Wltp-2013-019 Consolidated Draft gtr 12. 04. 2013 Running history of the consolidated draft gtr

Charge-depleting (CD) test with no subsequent charge-sustaining (CS) test

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5.2.4. Charge-depleting (CD) test with no subsequent charge-sustaining (CS) test Preconditioning

The vehicle shall be prepared according to the procedures in Appendix IV, §2.2. of this Annex. Test conditions The test shall be carried out with a fully charged electrical energy storage device according the charging requirements as described in 2.2.5. of Appendix IV of this Annex. Operation mode selection When testing vehicles with operator-selectable driving modes, the charge depletion test shall be performed using the highest electric energy consuming [hybrid] operation mode that best matches the target curve.

If the default mode is the highest electric energy consuming hybrid mode that best matches the target curve,, the test can be performed in the default mode. When testing vehicles with the default mode position as operator-selectable driving mode, the charge depletion test shall be performed by using the default mode.

In case the vehicle does not have a default mode, the manufacturer may recommend to the responsible authority the most representative mode that best matches the target curve and which customers will use on the road, the test can be performed in the approved mode. Dedicated driver-selectable modes such as “mountain mode” or “maintenance mode” which are not intended for normal daily operation but only for special limited purposes shall not be considered for charge-depleting condition testing. Type I test procedure The charge-depleting test procedure shall consist of a number of consecutive cycles, each followed by a [10]+/-2 minutes soak period until charge-sustaining operation is achieved. During soaking between individual WLTC cycles, the key switch shall be in the “off” position, and the ReESS shall not be recharged from an external electric energy source. The RCB instrumentation shall not be turned off between test cycle phases. In the case of ampere-hour meter measurement, the integration shall remain active throughout the entire test until the test is concluded.

Restarting after soak, the vehicle shall be operated in the required driver-selectable operation mode in case it is not already in the default mode. End of the charge-depleting test

The end of the charge-depleting test is considered to have been reached at the end of the WLTC cycle n (defined as the transient cycle) when the break-off criteria during cycle n + 1 is reached for the first time. For vehicles without charge-sustaining capability on the complete WLTC, end of test is reached by indication on standard on-board instrument panel to stop the vehicle, or when the vehicle cannot achieve [90] per cent of the top speed achieved in the first WLTC. Break-off criteria The break-off criteria for the charge-depleting test is reached when the relative net energy change as shown in the equation below is less than 4 per cent. Battery charging and measuring electric energy consumption

The vehicle shall be connected to the mains within 120 minutes after the conclusion of the charge-sustaining Type I test. The energy measurement equipment, placed between the mains socket and the vehicle charger, shall measure the charge energy, E, delivered from the mains, as well as its duration. Charging stops when a fully charged battery is detected. Each individual full WLTC within the charge-depleting test shall fulfil the applicable exhaust emission limits.
5.2.5. CS test with no subsequent CD test Preconditioning

The vehicle shall be prepared according to the procedures in Appendix IV, §2.1. of this Annex. Test conditions The test shall be carried out with the electrical energy storage device in a neutral charging balance state. Tests shall be carried out with the vehicle operated in charge-sustaining operation condition in which the energy stored in the ReESS may fluctuate but, on average, is maintained at a charging neutral balance level while the vehicle is driven. For vehicles equipped with a driver-selectable operating mode, the charge-sustaining test shall be performed in the charging balance neutral hybrid mode that best matches the target curve. In case the requirements of the charging balance window are not fulfilled, the CS test CO2 and fuel consumption values shall be corrected according to Appendix II, RCB compensation. The profile of the state of charge of the electrical energy storage device during different stages of the Type I test is given in Appendices Ia and Ib. Upon request of the manufacturer and with approval of the responsible authority, the manufacturer may set the start SOC for the charge-sustaining test. Type I test procedure If required by paragraph 6.2.1., CO2, emissions and fuel consumption results shall be corrected according to the RCB correction as described in appendix II. The charge-sustaining test shall fulfil the applicable exhaust emission limits. Battery charging and measuring electric energy consumption

The vehicle shall be connected to the mains within 120 minutes after the conclusion of the charge-sustaining Type I test. The energy measurement equipment placed between the mains socket and the vehicle charger shall measure the charge energy E and its duration. Charging stops when a fully charged battery is detected.

