World Science Forum Budapest

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World Science Forum - Budapest

Wednesday, 9 November 2005: Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest V., Roosevelt square 9.)


Registration of Participants

Room A

Cultural Event
   at the piano: Gergely Bogányi

followed by

Opening Reception
   given by Attila Meskó, Secretary General,
   Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Thursday, 10 November 2005

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest V., Roosevelt square 9.)


Registration of Participants


Opening Ceremony

József Hámori, Chair, Hungarian UNESCO Committee
Ferenc Somogyi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary
E. Sylvester Vizi, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Opening of the Forum
László Sólyom, President of the Republic of Hungary

Opening Addresses
E. Sylvester Vizi, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Koïchiro Matsuura, Director General, UNESCO

Presentation of the UNESCO Science Prizes

Plenary Lecture
Janez Potocnik, Commissioner for Science, European Commission


Coffee / Tea break


Parallel Sessions

Room A

The Scientists' Approach - The Political Decision Makers' Approach - I.

Peter A. Freeman, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, USA
Kati Marton, Author, Human Rights Activist, Chair of the International Women's Health Coalition

István Hargittai, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Science goes to war
William Lanouette, Writer and Public Policy Analyst, Leo Szilárd Biographer: Szilardian Science and Politics: Evolution, Revolution, or Subversion?
Peter D. Lax, Abel Laureate, New York University: The Coming Energy Crisis
Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, President, Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute:

Room B

A Capacity Building and Implementation

Mustafa El-Tayeb, Director, Science Policy and Sustainable Development Division, UNESCO

Raghunath Anant Mashelkar, Director General , CSIR and President, Indian National Academy of Sciences(INSA)
Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Indian Institute of Technology
Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, Third World Academy of Sciences: South-South Cooperation: the Role of India
Turner Isoun, Minister for Science and Technology, Nigeria
Venâncio Simão Massingue, Minister of Science and Technology, Mozambique

Room C

The Role of Business - I.

Philippe De Woot De Trixhe, Professor Emeritus, Université Catholique de Louvain
Alain Pompidou, President, European Patent Office
Sir Roger Elliot, Chair of the Intellectual Property Committee, ALLEA-All European Academies

Philippe De Woot De Trixhe, Professor Emeritus, Université Catholique de Louvain
Alain Pompidou, President, European Patent Office
Gaëll Mainguy, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche, France:Capitalism and Humanism: The Young Scientists Dilemma
Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Chancellor, Pontificia Academia Scientiarum, Vatican
László Kovács, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary
Greg Perry, Director General, EGA - European Generic Medicines Association
Fidel Castro Díaz-Balart, Scientific Advisor, State Council, Republic of Cuba




Parallel sessions

Room A

The Scientists' Approach - The Political Decision Makers' Approach - II

Peter A. Freeman, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, USA
Kati Marton, Author, Human Rights Activist, Chair of the International Women's Health Coalition
Peter A. Freeman, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, USA
István Hargittai, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, President, Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute

William Lanouette, Writer and Public Policy Analyst, Leo Szilárd Biographer
Peter D. Lax, Abel Laureate, New York University: The Coming Energy Crisis
Curt Suplee, National Science Foundation, USA: How Can Scientists and Decision Makers Work Together Better?

Room C

The Role of Business - II.

Philippe De Woot De Trixhe, Professor Emeritus, Université Catholique de Louvain
Alain Pompidou, President, European Patent Office
Sir Roger Elliot, Chair of the Intellectual Property Committee, ALLEA-All European Academies

Sir Roger Elliot, Chair of the Intellectual Property Committee, ALLEA-All European Academies
Joseph Straus, Max-Planck-Institut: IP Rights as Means of Appropriation and Distribution of Knowledge
Danny Quah, The London School of Economics and Political ScienceProducing and Consuming Knowledge - Business, the Academy, and Economic Development
Pieter Drenth, President, All European Academies (ALLEA): Scientific Integrity and Social Responsibility: the Role of Academies of Sciences
Sir Brian Fender, Chief Executive of HEFCE


