Reply: This determination is made before the initiation of anti dumping investigation.
5. In order to determine serious injury for the purposes of initiating an investigation, does the Investigating Authority make its determination based on the economic and financial figures presented for 25 per cent or for 50 per cent of domestic production? Does representativeness of 25 per cent of the domestic industry at the time of initiating the investigation apply solely in the case of fragmented or atomized industries, or is this a provision of a general nature?
Reply: As per the Anti Dumping Agreement and India's Anti dumping Rules, anti dumping investigation can be initiated where the domestic producers account for not less than 25% of total production of the domestic like article. It is the endeavour of the Investigating Authority to make the injury determination based on examination of as large number of domestic producers as possible. The representativeness of 25% of the domestic industry applies to all types of industry in accordance with the Anti dumping Agreement.