5.2.6. CD test with a subsequent CS test The procedures for the CD test from § to § in this Annex shall be followed. Subsequently, the procedures for the CS test from § to § in this Annex shall be followed.
5.2.7. CS test with a subsequent CD test The procedures for the CS test from § to § in this Annex shall be followed. Subsequently, the procedures for the CD test from § to § in this Annex shall be followed.

5.2.8. Cycle energy demand Cycle energy demand of the test vehicle shall be determined by one of the two options defined in Appendix VII of this Annex.
5.2.9. Electric Range Tests General The charge-depleting test procedure as described in paragraph 5.2.4. shall apply to electric range measurements unless modified by this paragraph. If the vehicle is not able to meet the driving curve within the specified tolerances, the acceleration controller shall be fully activated until the driving curve is reached again. Exhaust emission sampling is only required for the test cycles when the combustion engine is operating. Breaks for the driver and/or operator shall be permitted only between WLTC cycles as described in the table below:

Electric range, km

Maximum total break time, min

Up to 100


Up to 150


Up to 200


Up to 300


More than 300

Shall be based on the manufacturer’s recommendation All-electric range (AER) The total distance travelled over the WLTC cycles from the beginning of the charge-depleting test to the point in time during the test when the combustion engine starts to consume fuel shall be measured. All-electric city range (AERcity) For vehicles equipped with a driver-selectable pure EV mode, [AERcity] may be determined in pure electric mode. The total distance travelled over the WLTCcity cycles from the beginning of the charge-depleting test to the point in time during the test when the combustion engine starts to consume fuel shall be measured. Breaks for the driver and/or operator shall be permitted only between WLTC cycles as described in the table below:

Electric range, km

Maximum total break time, min

Up to 100


Up to 150


Up to 200


Up to 300


More than 300

Shall be based on the manufacturer’s recommendation Equivalent all-electric range (EAER) Charge-depleting and charge-sustaining tests shall be driven to calculate the equivalent all-electric range (EAER). Charge-depleting cycle range (RCDC) The distance from the beginning of the charge-depleting test to the end of the last cycle prior to the cycle or cycles satisfying the break-off criteria shall be measured. This shall include the distance travelled during the transient cycle where the vehicle may have operates in both depleting and sustaining modes. If the charge-depleting test possesses a transient range, the Rcdc shall include those transient cycles or cycles. Actual charge-depleting range (RCDA) The distance driven, measured from the start of the CD test, through any subsequent CD test cycles, and ending at a point in the transient cycle proportional to the change in SOC of the transient cycle compared with the previous cycle, shall be measured calculated. The Rcda shall always be less than or equal to the RCDC. Actual charge-depleting range (RCDA) RCDA shall be calculated according to §

5.3. NOVC-HEV, with and without driver-selectable operating modes

5.3.1. Vehicle and Battery Conditioning For preconditioning, at least 1 complete WLTC cycle shall be driven using the gear shifting procedure described in Annex 2. Alternatively, at the request of the manufacturer, the SOC level of the ReESS for charge-sustaining test can be set according to manufacturer’s recommendation in order to achieve a charge balance neutral charge-sustaining test.
5.3.2. Type I Test These vehicles shall be tested according to Annex 6, unless modified by this annex. If required by paragraph 6.2.2., CO2 emissions and fuel consumption results shall be corrected according to the RCB correction described in appendix II.
5.4. PEV, with and without driver-selectable operating mode