Coffee / Tea break


Plenary Session

Room A

Werner Arber, Nobel Laureate; University of Basel
Nikolai Alfredovich Plate, Vice President, Russian Academy of Sciences

Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Princess Chulabhorn Mahidol, President, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Thailand: Science and Technology for the Improvement of the Quality of Life
Peter Nijkamp, President, EUROHORCs, President, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research: Science: A Race without a Finish
Prince El Hassan bin Talal, President, Club of Rome


      given by E. Sylvester Vizi, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

11 November 2005: Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest V., Roosevelt square 9.)

Room A

Plenary Session

Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Laureate, Princeton University
János Martonyi, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary

Yongxiang Lu, President, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jane Goodall, The Jane Goodall Institiute, USA
Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, President, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Short Presentations of the UNESCO Prize Winners


Coffee / Tea break


Parallel Sessions

Room A

Educating Future Generations - I.

Julia Marton-Lefevre, Rector, UN Peace University

Tariq Banuri, Director, Stockholm Environment Institute, Asia Centre: Where are We Going - What World Awaits the Future Generations?
Jill Jäger, Sustainable Europe Research Institute: Sustainability Science: Building Bridges Between Science and Society
Lieke Riadi, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, University of Surabaya: The Responsibility of Education

Room B

The Future of the Environment - I.

Walter Erdelen, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO
Miklós Persányi, Former President, United Nations' Convention on Climate Change

Pierre Léna, French Academy of Sciences

Brendan MacKey, Earth Charter Initiative; School of Resources, Environment and Society, The Australian National University
Miklós Persányi, Former President, United Nations' Convention on Climate Change
András Szöllösy-Nagy, Director, Water Division, UNESCO

Brendan MacKey, Earth Charter Initiative; School of Resources, Environment and Society, The Australian National University: The Earth Charter: A Civil Society Response to the Challenges of Global Environmental Change
András Szöllösy-Nagy, Director, Water Division, UNESCO: Water for the Future and the Future of Water: Challenges for International Science and Policy

Room C

Perspectives from the Developing World - I.

Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Thomas Rosswall, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)

Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU): Introduction, Welcome and Tours de Table
Romain Murenzi Minister for Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research, Republic of Rwanda: Developing a National Strategy for Science and Technology Khsoto Mokhele, President and CEO, National Research Foundation, South Africa: The Knowledge Divide as a Challenge for Sustainable Development




Parallel Sessions

Room A

Educating Future Generations - II.

Julia Marton-Lefevre, Rector, UN Peace University

Panel: Stories from around the World:
Akito Arima, Chairman, Japan Science Foundation: Reaching out beyond the Classroom
Yves Quéré, Co-Chair, Inter-Academy Panel (IAP), Académie des Sciences, France: Vertical or Horizontal Teaching?
Katalin Sulyok, President, Hungarian Research Student Association: The Voice of the Next Generation

Panel: Institutional Innovations
György Pálfi, Councillor, Science and Technology Attaché, Embassy of Hungary, France: World Academy of Young Scientists
Alan I. Leshner, CEO, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Martha Richter, LEAD Fellow (Brazil); Fossil Fish Curator, Department of Paleontology - PA; The Natural History Museum, UK: The LEAD Programme's Contribution to Educating Future Generations

Room B

The Future of the Environment - II.

Walter Erdelen, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO
Miklós Persányi, Former President, United Nations' Convention on Climate Change

Miklós Persányi, Former President, United Nations' Convention on Climate Change: Natural, Social, Industrial Impacts and Mechanisms of Global Changes Focusing on the Current State of Situation in Hungary - The Scientific Foundation of a Responsible Environmental Policy for the 21st Century

Laura Westra, York University, Toronto
Junjiro Kanamori, Director, International Institute for Advanced Studies: Importance of Exploring New Realm of Knowledge for the Future
André Berger, Catholic University of Louvain

André Berger, Catholic University of Louvain
Walter Erdelen, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO
Junjiro Kanamori, Director, International Institute for Advanced Studies: Importance of Exploring New Realm of Knowledge for the Future
Laura Westra, York University, Toronto
Pierre Léna, French Academy of Sciences
Árpád Somogyi, European Commission

Room C

Perspectives from the Developing World - II.

Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Thomas Rosswall, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)

Sospeter Muhongo, Director, ICSU Regional Office for Africa
Anupam Varma, Chairman, ICSU, Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific
Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, Third World Academy of Sciences
Thomas Rosswall, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)


Coffee / Tea break


Plenary Session

Géza Jeszenszky, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary
Peter D. Lax, Abel Laureate, New York University

Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, Third World Academy of Sciences
Alexandre Lamfalussy, First President, European Monetary Institute: Social Responsibility versus Economic Efficiency?
Alan I. Leshner, President and CEO, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Atta-Ur-Rahman, UNESCO Science Laureate; Federal Minister for Higher Education, Pakistan; President, Pakistan Academy of Sciences



12 November 2005

Hungarian Parliament (Budapest V., Kossuth Lajos square 1-3.)
Shuttle buses leave from the Hotel Sofitel Atrium Budapest***** at 08.00.


Plenary Session

Balázs Gulyás, Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Summary and Conclusions of the Six Thematic Sessions: Session Chairs

General Conclusions
Attila Meskó, Secretary General, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Forum of Young Scientists of the World: World Academy of Young Scientists
Gaëll Mainguy, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche, France
Archana Bhaw-Luximon, University of Mauritius
Mo Motamedi, Harvard Medical School, USA
Judit Gervain, International School for Advanced Studies

Bálint Magyar, Minister of Education, Republic of Hungary


Coffee / Tea break


Closing Plenary Lectures

Norbert Kroó, Vice President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary
Torsten Wiesel, Nobel Laureate, Wiesel Laboratory, The Rockefeller University
Otto von Habsburg, Honorary President, International Paneuropean Union
E. Sylvester Vizi, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Farewell Reception
   given by Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary

Wednesday, 9 November 2005: Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest V., Roosevelt square 9.)


Registration of Participants

Room A

Cultural Event
   at the piano: Gergely Bogányi

followed by

Opening Reception
   given by Attila Meskó, Secretary General,
   Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Thursday, 10 November 2005

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest V., Roosevelt square 9.)


Registration of Participants


Opening Ceremony

József Hámori, Chair, Hungarian UNESCO Committee
Ferenc Somogyi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary
E. Sylvester Vizi, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Opening of the Forum
László Sólyom, President of the Republic of Hungary

Opening Addresses
E. Sylvester Vizi, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Koïchiro Matsuura, Director General, UNESCO

Presentation of the UNESCO Science Prizes

Plenary Lecture
Janez Potocnik, Commissioner for Science, European Commission


Coffee / Tea break


Parallel Sessions

Room A

The Scientists' Approach - The Political Decision Makers' Approach - I.

Peter A. Freeman, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, USA
Kati Marton, Author, Human Rights Activist, Chair of the International Women's Health Coalition

István Hargittai, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Science goes to war
William Lanouette, Writer and Public Policy Analyst, Leo Szilárd Biographer: Szilardian Science and Politics: Evolution, Revolution, or Subversion?
Peter D. Lax, Abel Laureate, New York University: The Coming Energy Crisis
Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, President, Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute:

Room B

A Capacity Building and Implementation

Mustafa El-Tayeb, Director, Science Policy and Sustainable Development Division, UNESCO

Raghunath Anant Mashelkar, Director General , CSIR and President, Indian National Academy of Sciences(INSA)
Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Indian Institute of Technology
Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, Third World Academy of Sciences: South-South Cooperation: the Role of India
Turner Isoun, Minister for Science and Technology, Nigeria
Venâncio Simão Massingue, Minister of Science and Technology, Mozambique

Room C

The Role of Business - I.

