Wic west Building (upstairs seminar room) Corner Hartley Grove & Paratoo Rd, Waite Campus Urrbrae 4 pm

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plant industry waite campus seminar series 2012


WIC West Building (upstairs seminar room)
Corner Hartley Grove & Paratoo Rd, Waite Campus Urrbrae
4 pm | Tuesday July 23
rd (followed by informal discussion, drink & nibbles)



Prof. Luigi Bavaresco
CRA – Research Centre for Viticulture
I-31015 Conegliano, Italy

"Italian Wine Industry and main research activities of CRA-VIT at Conegliano (Italy)."

Italy has a long grape growing and wine making tradition and culture, enabling the country to be one of the most important players in the global market. Statistics will be discussed and SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) will be performed. CRA-VIT at Conegliano is involved in many research subjects, ranging from germplasm characterisation, breeding, defence, ecophysiology, cultural practices, by applying innovative tools such as a metabolomic platform. The institution is also responsible of the National Grape Varieties Catalogue and it is in charge of the certification system of Italian vine propagation material.

Born in 1957, he has been the Director of the Research Centre for Viticulture – CRA (Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura), at Conegliano (Italy), since 2010. From 1983 till 2000 he worked at the “Università Cattolica S. Cuore” at Piacenza (Italy) as assistant and associate professor of Viticulture.
He received his Degree (“Laurea”) in Agricultural Sciences, from the “Università Cattolica S. Cuore”, Piacenza, on 1980, and a Doctoral Degree in Agricultural Sciences with a designated emphasis in Viticulture, from the Ecole National Supérieure Agronomique (E.N.S.A.), Montpellier (France), in 1991.
He has attended many national and international symposia as speaker.

He is involved in many national and international research programmes. The main fields of investigation cover the following aspects of viticulture: germplasm characterisation, disease resistance, grape and wine stilbenes, breeding, mineral nutrition (emphasizing iron), cultural practices, climate change.

Prof. Bavaresco has published 130 scientific papers in national and international journals (51 on journals with I F), including 9 chapters in international books. He is co-editor of a scientific book.

h-index (http://apps.isiknowledge.com) : 15.

Foreign languages: English, French.




For information contact: Peter Clingeleffer | peter.clingeleffer@csiro.au | 08 83038721


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