5.4.1. General The test sequence for all-electric range AER determination as described in § for OVC-HEVs shall apply unless modified by this Annex. The test sequence for all-electric range city AERcity determination described in § for OVC-HEVs shall apply unless modified by this Annex.
5.4.2. Testing If the vehicle is equipped with a driver-selectable operating mode, the charge-depletion test shall be performed in the highest electric energy consumption mode that best matches the target curve. The gear shift prescription defined in Annex 2 shall be used. The measurement of all-electric range, AER, and electric energy consumption shall be performed during the same test. All-electric range test The test method shall include the following steps:

(a) initial charging of the battery;

(b) driving consecutive WLTC cycles until the break-off criteria is reached and measuring AER;

(c) recharging the battery and measuring electric energy consumption The initial charging procedure of the battery starts with a normal overnight charge. The end of charge criteria shall correspond to a charging time of 12 hours except if a clear indication is given to the driver by the standard instrumentation that the battery is not yet fully charged. In this case, WLTC cycles shall be driven and the all-electric range (AER) distance shall be measured. The end of the test occurs when the break-off criteria is reached.

The break-off criteria shall have been reached when the vehicle cannot follow the driving trace for 4 seconds or more. The acceleration controller shall be deactivated. The vehicle shall be braked to a standstill within 60 seconds.

For vehicles with a maximum speed lower than the maximum speed on the WLTC, the vehicle shall be operated at maximum available power (or full throttle) when the vehicle cannot achieve the driving trace within the speed and time tolerances specified in Annex 2 of this regulation. The vehicle shall be connected to the mains within 120 minutes after the conclusion of the all-electric range AER determination. The energy measurement equipment, placed between the mains socket and the vehicle charger, shall measure the charge energy E delivered from the mains, as well as its duration. Charging is stopped when the battery is fully charged. [to be validated VP2] All-electric range city (AERcity) test The test method includes the following steps:

(a) initial charging of the battery;

(b) driving the WLTCcity cycle to measure the AERcity;

(c) measuring electric range, AERcity, until the break-off criteria is reached The initial charging procedure of the battery shall start with a normal overnight charging and the end of charge criretria shall be defined as in § WLTC city cycles shall be driven and the all-electric range (AER) distance shall be measured. The end of the test occurs when the break-off criteria is reached according to §

6. Calculations

6.1. Emission species calculations

Exhaust gases shall be analysed according to Annex 6.
6.1.1. OVC-HEV with and without operating mode switch Charge-depleting mode emissions
The level of the emission species at charge-depleting shall be calculated as follows:


CD Emissions is the mass of the emissions species measured over whole cycle i, mg/km

UFi is the fractional utility factor of the ith whole cycle

i the number of each whole cycle up to the transient cycle n

n the number of cycles driven including the transient cycle n Charge-sustaining Mode Emissions

Exhaust emissions from a cold start charge-sustaining test shall be calculated according the requirements for conventional vehicles as described in Annex 6.

The charging balance correction calculation is not required for determination of emissions species.

EmissionCS = EmissionCS,cold


EmissionCS are the charge-sustaining test emissions, g/km (CS value for

CD/CS CO2 weighting)

EmissionCS,cold are the emissions measured from the cold start charge-sustaining test, g/km

The calculations specified in Annex 7 of this regulations shall be used in conjunction with the above equation in measuring each regulated emissions species. Weighted emissions species

The weighted emissions species from the charge-depleting and charge-sustaining mode results shall be calculated using the equation below:[Jp will consider later]


wEm is the utility factor-weighted exhaust emissions of each measured species,


UFi is the fractional utility factor of the ith cycle

EmCDi are the species mass emissions for each charge-depleting mode, mg/km

EmCS are the species mass emissions for the charge-sustaining mode according to, mg/km

i is the index number of each whole cycle driven up to the end of the transient cycle n

cycle n is the number of whole cycles driven including transient cycle n
6.1.2. NOVC-HEV with and without driver-selectable operating modes Exhaust emissions shall be calculated as required for conventional vehicles according to Annex 7. The charging balance correction (RCB) calculation is not required for the determination of emission species.
6.2. CO2 and Fuel Consumption Calculations

Exhaust gases shall be analysed according to Annex 6.

