18. What is the progress in the negotiations of the "comprehensive agreement" with New Zealand and Australia? (Page 28, paragraph 82)
Reply: Six rounds of negotiations have been held with New Zealand and one round with Australia.
II. Report of the WTO Secretariat (document WT/TPR/S/249)
19. The report says that India is part of the Agreement on Information Technology (ITA). Could India indicate the regime of collection of fees/ taxes for the digital products transmitted electronically or by courier? (Page x, paragraph 6)
Reply: In line with the Ministerial Decision of 2 December 2009 on electronic commerce, India does not impose customs duties on electronic transmission of products. Digital products imported into India by courier are however charged to duties in the same manner as for imports products by the sea or land route.
20. The report indicates that India has signed seven preferential agreements. Could India indicate whether in some of these agreements it has negotiated a chapter on electronic commerce? (Page x of paragraph 6)