point

Video Dance/Drama/Skit

Compiled into an infomercial, docudrama, documentary, etc. about the plight of a country and its people facing political, social and economic upheaval


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Constructed a thoughtfu I and crea tive que stion that required challenging research.

Constructed a focused quest io n that invo lved challenging research.

Us ed a question requiring little c rea tive t houg ht and m inimal research.

Finding and Evaluating Information

Gathered a great deal of informat io n w it h c lear criteria in mind. Used auth or itat ive sources in a

varie ty of formats.

Gat hered suffic ie nt

information with criteria in mind. Found authoritative sources in

at le a s t two formats .

Minimal info rmatio n gathered. Connection to quest io n is weak. Little atten t io n to the autho rity

of the so urce s.

Putting Together Your Research

Shows ins ig ht _in drawing conclus io ns from

informatio n gathered.

Informatio n is well

o rga nized to supp ort the

co nc lus io n.

Draws conc lus io ns from the info rmatio n.

In fo rmat io n is

o rganize d. Show s skil l in app roac hin g th e

pro ble m

Draws no conc lusions

a nd/o r dem o ns trates little purpos e fo r gather ing data. Lacks organizat io n.


Yo ur Project

Commun icates idea s

persua s ively to a s pecific aud ie nce. Demonstrates prec is e a nd effect ive use of the med iu m, a rtistica lly and

techn ica lly.

Co mmunicat es ideas to a specific a ud ie nce .

Demonstrates effective use of the medium.

Comm unicates m inim a l information. Forma t has technica l e rrors.

Presenting Your Sources

Correct ly provides source acknowledgement us ing a stan da rd citat ion style s uc h as MLA or APA. Inc lud es a lis t of so urces consulted in stand ard style fo rmat.

Provides so urce acknowledgement using a standa rd citat io n style

suc h as MLA or APA with so me errors.

Inc lu des a list of sourc es co ns ulted.

Provides m inima l so urce acknowledgeme nt. S o me

info rmation does not conta in a citation. Inc ludes an

inco mpl ete li s t of sou rces co ns ulted. Format has

tec hnica l e rrors.


Eva luation

Com m unicates th o ughtf ul reflectio n on the research process or pro duce.

Incl udes areas for

impr ove me nt a nd/or futu re study.

Reflects on resea rch process and produc t and identifies areas for

imp rovemen t.

Minimal reflection on resea rch process or product. No area for improvement ide ntified.

Work Habits

Made dea dl ines and

exce lle d in uti l izing o nli ne tools and assemb ling the portfolio. Re qu ired

inform atio n in portfo li o .

Made most dead li nes,

utili ze d most of the o nline too ls a nd assembled most of documentation

Miss es project dead line s for work and ha s no e-p ortfolio of research a nd work.


Self-Assessment Rubric for Research Pro cess and Pro ject

Tot al Scor e

You a r e welcome to use a ny or all of this document. Pleas e give credit to l NFOhio, www.infohio.org.

The Self-A ssessment rubric is ba s ed on the MINITEX project rubric, developed in part by University of Minnesota Lib rarie s .

D oc ument adap ted wit h permiss ion of Joyce Vale nza.

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