6.2.1. OVC-HEV with and without an operating mode switch Charge-depleting CO2 Emissions and Fuel Consumption
The fuel consumption and CO2 values at charge depleting shall be calculated as follows:


CO2/FCCD is the utility factor-adjusted mass of CO2 emissions divided by the fuel consumption during charge-depleting mode, (g/km)/(l/100 km)

CO2/FCCDj are the CO2 mass emissions divided by the fuel consumption in each phase of the driving cycle, (g/km)/(l/100 km)

UFi the driving cycle and phase-specific utility factor according to Appendix VII of this Annex

i is the index number of each phase up to the end of the transient cycle

k is the number of phases driven up to the end of transient cycle n Charge-sustaining mode CO2 emissions and fuel consumption CO2 emissions

CO2CS = CO2CS,cold


CO2CS are the charge-sustaining test CO2 emissions, g/km (CS value for CD/CS CO2


CO2CS,cold are the measured CO2 emissions from the cold start charge-sustaining test,

g/km Fuel consumption

FCCS = FCCS,cold


FCCS is the fuel consumption from the charge-sustaining test, l/100km (CS value for CD/CS FC weighting)

FCCS,cold is the fuel consumption from the cold start charge-sustaining, l/100 km Test result correction as a function of ReESS charging balance

Test results CO2CS and FCCS are corrected as a function of the energy balance RCB of the vehicle’s ReESS according to paragraphs and

The corrected values CO2CS C0 and FCCS FC0 shall correspond to a zero energy balance (RCB = 0), and shall be determined according to Appendix II of this Annex. and are calculated using a correction coefficient determined by the manufacturer as defined below. The electricity balance, Q, measured using the procedure specified in Appendix III to this annex, is used as a measure of the difference in the vehicle ReESS’s energy content at the end of the cycle compared to the beginning of the cycle. The electricity balance is to be determined for the WLTC driven. The test results shall be the uncorrected measured values of CO2CS and FCCS in case:
(a) the manufacturer can prove that there is no relation between the energy balance and fuel consumption,

(b) ΔEbatt as calculated from the test result corresponds to ReESS charging,

(c) ΔEbatt as calculated from the test result corresponds to ReESS discharging and ΔEbatt is within [0.5 per cent] of the energy content of the consumed fuel (consumed fuel meaning the total fuel consumption over 1 cycle). [to be discussed later ]
The change in electrical ReESS energy content, ΔEbatt, shall be calculated from the measured electricity balance Q as follows:


ΔEbatt is the change in the electrical ReESS energy content, Ah

∆SOC is the change in state of charge, per cent

ETEbatt is the total energy storage capacity of the ReESS, MJ

Vbatt is the nominal ReESS voltage, V Where the RCB correction of CO2 and fuel consumption measurement values are required, the procedure described in appendix II of this annex shall be used. Weighted CO2 and Fuel Consumption calculations Weighted CO2 emissions


CO2weighted is the utility factor-weighted mass of carbon dioxide emissions for a specific WLTC cycle phase, g/km

Yj are the CO2 mass emissions for each phase, g/km

YCS are the charge-sustaining CO2 mass emissions according to, g/km

UFj is the driving cycle and phase-specific UF according to Appendix VII of this Annex

k is the number of whole phases driven up to the end of cycle n

k is the index number of each phase up to the end of the transient cycle n

cycle n is the transient cycle at the charge-depleting test Weighted fuel consumption


FCweighted is the utility factor-averaged fuel consumption for a specific drive cycle, l/100km

Yj are the fuel consumptions for each cycle phase, l/100km

YCS is the charge-sustaining fuel consumption according to, l/100km

UFj is the driving cycle and phase-specific UF according Appendix VII of this Annex

k is the number of whole cycles driven up to and including cycle n

k is the index number of each phase up to the end of transient cycle n

cycle n is the transient cycle at the charge-depleting test

6.2.2. NOVC-HEV with and without driver-selectable operating modes Exhaust gases shall be analysed according to Annex 6. The fuel consumption and CO2 mass emissions test results shall be corrected as a

function of the energy balance ΔEbatt of the vehicle’s ReESS.