Philippe De Woot De Trixhe, Professor Emeritus, Université Catholique de Louvain
Alain Pompidou, President, European Patent Office
Sir Roger Elliot, Chair of the Intellectual Property Committee, ALLEA-All European Academies

Philippe De Woot De Trixhe, Professor Emeritus, Université Catholique de Louvain
Alain Pompidou, President, European Patent Office
Gaëll Mainguy, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche, France:Capitalism and Humanism: The Young Scientists Dilemma
Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Chancellor, Pontificia Academia Scientiarum, Vatican
László Kovács, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary
Greg Perry, Director General, EGA - European Generic Medicines Association
Fidel Castro Díaz-Balart, Scientific Advisor, State Council, Republic of Cuba




Parallel sessions

Room A

The Scientists' Approach - The Political Decision Makers' Approach - II

Peter A. Freeman, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, USA
Kati Marton, Author, Human Rights Activist, Chair of the International Women's Health Coalition
Peter A. Freeman, Assistant Director, National Science Foundation, USA
István Hargittai, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, President, Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute

William Lanouette, Writer and Public Policy Analyst, Leo Szilárd Biographer
Peter D. Lax, Abel Laureate, New York University: The Coming Energy Crisis
Curt Suplee, National Science Foundation, USA: How Can Scientists and Decision Makers Work Together Better?

Room C

The Role of Business - II.

Philippe De Woot De Trixhe, Professor Emeritus, Université Catholique de Louvain
Alain Pompidou, President, European Patent Office
Sir Roger Elliot, Chair of the Intellectual Property Committee, ALLEA-All European Academies

Sir Roger Elliot, Chair of the Intellectual Property Committee, ALLEA-All European Academies
Joseph Straus, Max-Planck-Institut: IP Rights as Means of Appropriation and Distribution of Knowledge
Danny Quah, The London School of Economics and Political ScienceProducing and Consuming Knowledge - Business, the Academy, and Economic Development
Pieter Drenth, President, All European Academies (ALLEA): Scientific Integrity and Social Responsibility: the Role of Academies of Sciences
Sir Brian Fender, Chief Executive of HEFCE


Coffee / Tea break


Plenary Session

Room A

Werner Arber, Nobel Laureate; University of Basel
Nikolai Alfredovich Plate, Vice President, Russian Academy of Sciences

Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Princess Chulabhorn Mahidol, President, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Thailand: Science and Technology for the Improvement of the Quality of Life
Peter Nijkamp, President, EUROHORCs, President, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research: Science: A Race without a Finish
Prince El Hassan bin Talal, President, Club of Rome


      given by E. Sylvester Vizi, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

11 November 2005: Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest V., Roosevelt square 9.)

Room A

Plenary Session

Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Laureate, Princeton University
János Martonyi, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary

Yongxiang Lu, President, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jane Goodall, The Jane Goodall Institiute, USA
Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, President, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Short Presentations of the UNESCO Prize Winners


Coffee / Tea break


Parallel Sessions

Room A

Educating Future Generations - I.

Julia Marton-Lefevre, Rector, UN Peace University

Tariq Banuri, Director, Stockholm Environment Institute, Asia Centre: Where are We Going - What World Awaits the Future Generations?
Jill Jäger, Sustainable Europe Research Institute: Sustainability Science: Building Bridges Between Science and Society
Lieke Riadi, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, University of Surabaya: The Responsibility of Education

Room B

The Future of the Environment - I.

Walter Erdelen, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO
Miklós Persányi, Former President, United Nations' Convention on Climate Change

Pierre Léna, French Academy of Sciences

Brendan MacKey, Earth Charter Initiative; School of Resources, Environment and Society, The Australian National University
Miklós Persányi, Former President, United Nations' Convention on Climate Change
András Szöllösy-Nagy, Director, Water Division, UNESCO

Brendan MacKey, Earth Charter Initiative; School of Resources, Environment and Society, The Australian National University: The Earth Charter: A Civil Society Response to the Challenges of Global Environmental Change
András Szöllösy-Nagy, Director, Water Division, UNESCO: Water for the Future and the Future of Water: Challenges for International Science and Policy

Room C

Perspectives from the Developing World - I.

Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Thomas Rosswall, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)

Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU): Introduction, Welcome and Tours de Table
Romain Murenzi Minister for Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research, Republic of Rwanda: Developing a National Strategy for Science and Technology Khsoto Mokhele, President and CEO, National Research Foundation, South Africa: The Knowledge Divide as a Challenge for Sustainable Development




Parallel Sessions

Room A

Educating Future Generations - II.

Julia Marton-Lefevre, Rector, UN Peace University

Panel: Stories from around the World:
Akito Arima, Chairman, Japan Science Foundation: Reaching out beyond the Classroom
Yves Quéré, Co-Chair, Inter-Academy Panel (IAP), Académie des Sciences, France: Vertical or Horizontal Teaching?
Katalin Sulyok, President, Hungarian Research Student Association: The Voice of the Next Generation

Panel: Institutional Innovations
György Pálfi, Councillor, Science and Technology Attaché, Embassy of Hungary, France: World Academy of Young Scientists
Alan I. Leshner, CEO, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Martha Richter, LEAD Fellow (Brazil); Fossil Fish Curator, Department of Paleontology - PA; The Natural History Museum, UK: The LEAD Programme's Contribution to Educating Future Generations

Room B

The Future of the Environment - II.

Walter Erdelen, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO
Miklós Persányi, Former President, United Nations' Convention on Climate Change

Miklós Persányi, Former President, United Nations' Convention on Climate Change: Natural, Social, Industrial Impacts and Mechanisms of Global Changes Focusing on the Current State of Situation in Hungary - The Scientific Foundation of a Responsible Environmental Policy for the 21st Century

Laura Westra, York University, Toronto
Junjiro Kanamori, Director, International Institute for Advanced Studies: Importance of Exploring New Realm of Knowledge for the Future
André Berger, Catholic University of Louvain

André Berger, Catholic University of Louvain
Walter Erdelen, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO
Junjiro Kanamori, Director, International Institute for Advanced Studies: Importance of Exploring New Realm of Knowledge for the Future
Laura Westra, York University, Toronto
Pierre Léna, French Academy of Sciences
Árpád Somogyi, European Commission

Room C

Perspectives from the Developing World - II.

Goverdhan Mehta, President, International Council for Science (ICSU)
Thomas Rosswall, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)

Sospeter Muhongo, Director, ICSU Regional Office for Africa
Anupam Varma, Chairman, ICSU, Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific
Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, Third World Academy of Sciences
Thomas Rosswall, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)


Coffee / Tea break


Plenary Session

Géza Jeszenszky, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary
Peter D. Lax, Abel Laureate, New York University

Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, Third World Academy of Sciences
Alexandre Lamfalussy, First President, European Monetary Institute: Social Responsibility versus Economic Efficiency?
Alan I. Leshner, President and CEO, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Atta-Ur-Rahman, UNESCO Science Laureate; Federal Minister for Higher Education, Pakistan; President, Pakistan Academy of Sciences



12 November 2005

Hungarian Parliament (Budapest V., Kossuth Lajos square 1-3.)
Shuttle buses leave from the Hotel Sofitel Atrium Budapest***** at 08.00.


Plenary Session

Balázs Gulyás, Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Summary and Conclusions of the Six Thematic Sessions: Session Chairs

General Conclusions
Attila Meskó, Secretary General, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Forum of Young Scientists of the World: World Academy of Young Scientists
Gaëll Mainguy, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche, France
Archana Bhaw-Luximon, University of Mauritius
Mo Motamedi, Harvard Medical School, USA
Judit Gervain, International School for Advanced Studies

Bálint Magyar, Minister of Education, Republic of Hungary


Coffee / Tea break


Closing Plenary Lectures

Norbert Kroó, Vice President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary
Torsten Wiesel, Nobel Laureate, Wiesel Laboratory, The Rockefeller University
Otto von Habsburg, Honorary President, International Paneuropean Union
E. Sylvester Vizi, President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Farewell Reception
   given by Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary

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