We have numerous projects which are ongoing at different locations with credible clients as ACSA, Wonderboom Airport, Oribi Toll Plaza, etc.
1 Executive Summary 2
2 Description of Requirement 5
3 Issues for Consideration 11
5 Solution Proposed 14
6 Implementation Schedule 21
Additional considerations 22
7 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 23
8 Supporting documentation 25
Figure 1 Manual toll 5
Figure 2 Toll Plaza Design 5
Figure 3 Toll plaza lane layout 6
Figure 4 Manual VS Automatic Tolls 7
Figure 5 Manual Compared to Automatic Toll Equipment 9
Figure 6 Toll back office payment 10
Figure 5 7 Access Control Enrolment system 16
Figure 5 8 Editor Type Menu - Showing types of users already catered for 17
Figure 5 9 Image of the access control unit 17
Figure 5 10 Pie Chart Report 17
Figure 5 11 Processed vehicles showing numbers of vehicles 17
Figure 5 12 Bar Chart report showing number of transactions per site 17
Figure 13 ISO 9001 Certification 19
Figure 14 Products certified to FCC15, CE, UL, GS and IEC60825-1 19
Figure 15 Elements making up See Lane 37
Figure 16 See Lane Connectivity 38
Figure 17 Rear camera wiring and layout 39
Figure 18 Rear camera and Site PC layout 39
Figure 19 Layout for a rear camera 39
Figure 20 SeeCarFlow illustration (Site A of N sites, with control room) 39
Figure 21 Image Capture and OCR 40
Figure 22 LPR unit Architecture 41
Figure 23 Example of LPR application main view 41
Figure 24 Personalised Plates are recognised using LPR 41
Figure 25 Data flow of the Recognition results 42
Figure 26 Networked LPR Sites 42
Figure 27 Front end of the LPR solution 43
Figure 28 See Data 44
Figure 29 Rear LPR capture and recognition with alarm 44
Figure 30 Log of the data and images from each site 45
Figure 31 Vehicle Logged 45
Figure 32 Alarm on vehicle detected 45
Figure 33 ASD on the N3 55
2Description of Requirement
Growth of automobile traffic leading to serious congestion problems is the bottleneck for all developing cities, especially obstructive for cities with high growth potential. Highways have enhanced the mobility of every city although it is a challenge for urban highway system to meet the growing needs of developing cities and keep congestion under control. The most direct approach to reduce congestion is through infrastructure modifications by
adding new lanes and bridges, which is by far the most expensive solution.
There are other solutions that focus on improving the efficiency of the existing infrastructure.
Operational modifications, better incident management, implementation of Intelligent Transportation System, effective utilization of public transit system and other transportation management strategies and few of the available strategies. Unfortunately, there exists noglobal solution or panacea and each situation is unique and requires customized solution.
This solution can be achieved through careful analysis of various feasible alternatives.
The toll business management solution is based on an open service oriented architecture where toll road active components are plugged as services on a peer-to-peer basis. The toll plaza is based on three layers service structure organised as follows:
Figure 1 Manual toll
The fully automated boom gates are opened via license plate recognition or with an electronic access enabled once customer has swiped the electronic access card reader or a PIN code or a finger print. All linked to tyre slashes preventing drive through and enabling a cashless operation. The type of vehicle is recorded and displayed to the operator, along with recording real time parking time (data). The ability to operate each PAYMENT STATION in both directions
facilities access efficiencies, along with free exit once off PAID.
Figure 2 Toll Plaza Design