The corrected values FC0 and CO2-0 should correspond to a zero energy balance (ΔEbatt = 0), and shall be calculated using a correction coefficient determined by the manufacturer as defined below determined according to Appendix II of this Annex. The electricity balance Q in Ah, measured using the procedure specified in

Appendix 2 to this Annex, is used as a measure of the difference in the vehicle ReESS energy content at the end of the cycle compared to the beginning of the cycle. The electricity balance shall be determined separately for the complete driven WLTC.[ electricity balance of CO2 and FC were separately ] The test results shall be the uncorrected measured values of C and M where:
(a) the manufacturer can prove that there is no relation between the energy balance and fuel consumption,

(b) ΔEbatt as calculated from the test results corresponds to a ReESS charging,

(c) ΔEbatt as calculated from the test results corresponds to a ReESS discharging and ΔEbatt is within [0.5 per cent] of the energy content of the consumed fuel (consumed fuel meaning the total fuel consumption over 1 cycle). [to be discussed later ]
The change in ReESS energy content ΔEbatt can be calculated from the measured electricity balance, Q, as follows:
ΔEbatt = ΔSOC (per cent) · ETEbatt = 0.0036 · |ΔAh| · Vbatt = 0.0036 · Q · Vbatt (MJ)

ΔEbatt is the change in ReESS energy content, Ah

ETEbatt is the total energy storage capacity of the ReESS, MJ

∆SOC is the change in state of charge, per cent

Vbatt is the nominal ReESS voltage, V

Q is the measured electricity balance, Ah Where the RCB correction of CO2 and fuel consumption measurement values are required, the procedure describes in Appendix II of this Annex shall be used.

6.3. Electric Energy Consumption Calculations

6.3.1. OVC-HEV Utility factor-weighted total AC electric energy consumption including charging losses shall be calculated using the following equations:


EAC is the recharged electric energy from the grid, Wh

Cweighted is the utility factor-weighted total energy consumption, Wh/km

UFj is the driving cycle and phase-specific utility factor according to Appendix VII of this Annex

CCD,j is the calculated fraction of EAC used in the jth phase during the charge- depleting test, Wh

RCB is the measured charging balance during the charge-depleting test, Ah

RCDj is the measured charge balance of the jth phase during the charge- depleting test, Ah

Dj is the distance driven in the jth phase during the charge-depleting test, km

EAC is the measured recharged electric energy from the grid, Wh

j is the index number of each phase up to the end of transient cycle n

k is the number of phases driven up to the end of transient cycle n

[Jp will consider later]
Electric energy consumption Eweighted indicates the AC electric energy consumption under mixed charge depleting and charge sustaining operation with fuel consumption FCweighted and CO2 emissions CO2weighted.

Electric energy consumption C indicates the AC electric energy consumption observed under electric driving irrespective of grid electric energy utilisation. Electric energy consumption of the electric powertrain including charging losses. Recharged electric energy E in Wh and charging time measurements shall be recorded in the test report. Electric energy consumption C is defined by the equation:


C is the electric energy consumption, Wh/km

EAC is the recharged electric energy from the, Wh

EAER is the equivalent all-electric range according to §, km Charge-depleting AC electric energy consumption including charging losses

Electric energy consumption CCD indicates the AC electric energy consumption under charge depleting operation only, with fuel consumption FCCD and CO2 emission CO2,CD.
6.3.2. BEV Pure electric vehicle (PEV)
6.3.2. Recharged electric Energy E in Wh and charging time measurements shall be recorded in the test report. The electric energy consumption C including charging losses is defined by the



E is the recharged electric energy, Wh.

