Special economic zones (SEZs) and SEZ units are governed under the provisions of SEZ Act, 2005 and SEZ Rules, 2006, which may be viewed on www.sezindia.nic.in.
Paragraph 12 of the Secretariat Report states that importers with a good track record may apply for accreditation under the Accredited Client's Programme (ACP).
1. Would India please specify what obligations this entails and what are the benefits granted to such importers? What steps and other measures have been taken or are being envisaged by India in order to improve and simplify customs procedures for the purposes of trade facilitation?
Reply: The importers with clean compliant track record are identified by the ACP programme and their clearances are exempted from normal customs control measures. Other than the compliance with all Custom laws, there is no other obligation for the Accredited Client's Programme (ACP) clients. The imports of ACP clients are exempted from document verification (assessment) and goods verification (examination). The containers belong to ACP importers are delivered directly at the port/CFS itself.
The importers desirous of availing the facility as "Accredited Clients" are required to apply for registration. Importers meeting the qualifying criteria are eligible under the programme. Secretariat's report at page 37 provides the list of qualifying criteria. Customs Circular Nos. 42/2005 dated 24.11.2005 and 29/2010 dated 20.08.2010 provide the details of the programme as also the qualifying criteria (may be viewed at www.cbec.gov.in).