C is the electric energy consumption of a battery electric vehicle, Wh/km

C is the electric energy consumption, Wh/km

EAC is the recharged electric energy from the grid, Wh

AER is the all-electric range as defined in B.3. Definitions of this GTR

6.4. Electric Range

6.4.1. OVC-HEV All-electric range, AER

The distance driven over a number of WLTC cycles using only the ReESS until the combustion engine starts consuming fuel for the first time shall be measured and shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. All-electric range city, AERcity

The distance driven over a number of [Low+Mid] phases of WLTC using only the ReESS until the combustion engine starts consuming fuel for the first time shall be measured and shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. Equivalent all-electric range, EAER

The total distance driven in charge-depletion mode attributable to the recharged grid electric energy shall be measured and shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. EAER shall be calculated as follows:



EAER is the equivalent all-electric range EAER, km

CO2,CS are the CO2 emissions during the charge-sustaining test, g/km

CO2, CD, j are the CO2 emissions in the jth phase during the charge-depletion test, g

Dj is the distance driven in the jth phase during the charge-depletion test, km

Rcdc is the charge-depleting cycle range calculated according to §, km

j is the index number of each phase up to the end of the transient cycle n

k is the number of phases driven up to the end of the transient cycle n The charge-depleting CO2 measurement value MCD YCD CO2CD shall be calculated as follows:

YCD = Σ CD emissions [g] / Σ CD distance [km]
YCD is the sum of the CO2 emissions during charge-depleting in grams divided by the sum of driven distances in kilometres from all test cycles during charge-depletion

i is the number of the test over the charge-depleting cycle range, Rcdc The charge-sustaining CO2 measurement value MCS YCS CO2CS shall be calculated as follows:
CO2CS = CO2CSemissions / DistanceCS
CO2CSemissions are the CO2 emissions during the charge-sustaining test by the driven distance during charge-sustaining test, g/km

i is number of the test over the charge-depleting cycle range, Rcdc Charge-depleting Cycle Range Rcdc

The distance from the beginning of the charge-depleting test to the end of the last cycle prior to the cycle or cycles satisfying the break-off criteria shall be measured. This shall include the distance travelled during the transient cycle where the vehicle may have operates in both depleting and sustaining modes. If the charge-depleting test possesses a transient range, the Rcdc shall include those transient cycles or cycles. Actual charge-depleting cycle range Rcda

The distance driven from the beginning of the charge-depleting test to the point where powertrain operation changes from charge-depleting mode into charge-sustaining mode shall be measured.

Option 1: Based on CO2 value (based on Japanese regulation but simplified)


Rcda is the actual charge-depleting range, km

CO2,CS are the CO2 emissions during the charge-sustaining test, g/km

CO2,n,cycle are the CO2 emissions over the nth drive cycle in charge-depleting operating condition, g/km

CO2,CD,average,n-1are the average CO2 emissions in charge-depleting operating condition until the n-1th drive cycle, g/km

Di,cycle is the test distance travelled during ith drive cycle, km

Dn is the test distance travelled during the nth drive cycle in charge-depleting operating condition, km

i is the index number of each whole cycle up to the end of transient cycle n

n is the number of whole cycles driven including transient cycle n
Option 2: Based on SOC value (based on SAE but assume that there is only one transient cycle)


Rcda is the actual charge-depleting range, km

∆SOCn is the change of state of charge during the nth drive cycle under charge- depleting conditions, per cent

∆SOCn-1 is the change of state of charge during the n-1th drive cycle under charge- depleting conditions, per cent

Di,cycle is the test distance travelled during the ith drive cycle, km

Dn is the test distance travelled during the nth drive cycle in charge-depleting operating condition, km

n is the last charge-depleting cycle during the charge depletion test (transient cycle)

6.4.2. BEV PEV All-electric range, AER

The distance driven over a number of complete WLTC cycles until the break-off criteria is reached shall be measured and shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. All-electric Range City AERcity

The distance driven over a number of Low+Mid parts of WLTC until the break-off criteria is reached shall be measured and shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.

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